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| 第十五章 阿拉戈克
Summer was creeping over the grounds around the castle; sky and lake alike turned periwinkle blue and flowers large as cabbages burst into bloom in the greenhouses. But with no Hagrid visible from the castle windows, striding the grounds with Fang at his heels, the scene didn’t look right to Harry; no better, in fact, than the inside of the castle, where things were so horribly wrong.
| 夏天悄悄来到城堡周围的场地,天空和湖面一样,都变成了泛着紫光的浅蓝色,温室里绽开出一朵朵大得像卷心菜一般的鲜花。可是,从城堡的窗门看不见海格大步走过场地、牙牙紧跟在他脚边的身影,哈利总觉得这幕景象不太对头;实际上,它比乱作一团的城堡内部好不了多少。
Harry and Ron had tried to visit Hermione, but visitors were now barred from the hospital wing.
| 哈利和罗恩曾经想去看望赫敏,但是探视者们都坡挡在了病房外面。
“We’re taking no more chances,” Madam Pomfrey told them severely through a crack in the infirmary door. “No, I’m sorry, there’s every chance the attacker might come back to finish these people off. . . .”
| “我们不能再冒险了,”庞弗雷夫人把医院的门开了一道缝,严肃地对他们说,“不行,对不起,攻击者很可能还会回来,把这些人彻底弄死……”
With Dumbledore gone, fear had spread as never before, so that the sun warming the castle walls outside seemed to stop at the mullioned windows. There was barely a face to be seen in the school that didn’t look worried and tense, and any laughter that rang through the corridors sounded shrill and unnatural and was quickly stifled.
| 邓布利多走了,恐惧以前所未有的形式迅速蔓延,因此,温暖着城堡外墙的太阳似乎不能照进装着直棂的窗户。学校里的每一张面孔都显得惶恐不安,走廊里响起的每一声大笑都显得刺耳、怪异,并且很快就被压抑住了。
Harry constantly repeated Dumbledore’s final words to himself. “I will only truly have left this school when none here are loyal to me. . . . Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it.” But what good were these words? Who exactly were they supposed to ask for help, when everyone was just as confused and scared as they were?
| 哈利不断地对自己重复邓布利多最后说的那番话——“只有当这里的人都背叛我的时候,我才算真正离开了这所学校……在霍格沃茨,那些请求帮助的人总是能得到帮助的。”可是这些话有什么用呢?当每个人都像他们一样困惑和惊惧时,他们究竟该向谁求助呢?海格关于蜘蛛的暗示倒是很容易理解——问题是,城堡里似乎没有一只蜘蛛可以让他们跟踪。哈利走到哪里找到哪里,罗恩也(很不情愿地)帮他寻找。当然啦,由于他们不得擅自乱逛,而必须和其他格兰芬多学生成群结队地在城堡里活动,他们的搜寻工作受到了很大阻碍。那些同学似乎很高兴有老师护送他们从一个教室到另一个教室,但哈利觉得非常厌烦。
Hagrid’s hint about the spiders was far easier to understand — the trouble was, there didn’t seem to be a single spider left in the castle to follow. Harry looked everywhere he went, helped (rather reluctantly) by Ron. They were hampered, of course, by the fact that they weren’t allowed to wander off on their own but had to move around the castle in a pack with the other Gryffindors. Most of their fellow students seemed glad that they were being shepherded from class to class by teachers, but Harry found it very irksome.
| 然而,有一个人似乎特别喜欢这种惊恐和疑惧的气氛。德拉科马尔福神气活现地在学校里走来走去,就好像他刚刚被任命为男生学生会主席一般。哈利一直不明白他为什么这样得意。最后,在邓布利多和海格走了大约两星期后的魔药课上,哈利正好坐在马尔福后面,无意中听到了他得意洋洋地对克拉布和高尔的吹嘘。
One person, however, seemed to be thoroughly enjoying the atmosphere of terror and suspicion. Draco Malfoy was strutting around the school as though he had just been appointed Head Boy. Harry didn’t realize what he was so pleased about until the Potions lesson about two weeks after Dumbledore and Hagrid had left, when, sitting right behind Malfoy, Harry overheard him gloating to Crabbe and Goyle.
| “我早就知道父亲会赶走邓布利多的。”他说,并不注意把声音压低。“我告诉你们吧,他认为邓布利多是学校有史以来最糟糕的校长。现在我们大概会有一个像样的校长了,那是个不愿意让密室关闭的人。麦格也待不长了,她只是临时补缺……”
“I always thought Father might be the one who got rid of Dumbledore,” he said, not troubling to keep his voice down. “I told you he thinks Dumbledore’s the worst headmaster the school’s ever had. Maybe we’ll get a decent headmaster now. Someone who won’t want the Chamber of Secrets closed. McGonagall won’t last long, she’s only filling in. . . .”
| 斯内普快步从哈利身边走过,对赫敏空空的座位和坩埚不置一词。
Snape swept past Harry, making no comment about Hermione’s empty seat and cauldron.
| “先生,”马尔福大声说,“先生,你为什么不申请校长的职位呢?”
“Sir,” said Malfoy loudly. “Sir, why don’t you apply for the headmaster’s job?”
| “哎呀,马尔福,”斯内普说,但他控制不住嘴角露出的淡淡笑容,“邓布利多教授只是暂时被董事会停职了,我敢说他很快就会回到我们中间的。”
“Now, now, Malfoy,” said Snape, though he couldn’t suppress a thin-lipped smile. “Professor Dumbledore has only been suspended by the governors. I daresay he’ll be back with us soon enough.”
| “是啊,没错,”马尔福傻笑着说,“先生,如果你申请这个职位,我猜父亲会投你一票的。我会告诉父亲,你是这里最好的老师,先生……”
“Yeah, right,” said Malfoy, smirking. “I expect you’d have Father’s vote, sir, if you wanted to apply for the job — I’ll tell Father you’re the best teacher here, sir —”
| 斯内普昂首阔步地在地下教室里走来走去,脸上得意地笑着,西莫斐尼甘假装朝自己的锅里呕吐,还好他没有看见。
Snape smirked as he swept off around the dungeon, fortunately not spotting Seamus Finnigan, who was pretending to vomit into his cauldron.
