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| 第六章 门钥匙
Harry felt as though he had barely lain down to steep in Ron's room when he was being shaken awake by Mrs. Weasley.
| 哈利觉得自己刚在罗恩的房间里躺下,还没睡一会儿,就被韦斯莱夫人摇醒了。
"Time to go, Harry, dear," she whispered, moving away to wake Ron.
| “该走了,哈利,亲爱的。”她小声说,一边又走过去唤醒罗恩。
Harry felt around for his glasses, put them on, and sat up. It was still dark outside.
| 哈利伸手摸到自己的眼镜戴上,坐了起来。外面还是一片漆黑。罗恩被她母亲唤醒时,嘴里含糊不清地嘟囔着什么。哈利看见床脚处有两个不规则的黑影从乱糟糟的毯子下面冒出来。
Ron muttered indistinctly as his mother roused him. At the foot of Harry's mattress he saw two large, disheveled shapes emerging from tangles of blankets.
| “怎么,已经到时间了?”弗雷德睡眼惺忪地问。
"'S' time already?" said Fred groggily.
| 大家默默地穿衣服,都困得不愿说话。然后,他们四个下楼走进厨房,一边还在打哈欠,伸懒腰。
They dressed in silence, too sleepy to talk, then, yawning and stretching, the four of them headed downstairs into the kitchen.
| 韦斯莱夫人正在搅拌炉子上一口大锅里的东西,韦斯莱先生坐在桌旁,核对一扎羊皮纸做成的大张球票。男孩子们走进厨房时,他抬起头,展开双臂,好让他们看清楚他身上的衣服。他穿着一件像是高尔夫球衣一样的上衣和一条很旧的牛仔裤,裤子穿在他身上有点儿嫌大,他用一根视宽宽的牛皮带把它束住了。
Mrs. Weasley was stirring the contents of a large pot on the stove, while Mr. Weasley was sitting at the table, checking a sheaf of large parchment tickets. He looked up as the boys entered and spread his arms so that they could see his clothes more clearly. He was wearing what appeared to be a golfing sweater and a very old pair of jeans, slightly too big for him and held up with a thick leather belt.
| “怎么样?”他急切地问,“我们去的时候应该隐瞒身分——我这样子像麻瓜吗,哈利?”
"What d'you think?" he asked anxiously. "We're supposed to go incognito - do I look like a Muggle, Harry?"
| “像,”哈利笑着说,“很不错。”
"Yeah," said Harry, smiling, "very good."
| “怎么不见比尔、查理和珀——珀——珀西?”乔治说,控制不住又打了个大哈欠。
"Where're Bill and Charlie and Per-Per-Percy?" said George, failing to stifle a huge yawn.
| “他们不会是幻影显形吗?”韦斯莱夫人说,一边把那口大锅放在桌上,开始把粥舀进一只只碗里,“所以他们可以睡一会儿懒觉。”
"Well, they're Apparating, aren't they?" said Mrs. Weasley, heaving the large pot over to the table and starting to ladle porridge into bowls. "So they can have a bit of a lie-in."
| 哈利知道,所谓幻影显形,就是从一个地方消失,一眨眼又在另一个地方重新出现,但是他从不知道霍格沃茨有哪个学生能做到这点,他知道这一定很难。
Harry knew that Apparating meant disappearing from one place and reappearing almost instantly in another, but had never known any Hogwarts student to do it, and understood that it was very difficult.
| “这么说,他们还在呼呼大睡?”弗雷德气恼地问,“为什么我们不能也幻影显形呢?”
"So they're still in bed?" said Fred grumpily, pulling his bowl of porridge toward him.
| “因为你们还不到年龄,还没有通过考试。”韦斯莱夫人回敬他一句。“那两个丫头上哪儿去了?”
