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| 5、救援国王
Bur his misery did not last long. Almost at once there came a bump, and then a second bump, and two children were standing before him. The wood in front of him had been quite empty a second before and he knew they had not come from behind his tree, for he would have heard them. They had in fact simply appeared from nowhere. He saw at a glance that they were wearing the same queer, dingy sort of clothes as the people in his dream; and he saw, at a second glance, that they were the youngest boy and girl out of that party of seven.
| 可是国王的苦难为时并不长久。几乎立刻传来砰的一声,接着又是砰的一声,两个孩子就站在国王的面前了。一秒钟以前,国王前边的树林里是空无一人的;国王知道,他们也不是从绑牢他的那棵树木背后跑出来的,因为从树背后出来,他会听见脚步声。事实上他们简直是从只有天知道的地方突然冒出来的。国王一眼就看出来了,他们穿着跟他梦中所见人物一样的古里古怪而邋里邋遢的衣服。再看第二眼,国王发现他们便是餐桌周围七人中最年轻的男孩和女孩。
"Gosh!" said the boy, "that took one's breath away! I thought -"
| "天哪!"男孩说道,"简直叫人气也透不过来了!我以为……"赶紧给他松绑,"女孩说道,"我们可以以后再谈。"然后她转向蒂莲,补充道"我很抱歉,我们到得晚了。我们倒是尽量立刻出发的。"
"Hurry up and get him untied," said the girl. "We can talk, afterwards." Then she added, turning to Tirian, "I'm sorry we've been so long. We came the moment we could."
| 她这么说时,男孩从口袋里拿出一把小刀,迅速把绑牢国王的绳索割断,事实上也割得太快了,因为国王浑身僵硬、麻木,最后一根绳索割断时他就倒了下来,双手和双膝都着地了。他把双腿好生擦了一阵,使双腿恢复了生机,方才能重新站起身来。
While she was speaking the Boy produced a knife from his pocket and was quickly cutting the King's bonds: too quickly, in fact, for the King was so stiff and numb that when the last cord was cut he fell forward on his hands and knees. He couldn't get up again till he had brought some life back into his legs by a good rubbing.
| "嗨,"女孩说道,"那天夜里,我们七个人在吃晚饭的时候,突然出现在我们面前的,就是你吗,是不是?差不多一个星期以前。"
"I say," said the girl. "It was you, wasn't it, who appeared to us that night when we were all at supper? Nearly a week ago."
| "漂亮的姑娘,一个星期以前吗?"蒂莲说道,"我的梦把我带到你们的世界里,还不过十分钟哩。"
"A week, fair maid?" said Tirian. "My dream led me into your world scarce ten minutes since."
| "关于时间问题,往往是一笔搞不清的糊涂账。"男孩说道。"我现在记起来了,"蒂莲说道,"在古老的故事里,也有记载的。你们那奇怪世界里的时间,跟我们的时间是很不相同的。但,如果我们说到时间和时候,现在倒是我们离开这儿的时候了因为我的敌人就在附近。你们愿意跟我一起走吗?"
"It's the usual muddle about times, Pole," said the Boy.
| "当然啦,"女孩说,"我们赶来救援的,就是你啊。"蒂莲迈开步子,带领他们迅速走下山去,他朝南而行,离那马厩远远的。他十分明白他要往哪儿去,但他第一个目的是走上石头路,以便不致留下什么足迹;第二个目的是涉水而过,以便不致留下什么气味。他们花了大约一个钟头的时间爬山蹚水;这么爬山蹚水时,他们没有一个人吭声说话。即使如此,蒂莲还是继续不断地偷偷瞧他的同伴一两眼。同来自另一个世界的人物并肩而行的神奇之感,弄得他有点儿晕头晕脑;但也使一切古老的故事远比往常显得更加真实了……如今任何事情都可能发生了。
"I remember now," said Tirian. "That too comes in all the old tales. The time of your strange land is different from ours. But if we speak of Time, 'tis time to be gone from here: for my enemies are close at hand. Will you come with me?"
