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| 第十六章 火焰杯
I don't believe it!" Ron said, in a stunned voice, as the Hogwarts students filed back up the steps behind the party from Durmstrang. "Krum, Harry! Viktor Krum!"
| “真不敢相信!”罗恩用一种大为震惊的口吻说——这时霍格沃茨的学生们正跟在德姆斯特姆的代表团后面,排队登上石阶,“是克鲁姆,哈利!威克多尔·克鲁姆!”
"For heaven's sake, Ron, he's only a Quidditch player," said Hermione.
| “看在老天的份上,罗恩,他只是个魁地奇球员罢了。”赫敏说。
"Only a Quidditch player?" Ron said, looking at her as though he couldn't believe his ears. "Hermione - he's one of the best Seekers in the world! I had no idea he was still at school!"
| “只是个魁地奇球员罢了——”罗恩愣愣地看着她,似乎不敢相信自己的耳朵,“赫敏——他是世界上最棒的找球手之一啊!真没想到他还是个学生!”
As they recrossed the entrance hall with the rest of the Hogwarts students heading for the Great Hall, Harry saw Lee Jordan jumping up and down on the soles of his feet to get a better look at the back of Krum's head. Several sixth-year girls were frantically searching their pockets as they walked - "Oh I don't believe it, I haven't got a single quill on me -"
| 当他们和霍格沃茨的其他学生一起再次穿过门厅、朝礼堂走去时,哈利看见李·乔丹正踮着脚跳上跳下,想把克鲁姆的背影看得更清楚一些。几个六年级女生一边走,一边发疯似的在口袋里翻找着什么——
"D'you think he'd sign my hat in lipstick?"
| “唉,真不敢相信,我身上怎么一支羽毛笔也没带——”
"Really," Hermione said loftily as they passed the girls, now squabbling over the lipstick.
| “你说,他会用口红在我的帽子上签名吗?”
"I'm getting his autograph if I can," said Ron. "You haven't got a quill, have you, Harry?"
| “太荒唐了!”赫敏高傲地说,他们三人从那几个为一支口红争来吵吵去的女生身边走过。
"Nope, they're upstairs in my bag," said Harry.
| “如果可能的话,我要得到他的签名照片。”罗恩说道,“你没有带羽毛笔吧,哈利?”
They walked over to the Gryffindor table and sat down. Ron took care to sit on the side facing the doorway, because Krum and his fellow Durmstrang students were still gathered around it, apparently unsure about where they should sit. The students from Beauxbatons had chosen seats at the Ravenclaw table. They were looking around the Great Hall with glum expressions on their faces. Three of them were still clutching scarves and shawls around their heads.
| “没有,都在楼上我的书包里呢。”哈利说。
"It's not that cold," said Hermione defensively. "Why didn't they bring cloaks?"
| 他们走到格兰芬多的桌子旁边坐了下来。罗恩特意坐在朝着门口的那一边,因为克鲁姆和他那些德姆斯特朗的校友还聚集在门口,似乎拿不准他们应该坐在哪里。布斯巴顿的同学已经选择了拉文克劳桌子旁的座位。他们坐下后,东张西望地打量着礼堂,脸上带着闷闷不乐的表情。其中三个同学仍然用围巾和头巾紧紧裹着脑袋。
"Over here! Come and sit over here!" Ron hissed. "Over here! Hermione, budge up, make a space -"
| “没有那么冷吧。”赫敏不满地说,“他们为什么不穿斗篷呢?”
| “在这儿!快过来坐在这儿!”罗恩嘶哑着声音说,“这儿!赫敏,挪过去一点,腾出空来——”
"Too late," said Ron bitterly.
| “什么?”
Viktor Krum and his fellow Durmstrang students had settled themselves at the Slytherin table. Harry could see Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle looking very smug about this. As he watched, Malfoy bent forward to speak to Krum.
| “唉,来不及了!”罗恩遗憾地说。
"Yeah, that's right, smarm up to him, Malfoy," said Ron scathingly. "I bet Krum can see right through him, though. . . bet he gets people fawning over him all the time.. . .
| 威克多尔·克鲁姆和他那些德姆斯特朗校友已经在斯莱特林的桌子旁边落座了。哈利可以看见,马尔福、克拉布和高尔因此而得意洋洋。他看见马尔福倾着身子跟克鲁姆说话。
Where d'you reckon they're going to sleep? We could offer him a space in our dormitory, Harry. . . I wouldn't mind giving him my bed, I could kip on a camp bed."
| “啊,没错,马尔福在巴结他呢。”罗恩尖刻地说,“我敢打赌,克鲁姆一眼就看透了他是个什么货色……我敢说克鲁姆走到哪儿都有人在讨好他、奉承他……你们说,他们会睡在什么地方?我们可以在我们宿舍给他提供一个床位,哈利……我愿意把我的床位让给他睡,我睡在行军床上。”
Hermione snorted.
| 赫敏的鼻子里哼了一声。
"They look a lot happier than the Beauxbatons lot," said Harry. The Durmstrang students were pulling off their heavy furs and looking up at the starry black ceiling with expressions of interest; a couple of them were picking up the golden plates and goblets and examining them, apparently impressed.
| “他们看上去可比布斯巴顿那伙人开心多人。”哈利说。
Up at the staff table, Filch, the caretaker, was adding chairs. He was wearing his moldy old tailcoat in honor of the occasion. Harry was surprised to see that he added four chairs, two on either side of Dumbledore's.
| 德姆斯特朗的同学们一边脱下他们学生的毛皮斗篷,一边饶有兴致地抬头望着漆黑的、星光闪烁的天花板。其中两个同学还拿起金色的盘子和高脚酒杯,仔细端祥着,显然很感兴趣。
"But there are only two extra people," Harry said. "Why's Filch putting out four chairs, who else is coming?"
| 在那边的教工桌子旁,看门人费尔奇正在添加几把椅子。为了今天这个隆重场面,他穿上了那件发了霉的旧燕尾服。哈利惊讶地看到他加了四把椅子,在邓布利多两边各加了两把。
"Eh?" said Ron vaguely. He was still staring avidly at Krum.
| “可是只多出了两个人呀,”哈利说,“费尔奇为什么要端出四把椅子,还有谁会来?”
When all the students had entered the Hall and settled down at their House tables, the staff entered, filing up to the top table and taking their seats. Last in line were Professor Dumbledore, Professor Karkaroff, and Madame Maxime. When their headmistress appeared, the pupils from Beauxbatons leapt to their feet. A few of the Hogwarts students laughed. The Beauxbatons party appeared quite unembarrassed, however, and did not resume their seats until Madame Maxime had sat down on Dumbledore's left-hand side.
| “嗯?”罗恩含含糊糊地回答,仍然眼巴巴地盯着克鲁姆。
Dumbledore remained standing, and a silence fell over the Great Hall.
| 等所有的学生都进入礼堂、在各自学院的桌子旁落座之后,教工们进来了,他们鱼贯走到主宾席上坐了下来。走在最后的是邓布利多教授、卡卡洛夫教授和马克西姆夫人。布斯巴顿的学生一看见他们的校长出现,就赶紧站了起来。几个霍格沃茨学生忍不住笑了。但布斯巴顿的代表们一点儿也不显得难为情,直到马克西姆夫人在邓布利多的左手边坐下后,他们才又重新坐下。邓布利多则一直站着,礼堂里渐渐安静下来。
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, ghosts and - most particularly - guests," said Dumbledore, beaming around at the foreign students. "I have great pleasure in welcoming you all to Hogwarts. I hope and trust that your stay here will be both comfortable and enjoyable."
| “晚上好,女士们,先生们,鬼魂们,还有——特别是——贵宾们,”邓布利多说,笑眯眯地望着那些外国学生,“我怀着极大的喜悦,欢迎你们来到霍格沃茨。我希望并且相信,你们在这里会感到舒适愉快的。”
One of the Beauxbatons girls still clutching a muffler around her head gave what was unmistakably a derisive laugh.
| 一个布斯巴顿的女生仍然用围巾紧紧地裹着脑袋,发出一声无疑是讥讽的冷笑。
"No one's making you stay!" Hermione whispered, bristling at her.
| “又没有人强迫你们留下来!”赫敏小声说,她被那个女生惹恼了。
"The tournament will be officially opened at the end of the feast," said Dumbledore. "I now invite you all to eat, drink, and make yourselves at home!"
| “争霸赛将于宴会结束时正式开始。”邓布利多说,“我现在邀请大家尽情地吃喝,就像在自己家里一样!”
