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| 9、纳尼亚的诞生
"Ho! Her-ipress, are you? We'll see about that," said a voice. Then another voice said, "Three cheers for the Hempress of Colney 'Atch" and quite a number joined in. A flush of colour came into the Witch's face and she bowed ever so slightly. But the cheers died away into roars of laughter and she saw that they had only been making fun of her: A change came over her expression and she changed the knife to her left hand. Then, without warning, she did a thing that was dreadful to see. Lightly, easily, as if it were the most ordinary thing in the world, she stretched up her right arm and wrenched off one of the cross-bars of the lamp-post. If she had lost some magical powers in our world, she had not lost her strength; she could break an iron bar as if it were a stick of barleysugar. She tossed her new weapon up in the air, caught it again, brandished it, and urged the horse forward.
| 狮子唱着新歌,在空旷的大地上走来走去。这歌声比刚才唤起星星和太阳的歌声更柔和,更轻快活泼,是一曲如潺潺流水般温暖的乐声。随着它的移动和歌唱,河谷里长出青青碧草,从狮子身边像水潭一样蔓延开去,又如浪花一般爬到小山坡上。一会儿,青草就长上了远处大山的斜坡,年轻的世界每一瞬间都变得更加柔美。徽风沙沙地拂动青草。很快,除了草,又出现了别的东西。高高的山坡上长出了颜色暗淡的石南属植物,河谷里旨出了一片片毛茬茬的粗糙不平的绿色。迪格雷刚开始不知道是什么,直到其中一个来到离他很近的地方。那是一种长而尖的小东西,身上长出几十支手臂,上面班盖着绿色之物,而且以每两秒钟一寸的速度增大。现在他的周围到处都有这样的东西。等它们长到与他高度相似时,他才恍然大悟地喊道“树!”
"Now's my chance," thought Digory. He darted between the horse and the railings and began going forward. If only the brute would stay still for a moment he might catch the Witch's heel. As he rushed, he heard a sickening crash and a thud. The Witch had brought the bar down on the chief policeman's helmet: the man fell like a nine-pin.
| 令人沮丧的是,正如波莉以后说的,你无法安安静静地观赏这一切。迪格雷说“树”的同时,他不得不跳到一边,因为安德鲁舅舅又悄悄溜到他身旁,企图偷他的戒指。即使他偷到手也没有多大好处,因为他一直以为绿戒指管返回,便把目标对准右边口袋。当然,迪格雷也不想让他得逞。
"Quick, Digory. This must be stopped," said a voice beside him. It was Polly, who had rushed down the moment she was allowed out of bed.
| “住手”
"You are a brick," said Digory. "Hold on to me tight. You'd have to manage the ring. Yellow, remember. And don't put it on till I shout."
| 女巫大叫,“站回去。不准往前走。谁要是走到离这两个小孩中的任何一个十步远的地方,我就敲碎他的脑袋。”她挥舞着那根从灯柱上扭下来的铁棒,随时准备扔出去。不管怎么说,人人都相信她会扔得很准。
There was a second crash and another policeman crumpled up. There came an angry roar from the crowd: "Pull her down. Get a few paving-stones. Call out the Military." But most of them were getting as far away as they could. The Cabby, however, obviously the bravest as well as the kindest person present, was keeping close to the horse, dodging this way and that to avoid the bar, but still trying to catch Strawberry's head.
| “好哇,”她说,“你想带着这男孩偷偷跑回你们的世界,而把我留在这儿。”
The crowd booed and bellowed again. A stone whistled over Digory's head. Then came the voice of the Witch, clear like a great bell, and sounding as if, for once, she were almost happy.
