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| 第三十六章 分道扬镳
Dumbledore stood up. He stared down at Barty Crouch for a moment with disgust on his face. Then he raised his wand once more and ropes flew out of it, ropes that twisted themselves around Barty Crouch, binding him tightly. He turned to Professor McGonagall.
| 邓布利多站起身来。他低头望着小巴蒂·克劳奇,脸上露出厌恶的神情。然后他又一次举起魔杖,几根绳子嗖嗖地从魔杖里飞出来,缠住小巴蒂·克劳奇,把他结结实实捆了起来。邓布利多转身对麦格教授说:“米勒娃,你能不能守在这里,我送哈利上楼?”
"Minerva, could I ask you to stand guard here while I take Harry upstairs?"
| “没问题。”麦格教授说。她显得有些恶心,就像她刚才一直望着的是一个犯病的人。不过,当她抽出魔杖、指着小巴蒂·克劳奇时,她的手非常平稳。
"Of course," said Professor McGonagall. She looked slightly nauseous, as though she had just watched someone being sick. However, when she drew out her wand and pointed it at Barty Crouch, her hand was quite steady.
| “西弗勒斯”——邓布利多转向斯内普——“麻烦你去把庞弗雷夫人叫来;我们需要把阿拉斯托·穆迪送进病房。然后你到场地上去,找到康奈利·福吉,把他带到这间办公室里来。他肯定想亲自审问小克劳奇。你告诉他,如果他需要我,这半小时我在病房里。”
"Severus" - Dumbledore turned to Snape - "please tell Madam Pomfrey to come down here; we need to get Alastor Moody into the hospital wing. Then go down into the grounds, find Cornelius Fudge, and bring him up to this office. He will undoubtedly want to question Crouch himself. Tell him I will be in the hospital wing in half an hour's time if he needs me."
| 斯内普默默地点了点头,迅速离开了房间。
Snape nodded silently and swept out of the room.
| “哈利?”邓布利多温和地说。
"Harry?" Dumbledore said gently.
| 哈利站起身,又摇晃起来;刚才他专心听小克劳奇说话,没有注意伤腿的疼痛,现在那疼痛变本加利地回来了。他还意识到自己浑身发抖。邓布利多一把抓住他的胳膊,扶着他来到外面漆黑的走廊里。
Harry got up and swayed again; the pain in his leg, which he had not noticed all the time he had been listening to Crouch, now returned in full measure. He also realized that he was shaking. Dumbledore gripped his arm and helped him out into the dark corridor.
| “我希望你先到我的办公室去一下,哈利,”他们沿着走廊往前走,邓布利多轻声说道,“小天狼星在那里等我们呢。”
"I want you to come up to my office first. Harry," he said quiedy as they headed up the passageway. "Sirius is waiting for us there."
| 哈利点了点头。他感觉麻木,仿佛置身于梦境之中,眼前的一切似乎都不真实,但他并不在乎。他甚至为此而感到高兴。这样,他就用不着去想他触摸三强杯后发生的一切了。他不想仔细研究那些记忆,尽管那些记忆不断在他脑海里闪现,像照片一样栩栩如生。疯眼汉穆迪被关在大箱子里。虫尾巴瘫倒在地,捂着他的断臂。伏地魔从冒着蒸气的坩埚里冉冉升起。塞德里克……停止了呼吸……塞德里克,请哈利把自己送到父母身边……
Harry nodded. A kind of numbness and a sense of complete unreality were upon him, but he did not care; he was even glad of it. He didn't want to have to think about anything that had happened since he had first touched the Triwizard Cup. He didn't want to have to examine the memories, fresh and sharp as photographs, which kept flashing across his mind. Mad-Eye Moody, inside the trunk. Wormtail, slumped on the ground, cradling his stump of an arm. Voldemort, rising from the steaming cauldron. Cedric. . . dead . . .
| “教授,”哈利喃喃地说,“迪戈里先生和他的夫人在哪里?”
Cedric, asking to be returned to his parents. . . .
| “他们和斯普劳特教授在一起。”邓布利多说。他的声音在审问小巴蒂·克劳奇的过程中一直是那么平稳镇定,现在第一次有些发颤。“斯普劳特教授是塞德里克那个学院的院长,对他最了解。”
"Professor," Harry mumbled, "where are Mr. and Mrs. Diggory?"
| 他们来到石头怪兽跟前。邓布利多说了口令,怪兽左右分开,他和哈利走上活动的螺旋楼梯,来到橡木大门前。邓布利多把门推开。小天狼星就站在那里。他脸色苍白,面容消瘦,就像他刚从阿兹卡班逃出来时那样。他一眨眼就从房间那头奔了过来。
"They are with Professor Sprout," said Dumbledore. His voice, which had been so calm throughout the interrogation of Barty Crouch, shook very slightly for the first time.
| “哈利,你没事吧?我早就知道——我早就知道会出这样的事——到底怎么回事?”
"She was Head of Cedric's house, and knew him best."
| 他双手颤抖着,扶着哈利坐到桌前的一张椅子上。
They had reached the stone gargoyle. Dumbledore gave the password, it sprang aside, and he and Harry went up the moving spiral staircase to the oak door. Dumbledore pushed it open. Sirius was standing there. His face was white and gaunt as it had been when he had escaped Azkaban. In one swift moment, he had crossed the room.
| “怎么回事?”他更加急切地问。
"Harry, are you all right? I knew it - I knew something like this - what happened?"
| 邓布利多开始向小天狼星原原本本地讲述小巴蒂·克劳奇所说的一切。哈利心不在焉地听着。他太累了,身上的每根骨头都在隐隐作痛。他只想坐在这里,不要被任何人打扰,就这样坐上好久好久,直到沉沉睡去,再也不要再有任何思想、任何感觉。
His hands shook as he helped Harry into a chair in front of the desk.
| 一阵翅膀轻轻扑打的声音。凤凰福克斯离开了它栖息的枝头,从办公室那头飞过来,落在哈利的膝盖上。
"What happened?" he asked more urgently.
| “你好,福克斯。”哈利轻声说。他抚摸着凤凰美丽的金色和红色羽毛。福克斯平静地朝他眨了眨眼睛。凤凰落在膝头暖烘烘、沉甸甸的,使哈利觉得心头踏实了许多。
Dumbledore began to tell Sirius everything Barty Crouch had said. Harry was only half listening. So tired every bone in his body was aching, he wanted nothing more than to sit here, undisturbed, for hours and hours, until he fell asleep and didn't have to think or feel anymore.
| 邓布利多停住了话头。他在哈利对面办公桌后面坐了下来。他望着哈利,但哈利躲避着他的目光。邓布利多要向他发问了。他要强迫哈利回忆那所有的一切了。
There was a soft rush of wings. Fawkes the phoenix had left his perch, flown across the office, and landed on Harry's knee.
| “我想知道,哈利,你在迷宫里触摸门钥匙后发生了什么?”邓布利多说。
"'Lo, Fawkes," said Harry quietly. He stroked the phoenix's beautiful scarlet-and-gold plumage. Fawkes blinked peacefully up at him. There was something comforting about his warm weight.
| “我们可以明天早上再谈,行不行,邓布利多?”小天狼星声音沙哑地说。他把一只手放在哈利的肩膀上。“让他睡一觉吧。让他好好休息休息吧。”
Dumbledore stopped talking. He sat down opposite Harry, behind his desk. He was looking at Harry, who avoided his eyes. Dumbledore was going to question him. He was going to make Harry relive everything.
| 哈利心头涌起对小天狼星的感激之情,但邓布利多仿佛没有听见小天狼星的话。他朝哈利探过身子。哈利很不情愿地抬起头,注视着那双蓝色的眼睛。
"I need to know what happened after you touched the Portkey in the maze. Harry," said Dumbledore.
| “如果我认为,”邓布利多温和地说,“用催眠的方法使你入睡,允许你暂时不去考虑今晚发生的一切,这样对你有好处,我会这样做的。但是我比你更清楚,暂时使疼痛变得麻木,只会使你最后感觉疼痛时疼得更厉害。你表现出的勇敢无畏,大大超出了我对你的期望。我要求你再一次表现出你的勇气。我要求你把所发生的一切告诉我们。”
"We can leave that till morning, can't we, Dumbledore?" said Sirius harshly. He had put a hand on Harrys shoulder. "Let him have a sleep. Let him rest."
| 凤凰发出一声轻柔而颤抖的鸣叫。它在空中微微发抖,哈利感到似乎一滴滚热的液体顺着喉咙滑进胃里,使他一下子觉得暖乎乎的,有了力量和勇气。
Harry felt a rush of gratitude toward Sirius, but Dumbledore took no notice of Sirius's words. He leaned forward toward Harry.