"Why can't we Apparate too?"
| 她转身冲出厨房,他们听见她上楼的声音。
"Because you're not of age and you haven't passed your test," snapped Mrs. Weasley. "And where have those girls got to?"
| “幻影显形还要通过考试?”哈利问。
She bustled out of the kitchen and they heard her climbing the stairs.
| “噢,是的。”韦斯莱先生说着,把球票仔细地塞进牛仔裤后面的口袋里。“有一天,魔法交通司对两个人处以罚款,因为他们没有证书就擅自幻影显形。这可不是一件容易的事,如果做得不对,就会惹出麻烦,很讨厌的。我说的那两个人最后就身首分家了。”
"You have to pass a test to Apparate?" Harry asked.
| 餐桌上的人除了哈利,都皱起眉头,做出一副苦脸。
"Oh yes," said Mr. Weasley, tucking the tickets safely into the back pocket of his jeans.
| “哦——分家?”哈利问。
"The Department of Magical Transportation had to fine a couple of people the other day for Apparating without a license. It's not easy, Apparition, and when it's not done property it can lead to nasty complications. This pair I'm talking about went and splinched themselves."
| “他们把自己的半个身子丢下了,”韦斯莱先生说着,舀了很多糖浆,拌进他的粥里,“所以,自然啦,他们就被钉在了那里,两边都动弹不得。只好等逆转偶发事件小组去处理这件事。告诉你吧,这意味着要准备大量的文件材料,那些麻瓜看见了他们丢下的支离破碎的身体……”
Everyone around the table except Harry winced.
| 哈利突然想到,如果两条大腿和一个眼球被遗弃在女贞路的人行道上,那该是什么情景啊。
"Er - splinched?" said Harry.
| “他们没事吧?”他惊恐地问。
"They left half of themselves behind," said Mr. Weasley, now spooning large amounts of treacle onto his porridge. "So, of course, they were stuck. Couldn't move either way.
| “噢,没事,”韦斯莱先生平淡地说,“不过他们被狠狠地罚了一笔。我想他们大概不会再仓促行事了。你可千万不要拿幻影显形当儿戏。许多成年巫师都不愿惹这个麻烦。他们情愿用扫帚——虽然慢一些,可是安全。”
Had to wait for the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad to sort them out. Meant a fair old bit of paperwork, I can tell you, what with the Muggles who spotted the body parts they'd left behind....."
| “可是比尔、查理和珀西都会,是吗?”
Harry had a sudden vision of a pair of legs and an eyeball lying abandoned on the pavement of Privet Drive.
| “查理考了两次才通过。”弗雷德嘻笑着说,“他第一次考砸了,在离原定目标以南五英里的地方显形,落到一个正在买东西的可怜的老太太的头顶上,记得吗?”
"Were they okay?" he asked, startled.
| “是啊,不过他第二次就通过了。”在一片开心的嘻笑声中,韦斯莱夫人大步回到了厨房。
"Oh yes," said Mr. Weasley matter-of-factly. "But they got a heavy fine, and I don't think they'll be trying it again in a hurry. You don't mess around with Apparition.
| “珀西是两个星期前才通过的。”乔治说,“从那以后,他每天早晨都幻影显形到楼下,就是为了证明他有这个本事。”
There are plenty of adult wizards who don't bother with it. Prefer brooms - slower, but safer."
| 过道里传来了脚步声,赫敏和金妮走进厨房,两个人的脸色都显得很苍白,好像没有睡醒。
"But Bill and Charlie and Percy can all do it?"
| “我们干吗要这么早起来?”金妮揉着眼睛,在桌子旁坐下,问道。
"Charlie had to take the test twice," said Fred, grinning. "He failed the first time.
| “我们要走一段路呢。”韦斯莱先生说。
Apparated five miles south of where he meant to, right on top of some poor old dear doing her shopping, remember?"
| “走路?”哈利问,“怎么,我们步行去观看世界杯?”