| 安德鲁舅舅终于不怕她了,忍不住发了火。“是的,夫人,”他说,“豪无疑问,我就想这么干。这完全是我的权力。我蒙受了最大的羞辱,受到了最低等的待遇。我曾经尽全力尊敬你,讨好你,但我得到的报答是什么呢?你抢劫————我一定要重复这两个字一——抢劫了受人尊敬的珠宝商。你坚持要我招待你最昂贵(不用说也是最铺张)的午餐。这样一来,我不得不当掉手表和表链(告诉你,夫人,我们家还没谁有经常光顾当铺的习惯,除了我的表哥爱德华,他参加过义勇骑兵队)。吃那顿消化不了的午饭时―——
"Scum! You shall pay dearly for this when I have conquered your world. Not one stone of your city will be left. I will make it as Charn, as Felinda, as Sorlois, as Bramandin."
| 现在想起来我更难受了―—— 你的言行骚扰了在座的每一个人。我觉得自己在公众场合丢了脸。以后,我再没有脸去那个饭店了。你袭击警察察,还愉了―——”
Digory as last caught her ankle. She kicked back with her heel and hit him in the mouth. In his pain he lost hold. His lip was cut and his mouth full of blood. From somewhere very close by came the voice of Uncle Andrew in a sort of trembling scream. "Madam - my dear young lady - for heaven's sake - compose yourself." Digory made a second grab at her heel, and was again shaken off. More men were knocked down by the iron bar. He made a third grab: caught the heel: held on tike grim death, shouting to Polly "Go!" then Oh, thank goodness. The angry, frightened faces had vanished. The angry, frightened voices were silenced. All except Uncle Andrew's. Close beside Digory in the darkness, it was wailing on "Oh, oh, is this delirium? Is it the end? I can't bear it. It's not fair. I never meant to be a Magician. It's all a misunderstanding. It's all my godmother's fault; I must protest against this.
| “别说了,先生,请别说了。”马车夫说,“看一看、听一听眼前发生的事吧,不要讲话。”
In my state of health too. A very old Dorsetshire family."
| 值得看和值得听的实在太多了。迪格雷最先看见的那棵树己经长成一棵粗壮的山毛榉,枝丫优美地在他头顶上舒展。他们站立的那片凉爽的青草地上散布着雏菊和毛莨属植物。稍远的地方,沿河生长着柳树。河的对岸,绽放着一丛丛茶藨子、丁香花、野玫瑰和杜鹃花。那匹马大口大口地撕咬着新鲜的草。,
"Bother!" thought Digory. "We didn't want to bring him along. My hat, what a picnic. Are you there, Polly?"
| 在这段时间里,狮子一直不停地唱着歌,庄严地前后左右走动。使人惊异的是,它每次转身,都离他们更近一些。波莉发现,歌声越来越有趣,因为她觉得自己开始看出了音乐与眼前发生的事之间的联系。当大约百米外的山脊上跳出一排墨绿色的冷杉树时,她感到这和一秒钟前狮子唱的一组低沉、悠长的音调紧密相关。豪不奇怪,随着狮了唱出一组轻快的旋律,她看到报春花从四面八方长了出来。在一阵无以言表的激动中,她肯定所有这些都是从(用她的话说)
"Yes, I'm here. Don't keep on shoving."
| “狮子脑袋里出来的”。当你聆听它歌唱时,你就听见了它所创造的事物:当你环顾四周,你就能看见这些事物。这太令人激动了,她无暇感到害怕。但狮子每一次转身离他们更近时,迪格雷和马车夫都不禁有些紧张,安德鲁舅舅则牙齿打战,双膝发抖,根本跑不掉了。
"I'm not," began Digory, but before he could say anything more, their heads came out into the warm, green sunshine of the wood. And as they stepped out of the pool Polly cried out:
| 突然,女巫大胆地朝狮子冲过去。狮子仍然唱着歌,缓慢而沉稳地前进,只有十几步远了。她抬起手臂,朝着它的头将铁棒直直地抛了过去。
"Oh look! We've-brought the old horse with us too. And Mr Ketterley. And the Cabby. This is a pretty kettle of fish!"