| 他深深吸了口气,开始向他们叙述。当他说话时,那天晚上发生的一切都像放电影一样,在他眼前一幕幕闪现;他看见了那使伏地魔起死回生、表面冒着火星的魔药;他看见了食死徒们幻影显形,突然出现在他们周围的坟墓间;他看见了塞德里克的尸体,静静地躺在三强杯旁的地面上。
Very unwillingly, Harry raised his head and looked into those blue eyes.
| 有一两次,小天狼星发出一点儿声音,似乎想说此什么,他的手仍然紧紧地抓住哈利的肩膀,但邓布利多举起一只手,阻止了他。这使哈利感到庆幸,因为万事开头难,现在既然打开了话匣子,再说下去就容易多了。他甚至有一种如释重负的感觉,似乎某种有毒的东西正从他体内一点点地被吸走。他以极大的毅力支撑着自己往下说,但他感觉到,一旦他说完了,心头就会舒坦多了。
"If I thought I could help you," Dumbledore said gently, "by putting you into an enchanted sleep and allowing you to postpone the moment when you would have to think about what has happened tonight, I would do it. But I know better. Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it. You have shown bravery beyond anything I could have expected of you. I ask you to demonstrate your courage one more time. I ask you to tell us what happened."
| 当哈利讲到虫尾巴用匕首刺中他的手臂时,小天狼星发出一声激动的喊叫,邓布利多猛地站起身,速度之快,把哈利吓了一跳。邓布利多绕过桌子,叫哈利伸出手臂。哈利给他们俩看了他被撕破的长袍和长袍下面的伤口。
The phoenix let out one soft, quavering note. It shivered in the air, and Harry felt as though a drop of hot liquid had slipped down his throat into his stomach, warming him, and strengthening him.
| “他说,用我的血比用其他人的血更管用,会使他更加强壮。”哈利对邓布利多说,“他说那种保护力量——我母亲留在我身体里的那种力量——他也想拥有。他是对的——后来他再碰到我的时候,他就不会受伤了。他碰了我的脸。”
He took a deep breath and began to tell them. As he spoke, visions of everything that had passed that night seemed to rise before his eyes; he saw the sparkling surface of the potion that had revived Voldemort; he saw the Death Eaters Apparating between the graves around them; he saw Cedric's body, lying on the ground beside the cup.
| 在短短的一瞬间,哈利似乎看见邓布利多眼睛里闪过一丝喜悦的光芒。但哈利很快就认定准是自己看花了眼,因为邓布利多回到办公桌后的椅子上时,看上去又和哈利一向看见的那样苍老和疲倦了。
Once or twice, Sirius made a noise as though about to say something, his hand still tight on Harry's shoulder, but Dumbledore raised his hand to stop him, and Harry was glad of this, because it was easier to keep going now he had started. It was even a relief; he felt almost as though something poisonous were being extracted from him. It was costing him every bit of determination he had to keep talking, yet he sensed that once he had finished, he would feel better.
| “很好,”他说着,又坐了下来,“伏地魔战胜了那个不同寻常的障碍。哈利,请你说下去吧。”
When Harry told of Wormtail piercing his arm with the dagger, however, Sirius let out a vehement exclamation and Dumbledore stood up so quickly that Harry started. Dumbledore walked around the desk and told Harry to stretch out his arm. Harry showed them both the place where his robes were torn and the cut beneath them.
| 哈利继续往下说,他讲述伏地魔怎样从坩埚里浮现出来,并把他记得的伏地魔对食死徒们的讲话告诉了他们。然后他告诉他们伏地魔怎样解开了他身上的绳子,把他的魔杖还给他,准备与他决斗。
"He said my blood would make him stronger than if he'd used someone else's," Harry told Dumbledore. "He said the protection my - my mother left in me - he'd have it too. And he was right - he could touch me without hurting himself, he touched my face."
| 然而,当他讲到那道金光连接他的魔杖和伏地魔的魔杖时,他觉得嗓子哽咽了。他努力说下去,但伏地魔的魔杖里浮现出的那些东西,像潮水一样涌入他的脑海。他可以看见魔杖中冒出了塞德里克,还看见那个老人、伯莎·乔金斯……他的母亲……他的父亲……
For a fleeting instant, Harry thought he saw a gleam of something like triumph in Dumbledore's eyes. But next second. Harry was sure he had imagined it, for when Dumbledore had returned to his seat behind the desk, he looked as old and weary as Harry had ever seen him.
| 就在这时,小天狼星打破了沉默,才使哈利松了口气。
"Very well," he said, sitting down again. "Voldemort has overcome that particular barrier. Harry, continue, please."
| “两根魔杖相接?”他问,望望哈利,又看看邓布利多,“为什么?”
Harry went on; he explained how Voldemort had emerged from the cauldron, and told them all he could remember of Voldemort's speech to the Death Eaters. Then he told how Voldemort had untied him, returned his wand to him, and prepared to duel.
| 哈利又抬头望着邓布利多,只见他脸上有一种被深深吸引的神情。
But when he reached the part where the golden beam of light had connected his and Voldemort's wands, he found his throat obstructed. He tried to keep talking, but the memories of what had come out of Voldemort's wand were flooding into his mind. He could see Cedric emerging, see the old man, Bertha Jorkins ... his father . . . his mother . .
| “闪回咒。”他喃喃低语。
| 他的眼睛深深凝视着哈利的眼睛,两人之间闪过一道看不见的会意的目光。
He was glad when Sirius broke the silence.
| “能获得重放咒的效果?”小天狼星机敏地问。
"The wands connected?" he said, looking from Harry to Dumbledore. "Why?"
| “非常正确,”邓布利多说道,“哈利的魔杖和伏地魔的魔杖有着同样的杖芯。它们各自所含的那根羽毛是从同一只凤凰身上取得的。说实话,就是这只凤凰。”他说,指了指静静栖在哈利膝头的金红色的大鸟。
Harry looked up at Dumbledore again, on whose face there was an arrested look.
| “我魔杖里的羽毛是福克斯身上的?”哈利惊奇地问。
"Priori Incantatem," he muttered.
| “是的,”邓布利多说,“四年前,你刚离开奥利凡德先生的店铺,他就写信告诉我说第二根魔杖被你买走了。”
His eyes gazed into Harry's and it was almost as though an invisible beam of understanding shot between them.
| “那么,如果一根魔杖遇见了它的兄弟,会出现什么情况呢?”小天狼星问道。
"The Reverse Spell effect?" said Sirius sharply.
| “它们不会正常地攻击对方,”邓布利多说,“不过,如果魔杖的主人硬要两根魔杖争斗……就会出现一种十分罕见的现象。一根魔杖会强迫另一根魔杖重复它施过的魔咒——以倒叙的方式。首先是最近的魔咒……然后是以前的……”
"Exactly," said Dumbledore. "Harry's wand and Voldemorts wand share cores. Each of them contains a feather from the tail of the same phoenix. This phoenix, in fact," he added, and he pointed at the scarlet-and-gold bird, perching peacefully on Harry's knee.
| 他疑问地望望哈利,哈利点了点头。
"My wand's feather came from Fawkes?" Harry said, amazed.
| “这就是说,”邓布利多慢慢地说,眼睛盯着哈利的脸,“塞德里克会以某种形式重新出现。”
"Yes," said Dumbledore. "Mr. Ollivander wrote to tell me you had bought the second wand, the moment you left his shop four years ago."
| 哈利又点了点头。
"So what happens when a wand meets its brother?" said Sirius.
| “迪戈里又活过来了?”小天狼星反应很快地问。
"They will not work properly against each other," said Dumbledore. "If, however, the owners of the wands force the wands to do battle ... a very rare effect will take place.
| “任何魔咒都不可能把死者唤醒,”邓布利多语气沉重地说,“只会出现一种类似回音倒放的现象。魔杖里会冒出塞德里克活着时的一个影子……我说的对吗,哈利?”