He sat down, and Harry saw Karkaroff lean forward at once and engage him in conversation.
| 他坐下了,哈利看见卡卡洛夫立刻靠上前去,跟他交谈。
The plates in front of them filled with food as usual. The house-elves in the kitchen seemed to have pulled out all the stops; there was a greater variety of dishes in front of them than Harry had ever seen, including several that were definitely foreign.
| 他们面前的盘子里又像往常一样堆满了食物。厨房里的那些家养小精灵似乎使出了浑身解数。哈利还从没见过这么丰盛的菜肴,五花八门地摆在他们面前,其中有几样肯定是外国风味。
"What's that?" said Ron, pointing at a large dish of some sort of shellfish stew that stood beside a large steak-and-kidney pudding.
| “那是什么?”罗恩问,指着大块牛排腰子布丁旁边的一大盘东西,看样子像是海鲜大杂烩。
"Bouillabaisse," said Hermione.
| “法式杂鱼汤。”赫敏说。
"Bless you," said Ron.
| “好家伙。”罗恩说。
"It's French," said Hermione, "I had it on holiday summer before last. It's very nice."
| “这是法国菜,”赫敏说,“我前年暑假的时候吃过。味道很鲜美的。”
"I'll take your word for it," said Ron, helping himself to black pudding.
| “我就相信你吧。”罗恩说着,给自己盛了一些黑布丁。
The Great Hall seemed somehow much more crowded than usual, even though there were barely twenty additional students there; perhaps it was because their differently colored uniforms stood out so clearly against the black of the Hogwarts' robes. Now that they had removed their furs, the Durmstrang students were revealed to be wearing robes of a deep bloodred.
| 不知怎的,礼堂似乎显得比往常拥挤多了,尽管只多了不到二十个学生,也许是因为他们不同颜色的校服与霍格沃茨的黑袍服相比,显得特别突出。德姆斯特朗的学生脱去了毛皮斗篷,露出里面穿着的血红色的长袍。
Hagrid sidled into the Hall through a door behind the staff table twenty minutes after the start of the feast. He slid into his seat at the end and waved at Harry, Ron, and Hermione with a very heavily bandaged hand.
| 宴会开始二十分钟后,海格从教工桌子后面的一道门中溜进礼堂。他坐在桌子末端他的座位上,举起一只缠着许多绷带的手,朝哈利、罗恩和赫敏挥了挥。
"Skrewts doing all right, Hagrid?" Harry called.
| “炸尾螺怎么样啊,海格?”哈利大声问道。
"Thrivin'," Hagrid called back happily.
| “长势喜人。”海格高兴地回答。
"Yeah, I'll just bet they are," said Ron quietly. "Looks like they've finally found a food they like, doesn't it? Hagrid's fingers."
| “是啊,我猜肯定是这样,”罗恩小声说,“看来它们终于找到了一种爱吃的东西了,是吗?那就是海格的手指。”
At that moment, a voice said, "Excuse me, are you wanting ze bouillabaisse?"
| 就在这时,一个声音说道:“请原谅,这盘杂鱼汤你们还吃吗?”
It was the girl from Beauxbatons who had laughed during Dumbledore's speech. She had finally removed her muffler. A long sheet of silvery-blonde hair fell almost to her waist. She had large, deep blue eyes, and very white, even teeth.
| 正是刚才邓布利多说话时发笑的那个布斯巴顿女生。她终于把围巾摘掉了。一头长长的瀑布似的银亮头发重到她的腰际。她有着一双湛蓝色的大眼睛和一口洁白整齐的牙齿。
Ron went purple. He stared up at her, opened his mouth to reply, but nothing came out except a faint gurgling noise.
| 罗恩的脸一下子涨得通红。他呆呆地望着她,张开嘴巴想回答,可是只发出了一些奇怪的小声音,好像喉咙被卡住了似的。
"Yeah, have it," said Harry, pushing the dish toward the girl.
| “好吧,你端去吧。”哈利说,把盘子推给了那个女生。
"You 'ave finished wiz it?"
| “你们吃完了吗?”
"Yeah," Ron said breathlessly. "Yeah, it was excellent."
| “吃完了,”罗恩喘不过气来地说,“吃完了,好吃极了。”
The girl picked up the dish and carried it carefully off to the Ravenclaw table. Ron was still goggling at the girl as though he had never seen one before. Harry started to laugh. The sound seemed to jog Ron back to his senses.
| 那女生小心翼翼地端着盘子,走向拉文克劳的桌子。罗恩仍然睁大眼睛盯着那女生,就好像以前从未见过女同学一样。哈利笑了起来。这声音似乎使罗恩突然醒过神来。
"She's a veela!" he said hoarsely to Harry.
| “她是个媚娃!”他嘶哑着声音对哈利说。
"Of course she isn't!" said Hermione tartly. "I don't see anyone else gaping at her like an idiot!"
| “肯定不是!”赫敏尖刻地说,“我没看见别人像白痴一样瞪着她!”
But she wasn't entirely right about that. As the girl crossed the Hall, many boys' heads turned, and some of them seemed to have become temporarily speechless, just like Ron.
| 她说得并不完全正确。当那女生在礼堂里穿行时,许多男生都转过脑袋望着她,其中有几个似乎一时间变得不会说话了,正和罗恩一模一样。
"I'm telling you, that's not a normal girl!" said Ron, leaning sideways so he could keep a clear view of her. "They don't make them like that at Hogwarts!"
| “我说,那女生真是不一般!”罗恩说,一边侧过身子,使自己仍然可以清楚地看见她,“霍格沃茨就没有这样的人物!”
"They make them okay at Hogwarts," said Harry without thinking. Cho happened to be sitting only a few places away from the girl with the silvery hair.
| “霍格沃茨的女生也不错。”哈利不假思索地说。秋·张坐的地方正巧与那个银色头发的女生隔着几个座位。
"When you've both put your eyes back in," said Hermione briskly, "you'll be able to see who's just arrived."
| “等你们都把目光收回来以后,”赫敏很不客气地说,“就可以看见刚才是谁进来了。”
She was pointing up at the staff table. The two remaining empty seats had just been filled. Ludo Bagman was now sitting on Professor Karkaroff's other side, while Mr.
| 她指着教工桌子。两个一直空着的座位刚刚被填满了。卢多·巴格曼坐在卡卡洛夫教授的另一边,珀西的顶头上司克劳奇先生则坐在马克西姆夫人的旁边。
Crouch, Percy's boss, was next to Madame Maxime.
| “他们到这里来做什么?”哈利惊讶地说。
"What are they doing here?" said Harry in surprise.
| “三强争霸赛是他们组织的,是不是?”赫敏说,“我猜想他们是想亲眼目睹争霸赛的开幕式。”
"They organized the Triwizard Tournament, didn't they?" said Hermione. "I suppose they wanted to be here to see it start."
| 第二道菜上来了,他们注意到有许多甜食也是他们从来没见过的。罗恩仔细端祥了一番,那是一种怪怪的、白生生的牛奶冻,然后他把它小心地挪到离他右手几英寸的地方,这样从拉文克劳奇桌子上就能清楚地看见它了。可是,那个模样酷似媚娃的女生似乎已经吃饱了,她没有过来端这盘甜食。
When the second course arrived they noticed a number of unfamiliar desserts too. Ron examined an odd sort of pale blancmange closely, then moved it carefully a few inches to his right, so that it would be clearly visible from the Ravenclaw table. The girl who looked like a veela appeared to have eaten enough, however, and did not come over to get it.
| 当一个个金色的盘子又被擦洗一新时,邓布利多再次站了起来。一种又兴奋又紧张的情绪似乎在礼堂里弥漫着。哈利也感到一阵激动,不知道下面是什么节目。在与他隔着几个床位的地方,弗雷德和乔治探着身子,十分专注地盯着邓布利多。
Once the golden plates had been wiped clean, Dumbledore stood up again. A pleasant sort of tension seemed to fill the Hall now. Harry felt a slight thrill of excitement, wondering what was coming. Several seats down from them, Fred and George were leaning forward, staring at Dumbledore with great concentration.
| “这个时刻终于到来了,”邓布利多说,朝一张张抑起的脸微笑着,“三强争霸赛就要开始了。我想先解释几句,再把盒子拿进来——”
"The moment has come," said Dumbledore, smiling around at the sea of upturned faces. "The Triwizard Tournament is about to start. I would like to say a few words of explanation before we bring in the casket --"
| “把什么拿进来?”哈利小声问。
"The what?" Harry muttered.
| 罗恩耸了耸肩膀。
Ron shrugged.
| “——我要说明我们这学年的活动程序。不过首先请允许我介绍两位来宾,因为还有人不认识他们,这位是巴蒂·克劳奇先生,魔法部国际合作司司长,”
"- just to clarify the procedure that we will be following this year. But first, let me introduce, for those who do not know them, Mr. Bartemius Crouch, Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation" - there was a smattering of polite applause - "and Mr. Ludo Bagman, Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports."