| 任何,更不用说简蒂丝,都不会在这么近的距离打偏。铁棒不偏不倚地敲在狮子的两眼之间,然后一掠而过,砰的一声落在草中。但狮子没有停下,步伐既未减慢也未增快,很难说它是否知道自己被打了一下。虽然它柔软的爪子没发出任何声响,你却能感到大地在它的脚下震颇。
As soon as the Witch saw that she was once more in the wood she turned pale and bent down till her face touched the mane of the horse. You could see she felt deadly sick. Uncle Andrew was shivering. But Strawberry, the horse, shook his head, gave a cheerful whinny, and seemed to feel better. He became quiet for the first time since Digory had seen him. His ears, which had been laid flat back on his skull, came into their proper position, and the fire went out of his eyes.
| 女巫尖叫一声跑开了,很快便消头在树林中。安德鲁舅舅转身想跟着跑,不料绊倒在一根树桩上,脸朝下倒在流向大河的一条小溪中。孩子们无法动弹。他们甚至不能肯定自己是否想跑。狮子根本没有注意他们。它张着血红的大口,没有咆哮,只是歌唱。它与他们擦身而过,他们可以摸到它的皮毛。两人害怕极了,怕它转过身看着自己。但奇怪的是,他们又希望它转过身来。从开始到现在.他们好像是看不见闻不着的东西,丝豪没有引起它的注意。它从他们身边过去,走了几步,又折回来,两次与他们擦身而过,转向东去。安德鲁舅舅爬起来,边咳嗽边唾沫飞溅地说:“迪格雷,我们终于摆脱了那个女人,狮子也走了,快把手伸过来,马上戴好戒指。”
"That's right, old boy," said the Cabby, slapping Strawberry's neck. "That's better. Take it easy."
| “走开。”迪格雷说着,后退几步避开他,“离他远点儿,波莉,到我身边来。我现在警告你,安德鲁舅舅,一步也不要走近,否则,我们就走了。”
Strawberry did the most natural thing in the world. Being very thirsty (and no wonder) he walked slowly across to the nearest pool and stepped into it to have a drink. Digory was still holding the Witch's heel and Polly was holding Digory's hand. One of the Cabby's hands was on Strawberry; and Uncle Andrew, still very shaky, had just grabbed on the Cabby's other hand.
| “立刻照我说的做,老兄,“安德鲁舅舅说,”你这孩子太调皮捣蛋,表现很不好。”
"Quick," said Polly, with a look at Digory. "Greens!"
| “不走,”迪格雷说,“我们要呆在这儿看会发生什么事。我原来以为你想了解别的世界。现在到了这儿,你不喜欢这地方吗?
So the horse never got his drink. Instead, the whole party found themselves sinking into darkness. Strawberry neighed; Uncle Andrew whimpered. Digory said, "That was a bit of luck."
| “喜欢”,安德鲁舅舅大叫,“看看我落到了什么地步!这还是我最好的外套和背心呢。”他现在看上去的确很狼狈。当然,你开始时打扮得越漂亮,从撞烂的马车下钻出来再掉进一条泥泞的小溪,模样就越惨不忍睹。“我不是说,”他接着说道,“这个地方没有意思。如果我年轻一些,现在―——
There was a short pause. Then Polly said, "Oughtn't we to be nearly there now?"
| 我或许可以先去找一个精力充沛的青年到这儿来。找一个专猎大动物的猎手。这个地方有些好处可以利用。这儿天气宜人。我过去从来没有感受过这样的空气。我相信,这对我是有好处的,如果―——
"We do seem to be somewhere," said Digory. "At least I'm standing on something solid."
| 如果条件比较有利。要是我们有枝枪就好了。”
"Why, so am I, now that I come to think of it," said Polly. "But why's it so dark? I say, do you think we got into the wrong Pool?"
