彼得·潘 作者:[英]詹姆斯·巴里 翻译:杨静远
PETER PAN 英文 中文 双语对照 双语交替 首页 目录 上一章 下一章 | |
| 第三章 走啦,走啦
For a moment after Mr. and Mrs. Darling left the house the night-lights by the beds of the three children continued to burn clearly. They were awfully nice little night-lights, and one cannot help wishing that they could have kept awake to see Peter; but Wendy's light blinked and gave such a yawn that the other two yawned also, and before they could close their mouths all the three went out.
| 达林先生和太太走了以后,有一会儿工夫,三个孩子床边的夜灯还是继续点得很明亮。那是三盏顶好顶好的小夜灯,我们巴不得它们都醒着看见彼得。可是温迪的灯眨了一下眼睛,打了一个大大的哈欠,惹得那两盏也打起哈欠来。嘴还没来得及闭上,三盏灯都灭了。
There was another light in the room now, a thousand times brighter than the night-lights, and in the time we have taken to say this, it had been in all the drawers in the nursery, looking for Peter's shadow, rummaged the wardrobe and turned every pocket inside out. It was not really a light; it made this light by flashing about so quickly, but when it came to rest for a second you saw if was a fairy, no longer than your hand, but still growing. It was a girl called Tinker Bell exquisitely gowned in a skeleton leaf, cut low and square, through which her figure could be seen to the best advantage. She was slightly inclined to EMBONPOINT. (plump hourglass figure)
| 这时候,房里又有了一个光,比夜灯亮一千倍。就在我们说话的这当儿,那亮光找遍了育儿室所有的抽屉,寻找彼得的影子,它在衣柜里乱搜,把每一个衣袋都翻转过来。其实它并不是一个亮光,只因为它飞来飞去,飞得特快,才成了一道亮光。可是它只要停下来一秒钟,你就看见它是一位仙女,还不及你的手掌长,不过它还在往大里长。她是一个女孩,名字叫做叮叮铃(Tinker Bell),身上精精致致地裹着一片干树叶,领口裁成方的,裁得很低,恰到好处地显露出她身段的优美。她些微有点发福。
A moment after the fairy's entrance the window was blown open by the breathing of the little stars, and Peter dropped in. He had carried Tinker Bell part of the way, and his hand was still messy with the fairy dust.
| 仙女进来之后,过了一会儿,窗子就被小星星的气息吹开了,彼得跳了进来。他带着叮叮铃飞了一段路程,所以他手上还沾着许多仙尘。
"Tinker Bell," he called softly, after making sure that the children were asleep, "Tink, where are you?" She was in a jug for the moment, and liking it extremely; she had never been in a jug before.
| 他弄清楚孩子们确实睡着了之后,就轻轻地唤道:“叮叮铃,你在哪儿?”叮叮铃这时正在一只罐子里,这地方她喜欢极了,她从来没有在一只罐子里呆过。
"Oh, do come out of that jug, and tell me, do you know where they put my shadow?"
| “噢,你快从罐子里出来吧,告诉我,你知不知道他们把我的影子搁在哪儿啦?”
The loveliest tinkle as of golden bells answered him. It is the fairy language. You ordinary children can never hear it, but if you were to hear it you would know that you had heard it once before.
| 一个最可爱的叮叮声,像金铃似的回答了他。这是仙子的语言,你们这些普通的孩子是从来听不到的;可是假如你听到了,你就会知道,你曾经听到过一次。
Tink said that the shadow was in the big box. She meant the chest of drawers, and Peter jumped at the drawers, scattering their contents to the floor with both hands, as kings toss ha'pence to the crowd. In a moment he had recovered his shadow, and in his delight he forgot that he had shut Tinker Bell up in the drawer.
| 叮叮铃说,影子是在那只大箱子里,她指的是那只带抽屉的柜子。彼得一下蹦到抽屉跟前,双手捧起里面的东西,撒在地板上,就像国王把半便士的硬币抛向人群一般。不多会儿,他就找到了他的影子,他高兴极了,就忘了他把叮叮铃关在抽屉里了。
If he thought at all, but I don't believe he ever thought, it was that he and his shadow, when brought near each other, would join like drops of water, and when they did not he was appalled. He tried to stick it on with soap from the bathroom, but that also failed. A shudder passed through Peter, and he sat on the floor and cried.
| 假如他有思想的话——不过我相信他从来不思想——他会想,他和他的影子一挨近,就会像两滴水似的连在一起。可是,不料竟没有连在一起,这可把他吓坏了。他试着用浴室里的肥皂来粘,也失败了。彼得浑身打了一个冷战,坐在地板上哭了起来。
His sobs woke Wendy, and she sat up in bed. She was not alarmed to see a stranger crying on the nursery floor; she was only pleasantly interested.
| 彼得的哭声惊醒了温迪,她在床上坐了起来。看到育儿室地板上坐着一个生人在哭,她并不惊讶,只觉得愉快和有趣。
"Boy," she said courteously, "why are you crying?"
| “孩子,”她客气地说,“你为什么哭?”
Peter could be exceeding polite also, having learned the grand manner at fairy ceremonies, and he rose and bowed to her beautifully. She was much pleased, and bowed beautifully to him from the bed.
| 彼得也很懂礼貌,因为他在仙子的盛会上学会了一些堂皇的礼节。他站起来,姿态优美地向温迪鞠了一躬。温迪非常高兴,在床上也很优美地回了一躬。
"What's your name?" he asked.
| “你叫什么名字?”彼得问。
"Wendy Moira Angel Darling," she replied with some satisfaction. "What is your name?"
| “温迪·莫伊拉·安琪拉·达林。”她回答,颇有点得意,“你叫什么名字?”