| ——礼堂里响起了稀稀落落的掌声——“这位是卢多·巴格曼先生,魔法部体育运动司司长。”
There was a much louder round of applause for Bagman than for Crouch, perhaps because of his fame as a Beater, or simply because he looked so much more likable. He acknowledged it with a jovial wave of his hand. Bartemius Crouch did not smile or wave when his name was announced. Remembering him in his neat suit at the Quidditch World Cup, Harry thought he looked strange in wizard's robes. His toothbrush mustache and severe parting looked very odd next to Dumbledore's long white hair and beard.
| 给巴格曼的掌声要比给克劳奇先生的响亮得多,这也许是因为他作为一名击球手小有名气,也许只是因为他的模样亲切得多。他愉快地挥挥手表示感谢。刚才介绍巴蒂·克劳奇的名字时,克劳奇既没有微笑,也没有挥手。哈利想起他在魁地奇世界杯一尘不染的西服革履,觉得他此刻穿着巫师长袍的样子有些怪异。和身边邓布利多长长的白发和白胡子相比,他那牙刷般的短胡髭和一丝不乱的分头显得非常别扭。
"Mr. Bagman and Mr. Crouch have worked tirelessly over the last few months on the arrangements for the Triwizard Tournament," Dumbledore continued, "and they will be joining myself, Professor Karkaroff, and Madame Maxime on the panel that will judge the champions' efforts."
| “在过去的几个月里,巴格曼先生和克劳奇先生不知疲倦地为安排三强争霸赛辛勤工作,”邓布利多继续说道,“他们将和我、卡卡洛夫教授及马克西姆夫人一起,组成裁判团,对勇士们的努力做出评判。”
At the mention of the word "champions," the attentiveness of the listening students seemed to sharpen. Perhaps Dumbledore had noticed their sudden stillness, for he smiled as he said, "The casket, then, if you please, Mr. Filch."
| 一听到“勇士”这个词,同学们似乎更专心了。邓布利多似乎也注意到他们突然静默下来,只见他微微一笑,说道:“费尔奇先生,请把盒子拿上来。”
Filch, who had been lurking unnoticed in a far corner of the Hall, now approached Dumbledore carrying a great wooden chest encrusted with jewels. It looked extremely old.
| 没有人注意到费尔奇刚才一直潜伏在礼堂的一个角落里,此刻他朝邓布利多走来,手里捧着一只镶嵌着珠宝的大木盒子,那盒子看上去已经很旧了。同学们出神地看着,兴致勃勃地议论着。丹尼斯·克里维为了看得更清楚些,索性站到了椅子上,可是他的个头实在太小了,即使站着,脑袋也比别人高出不了多少。
A murmur of excited interest rose from the watching students; Dennis Creevey actually stood on his chair to see it properly, but, being so tiny, his head hardly rose above anyone else's.
| “今年勇士们比赛的具体项目,克劳奇先生和巴格曼先生都已经仔细审查过了,”邓布利多说——这时费尔奇小心地把盒子放在他面前的桌子上,“他们还给每一个项目做了许多必要的安排。一共有三个项目,分别在整个学年的不同时间进行,它们将从许多不同方面考验勇士……考验他们在魔法方面的才能——他们的胆量和他们的推理能力——当然啦,还有他们战胜危险的能力。”
"The instructions for the tasks the champions will face this year have already been examined by Mr. Crouch and Mr. Bagman," said Dumbledore as Filch placed the chest carefully on the table before him, "and they have made the necessary arrangements for each challenge. There will be three tasks, spaced throughout the school year, and they will test the champions in many different ways.. their magical prowess - their daring -their powers of deduction - and, of course, their ability to cope with danger."
| 听到最后一句话,礼堂里变得鸦雀无声,似乎每一个人都停止了呼吸。
At this last word, the Hall was filled with a silence so absolute that nobody seemed to be breathing.
| “你们已经知道了,将有三位勇士参加比赛,”邓布利多平静地说,“分别代表一个参赛学校。我们将根据他们完成每个比赛项目的质量给他们评分,三个项目结束后,得分最高的勇士将赢得三强杯。负责挑选勇士的是一位公正的选拔者,它就是火焰杯。”
"As you know, three champions compete in the tournament," Dumbledore went on calmly, "one from each of the participating schools. They will be marked on how well they perform each of the Tournament tasks and the champion with the highest total after task three will win the Triwizard Cup. The champions will be chosen by an impartial selector: the Goblet of Fire."
| 说到这里,邓布利多拔出魔杖,在盒子盖上敲了三下。盖子慢慢地吱吱嘎嘎地打开了。邓布利多把手伸进去,掏出一只大大的削刻得很粗糙的木头高脚杯。杯子本身一点儿也不起眼,但里面却满是跳动着的蓝白色火焰。
Dumbledore now took out his wand and tapped three times upon the top of the casket. The lid creaked slowly open. Dumbledore reached inside it and pulled out a large, roughly hewn wooden cup. It would have been entirely unremarkable had it not been full to the brim with dancing blue-white flames.
| 邓布利多关上盒子,把杯子放在盒盖上,这样礼堂里的每个人都能清楚地看到它了。
Dumbledore closed the casket and placed the goblet carefully on top of it, where it would be clearly visible to everyone in the Hall.
| “每一位想要竞选勇士的同学,都必须将他的姓名和学校名写在一片羊皮纸上,扔进这只高脚杯,”邓布利多说道,“有志成为勇士者可在二十四小时内报名。明天晚上,也就是万圣节的晚上,高脚杯将选出它认为最能够代表三个学校的三位同学的姓名。今晚,高脚杯就放在门厅里,所有愿意参加竞选的同学都能接触到它。”
"Anybody wishing to submit themselves as champion must write their name and school clearly upon a slip of parchment and drop it into the goblet," said Dumbledore. "Aspiring champions have twenty-four hours in which to put their names forward. Tomorrow night, Halloween, the goblet will return the names of the three it has judged most worthy to represent their schools. The goblet will be placed in the entrance hall tonight, where it will be freely accessible to all those wishing to compete.
| “为了避免不够年龄的同学经不起诱惑,”邓布利多说,“等高脚杯放在门厅后,我要在它周围画一条年龄界线。任何不满十七周岁的人都无法越过这条界线。”
"To ensure that no underage student yields to temptation," said Dumbledore, "I will be drawing an Age Line around the Goblet of Fire once it has been placed in the entrance hall. Nobody under the age of seventeen will be able to cross this line.
| “最后,我想提醒每一位要参加竞选的同学注意,这场争霸赛不是儿戏,千万不要冒冒失失地参加。一旦勇士被火焰杯选定,他就必须将比赛坚持到底。谁把自己的名字投进杯子,实际上就形成了一道必须遵守的、神奇的契约。一旦成为勇士,就不允许再改变主意。因此,请千万三思而行,弄清自己确实一心一意想参加比赛,再把名字投进杯子。好了,我认为大家该睡觉了。祝大家晚安。”
"Finally, I wish to impress upon any of you wishing to compete that this tournament is not to be entered into lightly. Once a champion has been selected by the Goblet of Fire, he or she is obliged to see the tournament through to the end. The placing of your name in the goblet constitutes a binding, magical contract. There can be no change of heart once you have become a champion. Please be very sure, therefore, that you are wholeheartedly prepared to play before you drop your name into the goblet. Now, I think it is time for bed. Good night to you all."
| “年龄界线!”弗雷德·韦斯莱说,两只眼睛闪闪发光,“那好办,肯定能被增龄剂蒙骗住的,是不是?只要你的名字进了那个杯子,你就开心地笑吧——它可分不出谁满十七岁,谁不满十七岁!”这时学生们都穿过礼堂,朝通往门厅的那两道门走去。
"An Age Line!" Fred Weasley said, his eyes glinting, as they all made their way across the Hall to the doors into the entrance hall. "Well, that should be fooled by an Aging Potion, shouldn't it? And once your name's in that goblet, you're laughing - it can't tell whether you're seventeen or not!"
| “但我认为不满十七岁的人是不可能获胜的,”赫敏说,“我们学的东西还不够……”
"But I don't think anyone under seventeen will stand a chance," said Hermione, "we just haven't learned enough. . ."
| “那是说你自己吧,”乔治不耐烦地说道,“你也会争取参加的,是吗,哈利?”