| "现在,"他们的前边有个小山谷在白桦树之间迤逦而下,当他们走到这小山谷的开端时,蒂莲说道,"我们离那些恶棍的危险地带有好长一段路了,现在不妨走得更从容自在点儿。"太阳已经升起,露珠在枝头闪烁,鸟儿在鸣啭。"来点儿吃的怎么样?——陛下,我的意思是你要不要吃点东西,我们已经吃过早饭了。"男孩说道。蒂莲很想知道他所说的"吃点东西"是指什么,但,当男孩把他带来的一个鼓鼓囊囊的手提包打开,从中拉出一扎油腻而软绵绵的东西时,他明白了。他饿得要命,尽管他直到此刻看到食物才想起肚子饿。食物共有两份熟鸡蛋三明治,两份干酷三明治,两份果酱三明治。若不是饿得厉害,他是不大会吃那果酱三明治的,因为在纳尼亚谁也不吃这种果酱的。他吃完六份三明治时,他们已经走到了谷底,在那儿发现了一个长满苔藓的山崖,崖上有泉水汩汩地冒出来。三个人都停下步来喝泉水,并且把水泼在他们灼热的脸上。
"Of course," said the girl. "It's you we've come to help."
| "好了,"女孩一边把潮湿的头发从前额上甩回去,一边说道,"现在你可以告诉我们了:你是什么人,为什么你被绑在树上,以及这一切究竟是怎么一回事?"
Tirian got to his feet and led them rapidly down hill, Southward and away from the stable. He knew where he meant to go but his first aim was to get to rocky places where they would leave no trail, and his second to cross some water so that they would leave no scent. This took them about an hour's scrambling and wading and while that was going on nobody had any breath to talk. But even so, Tirian kept on stealing glances at his companions. The wonder of walking beside the creatures from another world made him feel a little dizzy: but it also made all the old stories seem far more real than they had ever seemed before . . . anything might happen now.
| "小姐,我十分情愿告诉你们,"蒂莲说,"但我们必须继续赶路。"所以,他们一面走路,他就一面讲给他们听:他是什么人以及他所遭遇到的种种事情。"现在,我要到一个堡垒去,"他讲到末末了儿,说道,"我的祖先统治的时代,曾经筑了三个堡垒保卫灯柱野林,防范当年住在那儿的危险的亡命之徒。由于阿斯兰的保佑,我的钥匙没有被抢走。在我要去的那个堡垒里,我们可以找到武器和盔甲,也可以找到一些食物,虽然不会有比又干又硬的饼干更好的东西。我们还可以安全地躺在那儿订立计划。现在,请你们两位告诉我——你们是什么人,以及你们所有的经历。"
"Now," said Tirian as they came to the head of a little valley which ran down before them among young birch trees, "we are out of danger of those villains for a space and may walk more easily." The sun had risen, dew-drops were twinkling on every branch, and birds were singing.
| "我是尤斯塔斯;斯克罗布,这一位是吉尔;波尔,"男孩说道,"从前我们到这儿来过一次,好几个世纪以前;按照我们的时间来说,那就是一年多以前,有个人叫瑞廉王子的,他被人家关在地底下,帕德尔格拉姆又把他的脚伸进——""哈!"蒂莲大声说道,"那么你们就是把国王瑞廉从长期的魔法困扰中拯救出来的尤斯塔斯和吉尔了?"
| "是的,正是我们两人,"吉尔说道,"那么,现在他是国王瑞廉了,是不是?啊,当然他会做国王的。我忘记了——""不,"蒂莲说,"我是他的第七代后裔了。他已经死了两百多年了。"
"What about some grub? - I mean for you, Sir, we two have had our breakfast," said the Boy.
| 吉尔做了个鬼脸。"呃!"她说,"回到纳尼亚来,就是这档子事情叫人不好受。"但尤斯塔斯继续说下去。"陛下,现在你知道我们是什么人了,"他说,"事情是这样的。教授和姨妈波莉把我们纳尼亚的朋友都请来了——""我不知道这些名字,尤斯塔斯。"蒂莲说。"他们是最早进入纳尼亚的两个人,那时所有的野兽正学习讲人话。"
Tirian wondered very much what he meant by "grub", but when the Boy opened a bulgy satchel which he was carrying and pulled out a rather greasy and squashy packet, he understood. He was ravenously hungry, though he hadn't thought about it till that moment. There were two hard-boiled egg sandwiches, and two cheese sandwiches, and two with some kind of paste in them. If he hadn't been so hungry he wouldn't have thought much of the paste, for that is a sort of food nobody eats in Narnia. By the time he had eaten all six sandwiches they had come to the bottom of the valley and there they found a mossy cliff with a little fountain bubbling out of it. All three stopped and drank and splashed their hot faces.
| "天哪!"蒂莲大声嚷道,"这两个人啊!迪格雷勋爵和波莉夫人!鸿蒙初开时的人物!仍旧活在你们的世界里吗?真是神奇,真是光荣!讲给我听,讲给我听吧。"
"And now," said the girl as she tossed her wet hair back from her forehead, "aren't you going to tell us who you are and why you were tied up and what it's all about?"