| “泥巴种们居然还没有收拾东西滚蛋,这使我非常吃惊,”马尔福继续说,“我用五个加隆跟你打赌,下一个必死无疑。真可惜不是格兰杰……”
“I’m quite surprised the Mudbloods haven’t all packed their bags by now,” Malfoy went on. “Bet you five Galleons the next one dies. Pity it wasn’t Granger —”
| 幸好,就在这时铃声响了。罗恩听了马尔福的最后一句话,一下子从他的凳子上跳起,在大家匆匆收拾书包和书本的混乱中,没有人注意到他想过去教训马尔福。
The bell rang at that moment, which was lucky; at Malfoy’s last words, Ron had leapt off his stool, and in the scramble to collect bags and books, his attempts to reach Malfoy went unnoticed.
| “让我揍他,”哈利和迪安揪住罗恩的膀子时,罗恩气冲冲地说,“我不在乎,我不需要魔杖,我要赤手空拳把他打死——”
“Let me at him,” Ron growled as Harry and Dean hung onto his arms. “I don’t care, I don’t need my wand, I’m going to kill him with my bare hands —”
| “快点儿,我要带你们大家去上草药课。”斯内普对着全班同学吼叫。
“Hurry up, I’ve got to take you all to Herbology,” barked Snape over the class’s heads, and off they marched, with Harry, Ron, and Dean bringing up the rear, Ron still trying to get loose. It was only safe to let go of him when Snape had seen them out of the castle and they were making their way across the vegetable patch toward the greenhouses.
| 接着,大家两个两个地排成纵队离开了教室。哈利、罗恩和迪安排在最后,罗恩还在拼命挣脱。当斯内普把大家送出了城堡,他们才敢把罗恩放开。他们穿过菜地,朝温室走去。
The Herbology class was very subdued; there were now two missing from their number, Justin and Hermione.
| 草药课气氛非常压抑,班上已经少了两个同学,贾斯廷和赫敏。斯普劳特教授安排大家都去修剪阿比西尼亚缩皱无花果。哈利抱着一些枯枝放在堆肥顶上,正好和厄尼打了个照面。
Professor Sprout set them all to work pruning the Abyssinian Shrivelfigs. Harry went to tip an armful of withered stalks onto the compost heap and found himself face-to-face with Ernie Macmillan. Ernie took a deep breath and said, very formally, “I just want to say, Harry, that I’m sorry I ever suspected you. I know you’d never attack Hermione Granger, and I apologize for all the stuff I said. We’re all in the same boat now, and, well —”
| 厄尼深深吸了一口气,非常正式地说:“我只想说,哈利,对不起,我曾经怀疑过你。我知道你决不会攻击赫敏格兰杰,我为我以前说过的所有混账话而道歉。现在我们面临着同样的危险,因此——”他伸出一只粗短肥胖的手,哈利握了握。
He held out a pudgy hand, and Harry shook it.
| 厄尼和他的朋友汉娜过来和哈利、罗恩在同一株无花果上干活。
Ernie and his friend Hannah came to work at the same Shrivelfig as Harry and Ron.
| “那个名叫德拉科马尔福的家伙,”厄尼一边折下枯枝,一边说道,“似乎幸灾乐祸,开心得要命,是吗?你们知道吗,我怀疑他可能就是斯莱特林的继承人。”
“That Draco Malfoy character,” said Ernie, breaking off dead twigs, “he seems very pleased about all this, doesn’t he? D’you know, I think he might be Slytherin’s heir.”
| “你倒是够机灵的。”罗恩说,他似乎并没有像哈利那样一下子就原谅了厄尼。
“That’s clever of you,” said Ron, who didn’t seem to have forgiven Ernie as readily as Harry.
| “哈利,你认为是马尔福吗?”厄尼问。
“Do you think it’s Malfoy, Harry?” Ernie asked.
| “不。”哈利说,口气非常坚定,厄尼和汉娜都吃惊地瞪着他。紧接着,哈利突然看见了一样东西,赶忙用整枝的剪刀敲了一下罗恩的手背。
“No,” said Harry, so firmly that Ernie and Hannah stared.
| “哎哟!你干吗——”
A second later, Harry spotted something.
| 哈利指着地上几步以外的地方。几只大蜘蛛匆匆爬过地面。
Several large spiders were scuttling over the ground on the other side of the glass, moving in an unnaturally straight line as though taking the shortest route to a prearranged meeting. Harry hit Ron over the hand with his pruning shears.
| “哦,好啊,”罗恩想显出高兴的样子,但是没有成功,“可惜我们现在没法跟踪它们……”
“Ouch! What’re you —”
| 厄尼和汉娜好奇地听着。
Harry pointed out the spiders, following their progress with his eyes screwed up against the sun.
| 哈利眼看着蜘蛛逃走了。“看样子它们是往禁林方向去的……”
“Oh, yeah,” said Ron, trying, and failing, to look pleased. “But we can’t follow them now —”
| 罗恩听了这话,显得更不高兴了。
Ernie and Hannah were listening curiously.
| 下课后,斯内普教授护送同学们去上黑魔法防御术课。哈利和罗恩落在其他同学后面,这样他们就能悄悄说话,不致被别人听见。
Harry’s eyes narrowed as he focused on the spiders. If they pursued their fixed course, there could be no doubt about where they would end up.
| “我们又得用上隐形衣了,”哈利对罗恩说,“我们可以带上牙牙。它经常跟着海格到林子里去,会有所帮助的。”
“Looks like they’re heading for the Forbidden Forest. . . .”
| “对,”罗恩不安地用手指旋转着魔杖,“哦——禁林里有没有——有没有狼人?”当他们在洛哈特班上自己惯常的座位上坐下后,他又问了一句。
And Ron looked even unhappier about that.
| 哈利觉得不便回答这个问题,他说:“那里也有一些好东西呢。马人是很不错的,还有独角兽。”罗恩以前从未进过禁林。哈利也只进去过一次,并希望再也不会有第二次。
At the end of the lesson Professor Sprout escorted the class to their Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson. Harry and Ron lagged behind the others so they could talk out of earshot.
| 洛哈特连蹦带跳地进了教室,同学们吃惊地盯着他。学校里的其他每一位老师都显得比平常严肃,可洛哈特看上去倒是轻松愉快。“好了,好了,”他喜洋洋地看着四周,说道,“你们干吗都拉长着脸啊?”大家交换着恼怒的目光,但没有人回答。“难道你们没有发现吗,”洛哈特说着,放慢语速,似乎他们都有些迟钝似的,“危险已经过去了!罪犯已经被带走了。”
“We’ll have to use the Invisibility Cloak again,” Harry told Ron. “We can take Fang with us. He’s used to going into the forest with Hagrid, he might be some help.”
| “谁这么说?”迪安托马斯大声说。
“Right,” said Ron, who was twirling his wand nervously in his fingers. “Er — aren’t there — aren’t there supposed to be werewolves in the forest?” he added as they took their usual places at the back of Lockhart’s classroom.