One of the wands will force the other to regurgitate spells it has performed - in reverse. The most recent first. . . and then those which preceded it. . . ."
| “他对我说话了。”哈利说。他突然又禁不住颤抖起来。“那个……那个塞德里克的灵魂之类的东西,说话了。”
He looked interrogatively at Harry, and Harry nodded.
| “是一个回音,”邓布利多说,“它保留了塞德里克的相貌和性格。我猜想还出现了其他类似的形体……是以前伏地魔的魔杖下的牺牲品……”
"Which means," said Dumbledore slowly, his eyes upon Harry's face, "that some form of Cedric must have reappeared."
| “有一个老人,”哈利说道,他感到喉头仍然发紧,“伯莎·乔金斯,还有……”
Harry nodded again.
| “你的父母?”邓布利多轻声地问。
"Diggory came back to life?" said Sirius sharply.
| “是的。”哈利说。
"No spell can reawaken the dead," said Dumbledore heavily. "All that would have happened is a kind of reverse echo. A shadow of the living Cedric would have emerged from the wand . . . am I correct, Harry?"
| 小天狼星把哈利的肩膀抓得生疼。
"He spoke to me," Harry said. He was suddenly shaking again. "The . . . the ghost Cedric, or whatever he was, spoke."
| “那根魔杖最近残害的人,”邓布利多点了点头,说道,“以倒序的形式闪现。当然啦,如果你让两根魔杖一直连接,还会出现更多的幻像。很好,哈利,这些回音,这些幻影……它们做了什么?”
"An echo," said Dumbledore, "which retained Cedric's appearance and character. I am guessing other such forms appeared . . . less recent victims of Voldemort's wand...."
| 哈利叙述那些从魔杖里冒出来的身影怎样在金网边缘徘徊,伏地魔怎样令它们感到恐惧,哈利母亲的影子怎样告诉他应该做什么,塞德里克的影子怎样提出它最后的请求。
"An old man," Harry said, his throat still constricted. "Bertha Jorkins. And . . ."
| 说到这里,哈利觉得他再也说不下去了。他转脸望望小天狼星,看见他用手捂住了脸。
"Your parents?" said Dumbledore quietly.
| 哈利突然意识到福克斯已经飞离了他有膝头。凤凰扑棱棱地落到地板上,用它美丽的头贴着哈利受伤的腿,大滴大滴透明的泪珠从它眼睛里涌出,落在蜘蛛留下的伤口上。疼痛消失了,皮肤愈合了。他的腿完好如初。
"Yes," said Harry.
| “我要再说一遍,”邓布利多说道,这时凤凰飞到空中,重新落到门边栖枝上,“你今晚的表现十分勇敢,远远超出了我对你的期望,哈利。你所表现的勇气,与那些在伏地魔鼎盛时期同他抗争至死的巫师们不相上下。你肩负起了一个成年巫师的重任,并发现你自己完全挑得起这副担子——你使我们对你抱有更高的期望。你跟我一起到医院去吧。今晚我不想让你回宿舍了。服一些安眠药剂,好好地静下心来……小天狼星,你愿意陪着他吗?”
Sirius's grip on Harry's shoulder was now so tight it was painful.
| 小天狼星点了点头,站了起来。他重新变成一条黑色的大狗,跟着哈利和邓布利多走出了办公室,并陪着他们走下楼梯,向医院走去。
"The last murders the wand performed," said Dumbledore, nodding. "In reverse order. More would have appeared, of course, had you maintained the connection. Very well, Harry, these echoes, these shadows . .. what did they do?"
| 邓布利多推开门时,哈利看见韦斯莱夫人、比尔、罗恩和赫敏都围在显得焦头烂额的庞弗雷夫人身边。他们似乎在追问哈利的情况和下落。当哈利、邓布利多和黑狗进去时,他们都猛地转过身来,韦斯莱夫人发出一声压抑的惊呼。
Harry described how the figures that had emerged from the wand had prowled the edges of the golden web, how Voldemort had seemed to fear them, how the shadow of Harry's mother had told him what to do, how Cedric's had made its final request.
| “哈利!哦,哈利!”
At this point. Harry found he could not continue. He looked around at Sirius and saw that he had his face in his hands.
| 她拔脚向哈利奔来,但邓布利多走上前,挡在了他俩之间。
Harry suddenly became aware that Fawkes had left his knee. The phoenix had fluttered to the floor. It was resting its beautiful head against Harry's injured leg, and thick, pearly tears were falling from its eyes onto the wound left by the spider. The pain vanished. The skin mended. His leg was repaired.
| “莫丽,”他举起一只手,说道,“请你先听我说几句。哈利今晚经历了一声可怕的折磨。他刚才又向我复述了一遍。他现在需要的是睡眠、清静和安宁。如果他愿意你们陪着他,”他又望望周围的罗恩、赫敏和比尔,补充道,“你们可以留下。但我不希望你们向他提任何问题,除非他自己愿意回答,今晚是绝对不行的。”
"I will say it again," said Dumbledore as the phoenix rose into the air and resettled itself upon the perch beside the door. "You have shown bravery beyond anything I could have expected of you tonight. Harry. You have shown bravery equal to those who died fighting Voldemort at the height of his powers. You have shouldered a grown wizard's burden and found yourself equal to it - and you have now given us all we have a right to expect. You will come with me to the hospital wing. I do not want you returning to the dormitory tonight. A Sleeping Potion, and some peace . . . Sirius, would you like to stay with him?"
| 韦斯莱夫人点了点头。她脸色十分苍白。她突然转向罗恩、赫敏和比尔,就好像是他们在吵闹似的。她压低声音教训道:“你们听见了吗?他需要安静!”
Sirius nodded and stood up. He transformed back into the great black dog and walked with Harry and Dumbledore out of the office, accompanying them down a flight of stairs to the hospital wing.
| “校长,”庞弗雷夫人紧盯着小天狼星变成的黑狗,说道,“我可不可问一句,这是什么——”
When Dumbledore pushed open the door. Harry saw Mrs. Weasley, Bill, Ron, and Hermione grouped around a harassed-looking Madam Pomfrey. They appeared to be demanding to know where Harry was and what had happened to him. All of them whipped around as Harry, Dumbledore, and the black dog entered, and Mrs. Weasley let out a kind of muffled scream.
| “这条狗陪哈利待一会儿,”邓布利多简单地说,“我向你保证,它受过十分良好的训练。哈利——我等你上了床再走。”
"Harry! Oh Harry!"
| 邓布利多不许别人向他提问,这使哈利心头涌起一股难以形容的感激之情。他并不是不愿意他们待在这里,但一想到又要把事情原原本本地再说一遍,又要重新体验所有的一切,他就觉得无法忍受。
She started to hurry toward him, but Dumbledore moved between them.
| “我去见过福吉之后,就赶回来看你,哈利。”邓布利多说,“我希望你明天也留在这里,等我向全校师生讲完话再说。”说完,他就走了。
"Molly," he said, holding up a hand, "please listen to me for a moment. Harry has been through a terrible ordeal tonight. He has just had to relive it for me. What he needs now is sleep, and peace, and quiet. If he would like you all to stay with him," he added, looking around at Ron, Hermione, and Bill too, "you may do so. But I do not want you questioning him until he is ready to answer, and certainly not this evening."
| 庞弗雷夫人领着哈利走向旁边的一张床,哈利瞥见真的穆迪一动不动地躺在房间尽头的一张床上。他的木头假腿和带魔法的眼睛放在床头柜上。
Mrs. Weasley nodded. She was very white. She rounded on Ron, Hermione, and Bill as though they were being noisy, and hissed, "Did you hear? He needs quiet!"
| “他没事吧?”哈利问道。
"Headmaster," said Madam Pomfrey, staring at the great black dog that was Sirius, "may I ask what - ?"
| “他不会有事的。”庞弗雷夫人说,给了哈利一套睡衣,并拉上他周围的帘子。他脱去长袍,换上睡衣,爬到了床上。罗恩、赫敏、比尔、韦斯莱夫人和那条黑狗都从帘子旁边绕了进来,分坐在他两边的椅子上。罗恩和赫敏望着他,神情几乎是小心翼翼,似乎有点儿怕他。
"This dog will be remaining with Harry for a while," said Dumbledore simply. "I assure you, he is extremely well trained. Harry - I will wait while you get into bed."
| “我挺好的,”他告诉他们,“就是太累了。”
Harry felt an inexpressible sense of gratitude to Dumbledore for asking the others not to
| 韦斯莱夫人不必要地抚摸着他的床单,眼睛里噙着泪花。
question him. It wasn't as though he didn't want them there; but the thought of explaining it all over again, the idea of reliving it one more time, was more than he could stand.
| 庞弗雷夫人刚才匆匆去了一趟她的办公室,这时拿着一只小瓶子和一个高脚酒杯回来了,瓶子里装着一种紫色的药剂。
"I will be back to see you as soon as I have met with Fudge, Harry," said Dumbledore. "I would like you to remain here tomorrow until I have spoken to the school." He left.
| “你需要把它都喝了,哈利,”她说,“这种药可以使你无梦酣睡一场。”
As Madam Pomfrey led Harry to a nearby bed, he caught sight of the real Moody lying motionless in a bed at the far end of the room. His wooden leg and magical eye were lying on the bedside table.
| 哈利接过酒杯,喝了几口。他一下子就觉得昏昏沉沉的。周围的一切都变得模糊了;病房的灯似乎隔着帘子朝他友好地眨着眼睛;他觉得自己的身体似乎在温暖的羽毛床垫中越来越深地沉陷下去。没等把药喝完,没等再说一句话,他就筋疲力尽,沉入了无梦的睡眠。
"Is he okay?" Harry asked.
| 哈利醒了过来,太暖和了,但还是觉得困。他没有睁开眼睛,只希望再沉沉睡去。房间里仍然光线昏暗;他想这一定还是夜晚,而且他觉得自己不可能睡了很长时间。
"He'll be fine," said Madam Pomfrey, giving Harry some pajamas and pulling screens around him. He took off his robes, pulled on the pajamas, and got into bed. Ron, Hermione, Bill, Mrs. Weasley, and the black dog came around the screen and settled themselves in chairs on either side of him. Ron and Hermione were looking at him almost cautiously, as though scared of him.
| 就在这时,他听见旁边有人小声说话。
"I'm all right," he told them. "Just tired."
| “如果他们再不闭嘴,会把他吵醒的!”