| "你要知道,她并非真是我们的姨妈,"尤斯塔斯说道,
"With a good will, damsel," said Tirian. "But we must keep on the march." So while they went on walking he told them who he was and all the things that had happened to him. "And now," he said at the end, "I am going to a certain tower, one of three that were built in my grandsire's time to guard Lantern Waste against certain perilous outlaws who dwelled there in his day. By Aslan's good will I was not robbed of my keys. In that tower we shall find stores of weapons and mail and some victuals also, though no better than dry biscuit. There also we can lie safe while we make our plans. And now, prithee, tell me who you two are and all your story."
| "她是普卢默小姐,不过我们管她叫姨妈罢了。却说这两位把我们大家都请去聚会了:一半只是为了寻寻开心,让我们大家痛痛快快地聊一聊关于纳尼亚王国的事情(因为,像这样的事,我们跟其他的人是没法儿闲聊的);一半是教授有种预感这儿用得着我们哩。然后是你来了,像个鬼魂,或者是个只有天知道的玩意儿,几乎把我们的性命都吓掉了,一句话也不说就消失了。这之后,我们知道肯定是发生了什么事变了。第二个问题是怎样到这儿来。我们是不能想上这儿来就上这儿来的。我们商量又商量,最后,教授说,惟一的办法就是靠’魔戒’的魔力了。好久好久以前,远在我们年轻一代尚未出生,他们只不过是小青年的时候,教授和波莉姨妈到这儿来过,凭的就是那些’魔戒’的魔力。但,’魔戒’统统都埋在伦敦(那是我们的大城市,陛下)一个住宅的花园里了,住宅已经卖掉了。所以,接下来的问题是如何把’魔戒’搞到手。你永远也猜不到我们最后是怎么弄到手的。彼得和爱德蒙——彼得就是至尊王彼得,那个跟你说话的人——赶到伦敦,在人们还没有起床的清晨,从后边进入花园。他们打扮得像工人似的,如果有什么人瞧见他们,这样便可以看上去像是来疏通阴沟、排水的。我但愿是跟他们一起去的那必定是件光荣而又开心的事情。他们必定是顺利地完成任务的,因为第二天彼得打来一个电报那是一种通讯方法,陛下,我以后给你解释——说是他把’魔戒’弄到手了。第二天,我和波尔都得回学校去——只有我们俩还在上学念书,我们俩进的又是同一个学校。所以彼得和爱德蒙就要在到学校去的途中一个地点跟我们碰头,把’魔戒’交给我们。你瞧,上纳尼亚来,还非得我们两人走二趟不可,因为年纪大的人没法儿再来了。所以我们就坐上了火车——我们这个世界里,人们就坐这种交通工具旅行,好多节客车连在一起的——教授、波莉姨妈、露茜和我们一起走。我们要待在一起,能待多久就待多久。我们都坐在火车里。我们刚到达一个车站,那儿有其他的人们在欢迎我们,我从车窗里探出来望望是否看得见来欢迎的人们,这当儿突然发生了最最可怕的震动和声音,呀,我们竟在纳尼亚了,陛下给绑在树上哩。’"
"I'm Eustace Scrubb and this is Jill Pole," said the Boy. "And we were here once before, ages and ages ago, more than a year ago by our time, and there was a chap called Prince Rilian, and they were keeping this chap underground, and Puddleglum put his foot in -"
| "那么你们从未使用’魔戒’吗?"蒂莲问道。
"Ha!" cried Tirian, "are you then that Eustace and that Jill who rescued King Rilian from his long enchantment?"
| "没有使用’魔戒’,"尤斯塔斯说,"甚至连见也没见过’魔戒’。阿斯兰用他自己的办法替我们安排了一切,用不着什么’魔戒’了。"
"Yes, that's us," said Jill. "So he's King Rilian now, is he? Oh of course he would be. I forgot-"
| "但至尊王彼得掌握着’魔戒’。"蒂莲说。
"Nay," said Tirian, "I am the seventh in descent from him. He has been dead over two hundred years."
| "是的,"吉尔说,"但我们认为他没法儿使用’魔戒’。另外两位国家领袖——国王爱德蒙和女王露茜——上次在这儿时,阿斯兰说过,他们永远不会再到纳尼亚来了。对于至尊王彼得,阿斯兰也说过类似的话,不过时间更早了。你满可以深信不疑,如果得到允许,至尊王彼得会像箭一般赶来的。"
Jill made a face. "Ugh!" she said. "That's the horrid part about coming back to Narnia." But Eustace went on.