| “我亲爱的年轻人,如果魔法部部长没有百分之百地认定海格有罪的话,是不会把他带走的。”洛哈特说道,那种口气,就好像某人在解释一加一等于二那样。
Preferring not to answer that question, Harry said, “There are good things in there, too. The centaurs are all right, and the unicorns . . .”
| “哦,那不一定。”罗恩说,声音比迪安的还大。
Ron had never been into the Forbidden Forest before. Harry had entered it only once and had hoped never to do so again.
| “我自信我对海格被捕的真相知道的比你稍多一些,韦斯莱先生。”洛哈特用一种自鸣得意的口气说道。
Lockhart bounded into the room and the class stared at him. Every other teacher in the place was looking grimmer than usual, but Lockhart appeared nothing short of buoyant.
| 罗恩刚要说他并不这么认为,但话没说完就停住了,因为哈利在桌子底下狠狠踢了他一脚。
“Come now,” he cried, beaming around him. “Why all these long faces?”
| “我们当时没在场,你忘了?”哈利小声说。
People swapped exasperated looks, but nobody answered.
| 可是,洛哈特那令人厌恶的喜悦,他那暗示自己早就认为海格不是好人的表白,以及他说的他相信整个事情已经结束的话,都使哈利恼火万分,他恨不得把那本《与食尸鬼同游》的书对准洛哈特愚蠢的脸上扔去。但他只好给罗恩写了一张潦草的纸条:“我们今晚行动。”
“Don’t you people realize,” said Lockhart, speaking slowly, as though they were all a bit dim, “the danger has passed! The culprit has been taken away —”
| 罗恩看了纸条,使劲咽了口唾沫,扭头看了看赫敏以前坐的那个空座位。那景象似乎坚定了他的决心,他点了点头。
“Says who?” said Dean Thomas loudly.
| 最近这些日子,格兰芬多的公共休息室里总是挤满了人,因为晚上六点钟以后,格兰芬多的学生们就没有别的地方可去了。而且他们总是有许多话要谈,结果,公共休息室里经常到午夜之后还有人。
“My dear young man, the Minister of Magic wouldn’t have taken Hagrid if he hadn’t been one hundred percent sure that he was guilty,” said Lockhart, in the tone of someone explaining that one and one made two.
| 吃过晚饭后,哈利从箱子里取出隐形衣,然后整个晚上都坐在它上面,等屋里的人都走光。弗雷德和乔治向哈利和罗恩提出挑战,要求玩呼“同”牌戏,金妮在一旁观看。她坐在赫敏惯常的座位上,情绪低落。哈利和罗恩不停地故意输掉,想早点儿结束比赛,但即使这样,弗雷德、乔治和金妮去睡觉的时候也已经过午夜了。
“Oh, yes he would,” said Ron, even more loudly than Dean.
| 哈利和罗恩等着远处传来两声宿舍的关门声,才抓起隐形衣,披在身上,从肖像洞口爬了出去。
“I flatter myself I know a touch more about Hagrid’s arrest than you do, Mr. Weasley,” said Lockhart in a self-satisfied tone.
| 穿过城堡的路也很艰难,要千方百计躲着老师。最后,他们总算到了门厅,溜到了那两扇栎木大门的门锁后面,从门缝里挤了出去,尽量不发出吱吱呀呀的声音,然后来到月光皎洁的场地上。
Ron started to say that he didn’t think so, somehow, but stopped in midsentence when Harry kicked him hard under the desk.
| “怎么走,”当他们大步穿过黑黝黝的草地时,罗恩突然说道,“我们也许到了林子里以后,根本就我不到东西可以跟踪。那些蜘蛛可能压根儿就没有到那儿去。我知道,它们当时似乎是朝那个方向移动的,但是……”
“We weren’t there, remember?” Harry muttered.
| 他没有说下去,给哈利留下了一点希望。
But Lockhart’s disgusting cheeriness, his hints that he had always thought Hagrid was no good, his confidence that the whole business was now at an end, irritated Harry so much that he yearned to throw Gadding with Ghouls right in Lockhart’s stupid face. Instead he contented himself with scrawling a note to Ron: Let’s do it tonight.
| 他们来到海格的小屋,悲哀而忧伤地看着那几扇黑洞洞的窗户。哈利把门推开,牙牙一看见他们,顿时欣喜若狂。他们生怕它低沉浑厚的狂吠吵醒城堡里的人,赶紧从壁炉架上的一个罐头里拿出乳脂软糖给它吃,把它的牙齿粘住了。
Ron read the message, swallowed hard, and looked sideways at the empty seat usually filled by Hermione. The sight seemed to stiffen his resolve, and he nodded. The Gryffindor common room was always very crowded these days, because from six o’clock onward the Gryffindors had nowhere else to go. They also had plenty to talk about, with the result that the common room often didn’t empty until past midnight.
| 哈利把隐形衣放在海格的桌上。在漆黑的树林里是用不着它的。
Harry went to get the Invisibility Cloak out of his trunk right after dinner, and spent the evening sitting on it, waiting for the room to clear. Fred and George challenged Harry and Ron to a few games of Exploding Snap, and Ginny sat watching them, very subdued in Hermione’s usual chair. Harry and Ron kept losing on purpose, trying to finish the games quickly, but even so, it was well past midnight when Fred, George, and Ginny finally went to bed.
| “来吧,牙牙,我们出去散散步。”哈利说着,拍了拍它的后腿。牙牙高兴地跟在他们后面出了小屋,朝树林边缘跑去,并在一棵大西克莫无花果树旁翘起一条腿来。
Harry and Ron waited for the distant sounds of two dormitory doors closing before seizing the cloak, throwing it over themselves, and climbing through the portrait hole.
| 哈利拿出魔杖,喃喃地说:“荧光闪烁!”于是魔杖头上放出一束细光,刚好够他们观察道路上有没有蜘蛛的影子。
It was another difficult journey through the castle, dodging all the teachers. At last they reached the entrance hall, slid back the lock on the oak front doors, squeezed between them, trying to stop any creaking, and stepped out into the moonlit grounds.
| “好主意,”罗恩说,“我也想让我的魔杖发亮,可是你知道,弄得不好它会爆炸的……”
“ ’Course,” said Ron abruptly as they strode across the black grass, “we might get to the forest and find there’s nothing to follow. Those spiders might not’ve been going there at all. I know it looked like they were moving in that sort of general direction, but . . .”
| 哈利拍了拍罗恩的肩膀,指着草地上。两只孤独的蜘蛛正匆匆逃离魔杖的光亮,钻进阴暗的树影。
His voice trailed away hopefully.