"Speak for yourself," said George shortly. "You'll try and get in, won't you, Harry?"
| 哈利想起邓布利多坚持说不满十七周岁的同学不能报名,但随即脑海里又浮想起他赢得三强杯时的辉煌场面……他想,如果某个不满十七岁的人真的想出办法,越过了年龄界线,邓布利多不知该有多生气呢……
Harry thought briefly of Dumbledore's insistence that nobody under seventeen should submit their name, but then the wonderful picture of himself winning the Triwizard Tournament filled his mind again. .. . He wondered how angry Dumbledore would be if someone younger than seventeen did find a way to get over the Age Line.
| “他在哪儿?”罗恩说,“邓布利多没说德姆斯特朗的代表们睡在哪里,是吗?”他们的话他一个字也没有听进去,只顾在人群中搜寻克鲁姆的身影。
"Where is he?" said Ron, who wasn't listening to a word of this conversation, but looking through the crowd to see what had become of Krum. "Dumbledore didn't say where the Durmstrang people are sleeping, did he?"
| 然而他的疑问几乎立刻就得到了回答。这时,他们已经走到了斯莱特林的桌子旁,只见卡卡洛夫匆匆地走到他的学生们面前。
But this query was answered almost instantly; they were level with the Slytherin table now, and Karkaroff had just bustled up to his students.
| “好了,回船上去吧。”他说道,“威克多尔,你感觉怎么样啦?你吃饱了吗?要不要我派人从厨房里端一些加热的葡萄酒来?”
"Back to the ship, then," he was saying. "Viktor, how are you feeling? Did you eat enough? Should I send for some mulled wine from the kitchens?"
| 哈利看见克鲁姆摇了摇头,把毛皮斗篷重新穿上了。
Harry saw Krum shake his head as he pulled his furs back on. "Professor, Ivood like some vine," said one of the other Durmstrang boys hopefully.
| “教授,我想喝点儿葡萄酒。”德姆斯特朗的另一位男生垂涎欲滴地说。
"I wasn't offering it to you, Poliakoff," snapped Karkaroff, his warmly paternal air vanishing in an instant. "I notice you have dribbled food all down the front of your robes again, disgusting boy -"
| “我没有问你,波利阿科,”卡卡洛夫严厉地说——他慈父般的温和表情一下子就消失了,“我注意到你又把食物滴在你的袍子前襟上了,你这个讨厌的男孩——”
Karkaroff turned and led his students toward the doors, reaching them at exactly the same moment as Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Harry stopped to let him walk through first.
| 卡卡洛夫转过身,领着他的学生朝门口走去,他们正好和哈利、罗恩、赫敏同时走到门边。哈利停下来,让卡卡洛夫先过去。
"Thank you," said Karkaroff carelessly, glancing at him. And then Karkaroff froze. He turned his head back to Harry and stared at him as though he couldn't believe his eyes.
| “谢谢。”卡卡洛夫漫不经心地说,朝哈利扫了一眼。
Behind their headmaster, the students from Durmstrang came to a halt too. Karkaroff's eyes moved slowly up Harry's face and fixed upon his scar. The Durmstrang students were staring curiously at Harry too. Out of the corner of his eye, Harry saw comprehension dawn on a few of their faces. The boy with food all down his front nudged the girl next to him and pointed openly at Harry's forehead.
| 顿时,卡卡洛夫完全呆住了。他把脑袋重新转向哈利,死死地盯住他,仿佛不相信自己的眼睛。德姆斯特朗的学生跟在校长身后,也都停住脚步。卡卡洛夫的目光慢慢地移到哈利脸上,盯住了那道伤疤。德姆斯特朗的学生也好奇地望着哈利。哈利从眼角可以看到几个人脸上露出了若有所悟的表情。那个胸前滴满汤渍的男生捅了捅旁边的女生,毫不掩饰地指着哈利的额头。
"Yeah, that's Harry Potter," said a growling voice from behind them.
| “没错,那就是哈利·波特。”他们身后传来一个怒气冲冲的声音。
Professor Karkaroff spun around. Mad-Eye Moody was standing there, leaning heavily on his staff, his magical eye glaring unblinkingly at the Durmstrang headmaster.
| 卡卡洛夫猛地转过身。疯眼汉穆迪站在那里,沉重的身体倚在拐杖上,那只带魔法的眼睛一眨不眨地瞪着德姆斯特朗的校长。
The color drained from Karkaroff's face as Harry watched. A terrible look of mingled fury and fear came over him.
| 哈利眼看着卡卡洛夫的脸变得煞白,露出一种愤恨和恐惧混杂的可怕表情。
"You!" he said, staring at Moody as though unsure he was really seeing him.
| “是你!”他说着,呆呆地瞪着穆迪,似乎不能确定自己真的看见了他。
"Me," said Moody grimly. "And unless you've got anything to say to Potter, Karkaroff, you might want to move. You're blocking the doorway."
| “是我,”穆迪阴沉地说,“除非你有话要对波特说,卡卡洛夫,不然就赶紧往前走。你们把门口都堵住了。”
It was true; half the students in the Hall were now waiting behind them, looking over one another's shoulders to see what was causing the holdup.
| 真的,礼堂里半数的学生都在他们身后等着,争相越过前面人的肩头,想看看是什么造成了交通阻塞。
Without another word, Professor Karkaroff swept his students away with him. Moody watched him until he was out of sight, his magical eye fixed upon his back, a look of intense dislike upon his mutilated face.
| 卡卡洛夫教授没有再说什么,他一挥手,带着他的学生走开了。穆迪一直瞪着他,直到看不见了为止。他那只带魔法的眼睛死死盯着卡卡洛夫的背影,残缺不全的脸上露出一种极端反感的表情。
As the next day was Saturday, most students would normally have breakfasted late. Harry, Ron, and Hermione, however, were not alone in rising much earlier than they usually did on weekends. When they went down into the entrance hall, they saw about twenty people milling around it, some of them eating toast, all examining the Goblet of Fire. It had been placed in the center of the hall on the stool that normally bore the Sorting Hat. A thin golden line had been traced on the floor, forming a circle ten feet around it in every direction.
| 第二天是星期六,一般来说,同学们都很晚才去吃早饭。然而,起得比平常周末早得多的并不只有哈利、罗恩和赫敏。当他们下楼进入门厅时,他们看见二十多个人围在那里,有几个还在吃着面包,他们都在仔细打量着火焰杯。杯子放在门厅中央,放在惯常放分院帽的那个凳子上。地板上画了一道细细的金线,每边都有十英尺长,把杯子围在中间。
"Anyone put their name in yet?" Ron asked a third-year girl eagerly.
| “有人把名字投进去了吗?”罗恩急切地问一个三年级的女生。
"All the Durmstrang lot," she replied. "But I haven't seen anyone from Hogwarts yet."
| “有,德姆斯特朗的所有代表,”她回答道,“但还没看见霍格沃茨有谁报名。”
"Bet some of them put it in last night after we'd all gone to bed," said Harry. "I would've if it had been me. . . wouldn't have wanted everyone watching. What if the goblet just gobbed you right back out again?"
| “准是有人趁我们昨晚睡觉时把名字投了进去。”哈利说,“如果是我,就会这么做的……不想让大家看见。如果杯子把你的名字揉成一团扔出来,那多丢脸啊!”
Someone laughed behind Harry. Turning, he saw Fred, George, and Lee Jordan hurrying down the staircase, all three of them looking extremely excited.
| 哈利身后的什么人大笑起来。他回头一看,只见弗雷德、乔治和李·乔丹匆匆走下楼梯,三个人都显得极为兴奋。
"Done it," Fred said in a triumphant whisper to Harry, Ron, and Hermione. "Just taken it."
| “成了,”弗雷德以一种得意的口吻小声对哈利、罗恩和赫敏说,“刚喝下去。”
"What?" said Ron.
| “什么?”罗恩问。
"The Aging Potion, dung brains," said Fred.
| “增龄剂啊,笨蛋。”弗雷德说。
"One drop each," said George, rubbing his hands together with glee. "We only need to be a few months older."
| “每人喝了一滴,”乔治喜悦地搓着双手,说道,“我们只需要再长大几个月。”
"We're going to split the thousand Galleons between the three of us if one of us wins,"
| “如果我们有谁赢了,那一千个加隆得三个人平分。”李说,脸上笑得开心极了。
said Lee, grinning broadly.
| “我觉得这不一定会成功,”赫敏提醒道,“我敢肯定邓布利多会考虑到了这一点的。”
"I'm not sure this is going to work, you know," said Hermione warningly. "I'm sure Dumbledore will have thought of this."
| 弗雷德、乔治和李不理睬她。
Fred, George, and Lee ignored her.