| "天哪!"尤斯塔斯说,"在这太阳底下,愈来愈热了。咱们快到了吧,陛下?""瞧吧!"蒂莲指着前边说道。在没有多少码之外,雄伟的堡垒冒出在树面的上方,他们继续走了几分钟,便进入了一片开阔的草地。一条小溪流贯草地,在小溪的那一边,雄踞着一个方方的堡垒,稀稀朗朗的狭长窗子,墙上有个外貌沉重的大门面对着他们。
"Well now you know who we are, Sire," he said. "And it was like this. The Professor and Aunt Polly had got all us friends of Narnia together -"
| 蒂莲警惕地看看这边,瞧瞧那边,探明周围确实没有敌人。然后他走到堡垒跟前,静静地站立片刻,从猎装里边摸出一串钥匙来,钥匙系在一条细长的银链条上,银链条挂在他的颈子上。他摸出来的那一串钥匙精美绝伦,两把钥匙是用黄金铸成的,许多钥匙装饰华丽,你立刻就可以看出来,它们都是用来开启王宫里庄严而机密的房间的门的,或是用来打开那放着王室珍宝的芳香木柜和木盒的。但,他现在插到堡垒大门门锁里去的钥匙,却是又大又平凡,铸造也很粗糙。锁是不大灵活的。蒂莲有一会儿还担心他没法儿叫它转动。但,最后他终于把锁开动了,发出一阵子老大不高兴的吱吱嘎嘎的声音,大门给打开了。
"I know not these names, Eustace," said Tirian.
| "朋友们,欢迎你们光|庙,"蒂莲说道,"恐怕这是纳尼亚国王现在能够接待他的贵宾的最好的王宫了。"蒂莲很高兴地看到这两位陌生人很有教养。他们俩都说不用客气,他们深信一定挺不错的。
"They're the two who came into Narnia at the very beginning, the day all the animals learned to talk."
| 事实上,它并非特别"挺不错的"。堡垒里相当黑暗,有一股挺潮湿的气味。堡垒里只有一个房间,这个房间往上直达石头屋顶,房间一角有一只木头楼梯往上通向一个活门,从这活门出去,可以走上雄蝶墙。有几只粗笨的床铺可以睡觉,有许多小柜子和包裹。也有一个壁炉,看上去仿佛已经多年没有人在炉子里生过火了。
"By the Lion's Mane," cried Tirian. "Those two! The Lord Digory and the Lady Polly! From the dawn of the world! And still in your place? The wonder and the glory of it! But tell me, tell me."
| "我们最好还是首先出去搞点木柴来,要不要?"吉尔说。
"She isn't really our aunt, you know," said Eustace. "She's Miss Plummer, but we call her Aunt Polly. Well those two got us all together partly just for fun, so that we could all have a good jaw about Narnia (for of course there's no one else we can ever talk to about things like that) but partly because the Professor had a feeling that we were somehow wanted over here. Well then you came in like a ghost or goodness-knows-what and nearly frightened the lives out of us and vanished without saying a word. After that, we knew for certain there was something up.
| "且慢,伙伴们。"蒂莲说道。他下定决心,他们不该手无寸铁地束手就擒;他开始在柜子里搜索,感谢地记起自己总是小心谨慎地规定每年检查这些卫戌堡垒一次,确保一切必需的东西都有所储备。果然储备着不少东西:有弓弦,用油绸遮盖得好好的,有剑与矛,都涂上了油以防止生锈,有盔甲,包裹严密,依旧程亮生辉。但,甚至还有些更加美妙的东西。"瞧瞧!"蒂莲一边说一边抽出一件长长的式样新奇的锁子甲来,在孩子们的眼前挥动着。"这是件看土去挺有趣的锁子甲啊,陛下。"尤斯塔斯说道。
The next question was how to get here. You can't go just by wanting to. So we talked and talked and at last the Professor said the only way would be by the Magic Rings. It was by those Rings that he and Aunt Polly got here long, long ago when they were only kids, years before we younger ones were born. But the Rings had all been buried in the garden of a house in London (that's our big town, Sire) and the house had been sold. So then the problem was how to get at them. You'll never guess what we did in the end! Peter and Edmund - that's the High King Peter, the one who spoke to you - went up to London to get into the garden from the back, early in the morning before people were up. They were dressed like workmen so that if anyone did see them it would look as if they'd come to do something about the drains. I wish I'd been with them: it must have been glorious fun. And they must have succeeded for next day Peter sent us a wire - that's a sort of message, Sire, I'll explain about it some other time - to say he'd got the Rings. And the day after that was the day Pole and I had to go back to school - we're the only two who are still at school and we're at the same one. So Peter and Edmund were to meet us at a place on the way down to school and hand over the Rings. It had to be us two who were to go to Narnia, you see, because the older ones couldn't come again. So we got into the train that's a kind of thing people travel in in our world: a lot of wagons chained together - and the Professor and Aunt Polly and Lucy came with us. We wanted to keep together as long as we could. Well there we were in the train. And we were just getting to the station where the others were to meet us, and I was looking out of the window to see if I could see them when suddenly there came a most frightful jerk and a noise: and there we were in Narnia and there was your Majesty tied up to the tree."