| “好吧,”罗恩叹了口气,似乎只好迎接最坏的命运了,“我准备好了。我们走吧。”
They reached Hagrid’s house, sad and sorry-looking with its blank windows. When Harry pushed the door open, Fang went mad with joy at the sight of them. Worried he might wake everyone at the castle with his deep, booming barks, they hastily fed him treacle toffee from a tin on the mantelpiece, which glued his teeth together.
| 于是,他们进入了树林,牙牙奔跑在他们周围,一路嗅着树根和树叶。就着哈利魔杖的光亮,他们跟随着持续不断地在小路上爬行的蜘蛛。走了大约有二十分钟,谁也没有说话,只侧耳细听着除了树枝折断声和树叶沙沙声之外,还有没有别的声音。然后,树木越发茂密了,头顶上的星星也看不见了。哈利的魔杖孤零零地在一片无边无际的漆黑中闪着微光,这时他们发现那些蜘蛛向导偏离了小路。
Harry left the Invisibility Cloak on Hagrid’s table. There would be no need for it in the pitch-dark forest.
| 哈利停住脚步,想看清楚蜘蛛移动的方向,但是在被那点微光照亮的范围之外,是伸手不见五指的黑暗。他以前从未这样深入树林中央。他清晰地回忆起他上次进入林子时,海格曾告诫他不要偏离林间小路。但是海格此刻在千里迢迢之外,大概正坐在阿兹卡班的囚室里,而且他也说过要跟着蜘蛛走。
“C’mon, Fang, we’re going for a walk,” said Harry, patting his leg, and Fang bounded happily out of the house behind them, dashed to the edge of the forest, and lifted his leg against a large sycamore tree.
| 什么东西碰到了哈利的手,他猛地向后一跳,踩了罗恩的脚,结果那只是牙牙的鼻子。
Harry took out his wand, murmured, “Lumos!” and a tiny light appeared at the end of it, just enough to let them watch the path for signs of spiders.
| “你有什么想法?”哈利对罗恩说。他刚刚能分辨出罗恩的眼睛,瞳孔里反射着魔杖的微光。
“Good thinking,” said Ron. “I’d light mine, too, but you know — it’d probably blow up or something. . . .”
| “我们已经走了这么远了。”罗恩说。
Harry tapped Ron on the shoulder, pointing at the grass. Two solitary spiders were hurrying away from the wandlight into the shade of the trees.
| 于是,他们跟着蜘蛛飞奔的影子进入树丛。他们现在无法走得很快了,到处都是树根和树桩,挡住了道路,在近乎漆黑一片的光线下简直看不出来。哈利可以感觉到牙牙热乎乎的呼吸喷在他手上。他们不止一次被迫停住脚步,哈利蹲下去,就着魔杖的光寻找蜘蛛的踪迹。
“Okay,” Ron sighed as though resigned to the worst, “I’m ready. Let’s go.”
| 看样子,他们已经走了至少半个小时,他们的衣服经常被低矮的树枝和刺藤挂住。过了一会儿,他们注意到地面似乎在往下倾斜,尽管树木还和刚才一样茂密。
So, with Fang scampering around them, sniffing tree roots and leaves, they entered the forest. By the glow of Harry’s wand, they followed the steady trickle of spiders moving along the path. They walked behind them for about twenty minutes, not speaking, listening hard for noises other than breaking twigs and rustling leaves. Then, when the trees had become thicker than ever, so that the stars overhead were no longer visible, and Harry’s wand shone alone in the sea of dark, they saw their spider guides leaving the path.
| 这时,牙牙突然发出一声响亮的吠叫,在林子里回荡不绝,把哈利和罗恩都吓得灵魂出了窍。
Harry paused, trying to see where the spiders were going, but everything outside his little sphere of light was pitch-black. He had never been this deep into the forest before. He could vividly remember Hagrid advising him not to leave the forest path last time he’d been in here. But Hagrid was miles away now, probably sitting in a cell in Azkaban, and he had also said to follow the spiders.
| “什么?”罗恩大声说,朝一片漆黑中张望,一边使劲抓住哈利的臂肘。
Something wet touched Harry’s hand and he jumped backward, crushing Ron’s foot, but it was only Fang’s nose.
| “那里有什么东西在动,”哈利喘着气说,“听……像是一个大家伙。”
“What d’you reckon?” Harry said to Ron, whose eyes he could just make out, reflecting the light from his wand.
| 他们仔细听着。在他们右边一段距离之外,那个大东西正从树丛中辟出一条路来,折断了无数根树枝。
“We’ve come this far,” said Ron.
| “哦,不,”罗恩说,“哦,不,哦,不,哦——”
So they followed the darting shadows of the spiders into the trees. They couldn’t move very quickly now; there were tree roots and stumps in their way, barely visible in the near blackness. Harry could feel Fang’s hot breath on his hand. More than once, they had to stop, so that Harry could crouch down and find the spiders in the wandlight.
| “闭嘴,”哈利狂怒地说,“它会听见你的。”
They walked for what seemed like at least half an hour, their robes snagging on low-slung branches and brambles. After a while, they noticed that the ground seemed to be sloping downward, though the trees were as thick as ever.
| “听见我?”罗恩用一种很不自然的尖声说,“它已经听见了。牙牙!”
Then Fang suddenly let loose a great, echoing bark, making both Harry and Ron jump out of their skins.
| 他们站在那里,惊恐万状地等待着,黑暗似乎压迫着他们的眼球。突然一阵轰隆隆的声响,接着又归于寂静。
“What?” said Ron loudly, looking around into the pitch-dark, and gripping Harry’s elbow very hard.
| “你认为它在做什么?”哈利问。
“There’s something moving over there,” Harry breathed. “Listen . . . sounds like something big. . . .”
| “大概准备扑过来。”罗恩说。
They listened. Some distance to their right, the something big was snapping branches as it carved a path through the trees.
| 他们等待着,浑身发抖,一动也不敢动。
“Oh, no,” said Ron. “Oh, no, oh, no, oh —”
| “你认为它走了吗?”哈利小声问。
“Shut up,” said Harry frantically. “It’ll hear you.”
| “不知道——”
“Hear me?” said Ron in an unnaturally high voice. “It’s already heard Fang!”
| 这时,在他们右边,突然亮起一片夺目的光,在黑暗中亮得刺眼,两人都举起手挡住眼睛。牙牙咆哮着想逃走,却被一片荆棘绊住,叫得更响亮了。
The darkness seemed to be pressing on their eyeballs as they stood, terrified, waiting. There was a strange rumbling noise and then silence.
| “哈利!”罗恩喊道,他的声音因为大松一口气而有些哽咽,“哈利,是我们的汽车!”