"Peter Pan."
| “彼得·潘。”
She was already sure that he must be Peter, but it did seem a comparatively short name.
| 温迪已经断定,他一定是彼得;不过,这名字可真显得短了一些。
"Is that all?"
| “就这个吗?”
"Yes," he said rather sharply. He felt for the first time that it was a shortish name.
| “就这个。”彼得尖着嗓子回答。他头一回觉得自己的名字短了点。
"I'm so sorry," said Wendy Moira Angela.
| “真可惜。”温迪·莫伊拉·安琪拉说。
"It doesn't matter," Peter gulped.
| “这没啥。”彼得咽下了这口气。
She asked where he lived.
| 温迪问他住在哪儿。
"Second to the right," said Peter, "and then straight on till morning."
| “右手第二条路,”彼得说,“然后一直向前,直到天亮。”
"What a funny address!'
| “这地址真滑稽!”
Peter had a sinking. For the first time he felt that perhaps it was a funny address.
| 彼得有点泄气。他头一回觉得这地名或许是有点滑稽。
"No, it isn't," he said.
| “不,不滑稽。”他说。
"I mean," Wendy said nicely, remembering that she was hostess, "is that what they put on the letters?"
| “我的意思是说,”温迪想起了她是女主人,和气地说:“他们在信封上就是这么写的吗?”
He wished she had not mentioned letters.
| 彼得宁愿她不提什么信的事。
"Don't get any letters," he said contemptuously.
| “我从不收到什么信。”他轻蔑地说。
"But your mother gets letters?"
| “可你妈妈要收到信的吧?”
"Don't have a mother," he said. Not only had he no mother, but he had not the slightest desire to have one. He thought them very over-rated persons. Wendy, however, felt at once that she was in the presence of a tragedy.
| “我没妈。”彼得说。他不但没有母亲,而且半点也不想要一个母亲。他觉得人们把母亲们看得太重了。但是,温迪马上就感到,她遇到了一出悲剧。
"O Peter, no wonder you were crying," she said, and got out of bed and ran to him.
| “啊,彼得,怪不得你要哭了。”她说,跳下床跑到他跟前。
"I wasn't crying about mothers," he said rather indignantly. "I was crying because I can't get my shadow to stick on. Besides, I wasn't crying."
| “我哭,才不是因为妈妈,”彼得颇有点气愤地说,“我哭,是因为我没法把影子粘上。再说,我也没哭。”
"It has come off?"
| “影子掉了吗?”
| “是的。”
Then Wendy saw the shadow on the floor, looking so draggled, and she was frightfully sorry for Peter. "How awful!" she said, but she could not help smiling when she saw that he had been trying to stick it on with soap. How exactly like a boy!
| 这时候,温迪瞅见了地板上的影子,拖得挺脏的样子,她很替彼得难过。“真糟糕!”她说。可是,她看到彼得试看用肥皂去粘,又禁不住笑了起来。真是不折不扣像个小子干的事!
Fortunately she knew at once what to do. "It must be sewn on," she said, just a little patronisingly.
| 幸好她一下子就想到该怎么办。“得用针线缝上才行。”她说,带点保护人的口气。
"What's sewn?" he asked.
| “什么叫缝?”彼得问。
"You're dreadfully ignorant."
| “你真笨得要命。”
"No, I'm not."
| “不,我不笨。”
But she was exulting in his ignorance. "I shall sew it on for you, my little man," she said, though he was tall as herself, and she got out her housewife (sewing bag), and sewed the shadow on to Peter's foot.
| 不过,温迪喜欢他的正是笨。“我的小家伙,我来给你缝上。”她说,虽然彼得和她一样高。于是,她拿出针线盒来,把影子往彼得的脚上缝。
"I daresay it will hurt a little," she warned him.
| “怕是要有点儿疼的。”她警告说。
"Oh, I shan't cry," said Peter, who was already of the opinion that he had never cried in his life. And he clenched his teeth and did not cry, and soon his shadow was behaving properly, though still a little creased.
| “啊,我一定不哭。”彼得说,他刚哭过,马上就以为他这辈子从来没哭过。他果然咬牙没哭。不一会儿,影子就弄妥了,不过还有点皱。
"Perhaps I should have ironed it," Wendy said thoughtfully, but Peter, boylike, was indifferent to appearances, and he was now jumping about in the wildest glee. Alas, he had already forgotten that he owed his bliss to Wendy. He thought he had attached the shadow himself. "How clever I am!" he crowed rapturously, "oh, the cleverness of me!"
| “也许我应该把它熨熨平。”温迪考虑得很周到;可是,彼得就像个男孩一样,一点也不在乎外表,他这时欢喜得发狂,满屋子乱跳。他早已忘记,他的快乐是温迪赐给的。他以为影子是他自己粘上的。“我多聪明啊,”他开心地大叫,“啊,我多机灵啊!”
It is humiliating to have to confess that this conceit of Peter was one of his most fascinating qualities. To put it with brutal frankness, there never was a cockier boy.
| 说起来,彼得的骄傲自大,正是他招人喜欢的地方,承认这一点,是够叫人难堪的。说句老实话、从来没有一个孩子像彼得这样爱翘尾巴。
But for the moment Wendy was shocked. "You conceit (braggart)," she exclaimed, with frightful sarcasm; "of course I did nothing!"
| 不过,当时温迪可惊骇极了。“你这个自大狂,”她讥诮地惊叫说,“当然啰,我什么也没干!”
