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| 第二十章 海格的故事
Harry sprinted up to the boys' dormitories to fetch the Invisibility Cloak and the Marauder's Map from his trunk; he was so quick that he and Ron were ready to leave at least five minutes before Hermione hurried back down from the girls' dormitories, wearing scarf, gloves and one of her own knobbly elf hats.
| 哈利冲到男生宿舍去拿隐形衣和活点地图,他的动作那么快,以至于他和罗恩等了起码五分钟,赫敏才急急忙忙从女生宿舍下来,戴着围巾、手套和她自己织的一顶织花小精灵帽。
'Well, it's cold out there!' she said defensively, as Ron clicked his tongue impatiently.
| “外面很冷!”看到罗恩不耐烦地咂嘴,她辩解说。
They crept through the portrait hole and covered themselves hastily in the Cloak - Ron had grown so much he now needed to crouch to prevent his feet showing - then, moving slowly and cautiously, they proceeded down the many staircases, pausing at intervals to check on the map for signs of Filch or Mrs Morris. They were lucky; they saw nobody but Nearly Headless Nick, who was gliding along absent-mindedly humming something that sounded horribly like 'Weasley is our King'. They crept across the Entrance Hall and out into the silent, snowy grounds. With a great leap of his heart, Harry saw little golden squares of light ahead and smoke coiling up from Hagrid's chimney. He set off at a quick march, the other two jostling and bumping along behind him. They crunched excitedly through the thickening snow until at last they reached the wooden front door. When Harry raised his fist and knocked three times, a dog started barking frantically inside.
| 他们爬出肖像洞口,匆匆钻进隐形衣——罗恩长了不少,他必须弯着腰才能把脚藏在里面。然后三人小心翼翼地走下许多级楼梯,时而停下来在地图上查看一下费尔奇和洛丽丝夫人的踪影。他们很幸运,路上只碰到了差点没头的尼克,他飘飘荡荡,无心地哼着歌曲,听上去与“韦斯莱是我们的王”惊人地相似。他们蹑手蹑脚地穿过门厅,来到静悄悄的雪地上。看到前面那一小方金色的灯光和海格烟囱上袅袅的青烟,哈利的心剧烈地跳了起来。他加快了步伐,另两人跌跌撞撞地跟在后面。他们激动地踏着积雪走到木门前,哈利举手敲了三声,一条狗在里面狂吠起来。“海格,是我们!”哈利对着钥匙孔叫道。
'Hagrid, it's us!' Harry called through the keyhole.
| “应该想到的!”一个粗哑的声音说。
'Shoulda known!' said a gruff voice.
| 他们在隐形衣下相视而笑,听得出海格的声音很高兴。“刚回来三秒钟……让开,牙牙……让开,你这条瞌睡虫……”
They beamed at each other under the Cloak; they could tell by Hagrid's voice that he was pleased. 'Bin home three seconds . . . out the way, Fang . . . out the way, yeh dozy dog . . .'
| 拔门闩的声音,门吱吱嘎嘎地开了,门缝中露出海格的脑袋。
The bolt was drawn back, the door creaked open and Hagrid's head appeared in the gap.
| 赫敏尖叫起来。
Hermione screamed.
| “天哪,小声点!”海格急忙说,他越过他们的头顶使劲张望,“在隐形衣里呢,是不是?进来,进来!”
'Merlin's beard, keep it down!' said Hagrid hastily, staring wildly over their heads. 'Under that Cloak, are yeh? Well, get in, get in!'
| “对不起!”赫敏低声说,三人从海格身边挤进屋里,扯下隐形衣,让他能看到他们,“我只是——哦,海格!”
'I'm sorry!' Hermione gasped, as the three of them squeezed past Hagrid into the house and pulled the Cloak off themselves so he could see them. 'I just - oh, Hagrid!'
| “没事儿,没事儿!”海格忙说,他关上门,又赶紧拉上所有的窗帘,但赫敏依然惊恐地望着他。
'It's nuthin', it's nuthin'!' said Hagrid hastily, shutting the door behind them and hurrying to close all the curtains, but Hermione continued to gaze up at him in horror.
| 海格的头发乱糟糟的,上面结着血块,他的左眼肿成了一条缝,又青又紫,脸上和手上伤痕累累,有的还在流血,他动作很小心,哈利怀疑可能肋骨断了。他显然刚刚到家,一件厚厚的黑色旅行斗篷搭在椅背上,一个装得下几个小孩的大背包靠在墙边。有正常人两倍高、三倍宽的海格一瘸一拐地走向火炉,在火上搁了一个铜水壶。
Hagrid's hair was matted with congealed blood and his left eye had been reduced to a puffy slit amid a mass of purple and black bruising. There were many cuts on his face and hands, some of them still bleeding, and he was moving gingerly, which made Harry suspect broken ribs. It was obvious that he had only just got home: a thick black travelling cloak lay over the back of a chair and a haversack large enough to carry several small children leaned against the wall inside the door. Hagrid himself, twice the size of a normal man, was now limping over to the fire and placing a copper kettle over it.
| “你遇到什么了?”哈利问,牙牙围着他们又蹦又跳,舔他们的脸蛋。
'What happened to you?' Harry demanded, while Fang danced around them all, trying to lick their faces.
| “我说了,没事儿。”海格固执地说,“喝杯茶吗?”
Told yeh, nuthin',' said Hagrid firmly. 'Want a cuppa?'
| “算了吧,”罗恩说,“看你那副样子!”
'Come off it,' said Ron, 'you're in a right state!'
| “跟你们说我很好。”海格说着直起腰,转身对他们笑,但疼得皱了皱眉,“啊,看到你们真高兴——暑假过得不错,是不是?”
'I'm tellin' yeh, I'm fine,' said Hagrid, straightening up and turning to beam at them all, but wincing. 'Blimey, it's good ter see yeh three again - had good summers, did yeh?'
| “海格,你遭到袭击了吗?”罗恩问。
'Hagrid, you've been attacked!' said Ron.
| “我说最后一遍,没事儿!”海格一口咬定。
'Per the las' time, it's nuthin'!' said Hagrid firmly.
| “如果我们哪一个的脸变成了一团肉酱,你会说没事吗?”
'Would you say it was nothing if one of us turned up with a pound of mince instead of a face?' Ron demanded.
| “你应该去让庞弗雷夫人看看,海格,”赫敏焦急地说,“有些伤口看上去很危险。”
'You ought to go and see Madam Pomfrey, Hagrid,' said Hermione anxiously, 'some of those cuts look nasty.'
| “我会处理的,行了吧?”海格威严地说。
'I'm dealin' with it, all righ?' said Hagrid repressively.
| 他走到小屋中间那张巨大的木桌前,揭去桌上的一块茶巾,下面是一条带血的生肉,绿莹莹的,比普通的汽车轮胎稍大一点。
He walked across to the enormous wooden table that stood in the middle of his cabin and twitched aside a tea towel that had been lying on it. Underneath was a raw, bloody, green-tinged steak slightly larger than the average car tyre.
| “你不会吃那个吧,海格?”罗恩凑过去看了看,“好像有毒啊。”
'You're not going to eat that, are you, Hagrid?' said Ron, leaning in for a closer look. 'It looks poisonous.'
| “它就是这个样子,是龙肉,”海格说,“我没准备吃它。”
'It's s'posed ter look like that, it's dragon meat,' Hagrid said. 'An' I didn' get it ter eat.'
| 他拎起龙肉,敷在自己的左脸上,绿色的血滴到他的胡子上,他满意地哼哼了一声。
He picked up the steak and slapped it over the left side of his face. Greenish blood trickled down into his beard as he gave a soft moan of satisfaction.
| “好些了,它有镇痛作用。”
'Tha's better. It helps with the stingin', yeh know.'
| “你能告诉我们你遇到了什么吗?”哈利问。
'So, are you going to tell us what's happened to you?' Harry asked.
| “不行,哈利,这是绝对机密——不能告诉你们,拿我的工作都抵不了这责任。”
'Can't, Harry. Top secret. More'n me job's worth ter tell yeh that.'
| “是巨人打你的吗,海格?”赫敏轻声问。
'Did the giants beat you up, Hagrid?' asked Hermione quietly.
| 海格的手一松,龙肉咕叽滑到他的胸口。
Hagrid's fingers slipped on the dragon steak and it slid squelchily on to his chest.
| “巨人?”海格在龙肉滑到皮带之前把它抓住,重新敷到脸上,“谁说巨人了?你们跟谁聊过?谁告诉你们——谁说我——啊?”