“What d’you think it’s doing?” said Harry.
| “什么?”
“Probably getting ready to pounce,” said Ron.
| “来吧!”
They waited, shivering, hardly daring to move.
| 哈利跟在罗恩后面,跌跌撞撞地朝亮光走去,一路上不停地被绊倒。片刻之后,他们来到一片空地上。韦斯莱先生的汽车停在一圈茂密的树木中央,顶上是密密麻麻交错的枝叶,车里空无一人,车灯发出耀眼的光。罗恩大张着嘴巴向它走去时,它也在慢慢朝他移动,就像一条青绿色的大狗迎接它的主人。
“D’you think it’s gone?” Harry whispered.
| “原来它一直在这里!”罗恩欣喜地说,围着汽车走来走去。“你看它,树林把它变野了……”汽车的两翼被刮破了,上面沾满烂泥。显然它形成了独自在树林里移动的习惯。牙牙似乎对它丝毫不感兴趣,它寸步不离地跟着哈利。哈利可以感觉到它在发抖。哈利的呼吸又慢慢平静下来,他把魔杖收回到长袍里。
“Dunno —”
| “我们还以为它要进攻我们呢!”罗恩说着,靠在汽车上,拍了拍它。“我一直不知道它到哪儿去了!”
Then, to their right, came a sudden blaze of light, so bright in the darkness that both of them flung up their hands to shield their eyes. Fang yelped and tried to run, but got lodged in a tangle of thorns and yelped even louder.
| 哈利眯起眼睛,在被灯光照亮的地面上继续寻找蜘蛛的影子,可是它们都匆匆避开刺眼的车灯,跑得不知去向了。
“Harry!” Ron shouted, his voice breaking with relief. “Harry, it’s our car!”
| “我们失去踪迹了。”他说,“来,我们去找蜘蛛……”
| 罗恩没有说活,也没有动弹。他眼睛死死盯着哈利身后,离地面十英尺高的地方。他的脸色铁青,活生生地写着恐惧。
“Come on!”
| 哈利甚至还没来得及转身。只听见一阵响亮的咔哒咔哒声,他突然觉得一个长长的、毛茸茸的东西把他拦腰抄起,使他脸朝下悬在半空。他挣扎着,极度惊恐,这时又听见了咔哒咔哒声,他看见罗恩的双腿也离开了地面,还听见牙牙在哀鸣、咆哮——接着,它就被拖进了漆黑的树丛。
Harry blundered after Ron toward the light, stumbling and tripping, and a moment later they had emerged into a clearing.
| 哈利的脑袋倒悬着,看见那个抓住他的家伙迈着六条长得离奇的、汗毛浓密的腿,前面还有两条腿紧紧地钳住他,上面是一对闪闪发亮的大黑螫。在他的身后,他可以听见还有一个这样的动物,显然是抱着罗恩。他们正朝着树林的中心移动。哈利听见牙牙呜呜地叫着,正在拼命挣脱第三只怪物,而哈利即使想叫也叫不出来,他似乎把他的声音和汽车一起留在空地上了。
Mr. Weasley’s car was standing, empty, in the middle of a circle of thick trees under a roof of dense branches, its headlights ablaze. As Ron walked, openmouthed, toward it, it moved slowly toward him, exactly like a large, turquoise dog greeting its owner.
| 他不知道他在那只怪物的利爪里待了多久,他只知道黑暗似乎突然消退了一些,他看见铺满落叶的地面上现在密密麻麻的都是蜘蛛。他把脖子扭过去,发现他们已经来到一片宽阔凹地的边缘,凹地里的树木被清除了,星星照亮了他有生以来见过的最可怕的景象。
“It’s been here all the time!” said Ron delightedly, walking around the car. “Look at it. The forest’s turned it wild. . . .”
| 蜘蛛——不像那些在下面的落叶中匆匆爬过的小蜘蛛,而是每一只都有拉车的马那么大,八只眼睛,八条腿,黑乎乎、毛森森的,像一个个庞然大物。那个抱着哈利的巨型蜘蛛沿陡坡而下,朝凹地正中央的一张雾气迷蒙的、半球形的蛛网走去,它的同伴把它团团围住。它们看见它钳住的东西后,都兴奋地活动着大螯,发出一片咔哒咔哒的声音。
The sides of the car were scratched and smeared with mud. Apparently it had taken to trundling around the forest on its own. Fang didn’t seem at all keen on it; he kept close to Harry, who could feel him quivering. His breathing slowing down again, Harry stuffed his wand back into his robes.
| 蜘蛛松开爪子,哈利扑倒在地。罗恩和牙牙也重重地跌落在他旁边。牙牙不再咆哮了,而是静静地蜷缩着不动。罗恩看上去的感觉与哈利一模一样。他的嘴巴咧得大大的,似乎在发出无声的嘶喊,眼睛向外暴突着。哈利突然意识到那只把他扔掉的蜘蛛正在说话。不容易听出来,因为它每说一个字都要咔哒咔哒地摆弄它的大螯。
“And we thought it was going to attack us!” said Ron, leaning against the car and patting it. “I wondered where it had gone!”
| “阿拉戈克!”它喊道,“阿拉戈克!”
Harry squinted around on the floodlit ground for signs of more spiders, but they had all scuttled away from the glare of the headlights.
| 从雾气迷蒙的、半球形的蛛网中间,非常缓慢地钻出来一只小象那么大的蜘蛛。它的身体和腿黑中带灰,那长着大螯的丑陋脑袋上的每只眼睛都蒙着一层白翳。它是个瞎子。
“We’ve lost the trail,” he said. “C’mon, let’s go and find them.”
| “怎么回事?”它说,咔哒咔哒,两只大螯飞快地动着。
Ron didn’t speak. He didn’t move. His eyes were fixed on a point some ten feet above the forest floor, right behind Harry. His face was livid with terror.
| “人。”刚才抓住哈利的那只蜘蛛说。
Harry didn’t even have time to turn around. There was a loud clicking noise and suddenly he felt something long and hairy seize him around the middle and lift him off the ground, so that he was hanging facedown. Struggling, terrified, he heard more clicking, and saw Ron’s legs leave the ground, too, heard Fang whimpering and howling — next moment, he was being swept away into the dark trees.