| “枪也没用,”马车夫说,“我想我要去看看是不是该给‘草莓’梳理一下了。那匹马比有些人还有灵性。”他走到‘草莓’身边,嘴里发出马车夫特有的那种嘘嘘声。
"Perhaps this is Charn," said Digory. "Only we've got back in the middle of the night."
| “你还认为那头狮子能被枪打死吗,”迪格雷说,“它对那根铁棒不怎么在乎。”
"This is not Charn," came the Witch's voice. "This is an empty world. This is Nothing."
| “这全是她的错,”安德鲁舅舅说,“那胆大包天的姑娘,我的孩子。她太粗暴了。”他的指关节捏得噼啪作晌,似乎又忘了只要女巫在场自己是如何害怕的。
And really it was uncommonly like Nothing. There were no stars. It was so dark that they couldn't see one another at all and it made no difference whether you kept your eyes shut or open. Under their feet there was a cool, flat something which might have been earth, and was certainly not grass or wood. The air was cold and dry and there was no wind.
| “这么做实在太坏了,”波莉说,“狮子哪一点伤害她了?”
"My doom has come upon me," said the Witch in a voice of horrible calmness.
| “悔!那是什么?”迪格雷说完往前走,去查看几步外的一样东西。“我说,波莉,”他向后喊道,“过来看看。”安德鲁舅舅也跟着过来了,他不是好奇,而是想紧跟孩了们一这样就有可能偷到戒指。但是,当他看见迪格雷正在看的东西时,也开始感兴趣了。那是一个小巧而完美的灯柱模型.在他们看的时候,它正在按比例变高变宽。实际上,它像树木一样存生长。
"Oh don't say that," babbled Uncle Andrew. "My dear young lady, pray don't say such things. It can't be as bad as that. Ah - Cabman - my good man - you don't happen to have a flask about you? A drop of spirits is just what I need."
| “它是活的―——
"Now then, now then," came the Cabby's voice, a good firm, hardy voice. "Keep cool everyone, that's what I say. No bones broken, anyone? Good. Well there's something to be thankful for straight away, and more than anyone could expect after falling all that way. Now, if we've fallen down some diggings - as it might be for a new station on the Underground - someone will come and get us out presently, see! And if we're dead - which I don't deny it might be - well, you got to -remember that worse things 'appen at sea and a chap's got to die sometime. And there ain't nothing to be afraid of if a chap's led a decent life. And if you ask me, I think the best thing we could do to pass the time would be sing a 'ymn."
| 我是说,它亮着。”迪格雷说。不过,当然哆,在阳光下,除非你遮住它,灯上徽弱的光线几乎是看不见的。
And he did. He struck up at once a harvest thanksgiving hymn, all about crops being "safely gathered in". It was not very suitable to a place which felt as if nothing had ever grown there since the beginning of time, but it was the one he could remember best. He had a fine voice and the children joined in; it was very cheering. Uncle Andrew and the Witch did not join in.
| “了不起,太了不起了,”安德鲁舅舅喃喃地说,“我连做梦也不会想会有这样的魔法。这个世界,所有的东西甚至一个灯杜,都是有生命的,可以生长。我觉得奇怪的是,什么种子可以长成一个灯柱?”
Towards the end of the hymn Digory felt someone plucking at his elbow and from a general smell of brandy and cigars and good clothes he decided that it must be Uncle Andrew. Uncle Andrew was cautiously pulling him away from the others. When they had gone a little distance, the old man put his mouth so close to Digory's ear that it tickled, and whispered:
| “你还不明白?”迪格雷说,“这是铁棒掉下去的地方一一她从我们家门前那根灯柱上扭下的铁棒。它掉进土里就长成了一个小灯柱。”但此刻已经不算小了,迪格雷说这话时,灯柱已和他一样高了。(
"Now, my boy. Slip on your ring. Let's be off."
| “是的,了不起,了不起!