'Giants?' said Hagrid, catching the steak before it reached his belt and slapping it back over his face, 'who said anythin' abou' giants? Who yeh bin talkin' to? Who's told yeh what I've - who's said I've bin - eh?'
| “我们猜的。”赫敏抱歉地说。
'We guessed,' said Hermione apologetically.
| “哦,你们猜的,是吗?”海格用没被龙肉遮住的那只眼睛严厉地审视她。
'Oh, yeh did, did yeh?' said Hagrid, surveying her sternly with the eye that was not hidden by the steak.
| “挺……明显的嘛。”罗恩说,哈利点点头。
'It was kind of . . . obvious,' said Ron. Harry nodded.
| 海格瞪着他们,然后哼了一声,把龙肉扔回桌上,走到呜呜响的水壶跟前。
Hagrid glared at them, then snorted, threw the steak back on to the table and strode over to the kettle, which was now whistling.
| “没见过像你们这么大的小孩知道这么多不该知道的事儿,”他嘟哝着,把滚开的水泼泼洒洒地倒进三个水桶形状的杯子里,“我不是夸你们。有人管这叫——包打听。多管闲事。”
'Never known kids like you three fer knowin' more'n yeh oughta,' he muttered, splashing boiling water into three of his bucket-shaped mugs. 'An' I'm not complimentin' yeh, neither. Nosy, some'd call it. Interferin'.'
| 但他的胡子在抖动。
But his beard twitched.
| “你去找巨人了?”哈利在桌边坐下笑着问。
'So you have been to look for giants?' said Harry, grinning as he sat down at the table.
| 海格把茶杯放在每个人面前,坐下来,又拎起龙肉敷在脸上。
Hagrid set tea in front of each of them, sat down, picked up his steak again and slapped it back over his face.
| “嗯,去了。”他嘟哝道。
'Yeah, all righ',' he grunted, 'I have.'
| “找到他们了?”赫敏屏着气问。
'And you found them?' said Hermione in a hushed voice.
| “老实说,他们并不那么难找,”海格说,“个头大嘛。”
'Well, they're not that difficult ter find, ter be honest, said Hagrid. 'Pretty big, see.'
| “他们在哪儿?”罗恩问。
'Where are they?' said Ron.
| “山里。”海格含糊地回答。
'Mountains,' said Hagrid unhelpfully.
| “那为什么麻瓜没有——”
'So why don't Muggles - ?'
| “不是没有,”海格低沉地说,“只是他们的死因总被说成是登山事故,对不对?”
They do,' said Hagrid darkly. 'On'y their deaths are always put down ter mountaineerin' accidents, aren' they?'
| 他把龙肉移了移,盖住最严重的伤痕。
He adjusted the steak a little so that it covered the worst of the bruising.
| “海格,跟我们说说你干了什么!”罗恩说,“说说被巨人袭击的事,哈利可以说说被摄魂怪袭击的事——”
'Come on, Hagrid, tell us what you've been up to!' said Ron. Tell us about being attacked by the giants and Harry can tell you about being attacked by the Dementors - '
| 海格呛了一下,龙肉也掉了,他连连咳嗽,大量的唾液、茶水和龙血溅到桌上,龙肉啪嗒一声滑到地上。
Hagrid choked in his mug and dropped his steak at the same time; a large quantity of spit, tea and dragon blood was sprayed over the table as Hagrid coughed and spluttered and the steak slid, with a soft splat, on to the floor.
| “你说什么,被摄魂怪袭击?”海格大声说。
'Whadda yeh mean, attacked by Dementors?' growled Hagrid.
| “你不知道吗?”赫敏瞪大眼睛问。
'Didn't you know?' Hermione asked him, wide-eyed.
| “我走后发生的事情我都不知道。我有秘密使命,不希望猫头鹰到处跟着我——讨厌的摄魂怪!不是真的吧?”
'I don' know any thin' that's bin happenin' since I left. I was on a secret mission, wasn' I, didn' wan' owls followin' me all over the place - ruddy Dementors! Yeh're not serious?'
| “是真的,它们在小惠金区出现了,袭击了我和我表哥,然后魔法部想把我开除掉——”
'Yeah, I am, they turned up in Little Whinging and attacked my cousin and me, and then the Ministry of Magic expelled me - '
| “什么?”
| “——我只好去受审,好多的事情,可是先跟我们说说巨人的事吧。”
' - and I had to go to a hearing and everything, but tell us about the giants first.'
| “你要被开除?”
'You were expelled!'
| “先说说你的暑假,然后我再说我的。”
Tell us about your summer and I'll tell you about mine.'
| 海格用他能睁开的那只眼睛瞪着哈利。哈利与他对视着,脸上是直率而坚决的表情。
Hagrid glared at him through his one open eye. Harry looked right back, an expression of innocent determination on his face.
| “唉,好吧。”海格无可奈何地说。
'Oh, all righ',' Hagrid said in a resigned voice.
| 他弯下腰把龙肉从牙牙的嘴里拽了出来。
He bent down and tugged the dragon steak out of Fang's mouth.
| “不要,海格,这不卫生——”赫敏说道,但海格已经又把龙肉敷到眼睛上了。他又喝了一口茶提神,然后说道:“我们学期一结束就出发了——”
'Oh, Hagrid, don't, it's not hygien-' Hermione began, but Hagrid had already slapped the meat back over his swollen eye.
| “马克西姆夫人跟你一起吗?”赫敏插嘴问。
He took another fortifying gulp of tea, then said, 'Well, we set off righ' after term ended - '
| “对,”海格说道,他脸上没被胡子和龙肉遮住的一点地方显出了温柔的表情,“是我们两个。我告诉你们,奥里姆①她不怕吃苦。你们知道,她是一位优雅的、穿得很考究的女士。我知道我们要去哪里,怕她受不了爬石头、睡岩洞什么的,可她一次都没抱怨过。”
'Madame Maxime went with you, then?' Hermione interjected.
| “你知道你们要去哪里?”哈利问,“你知道巨人在哪儿?”
'Yeah, tha's righ',' said Hagrid, and a softened expression appeared on the few inches of face that were not obscured by beard or green steak. 'Yeah, it was jus' the pair of us. An' I'll tell yen this, she's not afraid of roughin' it, Olympe. Yeh know, she's a fine, well-dressed woman, an' knowin' where we was goin' I wondered 'ow she'd feel abou' clamberin' over boulders an' sleepin' in caves an' tha', bu' she never complained once.'
| “邓布利多知道,他告诉了我们。”
'You knew where you were going?' Harry repeated. 'You knew where the giants were?'
| “巨人是不是藏起来了?”罗恩问,“他们在哪儿是个秘密吗?”
'Well, Durnbledore knew, an' he told us,' said Hagrid.
| “不完全是,”海格摇着乱蓬蓬的脑袋说,“只是许多巫师都不操心他们在哪儿,只要他们离得很远就行。但巨人住的地方很难进去,至少对人类是这样。所以我们需要邓布利多的指引。我们花了一个月才找到地方——”
'Are they hidden?' asked Ron. 'Is it a secret, where they are?'
| “一个月?”罗恩说,好像他从未听过这样长的旅行,“可是——你们为什么不拿门钥匙呢?”
'Not really,' said Hagrid, shaking his shaggy head. 'It's jus' that mos' wizards aren' bothered where they are, 's'long as it's a good long way away. But where they are's very difficult ter get ter, fer humans anyway, so we needed Dumbledore's instructions. Took us abou' a month ter get there - '
| 海格看着罗恩,那只露在外面的眼睛里有一种近乎怜悯的奇怪表情。
'A month?' said Ron, as though he had never heard of a journey lasting such a ridiculously long time. 'But - why couldn't you just grab a Portkey or something?'
| “我们被监视着,罗恩。”他粗哑地说。
There was an odd expression in Hagrid's unobscured eye as he surveyed Ron; it was almost pitying.
| “什么意思?”