| "是呀,小伙子,"蒂莲说道,"纳尼亚小矮人可没人铸造得出这种锁子甲,这是卡乐门人的锁子甲,稀奇古怪的模样儿。我收藏了几套备用,因为我绝对不知道我或我的朋友什么时候会需要在’蒂斯罗克’的国土上行走而不被察觉。再瞧瞧这石头瓶子,这里面盛着一种液体,用它擦在我们的手上和脸上,就可以使我们的皮肤变成棕色,跟卡乐门人一模一样。"
"So you never used the Rings?" said Tirian.
| "啊,呜啦I"吉尔说,"乔装改扮!我喜欢乔装改扮。"
"No," said Eustace. "Never even saw them. Aslan did it all for us in his own way without any Rings."
| 蒂蓬教他们怎样倒一点儿液体在手掌里,然后擦在脸上颈子上,一直擦到肩膀上,然后把液体擦在于臂上,一直擦到肘拐儿止。他自己也这样擦着。"这液体在我们皮肤上硬化以后,"他说,"我们就不怕在水里洗涤了,它不会褪色。只有用油与灰一同洗涤,才能使我们重新变成白皮肤的纳尼亚人。可爱的吉尔,让我们去试试这锁子甲是否适合你的身材。它长了点儿,可并不像我担心的那么长得过分。毫无疑问,它原来是属于’泰坎’的大批侍从中的某一个人的。"
"But the High King Peter has them," said Tirian.
| 穿上锁子甲后,他们又戴上卡乐门头盔,那是个小小圆圆的东西,紧扣在脑袋上,顶上有个尖铁。接着,蒂莲从柜子里拿出长长一卷白布,缠在头盔的外面,直至缠成头巾方才罢休,但那小小的尖铁仍旧突出在当中间儿。他和尤斯塔斯拿了卡乐门弯刀和圆圆的小盾牌。可没有供吉尔用的、重量够轻的剑,但他给了她一把长长的笔直的猝猎用小刀,逢到紧急关头,可以拿它当作剑使用。"小姐,你可有点儿拉弓射箭的技术吗?"蒂莲问道。
"Yes," said Jill. "But we don't think he can use them. When the two other Pevensies - King Edmund and Queen Lucy - were last here, Aslan said they would never come to Narnia again. And he said something of the same sort to the High King, only longer ago. You may be sure he'll come like a shot if he's allowed."
| "不值得一提,"吉尔红着脸说道,"斯克罗布的技术不坏。""别信她的话,陛下,"尤斯塔斯说,"上次我们从纳尼亚回去以后,一直在练习拉弓射箭,她跟我的技术大致差不多。但我们两个谁都不太高明。"
"Gosh!" said Eustace. "It's getting hot in this sun. Are we nearly there, Sire?"
| 于是蒂莲给了吉尔一张弓和一个盛满箭的箭筒。第二桩事情是生了一炉火,因为置身堡垒之中,觉得并不像在室内,倒是更像在山洞内,叫人冷得发抖。但,他们把木柴搬进来时身上发热了——太阳正在中天——炉火轰隆轰隆向烟囱里踏上去时,这个地方看上去挺愉快舒适。然而,正餐却是单调乏味的,因为他们能做得到的上策,也只不过是把他们在一个柜子里的硬饼干敲碎,倒在沸水里,加上盐,煮成一种糊状的东西。除了水,也没有什么可喝的。"我要是能带来一盒茶叶就好了。"吉尔说。"或者是一罐可可粉也好。"尤斯塔斯道。"在这几个堡垒里,每一个堡垒里都有一小桶好酒,这可不会错的。"蒂莲说道。
"Look," said Tirian and pointed. Not many yards away grey battlements rose above the tree-tops, and after a minute's more walking they came out in an open grassy space. A stream ran across it and on the far side of the stream stood a squat, square tower with very few and narrow windows and one heavy-looking door in the wall that faced them.