| “是海格吗?”阿拉戈克说着,靠近了一些,八只乳白色的眼睛茫然地张望着。
Head hanging, Harry saw that what had hold of him was marching on six immensely long, hairy legs, the front two clutching him tightly below a pair of shining black pincers. Behind him, he could hear another of the creatures, no doubt carrying Ron. They were moving into the very heart of the forest. Harry could hear Fang fighting to free himself from a third monster, whining loudly, but Harry couldn’t have yelled even if he had wanted to; he seemed to have left his voice back with the car in the clearing.
| “是陌生人。”把罗恩带来的那只蜘蛛咔哒咔哒地说。
He never knew how long he was in the creature’s clutches; he only knew that the darkness suddenly lifted enough for him to see that the leaf-strewn ground was now swarming with spiders. Craning his neck sideways, he realized that they had reached the ridge of a vast hollow, a hollow that had been cleared of trees, so that the stars shone brightly onto the worst scene he had ever laid eyes on.
| “把他们弄死,”咔哒咔哒,阿拉戈克烦躁地说。“我正在睡觉……”
Spiders. Not tiny spiders like those surging over the leaves below. Spiders the size of carthorses, eight-eyed, eight-legged, black, hairy, gigantic. The massive specimen that was carrying Harry made its way down the steep slope toward a misty, domed web in the very center of the hollow, while its fellows closed in all around it, clicking their pincers excitedly at the sight of its load.
| “我们是海格的朋友。”哈利喊道。他的心似乎要离开胸腔,从嗓子眼里跳出来。
Harry fell to the ground on all fours as the spider released him. Ron and Fang thudded down next to him. Fang wasn’t howling anymore, but cowering silently on the spot. Ron looked exactly like Harry felt. His mouth was stretched wide in a kind of silent scream and his eyes were popping.
| 咔哒咔哒,咔哒咔哒,凹地里到处都是蜘蛛的大螯在动。阿拉戈克迟疑了。
Harry suddenly realized that the spider that had dropped him was saying something. It had been hard to tell, because he clicked his pincers with every word he spoke.
| “海格以前从不派人到我们的凹地来。”它慢吞吞地说。
“Aragog!” it called. “Aragog!”
| “海格遇到麻烦了,”哈利说,他的呼吸非常急促,“所以我们才来的。”
And from the middle of the misty, domed web, a spider the size of a small elephant emerged, very slowly. There was gray in the black of his body and legs, and each of the eyes on his ugly, pincered head was milky white. He was blind.
| “麻烦?”那只年迈的蜘蛛说。哈利觉得他在咔哒咔哒的大螯声中听出了几分关切。“但他为什么要派你们来呢?”
“What is it?” he said, clicking his pincers rapidly.
| 哈利本来想站起来,但后来决定还是趴着;他认为他的腿支撑不住身体的重量。他趴在地面上说话,尽可能使语气平静。“在学校里,他们认为海格最近放出一个——一个——什么东西加害学生。他们把他带到阿兹卡班去了。”
“Men,” clicked the spider who had caught Harry.
| 咔哒咔哒,阿拉戈克愤怒地舞动着大螯,这声音得到了凹地上那一大群蜘蛛的响应,这就像是掌声,只不过通常的掌声是不会使哈利恐惧得作呕的。
“Is it Hagrid?” said Aragog, moving closer, his eight milky eyes wandering vaguely.
| “但那是很多年以前的事了,”阿拉戈克恼火地说道,“很多、很多年以前了。我记得很清楚。正是因为这件事,他们当时才让他离开学校的。他们相信我就是那只住在他们所谓的密室里的怪物。他们以为是海格打开了密室,把我放了出来。”
“Strangers,” clicked the spider who had brought Ron.
| “那么你……你不是从密室里出来的?”哈利问,感到他脑门上出了一层冷汗。
“Kill them,” clicked Aragog fretfully. “I was sleeping. . . .”
| “我!”阿拉戈克说,大螯愤怒地咔哒咔哒,“我不是生在城堡里的。我来自一个遥远的国度。当我还没有从蛋里孵出来时,一个旅游者把我送给了海格。当时海格还只是一个小孩子,但他照顾着我,把我藏在城堡的一个碗橱里,喂我吃撒在餐桌上的面包屑。海格是我的好朋友,他是一个好人。人们发现了我,并要我为一个姑娘的死承担责任时,是他保护了我。从那以后,我就一直住在这树林里,海格还经常来看我。他甚至还给我找了个妻子——莫萨格。你看到我们的家庭发展得多么兴旺,这都是托了海格的福……”
“We’re friends of Hagrid’s,” Harry shouted. His heart seemed to have left his chest to pound in his throat.
| 哈利鼓起他剩余的一点儿勇气。“那么你从来没有——从来没有攻击过任何人?”
Click, click, click went the pincers of the spiders all around the hollow.
| “没有,”老蜘蛛怨恨地说,“我有这种本能,但出于对海格的尊敬,我从未伤害过一个人。那个被害姑娘的尸体是在一间盥洗室里发现的。而除了我在里面长大的碗橱,我从未见过城堡的任何部分。我们蜘蛛喜欢阴暗和寂静……”
Aragog paused.
| “可是当时……你知道是什么害死了那姑娘吗?”哈利说,“因为不管那是什么东西,现在又回来对人发起攻击了——”
“Hagrid has never sent men into our hollow before,” he said slowly.
| 顿时,咔哒咔哒的声音响作一团,无数条长腿在窸窸窣窣地移动,庞大的黑影在他周围晃来晃去。
“Hagrid’s in trouble,” said Harry, breathing very fast. “That’s why we’ve come.”
| “那个住在城堡里的家伙,”阿拉戈克说,“是一种我们蜘蛛最害怕的古代生物。我记得很清楚,当我感觉到那野兽在学校里到处活动时,我曾恳求海格放我走。”
“In trouble?” said the aged spider, and Harry thought he heard concern beneath the clicking pincers. “But why has he sent you?”
| “它是什么?”哈利迫切地问。
Harry thought of getting to his feet but decided against it; he didn’t think his legs would support him. So he spoke from the ground, as calmly as he could.
| 咔哒咔哒声更响了,窸窸窣窣的声音也更密了,蜘蛛们似乎正在围拢过来。
“They think, up at the school, that Hagrid’s been setting a — a — something on students. They’ve taken him to Azkaban.”
| “我们不说!”阿拉戈克情绪激烈地说,“我们不说出它的名字!我甚至没有把那个可怕生物的名字告诉海格,尽管他问过我,问过许多次。”
Aragog clicked his pincers furiously, and all around the hollow the sound was echoed by the crowd of spiders; it was like applause, except applause didn’t usually make Harry feel sick with fear.