'We're bein' watched, Ron,' he said gruffly.
| “你不明白,魔法部监视着邓布利多和他们认为是跟他一道的人——”
'What d'you mean?'
| “我们知道,”哈利忙说,急于听海格的故事,“我们知道魔法部在监视邓布利多——”
'Yeh don' understand,' said Hagrid. The Ministry's keepin' an eye on Dumbledore an' anyone they reckon's in league with 'im, an' - '
| “所以你们不能用魔法?”罗恩震惊地问,“你们一路只能像麻瓜一样?”
'We know about that,' said Harry quickly, keen to hear the rest of Hagrid's story, 'we know about the Ministry watching Dumbledore - '
| “也不是一路,”海格狡黠地说,“我们只是必须多加小心,因为我和奥里姆,块头大了点——”
'So you couldn't use magic to get there?' asked Ron, looking thunderstruck, 'you had to act like Muggles all the way?'
| 罗恩发出强忍着的噗嗤一声,赶紧喝了一大口茶。
'Well, not exactly all the way' said Hagrid cagily. 'We jus' had ter be careful, 'cause Olympe an' me, we stick out a bit -
| “——所以很容易被跟踪。我们装作一起去度假,所以我们去了法国,假装要去奥里姆的学校,因为知道有魔法部的人盯梢。我们只能慢慢走,因为我不能用魔法,知道魔法部在找借口拘留我们。但在地——龙附近我们终于甩掉了那个尾巴——”
Ron made a stifled noise somewhere between a snort and a sniff and hastily took a gulp of tea.
| “哦,是第戎②吧?”赫敏兴奋地说道,“我去那儿度过假,你有没有看见——”
' - so we're not hard ter follow. We was pretendin' we was goin' on holiday together, so we got inter France an' we made like we was headin' fer where Olympe's school is, 'cause we knew we was bein' tailed by someone from the Ministry. We had to go slow, 'cause I'm not really s'posed ter use magic an' we knew the Mimstry'd be lookin' fer a reason ter run us in. But we managed ter give the berk tailin' us the slip round abou' Dee-John - '
| 看到罗恩的脸色,她不做声了。
'Ooooh, Dijon?' said Hermione excitedly. 'I've been there on holiday, did you see - ?'
| “然后我们找机会用了一点魔法,旅行还算不赖。在波兰边境遇到两个疯巨怪,我在明斯克的酒吧里跟一个吸血鬼闹了点小别扭,但刨去这些,就再顺利不过了。
She fell silent at the look on Ron's face.
| “我们找到了那个地方,开始往山里走,寻找他们的踪影……
'We chanced a bit o' magic after that an' it wasn' a bad journey. Ran inter a couple o' mad trolls on the Polish border an' I had a sligh' disagreement with a vampire in a pub in Minsk, bu' apart from tha' couldn't'a bin smoother.
| “一到那边,我们又不得不收起魔法。一是因为巨人不喜欢巫师,我们不想太早惹火他们;另外邓布利多警告我们说,神秘人肯定也在寻找巨人,可能已经派出了使者。他嘱咐我们在那一带要非常小心,不要暴露自己,防止附近有食死徒。”
'An' then we reached the place, an' we started trekkin' up through the mountains, lookin' fer signs of 'em . . .
| 海格停下来喝了一大口茶。
'We had ter lay off the magic once we got near 'em. Partly 'cause they don' like wizards an' we didn' want ter put their backs up too soon, an' partly 'cause Dumbledore had warned us You-Know-Who was bound ter be after the giants an' all. Said it was odds on he'd sent a messenger off ter them already. Told us ter be verv careful of drawin' attention ter ourselves as we got nearer in case there was Death Eaters around.'
| “说呀!”哈利性急地催促道。
Hagrid paused for a long draught of tea.
| “找到了。”海格直率地说,“一天晚上翻过山脊,他们就在下面,小小的篝火,巨大的影子……就像山在移动。”
'Go on!' said Harry urgently.
| “有多大?”罗恩屏着气问。
'Found 'em,' said Hagrid baldly. 'Went over a ridge one nigh' an' there they was, spread ou' underneath us. Little fires burnin' below an' huge shadows . . . it was like watchin' bits o' the mountain movin'.'
| “大概二十英尺吧,”海格漫不经心地说,“大的可能有二十五英尺。”
'How big are they?' asked Ron in a hushed voice.
| “有多少人?”哈利问。
"Bout twenty feet,' said Hagrid casually. 'Some o' the bigger ones mighta bin twenty-five.'
| “我想有七八十个吧。”
'And how many were there?' asked Harry.
| “全在那儿了吗?”赫敏问。
'I reckon abou' seventy or eighty,' said Hagrid.
| “嗯,”海格悲哀地说,“只剩那么多了,以前有好多,全世界起码有一百个部落,但是渐渐消亡了。当然,巫师杀了一些,但大部分是自相残杀的。现在他们死得更快了,他们不适合那样挤在一起生活。邓布利多说是我们的错,是巫师把他们赶到了老远的地方,他们没有办法,为了生存只能待在一块。”
'Is that all?' said Hermione.
| “那么,”哈利说,“你们看到了巨人,后来呢?”
'Yep,' said Hagrid sadly, 'eighty left, an' there was loads once, musta bin a hundred diff'rent tribes from all over the world. Bu' they've bin dyin' out fer ages. Wizards killed a few, o' course, bu' mostly they killed each other, an' now they're dyin' out faster than ever. They're not made ter live bunched up together like tha'. Dumbledore says it's our fault, it was the wizards who forced 'em to go an' made 'em live a good long way from us an' they had no choice bu' ter stick together fer their own protection.'
| “我们一直等到早上,不想在夜里悄悄走过去,为了安全起见,”海格说,“凌晨三点左右他们在原地睡着了。我们不敢睡,一是怕哪个巨人醒了爬上来,另一个是呼噜响得吓人。快天亮时引起了一场雪崩。天亮之后我们就下去了。”
'So,' said Harry, 'you saw them and then what?'
| “就那样?”罗恩敬畏地问,“你们直接走进了巨人的营地?”
'Well, we waited till morning, didn' want ter go sneakin' up on 'em in the dark, fer our own safety' said Hagrid. "Bout three in the mornin' they fell asleep jus' where they was sittin'. We didn' dare sleep. Fer one thing, we wanted ter make sure none of 'em woke up an' came up where we were, an' fer another, the snorin' was unbelievable. Caused an avalanche near mornin'.
| “邓布利多告诉了我们该怎么做,”海格说,“给古戈礼物,表示敬意。”
'Anyway once it was light we wen' down ter see 'em.'
| “给谁礼物?”哈利问。
'Just like that?' said Ron, looking awestruck. 'You just walked right into a giant camp?'
| “哦,古戈——就是首领。”
'Well, Dumbledore'd told us how ter do it,' said Hagrid. 'Give the Gurg gifts, show some respect, yeh know.'
| “你怎么知道哪个是古戈?”罗恩问。
'Give the what gifts?' asked Harry.
| 海格乐了。
'Oh, the Gurg - means the chief.'
| “错不了,他最大,最丑,最懒,坐在那儿等别人拿东西给他吃,像死羊什么的。他叫卡库斯。我估计他有二十二三英尺高,有两头公象那么重。皮肤像犀牛。”
'How could you tell which one was the Gurg?' asked Ron.
| “你们就直接走了上去?”赫敏提心吊胆地问。
Hagrid grunted in amusement.
| “嗯……走了下去,他躺在山谷里。他们待在四座高山之间的洼地上,靠近一个高山湖泊。卡库斯躺在湖边,咆哮着让人喂他和他的老婆。我跟奥里姆走下山坡——”
'No problem,' he said. 'He was the biggest, the ugliest an1 the laziest. Sittin' there waitin' ter be brought food by the others. Dead goats an' such like. Name o' Karkus. I'd put him at twenty-two, twenty-three feet an' the weight o' a couple o' bull elephants. Skin like rhino hide an' all.'
| “可是他们没有想杀你们吗?”罗恩难以置信地问。
'And you just walked up to him?' said Hermione breathlessly.
| “肯定有人这么想,”海格耸耸肩膀,“但我们按邓布利多说的那样,把礼物举得高高的,眼睛盯着古戈,没有理会其他人。就这样,其他人安静下来,看着我们走过去,我们一直走到卡库斯的脚边,鞠了个躬,把礼物放在他面前。”
'Well . . . down ter him, where he was lyin' in the valley. They was in this dip between four pretty high mountains, see, beside a mountain lake, an' Karkus was lyin' by the lake roarin' at the others ter feed him an' his wife. Olympe an' I went down the mountainside -'
| “送给巨人什么礼物?”罗恩感兴趣地问,“吃的吗?”