"You did a little," Peter said carelessly, and continued to dance.
| “你也干了一点点。”彼得漫不经心地说,继续跳着舞。
"A little!" she replied with hauteur (pride); "if I am no use I can at least withdraw," and she sprang in the most dignified way into bed and covered her face with the blankets.
| “一点点!”温迪高傲地说,“既然我没有用,我起码可以退出吧。”她神气十足地跳上了床,用毯子蒙上了脸。
To induce her to look up he pretended to be going away, and when this failed he sat on the end of the bed and tapped her gently with his foot. "Wendy," he said, "don't withdraw. I can't help crowing, Wendy, when I'm pleased with myself." Still she would not look up, though she was listening eagerly. "Wendy," he continued, in a voice that no woman has ever yet been able to resist, "Wendy, one girl is more use than twenty boys."
| 彼得假装要离开的样子,来引温迪抬头,可是没用。于是他坐在床尾那头,用脚轻轻地踢她。“温迪,”他说,“别退出呀,温迪,我一高兴,就禁不住要翘尾巴。”温迪还是不抬头,虽然她是在认真地听着。“温迪,”彼得继续说,他说话的那种声调,是没有一个女孩子能抗拒的,“温迪,一个女孩比二十个男孩都顶用。”
Now Wendy was every inch a woman, though there were not very many inches, and she peeped out of the bed-clothes.
| 原来温迪从头到脚每一寸都是个女娃,虽说她身高总共也不过几寸。她忍不住从床单底下探出头来。
"Do you really think so, Peter?"
| “你真的这么想吗,彼得?”
"Yes, I do."
| “是的,我真的这么想。”
"I think it's perfectly sweet of you," she declared, "and I'll get up again," and she sat with him on the side of the bed. She also said she would give him a kiss if he liked, but Peter did not know what she meant, and he held out his hand expectantly.
| “你实在太可爱了,”温迪说,“我要再起来了。”于是她和彼得并排坐在床沿上。她还说,如果他愿意的话,她想给他一个吻;可是彼得不明白她的意思,就伸出手来,期待地等着。
"Surely you know what a kiss it?" she asked, aghast.
| “你当然知道什么叫吻喽?”温迪吃惊地问。
"I shall know when you give it to me," he replied stiffly, and not to hurt his feeling she gave him a thimble.
| “你把吻给我,我就会知道。”彼得倔犟地回答。温迪不愿伤他的心,给了他一只顶针。
"Now," said he, "shall I give you a kiss?" and she replied with a slight primness, "If you please." She made herself rather cheap by inclining her face toward him, but he merely dropped an acorn button into her hand, so she slowly returned her face to where it had been before, and said nicely that she would wear his kiss on the chain around her neck. It was lucky that she did put it on that chain, for it was afterwards to save her life.
| “现在,”彼得说,“要不要我也给你一个吻?”温迪回答,神情有点拘谨,“那就请吧。”她把脸颊向他凑过去,显得怪贱的。可是彼得只把一粒橡子放在她手里;于是温迪又把脸慢慢地退回原处,并且亲切地说,她要把他的吻拴在项链上,戴在脖子上。幸好,她果真把橡子挂在了项链上,因为后来,这东西救了她的命。
When people in our set are introduced, it is customary for them to ask each other's age, and so Wendy, who always liked to do the correct thing, asked Peter how old he was. It was not really a happy question to has him; it was like an examination paper that asks grammar, when what you want to be asked is Kings of England.
| 一伙人在彼此介绍以后,照例总是要互问年龄,所以,做事从来正确无误的温迪,这时就问彼得,他多大年纪。这话问得可真不恰当,这就好像是,你希望人家问你英国的国王时,考试题上却问起语法来。
"I don't know," he replied uneasily, "but I am quite young." He really knew nothing about it, he had merely suspicions, but he said at a venture, "Wendy, I ran away the day I was born."
| “我不知道,”彼得不安地回答,“可是我还小着呐。”他真的不知道;他只是有一些猜想,于是他揣摩着说:“温迪,我生下来的那一天就逃跑了。”
Wendy was quite surprised, but interested; and she indicated in the charming drawing-room manner, by a touch on her night-gown, that he could sit nearer her.
| 温迪很惊讶,可是又挺感兴趣。她用优美的待客礼貌碰了碰睡衣,表示他可以坐得离她近些。
"It was because I heard father and mother," he explained in a low voice, "talking about what I was to be when I became a man." He was extraordinarily agitated now. "I don't want ever to be a man," he said with passion. "I want always to be a little boy and to have fun. So I ran away to Kensington Gardens and lived a long long time among the fairies."
| “因为我听见父亲母亲在谈论,”彼得低声解释说,“我将来长大要作一个什么样的人。”说到这里,他大大激动起来。“我永远也不愿长成大人,”他激愤地说,“我要老是作个小孩,老是玩。所以我就逃到了肯辛顿公园,和仙子们住在一起,很久很久了。”
She gave him a look of the most intense admiration, and he thought it was because he had run away, but it was really because he knew fairies. Wendy had lived such a home life that to know fairies struck her as quite delightful. She poured out questions about them, to his surprise, for they were rather a nuisance to him, getting in his way and so on, and indeed he sometimes had to give them a hiding (spanking). Still, he liked them on the whole, and he told her about the beginning of fairies.