| “准备好了吗?”弗雷德激动得浑身颤抖,对另外两个人说,“那么,来吧——我先进去——”
"Ready?" Fred said to the other two, quivering with excitement. "C'mon, then - I'll go first -"
| 哈利着迷般地看着弗雷德从口袋里掏出一张羊皮纸条,上面写着“弗雷德·韦斯莱——霍格沃茨”的字样。弗雷德径直走到年龄线的边缘,站在那里,踮着脚尖摇晃着,就像跳水运动员准备从五十英尺的高台跳下去一样。然后,在门厅里每一双眼睛的注视下,他深深地吸了口气,跨过了那道线。
Harry watched, fascinated, as Fred pulled a slip of parchment out of his pocket bearing the words Fred Weasley - Hogwarts. Fred walked right up to the edge of the line and stood there, rocking on his toes like a diver preparing for a fifty-foot drop. Then, with the eyes of every person in the entrance hall upon him, he took a great breath and stepped over the line.
| 一刹那间,哈利以为弗雷德成功了——乔治肯定也这样以为,只见他得意地大喊一声,跟着弗雷德往前一跳——可是,紧接着就听见一阵咝咝的响声,一对双胞胎被抛到了金圈外面,就好像有一个看不见的铅球运动员把他们扔了出来似的。他们痛苦地摔在十英尺之外冰冷的石头地面上,而且他们在肉体的疼痛之外还受到了羞辱。随着一声很响的爆裂声,两个人的下巴上冒出了一模一样的长白胡子。
For a split second Harry thought it had worked - George certainly thought so, for he let out a yell of triumph and leapt after Fred - but next moment, there was a loud sizzling sound, and both twins were hurled out of the golden circle as though they had been thrown by an invisible shot-putter. They landed painfully, ten feet away on the cold stone floor, and to add insult to injury, there was a loud popping noise, and both of them sprouted identical long white beards.
| 门厅里的人哄堂大笑。就连弗雷德和乔治爬起来,看到对方的白胡子后,也忍不住哈哈大笑起来。
The entrance hall rang with laughter. Even Fred and George joined in, once they had gotten to their feet and taken a good look at each other's beards.
| “我提醒过你们。”一个低沉的、被逗乐的声音说道,大家转过头来,看见邓布利多教授正从礼堂里走出来。他打量着弗雷德和乔治,眼里闪着光芒,“我建议你们俩都到庞弗雷夫人那里去一趟。她已经在护理拉文克劳的福西特小姐和赫奇帕奇的萨默斯先生了,他俩也是打定主意要让自己的年龄增加一点儿。不过我必须说一句,他俩的胡子远远不如你们的漂亮。”
"I did warn you," said a deep, amused voice, and everyone turned to see Professor Dumbledore coming out of the Great Hall. He surveyed Fred and George, his eyes twinkling. "I suggest you both go up to Madam Pomfrey. She is already tending to Miss Fawcett, of Ravenclaw, and Mr. Summers, of Hufflepuff, both of whom decided to age themselves up a little too. Though I must say, neither of their beards is anything like as fine as yours."
| 弗雷德和乔治动身到医院去了,李·乔丹也陪着去了,他仍然嗬嗬地笑个不停,哈利、罗恩和赫敏也咯咯笑着,进礼堂吃早饭了。
Fred and George set off for the hospital wing, accompanied by Lee, who was howling with laughter, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione, also chortling, went in to breakfast.
| 这天早晨,礼堂的装饰又有了变化。因为是万圣节,一大群活蝙蝠绕着施了魔法的天花板飞来飞去,同时还有几百只南瓜雕成的小人儿在每个角落里斜眼望着大家。哈利在前面领路,朝迪安和西莫走去,他俩正在议论那些可能参加争霸赛的十七周岁以上的霍格沃茨同学。
The decorations in the Great Hall had changed this morning. As it was Halloween, a cloud of live bats was fluttering around the enchanted ceiling, while hundreds of carved pumpkins leered from every corner. Harry led the way over to Dean and Seamus, who were discussing those Hogwarts students of seventeen or over who might be entering.
| “有人说——沃林斯一大早就起来了,把他的名字投了进去。”迪安告诉哈利,“就是斯莱特林的那个大块头家伙,长得活像个树懒。”
"There's a rumor going around that Warrington got up early and put his name in," Dean told Harry. "That big bloke from Slytherin who looks like a sloth."
| 哈利曾经跟沃林顿交手打过魁地奇球,听了这话,厌恶地摇了摇头。
Harry, who had played Quidditch against Warrington, shook his head in disgust.
| “我们可不能让一个斯莱特林的同学当勇士!”
"We can't have a Slytherin champion!"
| “赫奇帕奇的同学们都在议论迪戈里,”西莫轻蔑地说,“不过在我看来,他大概不会愿意拿自己的俊模样儿冒险。”
"And all the Hufflepuffs are talking about Diggory," said Seamus contemptuously. "But I wouldn't have thought he'd have wanted to risk his good looks."
| “快听!”赫敏突然说道。
"Listen!" said Hermione suddenly.
| 外面的门厅里突然传大声喝彩。大家都在座位上转过身子,只见安吉利娜·约翰逊走进礼堂,有点不好意思地咧嘴笑着。她是一个高挑个儿的黑皮肤姑娘,在格兰芬多魁地奇队当追球手。安吉利娜走到他们这边,坐下来说道:“呀,我办成了!我把我的名字投进去了!”
People were cheering out in the entrance hall. They all swiveled around in their seats
| “你在开玩笑吧!”罗恩说,显得非常惊讶。
and saw Angelina Johnson coming into the Hall, grinning in an embarrassed sort of way. A tall black girl who played Chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch team, Angelina came over to them, sat down, and said, "Well, I've done it! Just put my name in!"
| “那么,你满十七岁了吗?”
"You're kidding!" said Ron, looking impressed.
| “那还用说,你没看见一根胡子,是不是?”罗恩说。
"Are you seventeen, then?" asked Harry.
| “我上星期过的生日。”安吉利娜说。
"Course she is, can't see a beard, can you?" said Ron.
| “啊,我真高兴格兰芬多终于有人参加了。”赫敏说,“我真心希望你能成功,安吉利娜!”
"I had my birthday last week," said Angelina.
| “谢谢,赫敏。”安吉利娜说着,朝赫敏微微一笑。
"Well, I'm glad someone from Gryffindor's entering," said Hermione. "I really hope you get it, Angelina!"
| “是啊,宁愿是你,也不要那个奶油小生迪戈里。”西莫说,他的话引得经过他们桌子的几个赫奇帕奇学生怒气冲冲地瞪着他。
"Thanks, Hermione," said Angelina, smiling at her.
| “那么我们今天做什么呢?”罗恩问哈利和赫敏。这时他们已经吃完早饭,正要离开礼堂。
Yeah, better you than Pretty-Boy Diggory, said Seamus, causing several Hufflepuffs passing their table to scowl heavily at him.
| “我们还没有去看望海格呢。”哈利说。
"What're we going to do today, then?" Ron asked Harry and Hermione when they had finished breakfast and were leaving the Great Hall.
| “好吧,”罗恩说,“但愿他不要叫我们也捐献几根手指给炸尾螺。”
"We haven't been down to visit Hagrid yet," said Harry.
| 赫敏脸上突然露出极为兴奋的表情。
"Okay," said Ron, "just as long as he doesn't ask us to donate a few fingers to the skrewts."
| “我刚想起来——我还没有动员海格加入S. P. E. W呢!”她高兴地说道,“你们等一等,我到楼上去拿一枚徽章,好吗?”
A look of great excitement suddenly dawned on Hermione's face.
| “她这是什么毛病?”罗恩恼火地说,眼看着赫敏奔上大理石楼梯。
"I've just realized - I haven't asked Hagrid to join S.P.E.W. yet!" she said brightly.
| “快看,罗恩,”哈利突然说道,“是你的那位朋友……”
"Wait for me, will you, while I nip upstairs and get the badges?"
| 布斯巴顿的学生正从场地上穿过前门进来,其中就有那个很像媚娃的姑娘。那些围在火焰杯周围的人往后退了退,让他们通过,并且热切地注视着。
"What is it with her?" said Ron, exasperated, as Hermione ran away up the marble staircase.
| 马克西姆夫人跟在她的学生后面走进门厅,吩咐他们排成一队。布期巴顿的学生们一个接一个地跨过年龄线,把他们的羊皮纸投进蓝白色的火焰。每个名字扔进火焰里时,火焰都迅速转成红色,并迸出点点火星。
"Hey, Ron," said Harry suddenly. "It's your friend. . ."
| “你说,那些没被选中的人会怎么样?”当那个很像媚娃的姑娘把她的羊皮纸条投进火焰杯时,罗恩小声地问哈利,“他们是返回自己的学校,还是留在这里观看比赛?”