Mrs. Weasleys eyes filled with tears as she smoothed his bed-covers unnecessarily.
| “他们在嚷嚷什么?不会又发生了什么事吧?”
Madam Pomfrey, who had bustled off to her office, returned holding a small bottle of some purple potion and a goblet.
| 哈利费力地睁开惺忪的双眼。有人把他的眼镜摘掉了。他只能看见韦斯莱夫人和比尔的模糊的身影。韦斯莱夫人已经站了起来。
"You'll need to drink all of this. Harry," she said. "It's a potion for dreamless sleep."
| “这是福吉的声音,”她小声说,“这是米勒娃·麦格的声音,是不是?可他们在争论什么呢?”
Harry took the goblet and drank a few mouthfuls. He felt himself becoming drowsy at once. Everything around him became hazy; the lamps around the hospital wing seemed to be winking at him in a friendly way through the screen around his bed; his body felt as though it was sinking deeper into the warmth of the feather matress. Before he could finish the potion, before he could say another word, his exhaustion had carried him off to sleep.
| 这时哈利也听见了:有人在大喊大叫,并朝病房这边跑来。
Harry woke up, so warm, so very sleepy, that he didn't open his eyes, wanting to drop off again. The room was still dimly lit; he was sure it was still nighttime and had a feeling that he couldn't have been asleep very long.
| “真令人遗憾,不过没有办法,米勒娃——”康奈利·福吉大声说道。
Then he heard whispering around him.
| “你绝对不应该把它带进城堡!”麦格教授嚷道,“如果给邓布利多发现了——”
"They'll wake him if they don't shut up!"
| 哈利听见病房的门突然间被撞开了。比尔拉开帘子,周围人的目光都盯着房门,没有注意到哈利坐起身,戴上了眼镜。
"What are they shouting about? Nothing else can have happened, can it?"
| 福吉大步走进病房。麦格教授和斯内普紧跟在后面。
Harry opened his eyes blearily. Someone had removed his glasses. He could see the fuzzy outlines of Mrs. Weasley and Bill close by. Mrs. Weasley was on her feet.
| “邓布利多呢?”福吉问韦斯莱夫人。
"That's Fudge's voice," she whispered. "And that's Minerva McGonagall's, isn't it? But what are they arguing about?"
| “他不在这儿,”韦斯莱夫人气愤地说,“部长,这里是病房,你是否认为你最好——”
Now Harry could hear them too: people shouting and running toward the hospital wing.
| 可就在这时,门开了,邓布利多敏捷地走进病房。
"Regrettable, but all the same, Minerva -" Cornelius Fudge was saying loudly.
| “出了什么事?”邓布利多严厉地问,看看福吉,又看看麦格教授,“你们为什么在这里打扰这些人?米勒娃,你真让我感到吃惊——我叫你看守小巴蒂·克劳奇的——”
"You should never have brought it inside the castle!" yelled Professor McGonagall. "When Dumbledore finds out -"
| “已经没有必要再看守他了,邓布利多!”她尖声嚷道,“部长确保了这一点!”
Harry heard the hospital doors burst open. Unnoticed by any of the people around his bed, all of whom were staring at the door as Bill pulled back the screens, Harry sat up and put his glasses back on.
| 哈利从没见过麦格教授像现在这样冲动。她面颊上泛起了愤怒的红晕,双手捏成了拳头。她气得浑身发抖。
Fudge came striding up the ward. Professors McGonagall and Snape were at his heels.
| “我们告诉福吉先生,我们发现是食死徒制造了今晚的事件,”斯内普低声说道,“他似乎感到他个人的安全也成了问题。他一定要召来一个摄魂怪陪他进入城堡。他把摄魂怪带进了小巴蒂·克劳奇所在的那个办公室——”
"Where's Dumbledore?" Fudge demanded of Mrs. Weasley.
| “我告诉他你不会同意的,邓布利多!”麦格教授怒气冲地说,“我告诉他你不许摄魂怪再踏进城堡,可是——”
"He's not here," said Mrs. Weasley angrily. "This is a hospital wing. Minister, don't you think you'd do better to -"
| “我亲爱的女士!”福吉大声吼道,他现在这副怒气冲天地样子也是哈利从未见过的,“我作为魔法部部长,有权决定自己是否愿意带保镖,因为我要见一位可能非常危险的——”
But the door opened, and Dumbledore came sweeping up the ward.
| 可是麦格教授的声音盖过了福吉的话。
"What has happened?" said Dumbledore sharply, looking from Fudge to Professor McGonagall.
| “那家伙——那家伙刚一进办公室,”她指着福吉,全身颤抖,尖叫着说,“就朝克劳奇扑去,就——就——”
"Why are you disturbing these people? Minerva, I'm surprised at you - I asked you to stand guard over Barty Crouch -"
| 麦格教授拼命寻找字眼来描绘刚才发生的事情,哈利感到肚子里生出一股寒气。他用不着听她把话说完。他知道摄魂怪做了什么。摄魂怪一定给了小巴蒂·克劳奇那个致命的吻。它从小克劳奇的嘴里吸走了他的灵魂。小克劳奇现在已是生不如死。
"There is no need to stand guard over him anymore, Dumble-dore!" she shrieked. "The Minister has seen to that!"
| “根据各种说法,这是他罪有应得!”福吉气势汹汹地说,“他似乎造成了好几个人的死亡!”
Harry had never seen Professor McGonagall lose control like this. There were angry blotches of color in her cheeks, and a hands were balled into fists; she was trembling with fury.-"
| “可是他现在无法出来作证了,康奈利。”邓布利多说道。他犀利地盯着福吉,似乎第一次清清楚楚地看透了他。“他不能提供证据,说明他为什么要杀死那些人了。”
When we told Mr. Fudge that we had caught the Death Eater responsible for tonight's events," said Snape, in a low voice; he seemed to feel his personal safety was in question. He insisted on summoning a dementor to accompany him into the castle. He brought it up to the office where Barty Crouch -"
| “他为什么杀死他们?嘿,这不是明摆着的嘛!”福吉气急败坏地说,“他是个到处流浪的疯子!从米勒娃和西弗勒斯告诉我的情况看,他似乎以为自己所做的一切都是遵照了神秘人的旨意!”
"I told him you would not agree, Dumbledore!" McGonagall fumed. "I told him you would never allow dementors to set foot inside the castle, but -"
| “伏地魔以前确实对他发号施令,康奈利,”邓布利多说,“那些人的死,只是施行伏地魔东山再起计划时附带产生的结果。那个计划成功了。伏地魔恢复了他的肉身。”
"My dear woman!" roared Fudge, who likewise looked angrier than Harry had ever seen him, "as Minister of Magic, it is my decision whether I wish to bring protection with me when interviewing a possibly dangerous -"
| 福吉大惊失色,就像有人迎面给了他一记重击。他晕晕乎乎地眨巴着眼睛,呆呆地瞪着邓布利多,似乎不能完全相信刚才听见的话。他结结巴巴地说话了,眼睛仍然瞪着邓布利多。
But Professor McGonagall's voice drowned Fudge's.
| “神秘人……回来了?胡说八道。别开玩笑了,邓布利多……”
"The moment that - that thing entered the room," she screamed, pointing at Fudge, trembling all over, "it swooped down on Crouch and - and -"
| “米勒娃和西弗勒斯无疑已经告诉过你,”邓布利多说,“我们听到了小巴蒂·克劳奇的坦白交代。在吐真剂的作用下,他告诉我们他怎样被偷偷带出阿兹卡班,伏地魔怎样——从伯莎·乔金斯那里得知他仍然在世——就从他父亲那里把他解救了出来,利用他去抓住哈利。告诉你吧,这个计划成功了。小克劳奇已经帮助伏地魔卷土重来了。”
Harry felt a chill in his stomach as Professor McGonagall struggled to find words to describe what had happened. He did not need her to finish her sentence. He knew what the dementor must have done. It had administered its fatal kiss to Barty Crouch. It had sucked his soul out through his mouth. He was worse than dead.