| 温迪好不羡慕地瞅了他一眼,彼得以为,这是因为他从家里逃跑了,其实是因为,他认识仙子。
"You see, Wendy, when the first baby laughed for the first time, its laugh broke into a thousand pieces, and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies."
| 温迪的家庭生活太平淡了,所以在她看来,和仙子们结识,一定有趣极了。她提出一连串关于仙子的问话,这使彼得很惊异,因为,在他看来,仙子们多少是个累赘,她们常常碍他的事,等等。说实在的,他有时还得躲开她们。不过,他大体上还是喜欢她们的,他告诉温迪仙子们的由来。
Tedious talk this, but being a stay-at-home she liked it.
| “你瞧,温迪,第一个婴孩第一次笑出声的时候,那一声笑就裂成了一千块,这些笑到处蹦来蹦去,仙子们就是那么来的。”这话多无聊,不过,温迪是一个很少出家门的孩子,所以也就喜欢听。
"And so," he went on good-naturedly, "there ought to be one fairy for every boy and girl."
| “所以,”彼得和气地接着说下去,“每一个男孩和女孩都应该有一个仙子。”
"Ought to be? Isn't there?"
| “应该?真的有吗?”
"No. You see children know such a lot now, they soon don't believe in fairies, and every time a child says, `I don't believe in fairies,' there is a fairy somewhere that falls down dead."
| “不,你瞧,孩子们现在懂得太多了,他们很快就不信仙子了,每次有一个孩子说‘我不信仙子’,就有一个仙子在什么地方落下来死掉了。”
Really, he thought they had now talked enough about fairies, and it struck him that Tinker Bell was keeping very quiet. "I can't think where she has gone to," he said, rising, and he called Tink by name. Wendy's heart went flutter with a sudden thrill.
| 真的,彼得觉得他们谈仙子已经谈得够多了,又想起叮叮铃已经好半晌没出声了。“不知道她上哪儿去了。”彼得说着,站了起来,叫着叮叮铃的名字。温迪的心突然喜得猛跳起来。
"Peter," she cried, clutching him, "you don't mean to tell me that there is a fairy in this room!"
| “彼得,”她紧紧抓住他,“你该不是说这屋里有个仙子吧!”
"She was here just now," he said a little impatiently. "You don't hear her, do you?" and they both listened.
| “她刚才还在这儿来着,”彼得说,有点不耐烦,“你听不见她的声音吧?”他们两个都静听着。
"The only sound I hear," said Wendy, "is like a tinkle of bells."
| “我只听见一个声音,”温迪说,“像是叮叮的铃声。”
"Well, that's Tink, that's the fairy language. I think I hear her too."
| “对了,那就是叮叮铃,那是仙子讲的话。我好像也听到了。”
The sound come from the chest of drawers, and Peter made a merry face. No one could ever look quite so merry as Peter, and the loveliest of gurgles was his laugh. He had his first laugh still.
| 声音是从抽屉柜里发出来的,彼得脸上乐开了花。没有人能有彼得那样一副开心的笑脸,最可爱的是他那格格的笑声。他还保留着他的第一声笑。
"Wendy," he whispered gleefully, "I do believe I shut her up in the drawer!"
| “温迪,”彼得快活地悄声说,“我相信,我准是把她关在抽屉里了!”
He let poor Tink out of the drawer, and she flew about the nursery screaming with fury. "You shouldn't say such things," Peter retorted. "Of course I'm very sorry, but how could I know you were in the drawer?"
| 他打开抽屉,把可怜的叮叮铃放了出来,叮叮铃满屋子乱飞,怒气冲冲地尖声怪叫。“你不该说这种话。”彼得抗议说,“当然我很抱歉,可我又怎么知道你在抽屉里呢?”
Wendy was not listening to him. "O Peter," she cried, "if she would only stand still and let me see her!"
| 温迪没理会他说什么。“啊,彼得,”她喊道,“要是她停下来,让我看看她多好!”
"They hardly ever stand still," he said, but for one moment Wendy saw the romantic figure come to rest on the cuckoo clock. "O the lovely!" she cried, though Tink's face was still distorted with passion.
| “她们仙子难得停住。”彼得说。可是,有一刹那温迪看见那个神奇的小人儿落在了一座杜鹃钟上。“啊,多可爱呀!”她喊道,虽然叮叮铃的脸还因为生气而歪扭着。
"Tink," said Peter amiably, "this lady ways she wishes you were her fairy."
| “叮叮铃,”彼得和蔼地说,“这位姑娘说,她希望你做她的仙子。”
Tinker Bell answered insolently.
| 叮叮铃的回答很粗暴无理。
"What does she say, Peter?"
| “她说什么,彼得?”温迪问。
He had to translate. "She is not very polite. She says you are a great (huge) ugly girl, and that she is my fairy.
| 彼得只好给她翻译:“她不大懂礼貌她说你是个丑陋的大女孩,她说她是我的仙子。”
He tried to argue with Tink. "You know you can't be my fairy, Tink, because I am an gentleman and you are a lady."
| 彼得想和叮叮铃辩论:“你知道你不能做我的仙子,叮叮铃,因为我是一位男士,你是一位女士。”
To this Tink replied in these words, "You silly ass," and disappeared into the bathroom. "She is quite a common fairy," Peter explained apologetically, "she is called Tinker Bell because she mends the pots and kettles (tinker = tin worker)." (Similar to "cinder" plus "elle" to get Cinderella)
| 叮叮铃的回答是:“你这笨蛋。”她飞到浴室里不见了。“她不过是个普普通通的仙子,”彼得带着歉意解释说,“她的名字叫叮叮铃(Tinker Bell。 Tinker是补锅匠的意思。--译注),因为她干的是补锅补壶的事。”
They were together in the armchair by this time, and Wendy plied him with more questions.
| 他俩这时坐在一张扶手椅上,温迪又向彼得问了许多问题。
"If you don't live in Kensington Gardens now -- "
| “你现在是不是不住在肯辛顿公园里啦?”