The students from Beauxbatons were coming through the front doors from the grounds, among them, the veela-girl. Those gathered around the Goblet of Fire stood back to let them pass, watching eagerly.
| “不知道,”哈利说,“我猜大概是留下来吧……马克西姆夫人还要在这里当裁判呢,是不是?”
Madame Maxime entered the hall behind her students and organized them into a line. One by one, the Beauxbatons students stepped across the Age Line and dropped their slips of parchment into the blue-white flames. As each name entered the fire, it turned briefly red and emitted sparks.
| 当布期巴顿的学生一个个都报了名后,马克西姆夫人领着他们出了门厅,又回到外面的场地上。
"What d'you reckon'll happen to the ones who aren't chosen?" Ron muttered to Harry as the veela-girl dropped her parchment into the Goblet of Fire. "Reckon they'll go back to school, or hang around to watch the tournament?"
| “那么,他们在哪儿睡觉呢?”罗恩说着,朝前门走了几步,望着他们的背影。
"Dunno," said Harry. "Hang around, I suppose... . Madame Maxime's staying to judge, isn't she?"
| 后面传来一阵咣啷咣啷的声音,说明赫敏已经拿着S. P. E. W徽章回来了。
When all the Beauxbatons students had submitted their names, Madame Maxime led them back out of the hall and out onto the grounds again.
| “哦,好了,快走吧。”罗恩说。他三步并两步地跳下石阶,可眼睛仍然盯着那个很像媚娃的姑娘的背影,那姑娘正和马克西姆夫人一起穿过草坪。
"Where are they sleeping, then?" said Ron, moving toward the front doors and staring after them.
| 当他们走近位于禁林边缘的海格的小屋时,布斯巴顿的学生们在哪里睡觉的秘密一下子就揭开了。他们来时乘坐的那辆巨大的粉蓝色马车已经停在离海格小屋正门二百码远的地方,布斯巴顿的学生们正往里钻。拉马车的那几匹大象般巨大的飞马正在马车旁一个临时圈起的围场里吃草。
A loud rattling noise behind them announced Hermione's reappearance with the box of S. P.
| 哈利敲了敲海格的门,屋里立刻传来牙牙低沉的吠叫。
E.W. badges.
| “总算来了!”海格打开房门,说道,“我还以为你们这些小家伙忘记我住在什么地方了呢!”
"Oh good, hurry up," said Ron, and he jumped down the stone steps, keeping his eyes on the back of the veela-girl, who was now halfway across the lawn with Madame Maxime.
| “我们实在太忙了,海——”赫敏刚说了一半,突然间顿住了,抬头望着海格,显然是惊讶得说不出话来。
As they neared Hagrid's cabin on the edge of the Forbidden Forest, the mystery of the Beauxbatons' sleeping quarters was solved. The gigantic powder-blue carriage in which they had arrived had been parked two hundred yards from Hagrid's front door, and the students were climbing back inside it. The elephantine flying horses that had pulled the carriage were now grazing in a makeshift paddock alongside it.
| 海格穿着他最好的(同时也是非常难看的)那件毛茸茸的棕色西装,配着一条黄色和橘红色相间的格子花纹领带。不过,这还不是最糟糕的:他显然尝试过把头发理顺,用了大量的机器润滑油一类的东西。现在他的头发光溜溜地梳成两束——也许他本来打算扎一根比尔那样的马尾巴,结果发现他的头发太多了。这副打扮并不适合海格。赫敏呆呆地望了他片刻,然后显然决定不作任何评论,她说:“嗯——炸尾螺在哪里?”
Harry knocked on Hagrid's door, and Fang's booming barks answered instantly.
| “在外面的南瓜地里,”海格愉快地说,“它们长得大极了,现在每条准有三英尺长呢。只有一个问题,它们开始互相残杀了。”
"Bout time!" said Hagrid, when he'd flung open the door. "Thought you lot'd forgotten where I live!"
| “哦,真糟糕,不是吗?”赫敏说,同时瞪了罗恩一眼,制止他开口说话。罗恩一直盯着海格古怪的发型,刚想张开嘴巴作一番评论。
"We've been really busy, Hag -" Hermione started to say, but then she stopped dead, looking up at Hagrid, apparently lost for words.
| “是啊,”海格悲哀地说,“不过没关系,现在我把它们分开来放在箱子里了。大概只有二十来条了。”
Hagrid was wearing his best (and very horrible) hairy brown suit, plus a checked yellow-and-orange tie. This wasn't the worst of it, though; he had evidently tried to tame his hair, using large quantities of what appeared to be axle grease. It was now slicked down into two bunches - perhaps he had tried a ponytail like Bill's, but found he had too much hair. The look didn't really suit Hagrid at all. For a moment, Hermione goggled at him, then, obviously deciding not to comment, she said, "Erm - where are the skrewts."
| “啊,幸亏如此。”罗恩说。海格没有听出这句里的讽刺意味。
"Out by the pumpkin patch," said Hagrid happily. "They're get-tin' massive, mus' be
| 海格的小屋只有一个房间,一张巨大的床放在一个角落里,上面铺着碎布拼接成的被子。炉火前面放着同样巨大的木桌子和木椅子,炉火上面的天花板上挂着一大堆腌火腿和死鸟。海格开始沏茶,他们在桌边坐下,很快就又议论开了三强争霸赛的事。海格对这件事似乎和他们一样兴奋。
nearly three foot long now. On'y trouble is, they've started killin' each other."
| “你们等着吧,”他咧嘴笑着说,“你们等着瞧吧。你们会看到以前从没看到的东西。第一个项目是……啊,我不应该说的。”
"Oh no, really?" said Hermione, shooting a repressive look at Ron, who, staring at Hagrid's odd hairstyle, had just opened his mouth to say something about it.
| “说下去,海格!”哈利、罗恩和赫敏催促道,可是海格摇了摇头,咧开嘴笑了。
"Yeah," said Hagrid sadly. "S' okay, though, I've got 'em in separate boxes now. Still got abou' twenty."
| “我不想破坏你们的兴致,”海格说,“不过会很精彩的,我告诉你们吧。那些勇士可有事情要做呢。真没想到我这辈子还能看到三强争霸赛又恢复了!”
"Well, that's lucky," said Ron. Hagrid missed the sarcasm.
| 他们最后和海格一起吃了午饭,不过他们都没吃多少——海格给他们做了一锅东西,据他说是牛排大杂烩,结果赫敏从她的那份里挖出了一个大爪子,此后她、哈利和罗恩就没有了食欲。不过,他们过得还是很愉快的,他们千方百计地哄着海格告诉他们比赛都有哪些项目,推测哪几个参加者有可能被选为勇士,还担心弗雷德和乔治脸上的胡子是不是褪掉了。
Hagrid's cabin comprised a single room, in one corner of which was a gigantic bed covered in a patchwork quilt. A similarly enormous wooden table and chairs stood in front of the fire beneath the quantity of cured hams and dead birds hanging from the ceiling. They sat down at the table while Hagrid started to make tea, and were soon immersed in yet more discussion of the Triwizard Tournament. Hagrid seemed quite as excited about it as they were.
| 到了下午三四点钟的时候,天下起了小雨,他们觉得好舒服啊——坐在温暖的炉火边,听着雨点轻轻敲打玻璃窗,看着海格一边织补他的袜子,一边和赫敏辩论着家养小精灵的问题——因为当赫敏把徽章拿给他看时,他断然拒绝加入S. P. E. W。
"You wait," he said, grinning. "You jus' wait. Yer going ter see some stuff yeh've never seen before. Firs' task. . . ah, but I'm not supposed ter say."
| “这对他们来说不是一件好事,赫敏,”他严肃地说,用黄色粗纱线穿过一根粗大的骨针,“他们的天性就是照顾人类,他们喜欢这样,明白吗?如果不让他们工作,他们会感到悲哀的,而给他们付工钱对他们来说是一种侮辱。”
"Go on, Hagrid!" Harry, Ron, and Hermione urged him, but he just shook his head, grinning.
| “可是哈利解放了多比,多比别提多高兴了!”赫敏说,“而且我们听说他现在正要求别人付他工钱呢!”