'But didn't they try and kill you when they saw you?' asked Ron incredulously.
| “不是,他自己能搞到吃的。”海格说,“我们送他魔法。巨人喜欢魔法,只是不喜欢我们用魔法对付他们。总之,第一天我们给了他一支古卜莱仙火。”
'It was def'nitely on some o' their minds,' said Hagrid, shrugging, 'but we did what Dumbledore told us ter do, which was ter hold our gift up high an' keep our eyes on the Gurg an' ignore the others. So tha's what we did. An' the rest of 'em went quiet an'
| 赫敏轻轻地哇了一声,但哈利和罗恩都皱起了眉头。
watched us pass an' we got right up ter Karkuss leet an we bowed an' put our present down in front o' him.'
| “一支——?”
'What do you give a giant?' asked Ron eagerly. 'Food?'
| “永恒的火,”赫敏不耐烦地说,“你们该知道的,弗立维教授在课上提了至少两次!”
'Nah, he can get food all righ' fer himself,' said Hagrid. 'We took him magic. Giants like magic, jus' don' like us usin' it against 'em. Anyway, that firs' day we gave 'im a branch o' Gubraithian fire.'
| “总之,”海格忙说,不等罗恩回嘴,“邓布利多用魔法使这支火把能永远燃烧,这不是一般巫师能做到的。我把它放在卡库斯脚边的雪地上,说:‘阿不思·邓布利多给巨人古戈的礼物,以表敬意。’”
Hermione said, 'Wow!' softly, but Harry and Ron both frowned in puzzlement.
| “卡库斯说什么?”哈利急切地问。
'A branch of - ?'
| “什么也没说,”海格说,“他不会说我们的话。”
'Everlasting fire,' said Hermione irritably, 'you ought to know that by now. Professor Flitwick's mentioned it at least twice in class!'
| “你开玩笑吧!”
'Well, anyway,' said Hagrid quickly, intervening before Ron could answer back, 'Dumbledore'd bewitched this branch to burn fer evermore, which isn' somethin' any wizard could do, an' so I lies it down in the snow by Karkuss feet and says, "A gift to the Gurg of the giants from Albus Dumbledore, who sends his respectful greetings."'
| “这没关系,”海格平静地说道,“邓布利多提醒过可能发生这种情况。还好,卡库斯叫来两个懂我们话的巨人,给我们做翻译。”
'And what did Karkus say?' asked Harry eagerly.
| “他喜欢这礼物吗?”罗恩问。
'Nothin',' said Hagrid. 'Didn' speak English.'
| “哦,他们一明白它是什么,营地就是一片骚动。”海格把龙肉翻过来,把凉的一面贴在他的肿眼上,“他们非常高兴。这时我说:‘阿不思·邓布利多捎话,使者明天再带礼物来时,请古戈与他交谈。’”
'You're kidding!'
| “你为什么不当天跟他们谈?”赫敏问。
'Didn' matter,' said Hagrid imperturbably, 'Dumbledore had warned us tha' migh' happen. Karkus knew enough to yell fer a couple o' giants who knew our lingo an' they translated fer us.'
| “邓布利多要我们慢慢来,让巨人看到我们守信用。明天再带礼物来,如果真的带了,会给他们一个好印象。而且让他们有时间检验一下第一个礼物,发现它是好东西,想要更多。总之,卡库斯这样的巨人——一下子说很多,他们会杀死你。简单了事。所以我们鞠躬退了回去,找了个舒服的小岩洞过夜,第二天早上再去时,看到卡库斯正在眼巴巴地等我们。”
'And did he like the present?' asked Ron.
| “你们跟他谈了?”
'Oh yeah, it went down a storm once they understood what it was,' said Hagrid, turning his dragon steak over to press the cooler side to his swollen eye. 'Very pleased. So then I said, "Albus Dumbledore asks the Gurg to speak with his messenger when he returns tomorrow with another gift." '
| “是啊,我们先送给他一顶漂亮的头盔——妖精做的,坚不可摧,然后就坐下来谈话。”
'Why couldn't you speak to them that day?' asked Hermione.
| “他说什么?”
'Dumbledore wanted us ter take it very slow,' said Hagrid. 'Let 'em see we kept our promises. We'll come back tomorrow with another present, an' then we do come back with another present - gives a good impression, see? An' gives them time ter test out the firs' present an' iind out it's a good one, an' get 'em eager ier more. In any case, giants like Karkus - overload 'em with information an' they'll kill yeh jus' to simplify things. So we bowed outta the way an' went off an' found ourselves a nice little cave ter spend that night in an' the followin' mornin' we went back an' this time we found Karkus sittin' up waitin' fer us lookin' all eager.'
| “没怎么说,主要是听。但苗头不错,他听说过邓布利多,知道他反对杀死英国最后一批巨人。卡库斯好像对邓布利多的话很感兴趣。还有几个人也围过来听,尤其是懂一点儿英语的。我们走的时候充满希望,答应第二天再带一个礼物来。
'And you talked to him?'
| “可是那天晚上坏事了。”
'Oh yeah. Firs' we presented him with a nice battle helmet - 'goblin-made an' indestructible, yeh know - an' then we sat down an' we talked.'
| “什么意思?”罗恩忙问。
'What did he say?'
| “我说过,巨人们不适合住在一起,”海格悲哀地说,“不适合那么大的一群。他们不能控制自己,每几个星期就要互相打个半死。男的跟男的打,女的跟女的打。那些老部落的残余打来打去,还不算为了食物、火和睡觉地方的争斗。看到他们整个种族都快灭绝了,你以为他们会停止自相残杀,但……”
'Not much,' said Hagrid. 'Listened mostly. Bu' there were good signs. He'd heard o' Dumbledore, heard he'd argued against the killin' o' the last giants in Britain. Karkus seemed ter be quite int'rested in what Dumbledore had ter say. An' a few o' the others, 'specially the ones who had some English, they gathered round an' listened too. We were hopeful when we left that day. Promised ter come back next mornin' with another present.
| 海格深深地叹了口气。
'Bu' that night it all wen' wrong.'
| “那天晚上发生了一场恶斗,我们在洞口看到的,在下面山谷里。打了几小时,声音大得你都不敢相信。太阳出来时,雪都是红的,他的头沉在了湖底。”
'What d'you mean?' said Ron quickly.
| “谁的头?”赫敏惊问。
'Well, like I say, they're not meant ter live together, giants,' said Hagrid sadly. 'Not in big groups like that. They can' help themselves, they half kill each other every few weeks. The men fight each other an' the women fight each other; the remnants of the old tribes fight each other, an' that's even without squabbles over food an' the best fires an' sleepin' spots. Yeh'd think, seein' as how their whole race is abou' finished, they'd lay off each other, bu' . . .'
| “卡库斯的。”海格沉重地说,“换了个新古戈,名叫高高马。”他长叹一声。“没想到,我们和古戈交朋友才两天就换了人。我们感到高高马可能不好说话,但也只能试一试。”
Hagrid sighed deeply.
| “你们去找他说话?”罗恩不敢相信地问,“看到他砍掉其他巨人的脑袋之后?”