But the Witch had very good ears. "Fool!" came her voice and she leaped off the horse. "Have you forgotten that I can hear men's thoughts? Let go the boy. If you attempt treachery I will take such vengeance upon you as never was heard of in all worlds from the beginning."
| ”安德鲁舅舅比刚才更加起劲地捍着手指,“哦!哦!他们嘲笑我的魔法。我那傻瓜妹妹以为我是个疯子。这下,看他们还说什么?我已经发现一个充满生机、任何东西都可以生长的世界。哥伦布,他们现在谈论哥伦布。但与这里相比,美洲算什么,这个国家商业上的潜力是不可限量的。带一些旧钢条到这儿来,埋下去,就会长出崭新的火车头、军舰,或者任何你想要的东西。用不着花任何代价,我就能以高价在英国卖掉。这样我将会成为一个百万富翁。还有这天气!我已经感到自己年轻了二十岁,我可以在这里经营一个疗养胜地,弄好了,一年就可以挣两万。当然,我只会让极少数人知道这个秘密。首先要打死那头畜生。”
"And," added Digory, "if you think I'm such a mean pig as to go off and leave Polly - and the Cabby - and the horse in a place like this, you're well mistaken."
| “你和女巫一样,”波莉说.“满脑子都是屠杀。”
"You are a very naughty and impertinent little boy," said Uncle Andrew.
| “然后,再说自己,”安德每舅舅继续做着美梦,“如果我定居在这儿,天知道能活多久。对一个年过花甲的人来说,这是值得考虑的头等大事。在这里,我当然永远不会老。实是太美了!年轻的土地啊!”
"Hush!" said the Cabby. They all listened.
| “哦!”迪格雷大喊,“年轻的土地!你认为真的是呜?”
In the darkness something was happening at last. A voice had begun to sing. It was very far away and Digory found it hard to decide from what direction it was coming. Sometimes it seemed to come from all directions at once. Sometimes he almost thought it was coming out of the earth beneath them. Its lower notes were deep enough to be the voice of the earth herself. There were no words. There was hardly even a tune. But it was, beyond comparison, the most beautiful noise he had ever heard. It was so beautiful he could hardly bear it. The horse seemed to like it too; he gave the sort of whinney a horse would give if, after years of being a cab-horse, it found itself back in the old field where it had played as a foal, and saw someone whom it remembered and loved coming across the field to bring it a lump of sugar.
| 他自然记得,蕾蒂姨妈对那个送葡萄的女人说过的话。共好的愿望在他的脑海中闪现出来。“安德鲁舅舅,”他说,“你认为这儿有什么可以治好妈妈的病吗? ”
"Gawd!" said the Cabby. "Ain't it lovely?"
| “你在说什么?”安德鲁舅舅说,“这儿不是药店。但就像我说的… … ”
Then two wonders happened at the same moment. One was that the voice was suddenly joined by other voices; more voices than you could possibly count. They were in harmony with it, but far higher up the scale: cold, tingling, silvery voices. The second wonder was that the blackness overhead, all at once, was blazing with stars. They didn't come out gently one by one, as they do on a summer evening. One moment there had been nothing but darkness; next moment a thousand, thousand points of light leaped out - single stars, constellations, and planets, brighter and bigger than any in our world. There were no clouds. The new stars and the new voices began at exactly the same time. If you had seen and heard it, as Digory did, you would have felt quite certain that it was the stars themselves which were singing, and that it was the First Voice, the deep one, which had made them appear and made them sing.
| “你一点儿也不关心她,”迪格雷气愤地说,“我还以为你会的;毕竞她是我的母亲,是你的妹妹。不过没关系。我去问狮子看它能不能帮忙。”然后他转过身,轻快地走了。波莉迟疑一下也跟着去了。
"Glory be!" said the Cabby. "I'd ha' been a better man all my life if I'd known there were things like this."
| “晦!停下!回来!这孩子疯了。”
The Voice on the earth was now louder and more triumphant; but the voices in the sky, after singing loudly with it for a time, began to get fainter. And now something else was happening.