| 哈利不想再逼问这个话题,尤其是在蜘蛛们从四面八方聚拢过来的情况下。阿拉戈克似乎不想说话了,它缓缓退回他那半球形的蛛网里,但他那些蜘蛛伙伴还在慢慢地、一寸一寸地向哈利和罗恩移动。
“But that was years ago,” said Aragog fretfully. “Years and years ago. I remember it well. That’s why they made him leave the school. They believed that I was the monster that dwells in what they call the Chamber of Secrets. They thought that Hagrid had opened the Chamber and set me free.”
| “那我们走了。”哈利不顾一切地对阿拉戈克喊道,同时听见他身后的树叶沙沙作响。
“And you . . . you didn’t come from the Chamber of Secrets?” said Harry, who could feel cold sweat on his forehead.
| “走?”阿拉戈克馒悠悠地说,“我看不要……”
“I!” said Aragog, clicking angrily. “I was not born in the castle. I come from a distant land. A traveler gave me to Hagrid when I was an egg. Hagrid was only a boy, but he cared for me, hidden in a cupboard in the castle, feeding me on scraps from the table. Hagrid is my good friend, and a good man. When I was discovered, and blamed for the death of a girl, he protected me. I have lived here in the forest ever since, where Hagrid still visits me. He even found me a wife, Mosag, and you see how our family has grown, all through Hagrid’s goodness. . . .”
| “可是——可是——”
Harry summoned what remained of his courage.
| “我的儿女听从我的命令,没有伤害海格。但新鲜的人肉自动送上门来,我不能拦着他们不去享受。别了,海格的朋友……”
“So you never — never attacked anyone?”
| 哈利转过身,在几步之外,在他上面高高的地方,蜘蛛组成了一道坚实的、高耸的铜墙铁壁,大螯咔哒咔哒响成一片,许多双眼睛在那些丑陋的黑脑袋上闪闪发亮……
“Never,” croaked the old spider. “It would have been my instinct, but out of respect for Hagrid, I never harmed a human. The body of the girl who was killed was discovered in a bathroom. I never saw any part of the castle but the cupboard in which I grew up. Our kind like the dark and the quiet. . . .”
| 哈利虽然在掏他的魔杖,但他知道这是无济于事的。它们数量太多了。但就在他挣扎着站起来、想拼死一搏时,突然响起了一个高亢悠长的声音,一道耀眼的光照亮了整个凹地。韦斯莱先生的汽车轰隆隆地开下斜坡,前灯闪耀着,喇叭尖叫着,把蜘蛛们撞到一旁;有几只蜘蛛被撞得仰面倒下,无数只长腿在空中舞个不停。随着一阵刺耳的声音,汽车在哈和和罗恩面前停下,车门猛地敞开了。
“But then . . . Do you know what did kill that girl?” said Harry. “Because whatever it is, it’s back and attacking people again —”
| “带上牙牙!”哈利喊道,一边钻进前座。罗恩拦腰抓住大猎狗,把狂吠的它扔到后座上。车门砰地关上了。罗恩没有碰油门,但汽车并不需要他做什么,发动机轰响起来,他们出发了,又撞倒了更多的蜘蛛。他们飞快地驰上斜坡,离开了凹地。很快,他们在树林里横冲直撞地穿行。汽车沿着一条它显然很熟悉的路线,机灵地左拐右拐,寻找最宽的豁口。
His words were drowned by a loud outbreak of clicking and the rustling of many long legs shifting angrily; large black shapes shifted all around him.
| 哈利扭头看了看罗恩,只见他的嘴仍然张着,像在发出无声的嘶喊,但他的眼球不再鼓起了。“你没事吧?”
“The thing that lives in the castle,” said Aragog, “is an ancient creature we spiders fear above all others. Well do I remember how I pleaded with Hagrid to let me go, when I sensed the beast moving about the school.”
| 罗恩直瞪瞪地看着前方,说不出一个字。
“What is it?” said Harry urgently.
| 他们稀里哗啦地在低矮的灌木丛中冲闯,牙牙在后座上大声咆哮着。哈利看到,当他们挤过一棵大栎树时,两翼上的镜子被撞掉了。经过十分钟吵闹而颠簸的疾驰,树木渐渐稀疏,哈利又可以看见一小块一小块的夜空了。
More loud clicking, more rustling; the spiders seemed to be closing in.
| 汽车停下了,停得太突然了,由于惯性,他们差点撞在挡风玻璃上。他们已经来到了树林边缘。牙牙扑向车窗,迫不及待地想出来,哈利一打开车门,它就箭一般地穿过树丛,夹着尾巴,向海格的小屋奔去。哈利也下了车,过了大约一分钟,罗恩似乎恢复了四肢的感觉,也跟着下来了,但他的脖子仍然僵硬,眼睛也直勾勾的。哈利感激地拍了拍汽车,它掉头返回树林,消失不见了。
“We do not speak of it!” said Aragog fiercely. “We do not name it! I never even told Hagrid the name of that dread creature, though he asked me, many times.”
| 哈利回海格的小屋去拿隐形衣。牙牙在篮子里的毯子下面瑟瑟发抖。哈利从小屋出来时,发现罗恩正在南瓜地里拼命呕吐。
Harry didn’t want to press the subject, not with the spiders pressing closer on all sides. Aragog seemed to be tired of talking. He was backing slowly into his domed web, but his fellow spiders continued to inch slowly toward Harry and Ron.
| “跟着蜘蛛,”罗恩虚弱地说,用袖子擦了擦嘴,“我永远不会原谅海格。我们活下来算是幸运。”
“We’ll just go, then,” Harry called desperately to Aragog, hearing leaves rustling behind him.
| “我敢说他以为阿拉戈克不会伤害他的朋友。”哈利说。
“Go?” said Aragog slowly. “I think not. . . .”
| “海格的问题就在这里!”罗恩说,重重地敲打着小屋的墙壁,“他总是以为怪物不像人们虚构的那样坏,看看他的下场吧!关在阿兹卡班的牢房里!”他开始无法控制地发抖。“把我们打发到那里面去有什么意义?我倒想知道,我们究竟弄清了什么?”