That night a fight broke out, we saw it from the mouth of our cave, lookin' down on the valley. Went on fer hours, yeh wouldn' believe the noise. An' when the sun came up the snow was scarlet an' his head was lyin' at the bottom o' the lake.'
| “我们当然去了。”海格说,“这么大老远过去的,怎么能两天就放弃呢?我们带着本打算送给卡库斯的礼物走了下去。”
'Whose head?' gasped Hermione.
| “我还没有开口就知道不行了。他坐在那儿,戴着卡库斯的头盔,斜眼看着我们走近。他非常魁梧,是那里头最高大的之一,黑头发,大黑牙,戴着骨头项链,有的看着像人骨。我努力了一下——举起一大卷龙皮说:‘给巨人古戈的礼物——’话还没说完,就头朝下被吊了起来。他的两个手下抓住了我。”
'Karkus's,' said Hagrid heavily. There was a new Gurg, Golgomath.' He sighed deeply. 'Well, we hadn' bargained on a new Gurg two days after we'd made friendly contact with the firs' one, an' we had a funny feelin' Golgomath wouldn' be so keen ter listen to us, bu' we had ter try'
| 赫敏用手捂住嘴巴。
'You went to speak to him?' asked Ron incredulously. 'After you'd watched him rip off another giant's head?'
| “你怎么脱身的?”哈利问。
'Course we did,' said Hagrid, 'we hadn' gone all that way ter give up after two days! We wen' down with the next present we'd meant ter give ter Karkus.
| “要不是奥里姆在,我就出不来了。”海格说,“她抽出魔杖,施了几个我这辈子见过的最快的魔法,真了不起。眼疾咒正中那两个家伙的眼睛,他们马上把我丢下了——但这下麻烦了,因为我们对巨人用了魔法,那正是巨人仇恨巫师的原因。我们只好逃走,知道不能再走进营地了。”
'I knew it was no go before I'd opened me mouth. He was sitting there wearin' Karkus's helmet, leerin' at us as we got nearer. He's massive, one o' the biggest ones there. Black hair an' matchin' teeth an' a necklace o' bones. Human-lookin' bones, some of 'em. Well, I gave it a go - held out a great roll o' dragon skin - an' said, "A gift fer the Gurg of the giants - '" Nex' thing I knew, I was hangin' upside-down in the air by me feet, two of his mates had grabbed me.'
| “哎呀,海格。”罗恩轻声说。
Hermione clapped her hands to her mouth.
| “你在那儿只待了三天,怎么这么晚才回来?”赫敏问。
'How did you get out of that!' asked Harry.
| “我们没有只待三天就走!”海格好像受了侮辱,“邓布利多还指望着我们呢!”
'Wouldn'ta done if Olympe hadn' bin there,' said Hagrid. 'She pulled out her wand an' did some o' the fastes' spellwork I've ever seen. Ruddy marvellous. Hit the two holdin' me right in the eyes with Conjunctivitus Curses an' they dropped me straightaway - 'bu' we were in trouble then, 'cause we'd used magic against 'em, an' that's what giants hate abou' wizards. We had ter leg it an' we knew there was no way we was going ter be able ter march inter the camp again.'
| “可是你说你们不能再回去了!”
'Blimey, Hagrid,' said Ron quietly.
| “白天是不能,我们只是需要重新考虑一下。趴在岩洞里观察了几天。情况不妙。”
'So, how come it's taken you so long to get home if you were only there for three days?' asked Hermione.
| “他又砍人脑袋了?”赫敏有点作呕。
'We didn' leave after three days!' said Hagrid, looking outraged. 'Dumbledore was relyin' on us!'
| “不是,”海格说,“那还好些。”
'But you've just said there was no way you could go back!'
| “什么意思?”
'Not by daylight we couldn', no. We just had ter rethink a bit. Spent a couple o' days lyin' low up in the cave an' watchin'. An' wha' we saw wasn' good.'
| “我是说,我们很快发现他并不排斥所有的巫师——只排斥我们。”
'Did he rip off more heads?' asked Hermione, sounding squeamish.
| “食死徒?”哈利马上问。
'No,' said Hagrid, 'I wish he had.'
| “对,”海格阴沉地说,“每天都有两个带着礼物来见他,他没有把他们吊起来。”
'What d'you mean?'
| “你怎么知道是食死徒?”罗恩问。
'I mean we soon found out he didn' object ter all wizards - 'just us.'
| “因为我认出了一个,”海格粗声说,“麦克尼尔,记得吗?他们派来杀巴克比克的那家伙。他是个疯子,像高高马一样喜欢杀人,难怪他们那么投机。”
'You went to speak to him?' asked Ron incredulously. 'After you'd watched him rip off another giant's head?'
| “麦克尼尔说服巨人跟神秘人联合了?”赫敏绝望地说。
'Course we did,' said Hagrid, 'we hadn' gone all that way ter give up after two days! We wen' down with the next present we'd meant ter give ter Karkus.
| “别着急呀,我还没讲完呢!”海格叫道,他一开始什么也不肯说,现在倒好像说上瘾了,“我和奥里姆商量了一下,虽然古戈好像偏向神秘人,但并不意味着巨人们都是这样,我们要想法说服其他巨人——那些不愿意高高马当古戈的人。”
'I knew it was no go before I'd opened me mouth. He was sitting there wearin' Karkus's helmet, leerin' at us as we got nearer. He's massive, one o' the biggest ones there. Black hair an' matchin' teeth an' a necklace o' bones. Human-lookin' bones, some of 'em. Well, I gave it a go - held out a great roll o' dragon skin - an' said, "A gift fer the Gurg of the giants - '" Nex' thing I knew, I was hangin' upside-down in the air by me feet, two of his mates had grabbed me.'
| “你怎么看得出哪些是呢?”罗恩问。
Hermione clapped her hands to her mouth.
| “他们是被打惨了的,对不对?”海格耐心地解释,“有点头脑的都会躲着高高马,像我们一样藏在周围的岩洞里。所以我们决定晚上到各个岩洞走走,看能不能说服几个人。”
'How did you get out of that?' asked Harry.
| “你们到漆黑的岩洞里去找巨人?”罗恩惊叫道。
'Wouldn'ta done if Olympe hadn' bin there,' said Hagrid. 'She pulled out her wand an' did some o' the fastes' spellwork I've ever seen. Ruddy marvellous. Hit the two holdin' me right in the eyes with Conjunctivitus Curses an' they dropped me straightaway - 'bu' we were in trouble then, 'cause we'd used magic against 'em, an' that's what giants hate abou' wizards. We had ter leg it an' we knew there was no way we was going ter be able ter march inter the camp again.'
| “巨人倒不是我们最担心的,”海格说,“我们更怕食死徒。邓布利多嘱咐过尽量不要跟他们纠缠。问题是那帮人知道我们在那儿——大概是高高马说的。夜里我们想趁巨人睡觉时溜进岩洞,麦克尼尔那帮人却在山里找我们。我很难拦住奥里姆,”海格的嘴角牵起他的大胡子。“她一心想教训他们……她被激怒时真不得了,奥里姆……像团烈火……大概是因为她的法国血统吧……”
'Blimey, Hagrid,' said Ron quietly.
| 海格眼眶湿润地看着炉火,哈利给了他三十秒回忆时间,然后大声清了清嗓子。
'So, how come it's taken you so long to get home if you were only there for three days?' asked Hermione.
| “怎么样?你们接近其他巨人了吗?”
'We didn' leave after three days!' said Hagrid, looking outraged. 'Dumbledore was relyin' on us!'
| “什么?哦……哦,接近了。在卡库斯被杀之后的第三个夜里,我们钻出岩洞,悄悄地摸下山去,睁大眼睛提防着食死徒。我们进了几个岩洞,没有——然后,大约是第六个洞时,发现里面藏着三个巨人。”
'But you've just said there was no way you could go back!'
| “一定够挤的。”罗恩说。
'Not by daylight we couldn', no. We just had ter rethink a bit. Spent a couple o' days lyin' low up in the cave an' watchin'. An' wha' we saw wasn' good.'
| “连悬挂猫狸子的地方都没有。”海格说。
'Did he rip off more heads?' asked Hermione, sounding squeamish.
| “他们没有打你们吗?”赫敏问。
'No,' said Hagrid, 'I wish he had.'
| “如果他们身体好一点的话,可能会的。但他们三个都伤得很重。高高马那一伙把他们打昏了,他们苏醒后,爬进了最近的藏身之处。总之,其中一个懂一点英语,给那两个当翻译,我们的话好像效果不太坏。所以我们就经常过去,探视被打伤的巨人……我想我们一度说服了六七个。”
'What d'you mean?'
| “六七个?”罗恩兴奋地说,“那不错呀——他们会过来和我们一起打神秘人吗?”
'I mean we soon found out he didn' object ter all wizards - 'just us.'
| 但赫敏说:“‘一度’是什么意思,海格?”