| “你听我说,邓布利多,”福吉说,哈利吃惊地看见他脸上居然闪现出一丝笑容,“你——你不可能真的相信这一切吧。神秘人——回来了?别开玩笑,别开玩笑了……不用说,小克劳奇也许以为自己是遵照神秘人的指令行事的——可是怎么能把这样一个疯子的话当真呢,邓布利多……”
"By all accounts, he is no loss!" blustered Fudge. "It seems he has been responsible for several deaths'."
| “今晚,当哈利触摸到三强杯时,他就被直接送到了伏地魔那里。”邓布利多坚定地说,“他亲眼目睹了伏地魔的起死回生。你不妨到我的办公室去,我会把一切都解释给你听。”
"But he cannot now give testimony, Cornelius," said Dumbledore. He was staring hard at Fudge, as though seeing him plainly for the first time. "He cannot give evidence about why he killed those people."
| 邓布利多目光扫向哈利,看见哈利已经醒了,但他摇了摇头,说道:“今晚我恐怕不能允许你向哈利提问。”
"Why he killed them? Well, that's no mystery, is it?" blustered Fudge. "He was a raving lunatic! From what Minerva and Severus have told me, he seems to have thought he was doing it all on You-Know-Who's instructions!"
| 福吉脸上仍然留着那古怪的微笑。他也望了望哈利,然后又把目光转回到邓布利多身上,说道:“你——嗯——你准备对哈利的话照单全收,是吗,邓布利多?”
"Lord Voldemort was giving him instructions, Cornelius," Dumbledore said. "Those peoples deaths were mere by-products of a plan to restore Voldemort to full strength again. The plan succeeded. Voldemort has been restored to his body."
| 片刻的沉默,然后响起了小天狼星的吠叫声。他竖起颈上的毛,朝福吉露出他的长牙。
Fudge looked as though someone had just swung a heavy weight into his face. Dazed and blinking, he stared back at Dumbledore as if he couldn't quite believe what he had just heard. He began to sputter, still goggling at Dumbledore.
| “我当然相信哈利,”邓布利多说,此时他的眼睛灼灼发光,“我听了小克劳奇的坦白,也听了哈利讲述的他触摸三强杯后发生的事情;他们两人的话合情合理,把自去年夏天伯莎·乔金斯失踪后出现的所有事情都解释清楚了。”
"You-Know-Who . . . returned? Preposterous. Come now, Dumbledore ..."
| 福吉脸上仍然带着那种怪怪的笑容。他又扫了哈利一眼,才回答道:“你准备相信伏地魔已经回来了,听信一个精神失常的杀人犯和一个小孩的话,而这小孩……他……”
"As Minerva and Severus have doubtless told you," said Dumbledore, "we heard Barty Crouch confess. Under the influence of Veritaserum, he told us how he was smuggled out of Azkaban, and how Voldemort - learning of his continued existence from Bertha Jorkins -went to free him from his father and used him to capture Harry. The plan worked, I tell you. Crouch has helped Voldemort to return."
| 福吉又飞快地瞥了哈利一眼,哈利顿时明白了他的意思。
"See here, Dumbledore," said Fudge, and Harry was astonished to see a slight smile dawning on his face, "you - you can't seriously believe that You-Know-Who - back? Come now, come now . . . certainly, Crouch may have believed himself to be acting upon You-Know-Who's orders - but to take the word of a lunatic like that, Dumbledore ..."
| “你一定在读丽塔·斯基特的文章,福吉先生。”他轻声说道。
"When Harry touched the Triwizard Cup tonight, he was transported straight to Voldemort,"
| 罗恩、赫敏、韦斯莱夫人和比尔都吓了一跳。他们谁也没有发现哈利已经醒了。
said Dumbledore steadily. "He witnessed Lord Voldemort's rebirth. I will explain it all to you if you will step up to my office."
| 福吉微微红了红脸,但紧接着他脸上露出一种顽抗和固执的神情。
Dumbledore glanced around at Harry and saw that he was awake, but shook his head and said, "I am afraid I cannot permit you to question Harry tonight."
| “另外我发现,”他望着邓布利多,说道,“我发现你一直把这小孩的某些情况隐瞒着不汇报?他是个蛇佬腔,对吗?举止行为处处都透着古怪——”
Fudge's curious smile lingered. He too glanced at Harry, then looked back at Dumbledore, and said, "You are - er - prepared to take Harry's word on this, are you, Dumbledore?"
| “我想,你大概指的是哈利一直感觉到的伤疤疼痛吧?”邓布利多冷冷地说道。
There was a moment's silence, which was broken by Sirius growling. His hackles were raised, and he was baring his teeth at Fudge.
| “这么说,你承认他一直感到这些疼痛喽?”福吉很快地说,“头疼?做噩梦?大概还有——幻觉吧?”
"Certainly, I believe Harry," said Dumbledore. His eyes were blazing now. "I heard Crouch's confession, and I heard Harry's account of what happened after he touched the Triwizard Cup; the two stories make sense, they explain everything that has happened since Bertha Jorkins disappeared last summer."
| “听我说,康奈利,”邓布利多说着,朝福吉跟前跨了一步,似乎又一次放射出那种难以言喻的力量——哈利在邓布利多击昏年轻的克劳奇时就感觉到这种力量的存在,“哈利和你我一样清醒、理智。他额头上的伤疤并没有把他的脑子弄糊涂。我相信,只有当伏地魔潜伏在附近或感到特别想杀人时,哈利的伤疤才会疼。”
Fudge still had that strange smile on his face. Once again, he glanced at Harry before answering.
| 福吉从邓布利多面前后退了半步,但他的神情仍然那么固执。
"You are prepared to believe that Lord Voldemort has returned, on the word of a lunatic murderer, and a boy who . . . well..."
| “请原谅,邓布利多,我以前从没听说魔咒伤疤会像警铃一样……”
Fudge shot Harry another look, and Harry suddenly understood.
| “我亲眼看见伏地魔又回来了!”哈利大声喊道。他挣扎着想下床,但韦斯莱夫人把他挡了回去。“我亲眼看见了食死徒!我可以报出他们的名字!卢修斯·马尔福——”
"You've been reading Rita Skeeter, Mr. Fudge," he said quietly.
| 斯内普突然动了一下,但当哈利望着他时,斯内普的目光又转向了福吉。
Ron, Hermione, Mrs. Weasley, and Bill all jumped. None of them had realized that Harry was awake.
| “马尔福被宣告无罪了!”福吉显然觉得受了冒犯,说道,“一个非常古老的家庭——为美好的事业慷慨捐赠——”
Fudge reddened slightly, but a defiant and obstinate look came over his face.
| “麦克尼尔!”哈利继续报出那些名字。
"And if I have?" he said, looking at Dumbledore. "If I have discovered that you've been keeping certain facts about the boy very quiet? A Parselmouth, eh? And having funny turns all over the place -"
| “也被宣告无罪了!目前在魔法部工作!”
"I assume that you are referring to the pains Harry has been experiencing in his scar?"
| “埃弗里——诺特——克拉布——高尔——”
said Dumbledore coolly.
| “你只是在重复那些十三年前被判不是食死徒的人的名字!”福吉气呼呼地说道,“你可以在过去的审判报告里找到那些名字!看在老天的报上,邓布利多——去年年底的时候,这个男孩脑子里就满是一些胡编乱造的古怪故事——他的谎话越编越离奇了,你居然还全盘相信——这个男孩能够跟蛇对话,邓布利多,而你仍然认为他是值得信任的?”
"You admit that he has been having these pains, then?" said Fudge quickly. "Headaches?
| “你这个傻瓜!”麦格教授喊道,“塞德里克·迪戈里!克劳奇先生!这些人的死决不是一个疯子的随意行为!”
Nightmares? Possibly - hallucinations?"
| “我看不出为什么不是!”福吉也大声喊道,脸涨成了紫红色,火气不比麦格教授小,“在我看来你们都决意要制造一种恐慌情绪,破坏我们这十三年来苦心营造的一切!”