“But — but —”
| “弄清了海格从未打开过密室。”哈利说,把隐形衣披在罗恩身上,捅了捅他的胳膊,让他迈开步子。“他是无辜的。”
“My sons and daughters do not harm Hagrid, on my command. But I cannot deny them fresh meat, when it wanders so willingly into our midst. Good-bye, friend of Hagrid.”
| 罗恩很响地哼了一声。显然,在他看来,在碗橱里把阿拉戈克孵出来就是错误。
Harry spun around. Feet away, towering above him, was a solid wall of spiders, clicking, their many eyes gleaming in their ugly black heads.
| 城堡越来越近了,哈利使劲拉了拉隐形衣,以确保四只脚都被隐蔽了,然后把吱呀作响的前门推开一道缝。他们小心地走过门厅,走上大理石台阶,屏住呼吸,穿过有哨兵巡视的走廊。终于,他们平安回到了格兰芬多公共休息室,那里的炉火已经燃尽,只剩下余烬在闪着微光。他们脱下隐形衣,爬上旋转楼梯,回到宿舍。
Even as he reached for his wand, Harry knew it was no good, there were too many of them, but as he tried to stand, ready to die fighting, a loud, long note sounded, and a blaze of light flamed through the hollow.
| 罗恩连衣服都懒得脱,就一头倒在了床上。哈利却感到并不很困。他坐在四柱床边,拼命想着阿拉戈克所说的每一句话。
Mr. Weasley’s car was thundering down the slope, headlights glaring, its horn screeching, knocking spiders aside; several were thrown onto their backs, their endless legs waving in the air. The car screeched to a halt in front of Harry and Ron and the doors flew open.
| 他想,那个潜伏在城堡什么地方的活物,听上去和伏地魔有些相似——就连其他怪物也不愿说出它的名字。但是那活物是什么,又是怎样使被害者变成石头的,他和罗恩还是一无所知。就连海格也一直不知道密室里关着的是什么。
“Get Fang!” Harry yelled, diving into the front seat; Ron seized the boarhound around the middle and threw him, yelping, into the back of the car — the doors slammed shut — Ron didn’t touch the accelerator but the car didn’t need him; the engine roared and they were off, hitting more spiders. They sped up the slope, out of the hollow, and they were soon crashing through the forest, branches whipping the windows as the car wound its way cleverly through the widest gaps, following a path it obviously knew.
| 哈利把腿一摆,上了床,靠在枕头上,看着月光透过城堡的窗户向他闪烁。他想不出他们还有什么办法。他们处处碰壁,陷入了僵局。里德尔抓错了人,斯莱特林的继承人跑了,这次打开密室的究竟是同一个人,还是另外一个人,谁也不知道。也没有人可以问。
Harry looked sideways at Ron. His mouth was still open in the silent scream, but his eyes weren’t popping anymore.
| 哈利躺下了,脑子里仍然想着阿拉戈克的话。他已经昏昏欲睡了,突然产生了一个念头,使他猛地坐了起来,这似乎是他们惟一的希望了。
“Are you okay?”
| “罗恩,”他在黑暗中小声唤道。
Ron stared straight ahead, unable to speak.
| 罗恩发出一声像牙牙一般的叫声,茫然四顾,看见了哈利。
They smashed their way through the undergrowth, Fang howling loudly in the back seat, and Harry saw the side mirror snap off as they squeezed past a large oak. After ten noisy, rocky minutes, the trees thinned, and Harry could again see patches of sky.
| “罗恩——那个死去的姑娘。阿拉戈克说她是在盥洗室里被发现的,”哈利说,不顾纳威在墙角呼哧呼哧地打着鼾,“如果她一直没有离开盥洗室呢?如果她还在那儿呢?”
The car stopped so suddenly that they were nearly thrown into the windshield. They had reached the edge of the forest. Fang flung himself at the window in his anxiety to get out, and when Harry opened the door, he shot off through the trees to Hagrid’s house, tail between his legs. Harry got out too, and after a minute or so, Ron seemed to regain the feeling in his limbs and followed, still stiff-necked and staring. Harry gave the car a grateful pat as it reversed back into the forest and disappeared from view.
| 罗恩揉了揉眼睛,在月光下皱起了眉头。接着,他明白了。“难道你认为是——是哭泣的桃金娘?”
Harry went back into Hagrid’s cabin to get the Invisibility Cloak. Fang was trembling under a blanket in his basket. When Harry got outside again, he found Ron being violently sick in the pumpkin patch.
“Follow the spiders,” said Ron weakly, wiping his mouth on his sleeve. “I’ll never forgive Hagrid. We’re lucky to be alive.”
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“I bet he thought Aragog wouldn’t hurt friends of his,” said Harry.
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“That’s exactly Hagrid’s problem!” said Ron, thumping the wall of the cabin. “He always thinks monsters aren’t as bad as they’re made out, and look where it’s got him! A cell in Azkaban!” He was shivering uncontrollably now. “What was the point of sending us in there? What have we found out, I’d like to know?”
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“That Hagrid never opened the Chamber of Secrets,” said Harry, throwing the cloak over Ron and prodding him in the arm to make him walk. “He was innocent.”
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Ron gave a loud snort. Evidently, hatching Aragog in a cupboard wasn’t his idea of being innocent.
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As the castle loomed nearer Harry twitched the cloak to make sure their feet were hidden, then pushed the creaking front doors ajar. They walked carefully back across the entrance hall and up the marble staircase, holding their breath as they passed corridors where watchful sentries were walking. At last they reached the safety of the Gryffindor common room, where the fire had burned itself into glowing ash. They took off the cloak and climbed the winding stair to their dormitory.
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Ron fell onto his bed without bothering to get undressed. Harry, however, didn’t feel very sleepy. He sat on the edge of his fourposter, thinking hard about everything Aragog had said.
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The creature that was lurking somewhere in the castle, he thought, sounded like a sort of monster Voldemort — even other monsters didn’t want to name it. But he and Ron were no closer to finding out what it was, or how it Petrified its victims. Even Hagrid had never known what was in the Chamber of Secrets.
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Harry swung his legs up onto his bed and leaned back against his pillows, watching the moon glinting at him through the tower window.
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He couldn’t see what else they could do. They had hit dead ends everywhere. Riddle had caught the wrong person, the Heir of Slytherin had got off, and no one could tell whether it was the same person, or a different one, who had opened the Chamber this time. There was nobody else to ask. Harry lay down, still thinking about what Aragog had said.
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He was becoming drowsy when what seemed like their very last hope occurred to him, and he suddenly sat bolt upright.
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“Ron,” he hissed through the dark, “Ron —”
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Ron woke with a yelp like Fang’s, stared wildly around, and saw Harry.
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“Ron — that girl who died. Aragog said she was found in a bathroom,” said Harry, ignoring Neville’s snuffling snores from the corner. “What if she never left the bathroom? What if she’s still there?”
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Ron rubbed his eyes, frowning through the moonlight. And then he understood, too.
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“You don’t think — not Moaning Myrtle?”
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