'Death Eaters?' said Harry quickly.
| 海格悲哀地看着她。
'Yep,' said Hagrid darkly. 'Couple oi 'em were visitin' him ev'ry clay, bringin' gifts ter the Gurg, an' he wasn' dangling them upside - 'c.own.'
| “高高马的人袭击了岩洞,活下来的再也不想跟我们打交道了。”
'How d'you know they were Death Eaters?' said Ron.
| “那……那没有巨人来了?”罗恩失望地问。
'Because I recognised one of 'em,' Hagrid growled. 'Macnair, remember him? Bloke they sent ter kill Buckbeak? Maniac, he is. L.ikes killin' as much as Golgomath; no wonder they were gettin' on so well.'
| “是啊,”海格深深地叹了口气,又翻动龙肉,把凉的一面贴在脸上,“但我们做了该做的事,传达了邓布利多的口信,有人听到了,我想会有人记得。假使那些不愿服从高高马的住到山外,他们也许会想起邓布利多是友好的……说不定会过来……”
'So Macnair's persuaded the giants to join You-Know-Who?' said Hermione desperately.
| 雪正在积满窗棂。哈利感到膝上都湿透了,牙牙把脑袋搁在哈利的腿上,流着口水。
'Hold yer Hippogriffs, I haven' finished me story yet!' said Hagrid indignantly, who, considering he had not wanted to tell them anything in the first place, now seemed to be rather enjoying himself. 'Me an' Olympe talked it over an' we agreed, jus' 'cause the Gurg looked like favourin' You-Know-Who didn' mean all of 'em would. We had ter try an' persuade some o' the others, the ones who hadn' wanted Golgomath as Gurg.'
| “海格?”过了一会儿赫敏轻声问道。
'How could you tell which ones they were?' asked Ron.
| “嗯?”
Well, they were the ones bein' beaten to a pulp, weren' they?' said Hagrid patiently. The ones with any sense were keepin' outta Golgomath's way, hidin' out in caves roun' the gully jus' like we were. So we decided we'd go pokin' round the caves by night an' see if we couldn' persuade a few o' them.'
| “你有没有……在那儿的时候……有没有听到你……你……妈妈的消息?”
'You went poking around dark caves looking for giants?' said Ron, with awed respect in his voice.
| 海格露在外面的眼睛看着她,赫敏似乎很害怕。
Well, it wasn' the giants who worried us most,' said Hagrid. 'We were more concerned abou' the Death Eaters. Dumbledore had told us before we wen' not ter tangle with 'em if we could avoid it, an' the trouble was they knew we was around - 'spect Golgomath told 'em abou' us. At night, when the giants were sleepin' an' we wanted ter be creepin' inter the caves, Macnair an' the other one were sneakin' round the mountains lookin' fer us. I was hard put to stop Olympe jumpin' out at 'em,' said Hagrid, the corners of h s mouth lifting his wild beard, 'she was rarin' ter attack 'em . . . she's somethin' when she's roused, Olympe . . . fiery, yeh know . . . 'spect it's the French in her . . .'
| “对不起……我……我忘了——”
Hagrid gazed misty-eyed into the fire. Harry allowed him thirty seconds of reminiscence before clearing his throat loudly.
| “死了,”海格嘟哝道,“好些年前就死了。他们告诉我的。”
'So, what happened? Did you ever get near any of the other giants?'
| “哦……我……真对不起。”赫敏声音小小地说。海格耸了耸宽大的肩膀。
'What? Oh . . . oh, yeah, we did. Yeah, on the third night after Karkus was killed we crept outta the cave we'd bin hidin' in an' headed back down inter the gully, keepin' our eyes skinned fer the Death Eaters. Got inside a few o' the caves, no go - then, in abou' the sixth one, we found three giants hidin'.'
| “没必要,”他马上又说,“不大记得她。不是个好母亲。”
'Cave must've been cramped,' said Ron.
| 又沉默了,赫敏不安地瞟着哈利和罗恩,显然希望他们讲话。
'Wasn' room ter swing a Kneazle,' said Hagrid.
| “可你还没解释你怎么会变成这样的,海格。”罗恩指了指海格那血污的面孔。
'Didn't they attack you when they saw you?' asked Hermione.
| “还有你为什么回来得这么晚。”哈利说,“小天狼星说马克西姆夫人早回去了——”
'Probably woulda done if they'd bin in any condition,' said Hagrid, 'but they was badly hurt, all three o' them; Golgomath's lot had beaten 'em unconscious; they'd woken up an' crawled inter the nearest shelter they could find. Anyway, one o' them had a bit of English an' 'e translated fer the others, an' what we had ter say didn' seem ter go down too badly. So we kep' goin' back, visitin' the wounded . . . I reckon we had abou' six or seven o' them convinced at one poin'.'
| “谁袭击了你?”罗恩问。
'Six or seven?' said Ron eagerly. 'Well that's not bad - are they going to come over here and start fighting You-Know-Who with us?'
| “我没受到袭击!”海格强调道,“我——”
But Hermione said, 'What do you mean "at one point", Hagrid?'
| 但他的话被一阵骤然的敲门声淹没了。赫敏倒吸了一口凉气,手里的杯子掉到地上摔碎了。牙牙叫了起来。四人瞪着门旁的窗户,一个矮胖的身影在薄窗帘上晃动。
Hagrid looked at her sadly.
| “是她!”罗恩低声说。
'Golgomath's lot raided the caves. The ones tha' survived didn' wan' no more ter to do with us after that.'
| “钻进来!”哈利急忙抓起隐形衣披在自己和赫敏的身上,罗恩也奔过去钻进了隐形衣。三人挨挨挤挤地退到一个角落里。牙牙对着门口狂吠。海格似乎完全不知所措了。
'So . . . so there aren't any giants coming?' said Ron, looking disappointed.
| “海格,把我们的杯子藏起来!”
'Nope,' said Hagrid, heaving a deep sigh as he turned over his steak and applied the cooler side to his face, 'but we did wha' we meant ter do, we gave 'em Dumbledore's message an' some o' them heard it an' I spect some o' them'll remember it. Jus' maybe, them that don' want ter stay around Golgomath'll move outta the mountains, an' there's gotta be a chance they'll remember Dumbledore's friendly to 'em . . . could be they'll come.'
| 海格抓起哈利和罗恩的茶杯,塞到牙牙的篮筐垫子底下。牙牙在跳着抓门。海格用脚把它推开到一边,拉开了门。
Snow was filling up the window now. Harry became aware that the knees of his robes were soaked through: Fang was drooling with his head in Harry's lap.
| 乌姆里奇教授站在门口,穿着她的绿花呢斗篷,戴着一顶一样颜色的带耳扇的帽子。她噘着嘴,身体后仰,好看到海格的脸,她还不到他的肚脐眼呢。
'Hagrid?' said Hermione quietly after a while.
| “这么说,”她说得又慢又响,就好像对聋子讲话似的,“你就是海格,是吗?”
| 没等海格回答,她就走进屋去,癞蛤蟆眼骨碌碌乱转。
'Did you . . . was there any sign of . . . did you hear anything asout your . . . your . . . mother while you were there?'
| “走开。”她挥着皮包对牙牙喝道,因为它跳到她跟前,想舔她的脸。
Hagrids unobscured eye rested upon her and Hermione looked rather scared.
| “呃——我不想没礼貌,”海格瞪着她说,“可你到底是谁?”
'I'm sorry . . . I . . . forget it - '
| “我的名字叫多洛雷斯·乌姆里奇。”
'Dead,' Hagrid grunted. 'Died years ago. They told me.'
| 她扫视着小屋,两次直瞪着哈利站的角落,他像三明治一样夹在罗恩和赫敏中间。
'Oh . . . I'm . . . I'm really sorry,' said Hermione in a very small voice. Hagrid shrugged his massive shoulders.
| “多洛雷斯·乌姆里奇?”海格好像彻底搞糊涂了,“我以为你是魔法部的——你不是跟福吉一道的吗?”