"Listen to me, Cornelius," said Dumbledore, taking a step toward Fudge, and once again, he seemed to radiate that indefinable sense of power that Harry had felt after Dumbledore had Stunned young Crouch. "Harry is as sane as you or I. That scar upon his forehead has not addled his brains. I believe it hurts him when Lord Voldemort is close by, or feeling particularly murderous."
| 哈利简直不敢相信自己的耳朵。他一向认为福吉是个和蔼可亲的人,尽管有些盛气凌人,有些自高自大,但本质上是很善良的。没想到此刻眼前站着的这个怒气冲冲的小个子巫师,竟断然拒绝相信他那井然有序、稳定舒适的世界有可能毁于一旦——拒绝相信伏地魔可能东山再起。
Fudge had taken half a step back from Dumbledore, but he looked no less stubborn.
| “伏地魔回来了,”邓布利多又一次说道,“福吉,如果你立即接受这一事实,并采取必要的措施,我们还有可能挽回局面。首先最重要的一步就是使阿兹卡班摆脱摄魂怪的控制——”
"You'll forgive me, Dumbledore, but I've never heard of a curse scar acting as an alarm bell before. ..."
| “乱弹琴!”福吉又嚷道,“撤消摄魂怪?我只要一提出这个建议,准会被赶出办公室!我们半数的人就是因为知道有摄魂怪在阿兹卡班站岗,晚上才能睡个踏实觉的!”
"Look, I saw Voldemort come back!" Harry shouted. He tried to get out of bed again, but Mrs. Weasley forced him back. "I saw the Death Eaters! I can give you their names!
| “康奈利,如果我们知道你让伏地魔最危险的死党去看守那些一声令下就会为他效劳的家伙,那么我们其他人就睡得不太踏实了!”邓布利多说,“那些家伙不可能对你忠心耿耿,福吉!伏地魔能够提供给它们的权力和乐趣,比你所能提供的多得多!伏地魔身后一旦有摄魂怪的支持,他那些昔日的死党就会纷纷回到他身边,到时候你就很难阻止他恢复十三年前的那种势力了!”
Lucius Malfoy -"
| 福吉的嘴巴张开又合上,似乎没有语言能表达他的愤怒。
Snape made a sudden movement, but as Harry looked at him, Snape's eyes flew back to Fudge.
| “你必须采取的第二个措施——而且必须立即动手,”邓布利多进一步说,“是派人给巨人送信。”
"Malfoy was cleared!" said Fudge, visibly affronted. "A very old family - donations to excellent causes -"
| “派人给巨人送信——”福吉惊叫道,一下子又会说话了,“这又是什么疯话?”
"Macnair!" Harry continued.
| “趁现在还不算太晚,向他们伸出友谊的手,”邓布利多说,“不然伏地魔就会把他们拉拢过去。他以前就做过这样的事,在所有巫师中,只有他能向他们提供权益和自由!”
"Also cleared! Now working for the Ministry!"
| “你——你一定是在开玩笑!”福吉吃惊得喘不过气来,一边摇着头,一边又从邓布利多前面向后退缩,“如果魔法界得知我跟巨人有来往——人们对巨人恨之入骨啊,邓布利多——我的事业就完蛋了——”
"Avery - Nott - Crabbe - Goyle -"
| “康奈利,你太迷恋你的官职了,这使你失去了应有的判断力。”邓布利多说,他的声音渐渐提高,人们可以感觉到他周身笼罩着的那个力量的光环,他的眼睛又一次灼灼发光。“你太看重所谓的纯正巫师血统了!你一向都是如此!你没有认识到,一个人的出身并不重要,重要的是他成长为什么样的人!你的摄魂怪刚才消灭了一个十分古老的巫师家族的最后一位成员——你看看那个人所选择的人生道路!我现在告诉你吧——只要听从我的建议,采取一些措施,那么魔法部和整个巫师界都会永远铭记你,都会把你看作有史以来最勇敢最伟大的魔法部部长。如果你不采取行动——历史也会牢牢记住:正是你袖手旁观,让伏地魔第二次有机会摧毁我们辛辛苦苦重建的这个世界!”
"You are merely repeating the names of those who were acquitted of being Death Eaters thirteen years ago!" said Fudge angrily. "You could have found those names in old reports of the trials! For heavens sake, Dumbledore - the boy was full of some crackpot story at the end of last year too - his tales are getting taller, and you're still swallowing them - the boy can talk to snakes. Dumbledore, and you still think he's trustworthy?"
| “荒唐,”福吉小声说,继续一步步后退,“疯狂……”
"You fool!" Professor McGonagall cried. "Cedric Diggory! Mr. Crouch! These deaths were not the random work of a lunatic!"
| 接着是一阵沉默。庞弗雷夫人呆呆地站在哈利的床边,用手捂着嘴巴。韦斯莱夫人仍然站在哈利面前,双手按住他的肩膀,不让他起身。比尔、罗成和赫敏都吃惊地瞪着福吉。
"I see no evidence to the contrary!" shouted Fudge, now matching her anger, his face purpling. "It seems to me that you are all determined to start a panic that will destabilize everything we have worked for these last thirteen years!"
| “如果你这样执迷不悟,一意孤行,康奈利,”邓布利多说,“我们就只好分道扬镳了。你做你认为合适的事情。我——我则按我的意志行事。”
Harry couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had always thought of Fudge as a kindly figure, a little blustering, a little pompous, but essentially good-natured. But now a short, angry wizard stood before him, refusing, point-blank, to accept the prospect of disruption in his comfortable and ordered world - to believe that Voldemort could have risen.
| 邓布利多的声音里没有丝毫威胁的成分,它听上去只是一个声明,但福吉却暴跳如雷,仿佛邓布利多正举着一根魔杖朝他逼近。
"Voldemort has returned," Dumbledore repeated. "If you accept that fact straightaway.
| “好啊,好啊,邓布利多,”他威胁着挥动着一根手指,说道,“我一直给你充分的自由。我一向对你尊敬有加。我也许并不赞成你的一些决定,但我总是保持沉默。没有多少人会允许你聘用狼人,留用海格,或不请示魔法部就擅自决定教学生什么东西。不过,如果你准备同我对着干——”
Fudge, and take the necessary measures, we may still be able to save the situation. The first and most essential step is to remove Azkaban from the control of the dementors -"
| “我惟一想要对着干的,”邓布利多说,“是伏地魔。如果你也反对他,康奈利,那么我们还是同一阵营的。”
"Preposterous!" shouted Fudge again. "Remove the dementors? I'd be kicked out of office for suggesting it! Half of us only feel safe in our beds at night because we know the dementors are standing guard at Azkaban!"
| 福吉似乎想不出该如何回答。他的两只小脚站立不稳,前后摇晃了片刻,用双手旋转着他那只圆顶高帽。最后,他说话了,声音里有一丝企求的成分,“他不会回来的,邓布利多,他不可能……”
"The rest of us sleep less soundly in our beds, Cornelius, knowing that you have put Lord Voldemort's most dangerous supporters in the care of creatures who will join him the instant he asks them!" said Dumbledore. "They will not remain loyal to you, Fudge!
| 斯内普大步走上前,越过邓布利多,他一边走,一边撩起长袍的左袖子。他把胳膊伸过去给福吉看,福吉惊骇地向后退缩着。
Voldemort can offer them much more scope for their powers and their pleasures than you can! With the dementors behind him, and his old supporters returned to him, you will be hard-pressed to stop him regaining the sort of power he had thirteen years ago!"
| “看见了吗,”斯内普声音嘶哑地说,“看见了吗。黑魔标记。已经不像一小时前那么明显了,当时它被烧成了焦黑色,不过你仍然能够看见。每个食死徒身上都有伏地魔打下的烙印。这是食死徒相互识别的一种方式,也是伏地魔召集他们回到他身边的暗号。当他触摸到某个食死徒的标记时,我们必须立即幻影移形,出现在他身边。一年来,这个标记越来越明显。卡卡洛夫的也是这样。你说卡卡洛夫今晚为什么要逃跑?我们俩都感到标记在火辣辣的燃烧。我们都知道他回来了。卡卡洛夫害怕伏地魔会报复他。他背叛了他的许多食死徒同伴,肯定没有人欢迎他回到他们中间。”
Fudge was opening and closing his mouth as though no words could express his outrage.
| 福吉又从斯内普面前退了回去。他不停地摇晃着脑袋,似乎根本没有听清斯内普说的话。他瞪大眼睛,显然被斯内普胳膊上那丑陋的标记吓坏了,接着他抬头望着邓布利多,小声说道:“我不知道你和你的人在玩什么把戏,邓布利多,但是我已经听够了。我不想再说什么。我明天再跟你联系,邓布利多,讨论这所学校的办学方式。我必须回魔法部去了。”
"The second step you must take - and at once," Dumbledore pressed on, "is to send envoys to the giants."
| 他刚走到门边又停住脚步,回过身来,大步走过房间,停在哈利床边。
"Envoys to the giants?" Fudge shrieked, finding his tongue again. "What madness is this?"
| “你赢得的奖金,”他简短地说,一边从口袋里掏出一大袋金币,扔在哈利的床头柜上,“一千个金加隆。本来应该有一个颁奖仪式的,但在目前这种情况下……”
"Extend them the hand of friendship, now, before it is too late," said Dumbledore, "or Voldemort will persuade them, as he did before, that he alone among wizards will give them their rights and their freedom!"
| 他把圆顶高帽套在头上,走出了房间,把门在身后重重关上了。他刚离开,邓布利多就转身望着哈利床边的一群人。
"You - you cannot be serious!" Fudge gasped, shaking his head and retreating further from Dumbledore. "If the magical community got wind that I had approached the giants -people hate them, Dumbledore - end of my career -"
| “有一些工作要做,”他说,“莫丽……如果我没有弄错的话,我是可以指望你和亚瑟的吧?”