"Sometimes I do still."
| “我有时还住在那儿。”
"But where do you live mostly now?"
| “那你多半住在哪儿?”
"With the lost boys."
| “跟遗失的男孩住在一起。”
"Who are they?"
| “他们都是谁呀?”
"They are the children who fall out of their perambulators when the nurse is looking the other way. If they are not claimed in seven days they are sent far away to the Neverland to defray expenses. I'm captain."
| “他们是在保姆向别处张望时,从儿童车里掉出来的孩子。要是过了七天没人来认领,他们就给远远地送到永无乡去,好节省开支。我是他们的队长。”
"What fun it must be!"
| “那该多好玩啊!”
"Yes," said cunning Peter, "but we are rather lonely. You see we have no female companionship."
| “是啊,”狡猾的彼得说,“不过我们怪寂寞的。我们没有女孩子作伴。”
"Are none of the others girls?"
| “那些孩子里没有女孩子吗?”
"Oh, no; girls, you know, are much too clever to fall out of their prams."
| “没有啊,你知道,女孩子太机灵,不会从儿童车里掉出来的。”
This flattered Wendy immensely. "I think," she said, "it is perfectly lovely the way you talk about girls; John there just despises us."
| 一句话,说得温迪心里美滋滋的。“我觉得,”她说,“你说到女孩子的这些话,真是说得太好了。那儿那个约翰,他硬是瞧不起我们女孩子。”
For reply Peter rose and kicked John out of bed, blankets and all; one kick. This seemed to Wendy rather forward for a first meeting, and she told him with spirit that he was not captain in her house. However, John continued to sleep so placidly on the floor that she allowed him to remain there. "And I know you meant to be kind," she said, relenting, "so you may give me a kiss."
| 彼得没有回答,只是站了起来,一脚把约翰连毯子什么的都踹下床来。温迪觉得,头一次见面就这样,似乎太莽撞了一点,她气冲冲地对彼得说,在这所屋子里他不是队长。可是约翰在地板上仍旧安安稳稳地睡下去,她也就由他睡在那儿。“我知道你是好意,”温迪有点懊悔地说,“你可以给我一个吻。”
For the moment she had forgotten his ignorance about kisses. "I thought you would want it back," he said a little bitterly, and offered to return her the thimble.
| 这会儿,温迪已经忘了彼得不懂得什么叫吻了。“刚才我就想到,你会把它要回去的。”彼得有点伤心地说,要把顶针还给她。
"Oh dear," said the nice Wendy, "I don't mean a kiss, I mean a thimble."
| “啊,”和善的温迪说,“我说的不是吻,我说的是顶针。”
"What's that?"
| “什么叫顶针?”
"It's like this." She kissed him.
| “就像这样。”温迪吻了他一下。
"Funny!" said Peter gravely. "Now shall I give you a thimble?"
| “真有意思!”彼得庄重地说,“现在我也给你一个顶针好吗?”
"If you wish to," said Wendy, keeping her head erect this time.
| “要是你也愿意的话。”温迪说,这一回她把头摆得端端正正的。
Peter thimbled her, and almost immediately she screeched. "What is it, Wendy?"
| 彼得给了她一顶针,差不多就在同时,她尖叫了起来。
"It was exactly as if someone were pulling my hair."
| “怎么啦,温迪?”彼得问。
"That must have been Tink. I never knew her so naughty before."
| “就像有什么人揪了我的头发。”
And indeed Tink was darting about again, using offensive language.
| 果然,叮叮铃在他们周围飞来飞去,嘴里还不住地骂骂咧咧。
"She says she will do that to you, Wendy, every time I give you a thimble."
| “她说,温迪,每次我给你一顶针的时候,她就要整你。”
"But why?"
| “可为什么呢?”温迪问。
"Why, Tink?"
| “为什么呀,叮叮铃?”彼得问。
Again Tink replied, "You silly ass." Peter could not understand why, but Wendy understood, and she was just slightly disappointed when he admitted that he came to the nursery window not to see her but to listen to stories.
| 叮叮铃又一次回答说:“你这笨蛋。”彼得还是不明白为什么,可是温迪明白了。彼得承认,他来到育儿室窗口,不是来看温迪,而是来听故事的,这使温迪有一点失望。
"You see, I don't know any stories. None of the lost boys knows any stories."
| “你知道,我没听过多少故事。那些丢失的孩子没有一个会讲故事。”
"How perfectly awful," Wendy said.
| “那可实在太糟了。”温迪说。
"Do you know," Peter asked "why swallows build in the eaves of houses? It is to listen to the stories. O Wendy, your mother was telling you such a lovely story."
| “你知道为什么燕子要在房檐下筑窝?”彼得问,“就是为了听故事。啊,温迪,你妈妈那天给你讲的一个故事多好听啊。”
"Which story was it?"
| “哪个故事?”