"Yes, well, he passed the second time," said Mrs. Weasley, marching back into the kitchen amid hearty sniggers.
| “不,不,那就太远了,”韦斯莱先生笑着说,“我们只需走一小段路。把大批巫师集合到一起而不引起麻瓜的注意,这是非常困难的。我们不得不非常谨慎,选择最佳时间上路,在魁地奇世界杯赛这样盛大的场合——”
"Percy only passed two weeks ago," said George. "He's been Apparating downstairs every morning since, just to prove he can."
| “乔治!”韦斯莱夫人突然厉声喝道,把大家都吓了一跳。
There were footsteps down the passageway and Hermione and Ginny came into the kitchen, both looking pale and drowsy.
| “怎么啦?”乔治说。他假装什么事也没有,可是骗不了人。
"Why do we have to be up so early?" Ginny said, rubbing her eyes and sitting down at the table.
| “你口袋里是什么?”
"We've got a bit of a walk," said Mr. Weasley.
| “没什么!”
"Walk?" said Harry. "What, are we walking to the World Cup?"
| “不许对我说瞎话!”韦斯莱夫人用魔杖指着乔治的口袋,念道:“飞来飞去!”
"No, no, that's miles away," said Mr. Weasley, smiling. "We only need to walk a short way. It's just that it's very difficult for a large number of wizards to congregate without attracting Muggle attention. We have to be very careful about how we travel at the best of times, and on a huge occasion like the Quidditch World Cup..."
| 一些花花绿绿的小玩艺儿从乔治的口袋里跳了出来。乔治伸手去抓,没有抓住,它们径直跳进了韦斯斯文文莱夫人伸出的手掌中。
"George!" said Mrs. Weasley sharply, and they all jumped.
| “叫你们把这些玩艺儿毁掉!”韦斯莱夫人气愤地说,举起手里的东西,那无疑又是肥舌太妃糖,“叫你们扔掉这些劳什子!快把口袋掏空,快点,你们两个!”
"What?" said George, in an innocent tone that deceived nobody.
| 这真是令人难受的一幕。那对孪生兄弟显然想把大量的太妃糖从家里走私出去,韦斯莱夫人用上了她的飞来咒,才把那些糖果找了出来。
"What is that in your pocket?"
| “飞来飞去!飞来飞去!飞来飞去!”她一连声地喊道,太妃糖从各个意想不到的地方嗖嗖地飞出来,包括乔治夹克衫的内衬里,以及弗雷德牛仔裤的翻边里。
| “我们花了整整半年,才研制出这些东西!”弗雷德看到母亲把太妃糖扔到一边,委屈地喊道。
"Don't you lie to me!"
| “半年时间花在这个上面,可真不错!”韦斯莱夫人尖声叫道,“怪不得O. W. Ls考不出好成绩呢!”
Mrs. Weasley pointed her wand at George's pocket and said, "Accio!"
| 总之,他们离开的时候,气氛不是很友好。韦斯莱夫人亲吻韦斯莱先生的面颊时,仍然板着面孔。那对孪生兄弟的态度更坏。他们把帆布背包甩到背上,一句话没对妈妈说就走了出去。
Several small, brightly colored objects zoomed out of George's pocket; he made a grab for them but missed, and they sped right into Mrs. Weasley's outstretched hand.
| “再见,祝你们玩得痛快,”韦斯莱夫人说,“表现好一点儿。”她冲着孪生兄弟离去的背影喊道,可是他们既没有回头,也没有回答。“我中午的时候打发比尔、查理和珀西上路。”韦斯莱夫人对韦斯莱先生说。这时,韦斯莱先生正和哈利、罗恩、赫敏、金妮穿过漆黑的院子,跟在弗雷德和乔治后面出发了。
"We told you to destroy them!" said Mrs. Weasley furiously, holding up what were unmistakably more Ton-Tongue Toffees. "We told you to get rid of the lot! Empty your pockets, go on, both of you!"
| 空气很寒冷,月亮还高高地挂在天上。只有他们右边的地平线上露出一抹淡淡的灰绿色,显示着黎明正在渐渐到来。哈利一直在想着成千上万的巫师赶去观看魁地奇比赛的事,便快走几步,赶上韦斯莱先生。
It was an unpleasant scene; the twins had evidently been trying to smuggle as many toffees out of the house as possible, and it was only by using her Summoning Charm that Mrs. Weasley managed to find them all.