"You are blinded," said Dumbledore, his voice rising now, the aura of power around him palpable, his eyes blazing once more, "by the love of the office you hold, Cornelius!
| “当然没问题。”韦斯莱夫人说。她脸色煞白,嘴唇也全无血色,但她的表情十分坚决。“我们了解福吉是个什么样的人。正因为亚瑟喜欢麻瓜,才阻碍了他这么些年在魔法部的发展。福吉认为亚局长缺乏一个巫师应有的尊严。”
You place too much importance, and you always have done, on the so-called purity of blood! You fail to recognize that it matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be! Your dementor has just destroyed the last remaining member of a pure-blood family as old as any - and see what that man chose to make of his life! I tell you now-take the steps I have suggested, and you will be remembered, in office or out, as one of the bravest and greatest Ministers of Magic we have ever known. Fail to act - and history will remember you as the man who stepped aside and allowed Voldemort a second chance to destroy the world we have tried to rebuild!"
| “好吧,我需要送一封信给亚瑟,”邓布利多说,“对所有那些能够在我们的说服下认清局势的人,我们都必须立即通知到,亚瑟可以接触魔法部那些不像康奈利这样目光短浅的人。”
"Insane," whispered Fudge, still backing away. "Mad . . ."
| “我去找爸爸,”比尔说着,站了起来,“我现在就去。”
And then there was silence. Madam Pomfrey was standing frozen at the foot of Harry's bed, her hands over her mouth. Mrs.Weasley was still standing over Harry, her hand on his shoulder to prevent him from rising. Bill, Ron, and Hermione were staring at Fudge.
| “太好了,”邓布利多说,“把所发生的事情告诉他。说我很快就会跟他直接联系。不过他必须谨慎行事。如果福吉认为我在插手魔法部——”
"If your determination to shut your eyes will carry you as far as this, Cornelius," said Dumbledore, "we have reached a parting of the ways. You must act as you see fit. And I - I shall act as I see fit."
| “没问题,交给我吧。”比尔说。
Dumbledore's voice carried no hint of a threat; it sounded like a mere statement, but Fudge bristled as though Dumbledore were advancing upon him with a wand.
| 他伸手拍了拍哈利的肩膀,又吻了吻母亲的面颊,然后穿上斗篷,大步流星地走出了房间。
"Now, see here, Dumbledore," he said, waving a threatening finger. "I've given you free rein, always. I've had a lot of respect for you. I might not have agreed with some of your decisions, but I've kept quiet. There aren't many who'd have let you hire werewolves, or keep Hagrid, or decide what to teach your students without reference to the Ministry. But if you're going to work against me -"
| “米勒娃,”邓布利多转向麦格教授,说,“我想忙在我的办公室里见到海格。还有——马克西姆夫人——如果她也愿意来。”
"The only one against whom I intend to work," said Dumbledore, "is Lord Voldemort. If you are against him, then we remain, Cornelius, on the same side."
| 麦格教授点点头,一言不发地离去了。
It seemed Fudge could think of no answer to this. He rocked backward and forward on his small feet for a moment and spun his bowler hat in his hands. Finally, he said, with a hint of a plea in his voice, "He can't be back, Dumbledore, he just can't be ..."
| “波皮,”邓布利多对庞弗雷夫人说,“劳驾,你能不能到穆迪教授的办公室去一趟?你在那里会找到一位痛不欲生、名叫闪闪的家养小精灵。你尽量安慰安慰她,然后把她带到下面的厨房里。我认为多比会替我们照顾她的。”
Snape strode forward, past Dumbledore, pulling up the left sleeve of his robes as he went. He stuck out his forearm and showed it to Fudge, who recoiled.
| “好——好吧。”庞弗雷夫人显得有些吃惊,随即她也离去了。
"There," said Snape harshly. "There. The Dark Mark. It is not as clear as it was an hour or so ago, when it burned black, but you can still see it. Every Death Eater had the sign burned into him by the Dark Lord. It was a means of distinguishing one another, and his means of summoning us to him. When he touched the Mark of any Death Eater, we were to Disapparate, and Apparate, instantly, at his side. This Mark has been growing clearer all year. Karkaroff s too. Why do you think Karkaroff fled tonight? We both felt the Mark burn. We both knew he had returned. Karkaroff fears the Dark Lord's vengeance. He betrayed too many of his fellow Death Eaters to be sure of a welcome back into the fold."
| 邓布利多确信门已经关好,庞弗雷夫人的脚步声已经远去,才又开口说话。
Fudge stepped back from Snape too. He was shaking his head. He did not seem to have taken in a word Snape had said. He stared, apparently repelled by the ugly mark on Snape's arm, then looked up at Dumbledore and whispered, "I don't know what you and your staff are playing at, Dumbledore, but I have heard enough. I have no more to add. I will be in touch with you tomorrow, Dumbledore, to discuss the running of this school. I must return to the Ministry."
| “现在,”他说,“我们中间的两个人可以互相认识彼此的真面目了。小天狼星……你能不能变回你平常的样子?”
He had almost reached the door when he paused. He turned around, strode back down the dormitory, and stopped at Harry's bed.
| 大黑狗抬头看了看邓布利多,然后摇身一变,变成了一个男人。
"Your winnings," he said shortly, taking a large bag of gold out of his pocket and dropping it onto Harrys bedside table. "One thousand Galleons. There should have been a presentation ceremony, but under the circumstances .. ."
| 韦斯莱夫人惊叫一声,从床边直往后退。
He crammed his bowler hat onto his head and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him. The moment he had disappeared, Dumbledore turned to look at the group around Harry's bed.
| “小天狼星布莱克!”她指着他,尖声叫道。
"There is work to be done," he said. "Molly... am I right in thinking that I can count on you and Arthur?"
| “妈妈,闭嘴!”罗恩喊道,“这没什么!”
"Of course you can," said Mrs. Weasley. She was white to the lips, but she looked resolute. "We know what Fudge is. It's Arthur's fondness for Muggles that has held him back at the Ministry all these years. Fudge thinks he lacks proper wizarding pride."
| 斯内普没有惊叫,也没有退缩,但他脸上的表情混杂着愤怒和恐惧。
"Then I need to send a message to Arthur," said Dumbledore. "All those that we can persuade of the truth must be notified immediately, and he is well placed to contact
| “哼!”他瞪着小天狼星,气冲冲地咆哮道——小天狼星的脸上也露出同样厌恶的表情,“他在这里做什么?”
those at the Ministry who are not as shortsighted as Cornelius."
| “是我邀请他来的,”邓布利多轮番望着他们俩,说道,“你也一样,西弗勒斯。你们两个我都很信任。现在你们应该抛弃昔日的分歧,互相信任。”
"I'll go to Dad," said Bill, standing up. "I'll go now."
| 哈利认为邓布利多简直是在请求奇迹发生。小天狼星和斯内普恶狠狠地盯着对方,脸上都是仇恨到极点的表情。
"Excellent," said Dumbledore. "Tell him what has happened. Tell him I will be in direct contact with him shortly. He will need to be discreet, however. If Fudge thinks I am interfering at the Ministry -"
| “在短时期内,”邓布利多说道,语气里透着一丝不耐烦,“只要你们不公开敌视对方,我就满意了。你们不妨握握手。现在你们属于同一阵营了。时间紧张,我们少数几个知道真相的人必须团结一致,否则我们大家都毫无希望了。”
"Leave it to me," said Bill.
| 小天狼星和斯内普很慢很慢地走上前,握了握手,但他们仍然恶狠狠地瞪着对方,似乎都希望对方遇到厄运。他们很快就把手松开了。
He clapped a hand on Harry's shoulder, kissed his mother on the cheek, pulled on his cloak, and strode quickly from the room.
| “这样还差不多。”邓布利多说着,又一次挡在他俩之间,“现在你们俩都有任务。福吉的态度尽管我们也料到了,但却改变了整个事态。小天狼星,我需要你立即出发,去通知莱姆斯·卢平,阿拉贝拉·费格,蒙顿格斯·弗莱奇——那几个老前辈。你暂时隐蔽在卢平那里,我会到那里跟你联系。”
"Minerva," said Dumbledore, turning to Professor McGonagall, "I want to see Hagrid in my office as soon as possible. Also - if she will consent to come - Madame Maxime."
| “可是——”哈利说。
Professor McGonagall nodded and left without a word.
| 他真希望小天狼星能留下来。他不想这么快就跟他告别。
"Poppy," Dumbledore said to Madam Pomfrey, "would you be very kind and go down to Professor Moodys office, where I think you will find a house-elf called Winky in considerable distress? Do what you can for her, and take her back to the kitchens. I think Dobby will look after her for us."
| “你很快就会见到我的,哈利,”小天狼星转过头,对他说道,“我向你保证。但我必须尽我的一点儿力量,你明白的,是吗?”