'No need,' he said shortly. 'Can't remember her much. Wasn' a great mother.'
| “对,我是对部长负责的高级副部长。”乌姆里奇说。她开始在屋里踱步,注意着每个细节,从墙边的背包到搭在那儿的黑色旅行斗篷。“我现在是黑魔法防御术课的教师——”
They were silent again. Hermione glanced nervously at Harry and Ron, plainly wanting them to speak.
| “你很勇敢,”海格说,“现在没多少人肯教这个了——”
'But you still haven't explained how you got in this state, Hagrid,' Ron said, gesturing towards Hagrid's bloodstained face.
| “——兼霍格沃茨高级调查官。”乌姆里奇好像没听见他的话一样。
'Or why you're back so late,' said Harry. 'Sirius says Madame Maxime got back ages ago - '
| “那是什么?”海格皱眉问。
'Who attacked you?' said Ron.
| “这正是我要问的问题。”乌姆里奇指着地上的碎瓷片,那是赫敏摔碎的茶杯。
'I haven' bin attacked!' said Hagrid emphatically. 'I - '
| “哦……”海格要命地朝哈利、罗恩和赫敏站的地方瞥了一眼,“哦,那是……是牙牙,它打碎了茶杯,所以我只好用这一只。”
But the rest of his words were drowned in a sudden outbreak of rapping on the door. Hermione gasped; her mug slipped through her fingers and smashed on the floor; Fang yelped. All four of them stared at the window beside the doorway. The shadow of somebody small and squat rippled across the thin curtain.
| 海格指指他的茶杯,一只手还按着敷在眼睛上的龙肉。乌姆里奇站在他的面前,注意着他脸上的每个细节。
'It's her!' Ron whispered.
| “我刚才听到了说话声。”她低声说。
'Get under here!' Harry said quickly, seizing the Invisibility Cloak, he whirled it over himself and Hermione while Ron tore around the table and dived under the Cloak as well. Huddled together, they backed away into a corner. Fang was barking madly at the door. Hagrid looked thoroughly confused.
| “我在跟牙牙说话。”海格勇敢地回答。
'Hagrid, hide our mugs!'
| “它也跟你说话吗?”
Hagrid seized Harry and Ron's mugs and shoved them under the cushion in Fang's basket. Fang was now leaping up at the door; Hagrid pushed him out of the way with his foot and pulled it open.
| “啊……以某种方式,”海格说道,显得不大自在,“我有时说牙牙很像人——”
Professor Umbridge was standing in the doorway wearing her green tweed cloak and a matching hat with earflaps. Lips pursed, she leaned back so as to see Hagrid's face; she barely reached his navel.
| “雪地上有三对脚印,从城堡门口通到你的小屋。”乌姆里奇圆滑地说。
'So,' she said slowly and loudly, as though speaking to somebody deaf. 'You're Hagrid, are you?'
| 赫敏倒吸了一口气,哈利赶紧捂住她的嘴巴,幸好,牙牙大声地嗅着乌姆里奇教授的袍摆,她似乎没听见。
Without waiting for an answer she strolled into the room, her bulging eyes rolling in every direction.
| “哦,我刚回来。”海格说,一只大手朝背包挥了挥,“也许有人来过,我没见着。”
'Get away,' she snapped, waving her handbag at Fang, who had bounded up to her and was attempting to lick her face.
| “你的小屋门口没有离开的脚印。”
'Er - I don' want ter be rude,' said Hagrid, staring at her, 'but who the ruddy hell are you?'
| “这……我不知道……”海格紧张地揪着胡须,又求助似的朝哈利三人站的角落瞟去,“呃……”
'My name is Dolores Umbridge.'
| 乌姆里奇转身从屋子这头走向那头,仔细巡视。她弯腰看看床下;她打开海格的碗柜;她从哈利他们跟前不到两英寸处走过,三人贴墙而立,哈利使劲收着肚子。在仔细检查过海格煮饭用的大锅之后,她转身问道:“你怎么了?这些伤是怎么回事?”
Her eyes were sweeping the cabin. Twice they stared directly into the corner where Harry stood, sandwiched between Ron and Hermione.
| 海格赶紧把龙肉从脸上拿下来,哈利认为这是个错误,他眼睛周围的瘀肿都露出来了,更别提脸上那么多的鲜血和血块。“哦,我……出了点事故。”他无力地说。
'Dolores Umbridge?' Hagrid said, sounding thoroughly confused. 'I thought you were one o' them Ministry - don' you work with Fudge?'
| “什么样的事故?”
'I was Senior Undersecretary to the Minister, yes,' said Umbridge, now pacing around the cabin, taking in every tiny detail within, from the haversack against the wall to the abandoned travelling cloak. 'I am now the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher - '
| “我——我摔了一跤。”
Tha's brave of yeh,' said Hagrid, 'there's not many'd take tha' job any more.'
| “摔了一跤。”她冷冷地重复道。
' - and Hogwarts High Inquisitor,' said Umbridge, giving no sign that she had heard him.
| “是的。被……被朋友的扫帚绊的。我自己不会飞。看我这块头,我想没有一把扫帚载得了我。我朋友养神符马,不知你见过没有,大牲口,带翅膀的,我骑过一回——”
'Wha's that?' said Hagrid, frowning.
| “你去哪儿了?”乌姆里奇冷冷地打断海格的胡扯。
'Precisely what I was going to ask,' said Umbridge, pointing at the broken shards of china on the floor that had been Hermione's mug.
| “我去哪儿……?”
'Oh,' said Hagrid, with a most unhelpful glance towards the corner where Harry, Ron and Hermione stood hidden, 'oh, tha' was . . . was Fang. He broke a mug. So I had ter use this one instead.'
| “对,开学两个多月了,你的课由别的老师代着,同事都不知道你的去向,你没留下地址,你到底去哪儿了?”
Hagrid pointed to the mug from which he had been drinking, one hand still clamped over the dragon steak pressed to his eye. Umbridge stood facing him now, taking in every detail of his appearance instead of the cabins.
| 一阵沉默,海格用他新露出的眼睛瞪着她,哈利几乎能听到他的大脑在疯狂转动。
'I heard voices,' she said quietly.
| “我——我去疗养了。”他说。
'I was talkin' ter Fang,' said Hagrid stoutly.
| “疗养。”乌姆里奇教授说。他打量着海格那血污青肿的脸,静默中,龙血缓缓地滴到他的皮马甲上。“看得出来。”
'And was he talking back to you?'
| “是啊,”海格说,“享受点——新鲜空气,你知道——”
'Well . . . in a manner o' speakin',' said Hagrid, looking uncomfortable. 'I sometimes say Fang's near enough human - '
| “是啊,狩猎场看守一定很难呼吸到新鲜空气。”乌姆里奇亲切地说。
There are three sets of footprints in the snow leading from the castle doors to your cabin,' said Umbridge sleekly.
| 海格脸上没有青紫色的那一小块皮肤变红了。
Hermione gasped; Harry clapped a hand over her mouth. Luckily, Fang was sniffing loudly around the hem of Professor Umbridge's robes and she did not appear to have heard.
| “嗯——换换风景,你知道——”
'Well, I on'y jus' got back,' said Hagrid, waving an enormous hand at the haversack. 'Maybe someone came ter call earlier an' I missed 'em.'
| “高山风景?”乌姆里奇马上说。
There are no footsteps leading away from your cabin door.'
| 她知道了,哈利绝望地想。
'Well, I . . . I don' know why that'd be . . .' said Hagrid, tugging nervously at his beard and again glancing towards the corner where Harry, Ron and Hermione stood, as though asking for help. 'Erm . . .'
| “高山?”海格重复道,显然在使劲地动脑子,“不,是法国南部,阳光和……和大海。”
Umbridge wheeled round and strode the length of the cabin, looking around carefully. She bent and peered under the bed. She opened Hagrid's cupboards. She passed within two inches of where Harry, Ron and Hermione stood pressed against the wall; Harry actually pulled in his stomach as she walked by. After looking carefully inside the enormous cauldron Hagrid used for cooking, she wheeled round again and said, 'What has happened to you? How did you sustain those injuries?'
| “是吗?”乌姆里奇说,“你没怎么晒黑啊。”
Hagrid hastily removed the dragon steak from his face, which in Harry's opinion was a mistake, because the black and purple bruising all around his eye was now clearly visible, not to mention the large amount of fresh and congealed blood on his face. 'Oh, I . . . had a bit of an accident,' he said lamely.
| “啊……是……皮肤敏感。”海格想做出一个讨好的笑容,哈利注意到他掉了两颗牙齿。
'What sort of accident?'
| 乌姆里奇冷冷地看着他,他的笑容挂不住了。然后她把皮包往臂弯里拉了拉说:“我自然会向部长报告你这么晚回来。”
'I - I tripped.'
| “是。”海格点头说。
'You tripped,' she repeated coolly.