| “您说,大家怎样才能赶到那儿而不引起麻瓜的注意呢?”他问。
"Accio! Accio! Accio!" she shouted, and toffees zoomed from all sorts of unlikely places, including the lining of George's jacket and the turn-ups of Fred's jeans.
| “组织工作真是困难重重,”韦斯莱先生叹了口气,“主要的问题是,大约有十万巫师要来观看世界杯,我们当然找不到一个能容纳这么多人的魔法场地。虽然有些地方是麻瓜们进不去的,但是想象一下,我们怎么可能把十万巫师都塞进对角巷或9又3/4站台呢?所以我们不得不找一片荒芜人烟的沼泽地,并采取了一切防备麻瓜的措施。整个部里为这件事忙了好几个月。首先,当然啦,我们必须把大家到达的时间错开。球票便宜的人只好提前几个星期赶到。一部分人使用麻瓜的交通工具,但人数有限,毕竟我们不能让太多的人塞满麻瓜的公共汽车和火车——别忘了,世界各地都有巫师赶来。当然,还有一些人采用幻影显形术,但我们必须规定一些安全的地方让他们显形,远离所有的麻瓜。我想附近大概正好有座森林,可以作为幻影显形的落脚点。对于那些不愿意或者不会幻影显形的人,我们就使用门钥匙。这玩意儿的作用是在规定时间内把巫师从一个地方运送到另一个地方。如果需要的话,一次可以运送一大批人。魔法部在英国各地投放了近两百把门钥匙,离我们最近的一把就在白鼬山的山顶上,我们现在就是去那里。”
"We spent six months developing those!" Fred shouted at his mother as she threw the toffees away.
| 韦斯莱先生指着前方,奥特里-圣卡奇波尔村的后面耸立着大片阴影。
"Oh a fine way to spend six months!" she shrieked. "No wonder you didn't get more O.W.L.s!"
| “门钥匙是什么样的东西?”哈利好奇地问。
All in all, the atmosphere was not very friendly as they took their departure. Mrs.
| “啊,五花八门,什么样的都有,”韦斯莱先生说,“当然,都是看上去不起眼的东西,这样麻瓜就不会把它们捡起来摆弄……他们会以为这是别人胡乱丢弃的……”
Weasley was still glowering as she kissed Mr. Weasley on the cheek, though not nearly as much as the twins, who had each hoisted their rucksacks onto their backs and walked out without a word to her.
| 他们步履艰难地顺着黑暗潮湿的小路,朝着村庄的方向走去,四下里一片寂静,只听得见自己的脚步声。他们穿过村庄时,天色慢慢地亮了一些,原先的漆黑一片渐渐变成了深蓝色。哈利的手脚都冻僵了。韦斯莱先生不停地看表。
"Well, have a lovely time," said Mrs. Weasley, "and behave yourselves," she called after
| 他们开始爬白鼬山了,脚下不时被隐蔽的兔子洞绊一下,或者踩在黑漆漆、黏糊糊的草叶上打滑,根本匀不出气儿来说话。哈利每喘一口气,都觉得胸口一阵刺痛,双腿也渐渐挪不开步子了,就在这时,他终于发现双脚踏在了平地上。
the twins' retreating backs, but they did not look back or answer. "I'll send Bill, Charlie, and Percy along around midday," Mrs. Weasley said to Mr. Weasley, as he, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny set off across the dark yard after Fred and George.
| “哟,”韦斯莱先生摘下眼镜,用身上的球衣擦着,气喘吁吁地说道,“不错,我们到得很准时——还有十分钟……”
It was chilly and the moon was still out. Only a dull, greenish tinge along the horizon to their right showed that daybreak was drawing closer. Harry, having been thinking about thousands of wizards speeding toward the Quidditch World Cup, sped up to walk with Mr. Weasley.
| 赫敏最后一个登上山顶,她的一只手紧紧揪住衣襟。
"So how does everyone get there without all the Muggles noticing?" he asked.