"About the prince who couldn't find the lady who wore the glass slipper."
| “就是讲一个王子找不到那个穿玻璃鞋的姑娘。”
"Peter," said Wendy excitedly, "that was Cinderella, and he found her, and they lived happily ever after."
| “彼得,”温迪兴奋地说,“那就是灰姑娘的故事,王子找到她了,后来他们就永远幸福地住在一起。”
Peter was so glad that he rose from the floor, where they had been sitting, and hurried to the window.
| 彼得高兴极了,他从坐着的地板上跳了起来,急匆匆地奔向窗口。
"Where are you going?" she cried with misgiving.
| “你上哪儿去?”温迪不安地问。
"To tell the other boys."
| “去告诉那些男孩。”
"Don't go Peter," she entreated, "I know such lots of stories."
| “别走,彼得,”温迪恳求说,“我知道好些好些故事。”
Those were her precise words, so there can be no denying that it was she who first tempted him.
| 千真万确,这就是她说的话,所以,毫无疑问是她首先勾引彼得的。
He came back, and there was a greedy look in his eyes now which ought to have alarmed her, but did not.
| 彼得回来了,眼睛里露出贪求的神情,这本来是应该使温迪感到惊骇的,可是她并没有惊骇。
"Oh, the stories I could tell to the boys!" she cried, and then Peter gripped her and began to draw her toward the window.
| “啊,我有那么多故事可以讲给那些孩子们听!”温迪喊道。彼得抓住了她,把她拉向窗口。
"Let me go!" she ordered him.
| “放开我!”温迪命令他。
"Wendy, do come with me and tell the other boys."
| “温迪,你跟我来吧,讲给那些孩子听。”
Of course she was very pleased to be asked, but she said, "Oh dear, I can't. Think of mummy! Besides, I can't fly."
| 当然她很乐意受到邀请,可是她说:“唉,我不能呀。想想妈妈!再说,我也不会飞呀。”
"I'll teach you."
| “我教你。”
"Oh, how lovely to fly."
| “啊,能飞,该多有意思呀。”
"I'll teach you how to jump on the wind's back, and then away we go."
| “我教你怎样跳上风的背,然后我们就走了。”
"Oo!" she exclaimed rapturously.
| “啊!”温迪欣喜若狂地喊。
"Wendy, Wendy, when you are sleeping in your silly bed you might be flying about with me saying funny things to the stars."
| “温迪呀温迪,你何必傻乎乎地躺在床上睡大觉,你满可以和我一块儿飞,跟星星们说有趣的话。”
| “啊。”
"And, Wendy, there are mermaids."
| “而且,温迪,还有人鱼哩。”
"Mermaids! With tails?"
| “人鱼?长着尾巴吗?”
"Such long tails."
| “尾巴老长老长的。”
"Oh," cried Wendy, "to see a mermaid!"
| “啊,”温迪叫了起来,“去看人鱼!”
He had become frightfully cunning. "Wendy," he said, "how we should all respect you."
| 彼得狡猾极了。“温迪,”他说,“我们会多么尊敬你呀。”
She was wriggling her body in distress. It was quite as if she were trying to remain on the nursery floor.
| 温迪苦恼地扭动着身子,就像她使劲要让自己呆在育儿室的地板上。
But he had no pity for her.
| 可是彼得一点也不可怜她。
"Wendy," he said, the sly one, "you could tuck us in at night."
| “温迪,”这个狡猾的家伙说,“晚上睡觉时,你可以给我掖好被子。”
| “啊!”
"None of us has ever been tucked in at night."
| “从来没有人在晚上给我们掖好过被子。”
"Oo," and her arms went out to him.
| “哎呀。”温迪向他伸出两臂。
"And you could darn our clothes, and make pockets for us. None of us has any pockets."
| “你还可以给我们补衣裳,给我们缝衣兜。我们谁都没有衣兜。”
How could she resist. "Of course it's awfully fascinating!" she cried. "Peter, would you teach John and Michael to fly too?"
| 这叫她怎么抗拒得了?“当然,这真是太有趣了!”她喊道,“彼得,你也能教约翰和迈克尔飞吗?”
"If you like," he said indifferently, and she ran to John and Michael and shook them. "Wake up," she cried, "Peter Pan has come and he is to teach us to fly."
| “随你的便,”彼得无所谓地说;于是温迪跑到约翰和迈克尔床前,摇晃他们。“醒醒,”她喊,“彼得·潘来了,他要教我们飞。”
John rubbed his eyes. "Then I shall get up," he said. Of course he was on the floor already. "Hallo," he said, "I am up!"
| 约翰揉着眼睛。“那我就起来吧。”他说。其实他已经站在地上了。“你好,”他说,“我起来啦!”
Michael was up by this time also, looking as sharp as a knife with six blades and a saw, but Peter suddenly signed silence. Their faces assumed the awful craftiness of children listening for sounds from the grown-up world. All was as still as salt. Then everything was right. No, stop! Everything was wrong. Nana, who had been barking distressfully all the evening, was quiet now. It was her silence they had heard.
| 迈克尔这时候也起来了,他精神抖擞得像一把带六刃一锯的刀,可是彼得打了个手势,叫他们别出声。就像静听大人们的声音时那样,他们的脸上立刻露出乖巧的神色,大家全都屏住气不出声。好啦,事事都顺当啦。不,等一等!并不是事事都顺当,娜娜整夜都在不停地吠,这时候不出声了,他们听到的是她的沉默。
"Out with the light! Hide! Quick!" cried John, taking command for the only time throughout the whole adventure. And thus when Liza entered, holding Nana, the nursery seemed quite its old self, very dark, and you would have sworn you heard its three wicked inmates breathing angelically as they slept. They were really doing it artfully from behind the window curtains.