"Very - very well," said Madam Pomfrey, looking startled, and she too left.
| “是,”哈利,“是的……我当然明白。”
Dumbledore made sure that the door was closed, and that Madam Pomfrey's footsteps had died away, before he spoke again.
| 小天狼星很快地握了握他的手,朝邓布利多点点头,然后又变成了黑狗的样子,跑到门边,用一只爪子拧开门把手,转眼就不见了。
"And now," he said, "it is time for two of our number to recognize each other for what they are. Sirius ... if you could resume your usual form."
| “西弗勒斯,”邓布利多转向斯内普,说,“你知道我要吩咐你做什么。如果你没意见……如果你准备好了……”
The great black dog looked up at Dumbledore, then, in an instant, turned back into a man.
| “没问题。”斯内普说。
Mrs. Weasley screamed and leapt back from the bed.
| 他的脸色显得比往常更苍白了,那双冷冰冰的黑眼睛闪烁着怪异的光。
"Sirius Black!" she shrieked, pointing at him.
| “那么,祝你好运。”邓布利多说,他脸上带着一丝担忧,望着斯内普一言不发地尾随小天狼星而去。
"Mum, shut up!" Ron yelled. "It's okay!"
| 又过了几分钟,邓布利多才开口说话。
Snape had not yelled or jumped backward, but the look on his face was one of mingled fury and horror.
| “我必须到楼下去,”他最后说道,“我必须见见迪戈里夫妇。哈利——把剩下的药水都喝了。我过会儿再来看望你们大家。”
"Him!" he snarled, staring at Sirius, whose face showed equal dislike. "What is he doing here?"
| 邓布利多离去了,哈利无力地倒在枕头上。赫敏、罗恩和韦斯莱夫人都望着他。良久没有人说话。
"He is here at my invitation," said Dumbledore, looking between them, "as are you, Severus. I trust you both. It is time for you to lay aside your old differences and trust each other."
| “你必须把剩下的药水都喝下去,哈利。”最后韦斯莱夫人说道。她伸手取药瓶和高脚杯时,轻轻推了推床头柜上的那袋金币。“踏踏实实地睡一觉。暂时想点儿别的事情……想想你准备用奖金买些什么!”
Harry thought Dumbledore was asking for a near miracle. Sirius and Snape were eyeing each other with the utmost loathing.
| “我不要那些金币,”哈利淡淡地说,声音里毫无热情,“你拿去吧。谁都可以拿去。我不应该赢得它的。它应该属于塞德里克。”
"I will settle, in the short term," said Dumbledore, with a bite of impatience in his voice, "for a lack of open hostility. You will shake hands. You are on the same side now. Time is short, and unless the few of us who know the truth do not stand united, there is no hope for any us.
| 这时,他离开迷宫后一直拼命压抑、拼命克制的情感,一下子全部袭上了心头,使他不能自已。他感到眼睛里一阵火辣辣的刺痛。他使劲眨眨眼睛,瞪着上面的天花板。
Very slowly - but still glaring at each other as though each wished the other nothing but ill - Sirius and Snape moved toward each other and shook hands. They let go extremely quickly.
| “这不是你的错,哈利。”韦斯莱夫人轻声说。
"That will do to be going on with," said Dumbledore, stepping between them once more.
| “是我叫他和我一起去拿奖杯的。”哈利说。
"Now I have work for each of you. Fudge's attitude, though not unexpected, changes everything. Sirius, I need you to set off at once. You are to alert Remus Lupin, Arabella Figg, Mundungus Fletcher - the old crowd. Lie low at Lupin's for a while; I will contact you there."
| 现在那种火辣辣的感觉又到了他的喉咙里。他真希望罗恩把目光移开。
"But -" said Harry.
| 韦斯莱夫人把药水放在床头柜上,弯下腰,伸手搂住哈利。哈利从不记得有谁这样搂抱过自己,就像母亲一样。当韦斯莱夫人把他拥在怀中时,他那天晚上目睹的一切似乎全都沉甸甸地落在他的心头。他母亲的面庞,父亲的声音,塞德里克倒地死去的身影,似乎都开始在他的脑海里飞舞旋转。最后他简直受不了,拼命皱紧眉头,把那竭力冲破喉咙爆发出来的痛苦吼叫强压下去。
He wanted Sirius to stay. He did not want to have to say goodbye again so quickly.
| 突然,传来一阵砰砰的敲打声,韦斯莱夫人和哈利赶忙分开了。赫敏站在窗户边,手里紧紧拿着什么东西。
"You'll see me very soon. Harry," said Sirius, turning to him. "I promise you. But I must do what I can, you understand, don't you?"
| “对不起。”她低声说。
"Yeah," said Harry. "Yeah . . . of course I do."
| “你的药水,哈利。”韦斯莱夫人赶紧说道,一边用手背擦了擦眼睛。
Sirius grasped his hand briefly, nodded to Dumbledore, transformed again into the black dog, and ran the length of the room to the door, whose handle he turned with a paw. Then he was gone.
| 哈利一口气把药水喝光了。效果是立竿见影的。沉重的、不可抗拒的无梦的酣睡立刻把他笼罩起来;他跌回到枕头上,什么也不想了。
"Severus," said Dumbledore, turning to Snape, "you know what I must ask you to do. If you are ready . . . if you are prepared ..."
"I am," said Snape.
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He looked slightly paler than usual, and his cold, black eyes glittered strangely.
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"Then good luck," said Dumbledore, and he watched, with a trace of apprehension on his face, as Snape swept wordlessly after Sirius.
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It was several minutes before Dumbledore spoke again.
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"I must go downstairs," he said finally. "I must see the Diggorys. Harry - take the rest of your potion. I will see all of you later."
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Harry slumped back against his pillows as Dumbledore disappeared. Hermione, Ron, and Mrs. Weasley were all looking at him. None of them spoke for a very long time.
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"You've got to take the rest of your potion. Harry," Mrs. Weasley said at last. Her hand nudged the sack of gold on his bedside cabinet as she reached for the bottle and the goblet. "You have a good long sleep. Try and think about something else for a while . .
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. think about what you're going to buy with your winnings!"
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"I don't want that gold," said Harry in an expressionless voice. "You have it. Anyone can have it. I shouldn't have won it. It should've been Cedric's."
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The thing against which he had been fighting on and off ever since he had come out of the maze was threatening to overpower him. He could feel a burning, prickling feeling in the inner corners of his eyes. He blinked and stared up at the ceiling.
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"It wasn't your fault. Harry," Mrs. Weasley whispered.
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"I told him to take the cup with me," said Harry.
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Now the burning feeling was in his throat too. He wished Ron would look away.
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Mrs. Weasley set the potion down on the bedside cabinet, bent down, and put her arms around Harry. He had no memory of ever being hugged like this, as though by a mother.
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The full weight of everything he had seen that night seemed to fall in upon him as Mrs.
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Weasley held him to her. His mother s face, his father's voice, the sight of Cedric, dead on the ground all started spinning in his head until he could hardly bear it, until he was screwing up his face against the howl of misery fighting to get out of him.
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There was a loud slamming noise, and Mrs. Weasley and Harry broke apart. Hermione was standing by the window. She was holding something tight in her hand.
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"Sorry," she whispered.
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"Your potion, Harry," said Mrs. Weasley quickly, wiping her eyes on the back of her hand.
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Harry drank it in one gulp. The effect was instantaneous. Heavy, irresistible waves of dreamless sleep broke over him; he fell back onto his pillows and thought no more.
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