| 安德鲁舅舅说。他小心翼翼地跟在孩子们后面,保持着一段距离。因为他既不想远离绿戒指,也不想靠近狮子。
Far away, and down near the horizon, the sky began to turn grey. A light wind, very fresh, began to stir. The sky, in that one place, grew slowly and steadily paler. You could see shapes of hills standing up dark against it. All the time the Voice went on singing.
| 几分钟后,迪格雷走到树林边上,站住了。狮子仍在歌唱。但歌声又变了。这次的歌声与我们所说的“调子”更为相似,但依然狂放不羁,使你想跳,想跑,想攀登,想大喊大叫,想冲向他人,拥抱他们或与他们搏斗。迪格雷听得脸上通红发热。安德鲁舅舅似乎也受了影晌,因为迪格雷听见他说:“一个活泼的姑娘,老兄。她的脾气令人遗憾,但总的来说,是个漂亮的女人,一个漂亮的女人。”然而,歌声对这两个人产生的效果根本无法与它对这片上地产生的效果相比。
There was soon light enough for them to see one another's faces. The Cabby and the two children had open mouths and shining eyes; they were drinking in the sound, and they looked as if it reminded them of something. Uncle Andrew's mouth was open too, but not open with joy. He looked more as if his chin had simply dropped away from the rest of his face. His shoulders were stopped and his knees shook. He was not liking the Voice. If he could have got away from it by creeping into a rat's hole, he would have done so. But the Witch looked as if, in a way, she understood the music better than any of them. Her mouth was shut, her lips were pressed together, and her fists were clenched. Ever since the song began she had felt that this whole world was filled with a Magic different from hers and stronger. She hated it. She would have smashed that whole world, or all worlds, to pieces, if it would only stop the singing. The horse stood with its ears well forward, and twitching. Every now and then it snorted and stamped the ground. It no longer looked like a tired old cab-horse; you could now well believe that its father had been in battles.
| 你能想像一块草地像壶里的水一样沸腾吗,但这样描述正存发生的事是最最恰当的。周围的草地膨胀成个个大小不同的圆丘,有的只有鼹鼠丘那么大,有的和独轮小车相差无几,其中两个与小棚屋一般大小。这些圆丘移动着,膨胀着,直到泥土四溅地炸开后,每个圆丘里都钻出一样动物。鼹鼠出来时与你在英国见的鼹鼠出洞一模一样。狗一伸出脑袋就汪汪地叫,像从篱笆的窄缝里钻过时那样挣扎着。雄鹿是最有趣的,因为它们的角比只他部分先出来很长时间,所以,一开始迪格雷以为是树。青蛙从河岸边钻出来后,就呱呱地叫着,一蹦一蹦地跳到河里去了。花豹、黑豹一类的动物马上坐下来,将后腿上沾的松土抖掉,然后站起身,在树上磨前爪。林中传来阵阵鸟鸣。蜜蜂一秒钟也不愿耽误就在花上忙开了。但最壮观的时刻是当最大的圆丘像轻度地震一样炸裂开时,从里而隆起大象斜坡般的脊背、聪明的大脑袋和四条像穿着宽松裤子一般的大腿。现在,你几乎听不见狮子的歌唱了,四面八方,满耳的牛叫、马嘶、犬吠、鸟鸣…
The eastern sky changed from white to pink and from pink to gold. The Voice rose and rose, till all the air was shaking with it. And just as it swelled to the mightiest and most glorious sound it had yet produced, the sun arose.