| “灭灯!藏起来!快!”约翰喊道。在整个冒险行动中,这是他唯一一次发号施令。所以,在莉莎牵着娜娜进来的时候,育儿室又恢复了原样,房里一片漆黑。你还能保证说,你听见三个淘气的小主人睡觉时发出的甜美的呼吸声。其实,这声音是他们躲在窗帘后面巧妙地装出来的。
Liza was in a bad tamper, for she was mixing the Christmas puddings in the kitchen, and had been drawn from them, with a raisin still on her cheek, by Nana's absurd suspicions. She thought the best way of getting a little quiet was to take Nana to the nursery for a moment, but in custody of course.
| 莉莎正心里有气,因为她正在厨房里做圣诞节布丁,娜娜的荒唐的疑惧,使她不得不丢下布丁,走了出来,脸上还沾着一粒葡萄干。她想,要得到清静,最好是领着娜娜去育儿室看看,当然,娜娜是在她的监管之下。
"There, you suspicious brute," she said, not sorry that Nana was in disgrace. "They are perfectly safe, aren't they? Every one of the little angels sound asleep in bed. Listen to their gentle breathing."
| “瞧,你这个多心的畜牲,”她说,一点也不照顾娜娜的面子,“他们都安全得很,是不是?三个小天使都在床上睡得正香呢。听听他们那轻柔的呼吸吧。”
Here Michael, encouraged by his success, breathed so loudly that they were nearly detected. Nana knew that kind of breathing, and she tried to drag herself out of Liza's clutches.
| 迈克尔看到自己成功,劲头更足了,他大声呼吸起来,差点儿给识破了。娜娜辨得出那种呼吸声,她想挣脱莉莎的手。
But Liza was dense. "No more of it, Nana," she said sternly, pulling her out of the room. "I warn you if bark again I shall go straight for master and missus and bring them home from the party, and then, oh, won't master whip you, just."
| 可是莉莎冥顽不灵。“别来这一套,娜娜,”她严厉地说,把娜娜拽出了房间,“我警告你,你要再叫,我马上就把先生太太从晚会上请回家来,那时候,瞧着吧,主人不拿鞭子抽你才怪。”
She tied the unhappy dog up again, but do you think Nana ceased to bark? Bring master and missus home from the party! Why, that was just what she wanted. Do you think she cared whether she was whipped so long as her charges were safe? Unfortunately Liza returned to her puddings, and Nana, seeing that no help would come from her, strained and strained at the chain until at last she broke it. In another moment she had burst into the dining- room of 27 and flung up her paws to heaven, her most expressive way of making a communication. Mr. and Mrs. Darling knew at once that something terrible was happening in their nursery, and without a good-bye to their hostess they rushed into the street.
| 她把这只倒霉的狗又拴了起来。可是,你以为娜娜会停止吠叫吗?把先生太大从晚会上请回家来?那不正是她求之不得的事吗?只要她看管的孩子平安无事,你以为她会在乎挨顿鞭子吗?不幸的是,莉莎又回厨房做她的布丁去了,娜娜看到没法得到她的帮助,就拼命地猛挣锁链,终于把它挣断了。转眼间,她冲进了二十七号公馆的餐厅,把两只前掌朝天举起。这是她表达意思的最明白易懂的办法。达林先生太太顿时明白,他家育儿室里发生了可怕的事。没顾上向主人告别,他们就冲到了街上。
But it was now ten minutes since three scoundrels had been breathing behind the curtains, and Peter Pan can do a great deal in ten minutes.
| 现在离三个小坏蛋藏在窗帘后面的时候,已经有十分钟了,十分钟的时间,彼得·潘可以做许多事。
We now return to the nursery.
| 我们再回头来讲育儿室里的事。
"It's all right," John announced, emerging from his hiding- place. "I say, Peter, can you really fly?"
| “现在没事儿了,”约翰从藏着的地方出来宣布说,“我说彼得,你真能飞吗?”
Instead of troubling to answer him Peter flew around the room, taking the mantelpiece on the way.
| 彼得懒得回答他,绕着房间飞了起来,顺手拿起壁炉架。
"How topping!" said John and Michael.
| “真绝了!”约翰和迈克尔说。
"How sweet!" cried Wendy.
| “妙极了!”温迪喊道。
"Yes, I'm sweet, oh, I am sweet!" said Peter, forgetting his manners again.
| “是啊,我真是妙极了,啊,我真是妙极了!”彼得说,他又得意忘形了。
It looked delightfully easy, and they tried it first from the floor and then from the beds, but they always went down instead of up.
| 看起来好像容易,他们先在地板上试,然后又在床上试,可就是老往下坠,不住上升。
"I say, how do you do it?" asked John, rubbing his knee. He was quite a practical boy.
| “喂,你是怎么飞起来的?”约翰问,揉着他的膝盖。他是个挺讲实际的男孩。
"You just think lovely wonderful thoughts," Peter explained, "and they lift you up in the air."
| “你只消想些美妙的、奇异的念头,”彼得解释说,“这些念头就会把你升到半空中。”
He showed them again.
| 彼得又做给他们看。
"You're so nippy at it," John said, "couldn't you do it very slowly once?"
| “你做得太快,”约翰说,“你能不能慢慢地做一次?”