| “你还应知道,作为高级调查官,我有一个不幸但必要的任务,就是调查其他教师的教学。所以我敢说我们很快又会见面的。”
'Yeah, tha's right. Over . . . over a friends broomstick. I don' fly, meself. Well, look at the size o' me, I don' reckon there's a broomstick that'd hold me. Friend o' mine breeds Abraxan horses, I dunno if you ve ever seen em, big beasts, winged, yen know, I've had a bit of a ride on one o' them an' it was - '
| 她猛然转身朝门口走去。
'Where have you been?' asked Umbridge, cutting coolly through Hagrid's babbling.
| “你要调查我们?”海格望着她的后背茫然地问。
"Where've I - ?'
| “对,”乌姆里奇手放在门把上,回头看着他,轻声说,“部长决心清除不合格的教师,海格。晚安。”
'Been, yes,' she said. Term started two months ago. Another teacher has had to cover your classes. None of your colleagues has been able to give me any information as to your whereabouts. You left no address. Where have you been?'
| 她出去了,啪地把门带上。哈利想掀开隐形衣,但赫敏抓住了他的手腕。
There was a pause in which Hagrid stared at her with his newly uncovered eye. Harry could almost hear his brain working furiously.
| “等等,”她耳语道,“她可能还没走。”
'I - I've been away for me health,' he said.
| 海格似乎也这么想,他大步走到窗前,把窗帘拉开一条缝。
'For your health,' repeated Professor Umbridge. Her eyes travelled over Hagrid's discoloured and swollen face; dragon blood dripped gently and silently on to his waistcoat. 'I see.'
| “她回城堡去了。”他低声说,“邪门……她还要调查别人?”
'Yeah,' said Hagrid, 'bit o' - o' fresh air, yeh know - '
| “是啊,”哈利扯掉隐形衣说,“特里劳妮已经留用察看了……”
'Yes, as gamekeeper fresh air must be so difficult to come by' said Umbridge sweetly. The small patch of Hagrid's face that was not black or purple, flushed.
| “嗯……海格,你打算在课上让我们干什么?”赫敏问。
'Well - change o' scene, yeh know - '
| “哦,别担心,我准备了一堆的内容,”海格兴致勃勃地说,又从桌上拿起龙肉敷在眼睛上,“我为你们的O.W.Ls年专门留了一些生物。等着吧,它们非常特别。”
'Mountain scenery?' said Umbridge swiftly.
| “嗯……特别在哪里?”赫敏试探性地问。
She knows, Harry thought desperately.
| “不能说,”海格快活地答道,“我想给你们一个惊喜。”
'Mountains?' Hagrid repeated, clearly thinking fast. 'Nope, South o' France fer me. Bit o' sun an' . . . an' sea.'
| “哎呀,海格,”赫敏一着急,也顾不得掩饰了,“乌姆里奇教授会挑毛病的,要是你课上用太危险的——”
'Really?' said Umbridge. 'You don't have much of a tan.'
| “危险?”海格似乎觉得好笑,“别说傻话了,我不会给你们危险东西的!我是说,它们能照看好自己——”
'Yeah . . . well . . . sensitive skin,' said Hagrid, attempting an ingratiating smile. Harry noticed that two of his teeth had been knocked out. Umbridge looked at him coldly; his smile faltered. Then she hoisted her handbag a little higher into the crook of her arm and said, 'I shall, of course, be informing the Minister of your late return.'
| “海格,你必须通过乌姆里奇的检查,所以,如果让她看到你教我们怎样寻找庞洛克,怎样区分刺佬儿和刺猬等等,真的会好得多!”赫敏急切地说。
'Righ',' said Hagrid, nodding.
| “可那不大有趣,赫敏,”海格说,“我准备的东西可神奇得多,我养了好些年了,我想全英国只有我这一批驯养的——”
'You ought to know, too, that as High Inquisitor it is my unfortunate but necessary duty to inspect my fellow teachers. So I daresay we shall meet again soon enough.'
| “海格……求求你……”赫敏的声音真有点绝望了,“乌姆里奇在找借口除掉她认为跟邓布利多关系太密切的教师,求求你,教点平常的、O.W.Ls考试中肯定会有的东西……”
She turned sharply and marched back to the door.
| 但海格只是打了个大大的哈欠,独眼朝屋角的大床投去向往的一瞥。
'You're inspectin' us?' Hagrid repeated blankly, looking after her.
| “好了,今天够累的,天也晚了。”他轻轻地拍了拍赫敏的肩膀,她膝盖一软,扑通跪到地上。“哦——对不起——”他揪着袍领把她拉了起来,“不要为我担心,我保证我给你们的保护神奇生物课准备了很好的东西……现在你们最好回城堡去,别忘了擦掉脚印!”
'Oh, yes; said Umbridge softly, looking back at him with her hand on the door handle. The Ministry is determined to weed out unsatisfactory teachers, Hagrid. Goodnight.'
| “我不知道他有没有听懂你的话。”罗恩后来在路上说。看看四下安全,他们踏着渐渐加厚的积雪走回城堡,一路没有留下痕迹,因为赫敏用了擦除咒。
She left, closing the door behind her with a snap. Harry made to pull off the Invisibility Cloak but Hermione seized his wrist.
| “那我明天再来,”赫敏坚决地说,“必要的话我会帮他备课,解雇特里劳妮我不在乎,但她不能赶走海格!”
'Not yet,' she breathed in his ear. 'She might not be gone yet.'
| ①马克西姆夫人的名字。
Hagrid seemed to be thinking the same way; he stumped across the room and pulled back the curtain an inch or so.
| ②法国中东部城市,勃艮第大区首府和科多尔省省会。
'She's goin' back ter the castle,' he said in a low voice. 'Blimey . . . inspectin' people, is she?'
'Yeah,' said Harry, pulling off the Cloak. Trelawney's on probation already . . .'
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'Um . . . what sort of thing are you planning to do with us in class, Hagrid?' asked Hermione.
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'Oh, don' you worry abou' that, I've got a great load o' lessons planned,' said Hagrid enthusiastically, scooping up his dragon steak from the table and slapping it over his eye again. 'I've bin keepin' a couple o' creatures saved fer yer OWL year; you wait, they're somethin' really special.'
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'Erm . . . special in what way?' asked Hermione tentatively.
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'I'm not sayin',' said Hagrid happily. 'I don' want ter spoil the surprise.'
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'Look, Hagrid,' said Hermione urgently, dropping all pretence, 'Professor Umbridge won't be at all happy if you bring anything to class that's too dangerous.'
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'Dangerous?' said Hagrid, looking genially bemused. 'Don' be silly, I wouldn' give yeh anythin' dangerous! I mean, all righ', they can look after themselves - '
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'Hagrid, you've got to pass Umbridge's inspection, and to do that it would really be better if she saw you teaching us how to look after Porlocks, how to tell the difference between Knarls and hedgehogs, stuff like that!' said Hermione earnestly.
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'But tha's not very interestin', Hermione,' said Hagrid. 'The stuff I've got's much more impressive. I've bin bringin' 'em on ler years, I reckon I've got the on'y domestic herd in Britain.'
| |
'Hagrid . . . please . . .' said Hermione, a note of real desperation in her voice. 'Umbridge is looking for any excuse to get rid of
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teachers she thinks are too close to Dumbledore. Please, Hagrid, teach us something dull that's bound to come up in our OWL.'
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But Hagrid merely yawned widely and cast a one-eyed look of longing towards the vast bed in the corner.
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'Lis'en, it's bin a long day an' it's late,' he said, patting Hermione gently on the shoulder, so that her knees gave way and hit the floor with a thud. 'Oh - sorry - ' He pulled her back up by the neck of her robes. 'Look, don' you go worryin' abou' me, I promise yeh I've got really good stuff planned fer yer lessons now I'm back . . . now you lot had better get back up to the castle, an' don' forget ter wipe yer tootprints out behind yeh!'
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'I dunno if you got through to him,' said Ron a short while later when, having checked that the coast was clear, they walked back up to the castle through the thickening snow, leaving no trace behind them due to the Obliteration Charm Hermione was performing as they went.
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Then I'll go back again tomorrow,' said Hermione determinedly. 'I'll plan his lessons for him if I have to. I don't care if she throws out Trelawney but she's not getting rid of Hagrid!'
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