| “现在我们只需要找到门钥匙,”韦斯莱先生说着,戴上眼镜,眯着眼睛在地上寻视,“不会很大……快找一找……”
"It's been a massive organizational problem," sighed Mr. Weasley. "The trouble is, about a hundred thousand wizards turn up at the World Cup, and of course, we just haven't got a magical site big enough to accommodate them all. There are places Muggles can't penetrate, but imagine trying to pack a hundred thousand wizards into Diagon Alley or platform nine and three-quarters. So we had to find a nice deserted moor, and set up as many anti-Muggle precautions as possible. The whole Ministry's been working on it for months. First, of course, we have to stagger the arrivals. People with cheaper tickets have to arrive two weeks beforehand. A limited number use Muggle transport, but we can't have too many clogging up their buses and trains - remember, wizards are coming from all over the world. Some Apparate, of course, but we have to set up safe points for them to appear, well away from Muggles. I believe there's a handy wood they're using as the Apparition point. For those who don't want to Apparate, or can't, we use Portkeys.
| 大家散开,分头寻找。可是,他们刚找了两三分钟,就有一个喊声划破了宁静的夜空。
They're objects that are used to transport wizards from one spot to another at a prearranged time. You can do large groups at a time if you need to. There have been two hundred Portkeys placed at strategic points around Britain, and the nearest one to us is up at the top of Stoatshead Hill, so that's where we're headed."
| “在这儿,亚瑟!过来,儿子我们找到了!”
Mr. Weasley pointed ahead of them, where a large black mass rose beyond the village of Ottery St. Catchpole.
| 在山顶的另一边,星光闪烁的夜空衬托着两个高高的身影。
"What sort of objects are Portkeys?" said Harry curiously.
| “阿莫斯!”韦斯莱先生说,笑着大步走向那个喊他的男人。其他人跟了上去。
"Well, they can be anything," said Mr. Weasley. "Unobtrusive things, obviously, so Muggles don't go picking them up and playing with them ... stuff they'll just think is litter...."
| 韦斯莱先生和一个长着棕色短胡子的红脸庞巫师握手,那人的另一只手里拿着个东西,像是一只发了霉的旧靴子。
They trudged down the dark, dank lane toward the village, the silence broken only by their footsteps. The sky lightened very slowly as they made their way through the village, its inky blackness diluting to deepest blue. Harry's hands and feet were freezing. Mr. Weasley kept checking his watch.
| “我给大家介绍一下,这是阿莫斯·迪戈里。”韦斯莱先生说,“他在神奇动物管理控制司工作。这是他的儿子塞德里克,我想你们都认识吧?”
They didn't have breath to spare for talking as they began to climb Stoatshead Hill, stumbling occasionally in hidden rabbit holes, slipping on thick black tuffets of grass.
| 塞德里克·迪戈里大约十七岁,是一个长得特别帅的男孩子。在霍格沃茨,他是赫奇帕奇学院魁地奇球队的队长兼找球手。
Each breath Harry took was sharp in his chest and his legs were starting to seize up when, at last, his feet found level ground.
| “嗨,你们好。”塞德里克说,转头望着大家。
"Whew," panted Mr. Weasley, taking off his glasses and wiping them on his sweater. "Well, we've made good time - we've got ten minutes."
| 每个人都应了声“嗨”,但弗雷德和乔治没有吭气,只是点了点头。去年,塞德里克在第一场魁地奇比赛中打败了他们格兰芬多队,这对双胞胎到现在还没有完全原谅他。
Hermione came over the crest of the hill last, clutching a stitch in her side.
| “走过来很远吧,亚瑟?”塞德里克的父亲问道。
"Now we just need the Portkey," said Mr. Weasley, replacing his glasses and squinting around at the ground. "It won't be big.... Come on..."
| “还好,”韦斯莱先生说,“我们就住在村庄的那一边。你们呢?”
