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2 The Prince of Wales
| 2 威尔士亲王
In the spring of 1911 King George called Edward into his room and said:
| 1911年春天,乔治国王把爱德华叫到自己的房间,说:
'Next month I'll make you Prince of Wales and these are your clothes for the ceremony.'
| “下个月我要封你为威尔士亲王,这是你要在典礼上穿的衣服。”
The King opened a small cupboard and Edward started to cry.'But father,'he said,'I'm sixteen years old now.I can't wear soft shoes and a skirt. I'll look like a girl. Why can't I dress like other people?'
| 国王打开一个小柜子,爱德华哭了起来。“可是父亲,”他说,“我现在已经16岁了。我不能穿软鞋和裙子。那会使我看上去像个女孩子。为什么我不能穿得像其他人一样?”
'Because you're different and special,'his father replied,'and one day you'll be King.'
| “因为你和他们不一样,你是特别的,”他的父亲回答,“有朝一日你会成为国王。”
Edward cried for the next two days, but there was noth-ing he could do.
| 接下来的两天,爱德华哭个不停,但他没有办法。
And so, on 10th June 1911, the family drove to Caernar-von Castle in North Wales and the ceremony began.
| 就这样,1911年6月10日,王室成员驱车前往北威尔士的卡那封城堡,典礼开始了。
The King put a small gold crown on Edward's head.There was music and dancing and the crowd began to shout.
| 国王把一顶小号的金冠戴在爱德华的头上。现场有音乐和舞蹈,人群欢呼起来。
The new Prince of Wales closed his eyes.'I feel terrible,' he said.'Can we go home now?'
| 而新封的威尔士亲王却闭上了眼睛。“我觉得很难受,”他说,“现在我们可以回家了吗?”
'Not yet,' the King replied.'The people want to see you.
| “还不能,”国王回答,“人们想看看你。”
Edward walked to the front of the castle and looked down at the crowd.He was shaking and his face was red.
| 爱德华走到城堡前部,俯视人群。他浑身颤抖,脸涨得通红。
'Smile, Edward,'the King said.'You are happy!'
| “笑一笑,爱德华,”国王说,“你应该高兴!”
A few hours later the family were driving back to Windsor.'Wasn't that a lovely day!'Queen Mary said.
| 几小时后,全家人驱车回到温莎。“多么愉快的一天呀!”玛丽王后说。
Edward took off his shoes and looked out of the window.'Never again,'he thought. 'Never again!'
| 爱德华脱下鞋子,向窗外望去。“我再也不要这样了,”他想,“永远不!”
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