Tirian looked sharply this way and that to make sure that no enemies were in sight. Then he walked up to the tower and stood still for a moment fishing up his bunch of keys which he wore inside his hunting-dress on a narrow silver chain that went round his neck. It was a nice bunch of keys that he brought out, for two were golden and many were richly ornamented: you could see at once that they were keys made for opening solemn and secret rooms in palaces, or chests and caskets of sweet-smelling wood that contained royal treasures. But the key which he now put into the lock of the door was big and plain and more rudely made. The lock was stiff and for a moment Tirian began to be afraid that he would not be able to turn it: but at last he did and the door swung open with a sullen creak.
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"Welcome friends," said Tirian. "I fear this is the best palace that the King of Narnia can now offer to his guests."
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Tirian was pleased to see that the two strangers had been well brought up. They both said not to mention it and that they were sure it would be very nice.
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As a matter of fact it was not particularly nice. It was rather dark and smelled very damp. There was only one room in it and this room went right up to the stone roof: a wooden staircase in one corner led up to a trap door by which you could get out on the battlements. There were a few rude bunks to sleep in, and a great many lockers and bundles. There was also a hearth which looked as if nobody had lit a fire in it for a great many years.
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"We'd better go out and gather some firewood first thing, hadn't we?" said Jill.
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"Not yet, comrade," said Tirian. He was determined that they should not be caught unarmed, and began searching the lockers, thankfully remembering that he had always been careful to have these garrison towers inspected once a year and to make sure that they were stocked with all things needful. The bow strings were there in their coverings of oiled silk, the swords and spears were greased against rust, and the armour was kept bright in its wrappings. But there was something even better. "Look you!" said Tirian as he drew out a long mail shirt of a curious pattern and flashed it before the children's eyes.
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"That's funny-looking mail, Sire," said Eustace.
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"Aye, lad," said Tirian. "No Narnian Dwarf smithied that. 'Tis mail of Calormen, outlandish gear. I have ever kept a few suits of it in readiness, for I never knew when I or my friends might have reason to walk unseen in The Tisroc's land. And look on this stone bottle. In this there is a juice which, when we have rubbed it on our hands and faces, will make us brown as Calormenes."
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"Oh hurrah!" said Jill. "Disguise! I love disguises."
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Tirian showed them how to pour out a little of the juice into the palms of their hands and then rub it well over their faces and necks, right down to the shoulders, and then on their hands, right up to the elbows. He did the same himself.
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"After this has hardened on us," he said, "we may wash in water and it will not change. Nothing but oil and ashes will make us white Narnians again. And now, sweet Jill, let us go see how this mail shirt becomes you. 'Tis something too long, yet not so much as I feared. Doubtless it belonged to a page in the train of one of their Tarkaans."
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After the mail shirts they put on Calormene helmets, which are little round ones fitting tight to the head and having a spike on top. Then Tirian took long rolls of some white stuff out of the locker and wound them over the helmets till they became turbans: but the little steel spike still stuck up in the middle. He and Eustace took curved Calormene swords and little round shields. There was no sword light enough for Jill, but he gave her a long, straight hunting knife which might do for a sword at a pinch.
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"Hast any skill with the bow, maiden?" said Tirian.
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"Nothing worth talking of," said Jill, blushing. "Scrubb's not bad."
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"Don't you believe her, Sire," said Eustace. "We've both been practising archery ever since we got back from Narnia last time, and she's about as good as me now. Not that either of us is much."
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Then Tirian gave Jill a bow and a quiver full of arrows. The next business was to light a fire, for inside that tower it still felt more like a cave than like anything indoors and set one shivering. But they got warm gathering wood - the sun was now at its highest - and once the blaze was roaring up the chimney the place began to look cheerful. Dinner was, however, a dull meal, for the best they could do was to pound up some of the hard biscuit which they found in a locker and pour it into boiling water, with salt, so as to make a kind of porridge. And of course there was nothing to drink but water.
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"I wish we'd brought a packet of tea," said Jill.
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"Or a tin of cocoa," said Eustace.
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"A firkin or so of good wine in each of these towers would not have been amiss," said Tirian.
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