They spread out, searching. They had only been at it for a couple of minutes, however, when a shout rent the still air.
| “两点钟就起床了,是不是,塞德?不瞒你说,我真愿意他早点通过幻影显形考试。不过……没什么可抱怨的……魁地奇世界杯嘛,绝不能错过,哪怕要出一口袋加隆——实际上,买票也确实花了那么多钱呢。不过我总算对付下来了,还不算太难……”阿莫斯·迪戈里和蔼地望着周围的韦斯莱家三兄弟、哈利、赫敏和金妮,“亚瑟,这些都是你的孩子?”
"Over here, Arthur! Over here, son, we've got it."
| “哦,不,红头发的才是。”韦斯莱先生把自己的孩子一一指出。“这是赫敏,罗恩的朋友——这是哈利,也是罗恩的朋友——”
Two tall figures were silhouetted against the starry sky on the other side of the hilltop.
| “天哪,”阿莫斯·迪戈里说道,眼睛一下子睁得溜圆,“哈利?哈利·波特?”
"Amos!" said Mr. Weasley, smiling as he strode over to the man who had shouted. The rest of them followed.
| “嗯——是的。”哈利说。
Mr. Weasley was shaking hands with a ruddy-faced wizard with a scrubby brown beard, who was holding a moldy-looking old boot in his other hand.
| 哈利已经习惯了人们初次和他见面时总是好奇地盯着他,也习惯了他们立刻把目光投向他额头上的伤疤,但这总是使他感到很不自在。
"This is Amos Diggory, everyone," said Mr. Weasley. "He works for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. And I think you know his son, Cedric?"
| “当然啦,塞德谈到过你。”阿莫斯·迪戈里说,“他告诉了我们去年他和你比赛的事……我对他说,我说——塞德,这件事等你老了可以讲给你的孙子们听,很了不起……你打败了哈利·波特!”
Cedric Diggory was an extremely handsome boy of around seventeen. He was Captain and Seeker of the Hufflepuff House Quidditch team at Hogwarts.
| 哈利不知道该怎样回答,就什么也没说。弗雷德和乔治又都皱起了眉头。塞德显得有点儿尴尬。
"Hi," said Cedric, looking around at them all.
| “哈利从扫帚上掉下来了,爸爸,”他小声地嘟囔说,“我告诉过你的……是一次意外事故……”
Everybody said hi back except Fred and George, who merely nodded. They had never quite forgiven Cedric for beating their team, Gryffindor, in the first Quidditch match of the previous year.
| “是啊,可是你没有掉下来,对不对?”阿莫斯亲切地大声说,一边拍了拍儿子的后背,“我们的塞德总是这么谦虚,总是一副绅士风度……但赢的人总是最棒的,我敢肯定哈利也会这么说的,是吗?一个从扫帚上掉了下来,另一个稳稳地待在上面,你不需要具备天才的脑瓜,就能说出谁是更出色的飞行家!”
"Long walk, Arthur?" Cedric's father asked. "Not too bad," said Mr. Weasley. "We live
| “时间差不多快到了,”韦斯莱先生赶紧说,把怀表又掏出来看了看,“你知道我们还要等什么人吗,阿莫斯?”
just on the other side of the village there. You?"
| “不用了,洛夫古德一家一星期前就到了那里,福西特一家没有弄到票,”迪戈里先生说,“这片地区没有别人了,是吧?”
"Had to get up at two, didn't we, Ced? I tell you, I'll be glad when he's got his Apparition test. Still ... not complaining ... Quidditch World Cup, wouldn't miss it for a sackful of Galleons - and the tickets cost about that. Mind you, looks like I got off easy. . . ." Amos Diggory peered good-naturedly around at the three Weasley boys, Harry, Hermione, and Ginny. "All these yours, Arthur?"
| “据我所知是没有了。”韦斯莱先生说,“好了,还有一分钟……我们应该各就各位了……”
"Oh no, only the redheads," said Mr. Weasley, pointing out his children. "This is Hermione, friend of Ron's - and Harry, another friend -"
| 他转脸看着哈利和赫敏。
"Merlin's beard," said Amos Diggory, his eyes widening. "Harry? Harry Potter?"