"I don' want ter spoil it fer yeh," said Hagrid. "But it's gonna be spectacular, I'll tell yeh that. Them champions're going ter have their work cut out. Never thought I'd live ter see the Triwizard Tournament played again!"
| “是啊,是啊,每一种生物里都有一些怪胎。我并不否认有个别古怪的小精灵愿意获得自由,但你永远不可能说服大多数小精灵争取自由——真的,这不可能,赫敏。”
They ended up having lunch with Hagrid, though they didn't eat much - Hagrid had made what he said was a beef casserole, but after Hermione unearthed a large talon in hers, she, Harry, and Ron rather lost their appetites. However, they enjoyed themselves trying to make Hagrid tell them what the tasks in the tournament were going to be, speculating which of the entrants were likely to be selected as champions, and wondering whether Fred and George were beardless yet.
| 赫敏显得非常恼火,把装徽章的盒子塞进了斗篷的口袋里。
A light rain had started to fall by midafternoon; it was very cozy sitting by the fire, listening to the gentle patter of the drops on the window, watching Hagrid darning his socks and arguing with Hermione about house-elves - for he flatly refused to join S.P.E.W. when she showed him her badges.
| 五点半钟的时候,天渐渐黑了,罗恩、哈利和赫敏觉得应该返回城堡参加万圣节的宴会——更重要的是参加学校勇士的宣布仪式。
"It'd be doin' 'em an unkindness, Hermione," he said gravely, threading a massive bone needle with thick yellow yarn. "It's in their nature ter look after humans, that's what they like, see? Yeh'd be makin' 'em unhappy ter take away their work, an' insutin' 'em if yeh tried ter pay 'em."
| “我和你们一起去,”海格说着,把他织补的东西放在了一边,“等我一会儿。”
"But Harry set Dobby free, and he was over the moon about it!" said Hermione. "And we heard he's asking for wages now!"
| 海格站起身来,走到床边的五斗橱边,开始在里面寻找着什么。他们起先没怎么注意,直到一股特别难闻的气味钻入他们鼻孔。罗恩咳嗽起来,问道:“海格,那是什么呀?”
"Yeah, well, yeh get weirdos in every breed. I'm not sayin' there isn't the odd elf who'd take freedom, but yeh'll never persuade most of 'em ter do it - no, nothin' doin', Hermione."
| “嗯?”海格转过身,手里拿着一只大瓶子,“你们不喜欢吗?”
Hermione looked very cross indeed and stuffed her box of badges back into her cloak pocket.
| “是刮完胡子后搽的润肤香水吗?”赫敏用点窒息的声音问。
By half past five it was growing dark, and Ron, Harry, and Hermione decided it was time to get back up to the castle for the Halloween feast - and, more important, the announcement of the school champions.
| “嗯——是古龙香水,”海格嘟囔道,脸涨得通红。“大概洒得太多了,”他声音沙哑地说,“我把它洗掉,等一等……”
"I'll come with yeh," said Hagrid, putting away his darning. "Jus' give us a sec."
| 他脚步沉重地走出小屋,他们看见他在窗户外面的水桶里拼命地洗脸。
Hagrid got up, went across to the chest of drawers beside his bed, and began searching for something inside it. They didn't pay too much attention until a truly horrible smell reached their nostrils. Coughing, Ron said, "Hagrid, what's that?"
| “古龙香水?”赫敏惊奇地问,“海格?”
"Eh?" said Hagrid, turning around with a large bottle in his hand. "Don' yeh like it?"
| “还有那头发和西装又是怎么回事?”哈利压低声音问。
"Is that aftershave?" said Hermione in a slightly choked voice.
| “瞧!”罗恩突然说,指着窗外。
"Er - eau de cologne," Hagrid muttered. He was blushing.
| 海格已经直起腰,转过身去。如果说刚才他是涨红了脸,那么和他此刻的脸色相比,就根本不算什么了。哈利、罗恩和赫敏小心翼翼地站起身来,不让海格看见,偷偷朝窗外望去,看见马克西姆夫人和布斯巴顿的学生们刚刚从马车里出来,看样子是准备去参加宴会。他们听不见海格在说什么,但他与马克西姆夫人谈话时,表情如痴如醉,眼睛里雾蒙蒙的,他的这种表情哈利只见过一次——那是他望着刚出生的小龙诺伯的时候。
"Maybe it's a bit much," he said gruffly. "I'll go take it off, hang on..."
| “他要和她一起去城堡!”赫敏气愤地说,“我还以为他在等我们呢!”
He stumped out of the cabin, and they saw him washing himself vigorously in the water barrel outside the window.
| 海格甚至没有回头望一眼他的小屋,就迈着沉重的脚步,和马克西姆夫人一起走过场地。布斯巴顿的学生们跟在后面,小跑着才能跟上他们的大步子。
"Eau de cologne?" said Hermione in amazement. "Hagrid?"
| “他爱上她了!”罗恩不敢相信地说,“啊,如果他们以后有了孩子,肯定会创造一个世界记录——我敢说他们的每个孩子都有一吨重。”
"And what's with the hair and the suit?" said Harry in an undertone.
| 他们自己出了小屋,关好房门。没想到外面这么黑了。他们把斗篷裹得更紧一引起,顺着草坪的斜坡往上走。
"Look!" said Ron suddenly, pointing out of the window. Hagrid had just straightened up and turned 'round. If he had been blushing before, it was nothing to what he was doing now. Getting to their feet very cautiously, so that Hagrid wouldn't spot them, Harry, Ron, and Hermione peered through the window and saw that Madame Maxime and the Beauxbatons students had just emerged from their carriage, clearly about to set off for the feast too. They couldn't hear what Hagrid was saying, but he was talking to Madame
| “喔,他们来了,快看!”赫敏小声说。
Maxime with a rapt, misty-eyed expression Harry had only ever seen him wear once before -when he had been looking at the baby dragon, Norbert.
| 德姆斯特朗的代表团正从湖边朝城堡走去。威克多尔·克鲁姆和卡卡洛夫并排走在前面,其他德姆斯特朗的学生稀稀落落地跟在后面。罗恩激动地望着克鲁姆,然而克鲁姆目不斜视地在赫敏、罗恩和哈利前面到达正门,进去了。
"He's going up to the castle with her!" said Hermione indignantly. "I thought he was waiting for us!"
| 他们走进烛光映照的礼堂时,里面几乎坐满了人。火焰杯已经被挪了地方。它此刻立在教工桌子上邓布利多的那张空椅子前面。弗雷德和乔治——下巴又光溜溜的了——似乎已经欣然接受了他们的失败。
Without so much as a backward glance at his cabin, Hagrid was trudging off up the grounds with Madame Maxime, the Beaux-batons students following in their wake, jogging to keep up with their enormous strides.
| “真希望是安吉利娜。”当哈利、罗恩和赫敏坐下时,弗雷德说。
"He fancies her!" said Ron incredulously. "Well, if they end up having children, they'll be setting a world record - bet any baby of theirs would weigh about a ton."
| “我也是!”赫敏屏住呼吸说道,“啊,我们很快就会知道了!”
They let themselves out of the cabin and shut the door behind them. It was surprisingly dark outside. Drawing their cloaks more closely around themselves, they set off up the sloping lawns.
| 万圣节晚宴的时间似乎比往常要长得多。也许因为接连两天都是宴会,哈利似乎不像平常那样喜欢那些精心准备的丰盛菜肴了。礼堂里的人不断引颈眺望,每一张面孔上都露出焦急的神情。大家都坐立不安,不时站起来看看邓布利多是不是吃完了。哈利也和他们一样,恨不得快点吃完盘子里的东西,赶紧知道究竟是谁被选为勇士。
"Ooh it's them, look!" Hermione whispered.
| 终于,金色的盘子又恢复到原来一尘染的状态,礼堂里的声音突然升高了许多。随即,邓布利多站了起来,礼堂里下顿时又变得鸦雀无声。邓布利多两边的卡卡洛夫和马克西姆夫人看上去和大家一样紧张、满怀期待。卢多·巴格曼满脸带笑,朝各个学校的学生眨着眼睛,而克劳奇先生则是副兴味索然的样子,简直可以说是有些厌烦。
The Durmstrang party was walking up toward the castle from the lake. Viktor Krum was walking side by side with Karkaroff, and the other Durmstrang students were straggling along behind them. Ron watched Krum excitedly, but Krum did not look around as he reached the front doors a little ahead of Hermione, Ron, and Harry and proceeded through them.
| “好了,高脚杯就要做出决定了,”邓布利多说,“估计还需要一分钟。听着,勇士的名字被宣布后,我希望他们走到礼堂顶端,再沿着教工桌子走过去,进入隔壁的那个房间——”他指了指教工桌子后面的那扇门,“——他们将在那里得到初步指导。”
When they entered the candlelit Great Hall it was almost full. The Goblet of Fire had been moved; it was now standing in front of Dumbledore's empty chair at the teachers' table. Fred and George - clean-shaven again - seemed to have taken their disappointment fairly well.