Peter did it both slowly and quickly. "I've got it now, Wendy!" cried John, but soon he found he had not. Not one of them could fly an inch, though even Michael was in words of two syllables, and Peter did not know A from Z.
| 彼得慢的快的都做了一次。“我学会了,温迪!”约翰喊道,可是他马上就明白,他并没有学会。他们三个,没有一个能飞一寸远,虽然就识字来说,就连迈克尔也能认两个音节的字,彼得却一个字母也不认得。
Of course Peter had been trifling with them, for no one can fly unless the fairy dust has been blown on him. Fortunately, as we have mentioned, one of his hands was messy with it, and he blew some on each of them, with the most superb results.
| 当然,彼得是和他们逗乐子,因为,身上若没有吹上仙尘,谁也是飞不了的。幸而我们说过,彼得的一只手上沾满了仙尘,他在每人身上吹一点仙尘,果然产生了极好的效果。
"Now just wiggle your shoulders this way," he said, "and let go."
| “现在,你们像这样扭动肩膀,”他说,“起飞!”
They were all on their beds, and gallant Michael let go first. He did not quite mean to let go, but he did it, and immediately he was borne across the room.
| 他们都站在床上,勇敢的迈克尔第一个起飞。他本没打算起飞,可是竟飞起来了,一下子就飞过了房间。
"I flewed!" he screamed while still in mid-air.
| “我飞了!”他还只飞到半空中,就尖叫起来。
John let go and met Wendy near the bathroom.
| 约翰也飞起来了,在浴室附近,遇到了温迪。
"Oh, lovely!"
| “啊,太美啦!”
"Oh, ripping!"
| “啊,太棒啦!”
"Look at me!"
| “瞧我!”
"Look at me!"
| “瞧我!”
"Look at me!"
| “瞧我!”
They were not nearly so elegant as Peter, they could not help kicking a little, but their heads were bobbing against the ceiling, and there is almost nothing so delicious as that. Peter gave Wendy a hand at first, but had to desist, Tink was so indignant.
| 他们都没有彼得飞得优雅,他们的腿都禁不住要端蹬几下,不过他们的脑袋已经一下又一下地碰到了天花板,这真是妙不可言。起初,彼得伸手去搀温迪一把,可是马上又缩了回来,因为叮叮铃怒不可遏。
Up and down they went, and round and round. Heavenly was Wendy's word.
| 他们上上下下、一圈又一圈地飞着,像温迪说的,跟上了天一样。
"I say," cried John, "why shouldn't we all go out?"
| “我说,”约翰嚷道,“我们干吗不都飞出去呀!”
Of course it was to this that Peter had been luring them.
| 这正是彼得想引诱他们去办的事。
Michael was ready: he wanted to see how long it took him to do a billion miles. But Wendy hesitated.
| 迈克尔准备好了,他要看看,飞十亿里需要多长时间,可是温迪还在犹豫。
"Mermaids!" said Peter again.
| “人鱼啊!”彼得又一次说。
| “啊!”
"And there are pirates."
| “还有海盗呢。”
"Pirates," cried John, seizing his Sunday hat, "let us go at once."
| “海盗,”约翰喊道,一把抓起他的礼拜天戴的帽子,“我们马上就走吧。”
It was just at this moment that Mr. and Mrs. Darling hurried with Nana out of 27. They ran into the middle of the street to look up at the nursery window; and, yes, it was still shut, but the room was ablaze with light, and most heart-gripping sight of all, they could see in shadow on the curtain three little figures in night attire circling round and round, not on the floor but in the air.
| 就在这当儿,达林先生太太带着娜娜冲出了二十七号大门。他们来到街心,抬头望着育儿室的窗子。还好,窗子仍旧关着,可是屋里却灯火通明。最叫人心惊胆战的是,他们可以看见窗帘上映出三个穿睡衣的小身影,绕着房间转圈儿,不是在地上,而是在半空中。
Not three figures, four!
| 不是三个身影,是四个。
In a tremble they opened the street door. Mr. Darling would have rushed upstairs, but Mrs. Darling signed him to go softly. She even tried to make her heart go softly.
| 他们颤抖着推开了街门。达林先生要冲上楼去,可是达林太太向他打手势,要他放轻脚步。她甚至努力让自己的心跳得轻些。
Will they reach the nursery in time? If so, how delightful for them, and we shall all breathe a sign of relief, but there will be no story. On the other hand, if they are not in time, I solemnly promise that it will all come right in the end.
| 他们赶到育儿室还来得及吗?要是来得及,他们该多高兴啊,我们也都会松一口气;可那样,就没有故事可讲了。反过来,要是来不及,我郑重地向大家保证,最后的结局终归是圆满的。
They would have reached the nursery in time had it not been that the little stars were watching them. Once again the stars blew the window open, and that smallest star of all called out:
| 他们本来是来得及赶到育儿室的,要不是星星们在监视着他们。星星又一次吹开了窗子,最小的一颗星喊叫道:
"Cave, Peter!"
| “彼得,逃呀!”
Then Peter knew that there was not a moment to lose. "Come," he cried imperiously, and soared out at once into the night, followed by John and Michael and Wendy.
| 彼得知道,他一刻也不能再耽误了。“来吧。”他专断地命令道,立时飞进了夜空,后面跟着约翰,迈克尔和温迪。
Mr. and Mrs. Darling and Nana rushed into the nursery too late. The birds were flown.
| 达林先生太太和娜娜冲进育儿室,可是太晚了,鸟儿们已经飞了。
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