| 虽然迪格雷听不见狮子唱歌了,但仍然能看见它。它那么高大,那么明亮,将他牢牢地吸引住了。其他动物似乎也不怕它。就在这时,他听见阵马蹄声,那匹拉车的老马小跑右从他身边过去,和其他动物站到一起了(空气适合安德鲁舅舅也适合它,它看上去不再像伦敦街头可怜的老奴隶,它正扬起腿,高昂着头。)这时,狮子第一次安静下来。它在动物中巡视一番,时不时走到其中的两个面前(每次总是两个),用它的鼻子吻它们的鼻子:在花豹中挑出两头,在鹿群中挑出一头雄鹿和一头雌鹿,将其他的撇在一边。对有些种类的动物,它只是走过而已;但它吻过的动物成双成对地离开白己的群体,跟在它后面。最后,它站住了,它挑出来的动物也走过来,围着它站成一圈。它没有吻过的动物开始四下散开,叫声逐渐消失在远方。它选出来的那些动物静静地站着,所有的眼睛都紧紧地盯着狮子。猫类动物偶尔摇摇尾巴,其他的动物全都一动也不动。那天,第一次这么寂静,只听见淙淙的流水声。迪格雷的心在猛烈地跳动,他知道神圣而庄严的事情就要发生了。他已经忘了妈妈。但他非常清楚,即使为了她,他也不能打扰这样的大事。
Digory had never seen such a sun. The sun above the ruins of Charn had looked older than ours: this looked younger. You could imagine that it laughed for joy as it came up. And as its beams shot across the land the travellers could see for the first time what sort of place they were in. It was a valley through which a broad, swift river wound its way, flowing eastward towards the sun. Southward there were mountains, northward there were lower hills. But it was a valley of mere earth, rock and water; there was not a tree, not a bush, not a blade of grass to be seen. The earth was of many colours: they were fresh, hot and vivid. They made you feel excited; until you saw the Singer himself, and then you forgot everything else.
| 不曾眨过眼的狮子用它那灼人的目光凝视着动物们。逐渐,那些动物起了变化。小动物一如兔子、睡鼠等―——大了许多。庞大的动物-―
It was a Lion. Huge, shaggy, and bright, it stood facing the risen sun. Its mouth was wide open in song and it was about three hundred yards away.
| 这一点从大象身上最能看出来一——小了一些。许多动物用后腿坐着,其中大多数都偏着头,似乎在努力地试着理解什么。狮子张着嘴,却没有发声。
"This is a terrible world," said the Witch. "We must fly at once. Prepare the Magic."
| 像风刮起一排树一样,它呼出的绵长而温暖的气息可以将所有的动物都席卷而去。头上,遥远的空中,躲在蓝色天幕后面的星星又开始了新的歌唱。那是一种纯洁、清冷而难以理解的音乐。接着,从天上或狮子身上闪出一股火光。孩子们的每一滴血都沸腾起来。一个从未听到过的最低沉最粗犷的声音说道:
"I quite agree with you, Madam," said Uncle Andrew. "A most disagreeable place. Completely uncivilized. If only I were a younger man and had a gun -"
| “纳尼亚,纳尼亚,纳尼亚,醒来吧。去爱,去想,去说话。让树能走动,让野兽说话,还有神圣的水。”
"Garn!" said the Cabby. "You don't think you could shoot 'im, do you?"
"And who would" said Polly.
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"Prepare the Magic, old fool," said Jadis.
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"Certainly, Madam," said Uncle Andrew cunningly. "I must have both the children touching me. Put on your homeward ring at once, Digory." He wanted to get away without the Witch.
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"Oh, it's rings, is it?" cried Jadis. She would have had her hands in Digory's pocket before you could say knife, but Digory grabbed Polly and shouted out:
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"Take care. If either of you come half an inch nearer, we two will vanish and you'll be left here for good. Yes: I have a ring in my pocket that will take Polly and me home. And look! My hand is just ready. So keep your distance. I'm sorry about you (he looked at the Cabby) and about the horse, but I can't help that. As for you two (he looked at Uncle Andrew and the Queen), you're both magicians, so you ought to enjoy living together."
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"'Old your noise, everyone," said the Cabby. "I want to listen to the moosic."
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For the song had now changed.
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