| 他掏出魔杖,大幅度地挥了一下。即刻,除了南瓜灯里的那些蜡烛,其余的蜡烛都熄灭了,礼堂一下子陷入了一种半明半暗的状态。火焰杯现在放出夺目的光芒,比整个礼堂里的任何东西都明亮,那迸射着火星的蓝白色火焰简直有些刺眼。大家都注视着,等待着……几个人不停地看表……
"Hope it's Angelina," said Fred as Harry, Ron, and Hermione sat down.
| “快了。”李·乔丹小声地说,他和哈利隔着两个座位。
"So do I!" said Hermione breathlessly. "Well, we'll soon know!"
| 高脚杯里的火焰突然又变成了红色,噼噼啪啪的火星迸出来。接着,一道火舌蹿到空中,从里面飞出一片被烧焦的羊皮纸——礼堂里的人全都屏住了呼吸。
The Halloween feast seemed to take much longer than usual. Perhaps because it was their second feast in two days, Harry didn't seem to fancy the extravagantly prepared food as much as he would have normally. Like everyone else in the Hall, judging by the constantly craning necks, the impatient expressions on every face, the fidgeting, and the standing up to see whether Dumbledore had finished eating yet, Harry simply wanted the plates to clear, and to hear who had been selected as champions.
| 邓布利多接住那片羊皮纸,举得远远的,这样他才能就着火焰的光看清上面的字。火焰这时又恢复了蓝白色。
At long last, the golden plates returned to their original spotless state; there was a sharp upswing in the level of noise within the Hall, which died away almost instantly as Dumbledore got to his feet. On either side of him, Professor Karkaroff and Madame Maxime looked as tense and expectant as anyone. Ludo Bagman was beaming and winking at various students. Mr. Crouch, however, looked quite uninterested, almost bored.
| “德姆斯特朗的勇士,”他用清楚有力的口吻说,“威克多尔·克鲁姆。”
"Well, the goblet is almost ready to make its decision," said Dumbledore. "I estimate that it requires one more minute. Now, when the champions' names are called, I would ask them please to come up to the top of the Hall, walk along the staff table, and go through into the next chamber" - he indicated the door behind the staff table - "where they will be receiving their first instructions."
| “一点儿也不奇怪!”罗恩大喊道,这时掌声和欢呼声席卷了整个礼堂。哈利看见威克多尔·克鲁姆从斯莱特林的桌子旁站起来,没精打采地朝邓布利多走去。他向右一转,顺着教工桌子往前走,从那扇门进了隔壁的房间。
He took out his wand and gave a great sweeping wave with it; at once, all the candles except those inside the carved pumpkins were extinguished, plunging them into a state of semidarkness. The Goblet of Fire now shone more brightly than anything in the whole Hall, the sparkling bright, bluey-whiteness of the flames almost painful on the eyes.
| “太棒了,威克多尔!”卡卡洛夫声如洪钟地吼道,尽管礼堂里掌声很响,大家也能听见他的声音,“我知道你注定就是勇士!”
Everyone watched, waiting. . . . A few people kept checking their watches. . .
| 掌声和交谈声渐渐平息了。现在每个人的注意力再次集中在高脚杯上,几秒钟后,火苗又变红了。第二张羊皮纸在火焰的推动下,从杯子里蹿了出来。
"Any second," Lee Jordan whispered, two seats away from Harry.
| “布斯巴顿的勇士,”邓布利多说,“是芙蓉·德拉库尔!”
The flames inside the goblet turned suddenly red again. Sparks began to fly from it.
| “是她,罗恩!”哈利喊道,只见那个酷似媚娃的姑娘优雅地站起来,甩动了一下她那银亮的秀发,轻盈地从拉文克劳和赫奇帕奇的桌子之间走过去。
Next moment, a tongue of flame shot into the air, a charred piece of parchment fluttered out of it - the whole room gasped.
| “哦,瞧,他们都很失望呢。”赫敏在一片喧哗声中说道,一边朝布斯巴顿的其他代表点了点头。哈利认为,“失望”这个词用得太轻了。两个没被选中的姑娘泪流满面,把脑袋埋在臂弯里,伤心地哭了。
Dumbledore caught the piece of parchment and held it at arm's length, so that he could read it by the light of the flames, which had turned back to blue-white.
| 当芙蓉·德拉库尔也进了隔壁的房间后,礼堂里又安静下来,这次的寂静里涌动着简直可以品尝到的强烈的兴奋。下面就轮到霍格沃茨的勇士了……
"The champion for Durmstrang," he read, in a strong, clear voice, "will be Viktor Krum."
| 这时,火焰杯再次变成红色,火星迸溅,火舌高高地蹿入空中,邓布利多从火舌尖上抽出第三张羊皮纸。
"No surprises there!" yelled Ron as a storm of applause and cheering swept the Hall.
| “霍格沃茨的勇士,”他大声说道,“是塞德里克·迪戈里!”
Harry saw Viktor Krum rise from the Slytherin table and slouch up toward Dumbledore; he turned right, walked along the staff table, and disappeared through the door into the next chamber.
| “糟糕!”罗恩大声说,可是除了哈利,谁也没听见,旁边桌子上的欢呼声简直震耳欲聋。每个赫奇帕奇同学都在跳上跳下,都在尖叫、跺脚,这时塞德里克从他们身边走过,脸上灿烂地笑着,朝教工桌子后面的那个房间走去。确实,给塞德里克的喝彩持续了很长时间,过了好久,邓布利多才使大家安静下来,听他说话。
"Bravo, Viktor!" boomed Karkaroff, so loudly that everyone could hear him, even over all the applause. "Knew you had it in you!"
| “太好了!”当喧闹声终于平息后,邓布利多愉快地大声说道,“好了,现在我们的三位勇士都选出来了。我知道我完全可以信赖你们大家,包括布斯巴顿和德姆斯特朗的其他同学,你们一定会全力以赴地支持你们的勇士。你们通过给勇士加油,也会为这次活动做出很大的贡献——”
The clapping and chatting died down. Now everyone's attention was focused again on the goblet, which, seconds later, turned red once more. A second piece of parchment shot out of it, propelled by the flames.
| 可是邓布利多突然打住了话头,大家也看出是什么吸引了他的注意力。
"The champion for Beauxbatons," said Dumbledore, "is Fleur Delacour!"
| 高脚杯里的火焰又变红了。火星噼噼啪啪地迸溅出来。一道长长的火舌突然蹿到半空,上面又托出一张羊皮纸。
"It's her, Ron!" Harry shouted as the girl who so resembled a veela got gracefully to her feet, shook back her sheet of silvery blonde hair, and swept up between the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables.
| 邓布利多仿佛是下意识地伸出一只修长的手,抓住那张羊皮纸。他把它举得远远的,瞪着上面写的名字。长时间地肃静,邓布利多瞪着手里的纸条,礼堂里的每个人都瞪着邓布利多。然后,邓布利多清了清嗓子,大声念道——
"Oh look, they're all disappointed," Hermione said over the noise, nodding toward the remainder of the Beauxbatons party. "Disappointed" was a bit of an understatement, Harry thought. Two of the girls who had not been selected had dissolved into tears and were sobbing with their heads on their arms.
| “哈利·波特。”
When Fleur Delacour too had vanished into the side chamber, silence fell again, but this time it was a silence so stiff with excitement you could almost taste it. The Hogwarts champion next...
And the Goblet of Fire turned red once more; sparks showered out of it; the tongue of flame shot high into the air, and from its tip Dumbledore pulled the third piece of parchment.
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"The Hogwarts champion," he called, "is Cedric Diggory!"
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"No! " said Ron loudly, but nobody heard him except Harry; the uproar from the next table was too great. Every single Hufflepuff had jumped to his or her feet, screaming and stamping, as Cedric made his way past them, grinning broadly, and headed off toward the chamber behind the teachers' table. Indeed, the applause for Cedric went on so long that it was some time before Dumbledore could make himself heard again.
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"Excellent!" Dumbledore called happily as at last the tumult died down. "Well, we now have our three champions. I am sure I can count upon all of you, including the remaining students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, to give your champions every ounce of support you can muster. By cheering your champion on, you will contribute in a very real --"
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But Dumbledore suddenly stopped speaking, and it was apparent to everybody what had distracted him.
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The fire in the goblet had just turned red again. Sparks were flying out of it. A long flame shot suddenly into the air, and borne upon it was another piece of parchment.
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Automatically, it seemed, Dumbledore reached out a long hand and seized the parchment. He held it out and stared at the name written upon it. There was a long pause, during which Dumbledore stared at the slip in his hands, and everyone in the room stared at Dumbledore. And then Dumbledore cleared his throat and read out - "Harry Potter."
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