| “你们只要碰到门钥匙,就这样,伸出一根手指就行——”
"Er - yeah," said Harry.
| 由于大家都背着鼓鼓囊囊的大背包,九个人好不容易才围拢在阿莫斯·迪戈里拿着的那只旧靴子周围。
Harry was used to people looking curiously at him when they met him, used to the way their eyes moved at once to the lightning scar on his forehead, but it always made him feel uncomfortable.
| 他们站在那里,紧紧地围成一圈,一阵清冷的微风吹过山顶,没有人说话。哈利突然想到,如果这时恰巧有个麻瓜从这里走过,这情景该是多么怪异……九个人,其中两个人还是大人,在昏暗的光线中抓着这只破破烂烂的旧靴子,静静地等待着……
"Ced's talked about you, of course," said Amos Diggory. "Told us all about playing against you last year... I said to him, I said - Ced, that'll be something to tell your grandchildren, that will.... You beat Harry Potter!"
| “三……”韦斯莱先生一只眼睛盯着怀表,低声念道,“二……一……”
Harry couldn't think of any reply to this, so he remained silent. Fred and George were both scowling again. Cedric looked slightly embarrassed.
| 说时迟那时快,哈利觉得,似乎有一个钩子在他肚脐后面以无法抵挡的势头猛地向前一钩,他便双脚离地,飞起来了。他可以感觉到罗恩和赫敏在他两边,他们的肩膀与他的撞到一起。他们一阵风似的向前疾飞,眼前什么也看不清。哈利的食指紧紧地粘在靴子上,好像那靴子具有一股磁力似的,把他拉过去,拉过去,然后——
"Harry fell off his broom, Dad," he muttered. I told you ... it was an accident...."
| 他的双脚重重地落到地上,罗恩踉踉跄跄地撞在他身上,他摔倒了。啪的一声,门钥匙落到他脑袋边的地上。
"Yes, but you didn't fall off, did you?" roared Amos genially, slapping his son on his back. "Always modest, our Ced, always the gentleman ... but the best man won, I'm sure Harry'd say the same, wouldn't you, eh? One falls off his broom, one stays on, you don't need to be a genius to tell which one's the better flier!"
| 哈利抬起头来,只有韦斯莱先生、迪戈里先生和塞德里克还站着,但也是一副被风吹得披头散发、歪歪斜斜的样子,其他人都跌在了地上。
"Must be nearly time," said Mr. Weasley quickly, pulling out his watch again. "Do you know whether we're waiting for any more, Amos?"
| “五点零七分,来自白鼬山。”只听一个声音说道。
"No, the Lovegoods have been there for a week already and the Fawcetts couldn't get tickets," said Mr. Diggory. "There aren't any more of us in this area, are there?"
"Not that I know of," said Mr. Weasley. "Yes, it's a minute off ... We'd better get ready...."
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He looked around at Harry and Hermione.
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"You just need to touch the Portkey, that's all, a finger will do -"
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With difficulty, owing to their bulky backpacks, the nine of them crowded around the old boot held out by Amos Diggory.
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They all stood there, in a tight circle, as a chill breeze swept over the hilltop.
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Nobody spoke. It suddenly occurred to Harry how odd this would look if a Muggle were to walk up here now ... nine people, two of them grown men, clutching this manky old boot in the semidarkness, waiting....
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"Three. . ." muttered Mr. Weasley, one eye still on his watch, two. . . one. . ."
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It happened immediately: Harry felt as though a hook just behind his navel had been suddenly jerked irresistibly forward. His feet left the ground; he could feel Ron and Hermione on either side of him, their shoulders banging into his; they were all speeding forward in a howl of wind and swirling color; his forefinger was stuck to the boot as though it was pulling him magnetically onward and then -His feet slammed into the ground; Ron staggered into him and he fell over; the Portkey hit the ground near his head with a heavy thud.
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Harry looked up. Mr. Weasley, Mr. Diggory, and Cedric were still standing, though looking very windswept; everybody else was on the ground.
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"Seven past five from Stoatshead Hill," said a voice.
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