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14 Bathsheba discovers the truth
| 14 芭丝谢芭发现真相
Summer turned into autumn and one Saturday evening in October Bathsheba and her husband were riding home from Casterbridge market.
| 夏去秋来。十月份一个星期六的傍晚,芭丝谢芭夫妇俩从卡斯特桥市场骑马回家。
‘Yes,if it hadn't rained so hard,I'd have won two hundred pounds easily,my love,’Troy was saying. ‘The horse I put my money on fell over in the mud,you see. Such bad luck!’
| “真是的,如果不是下大雨,我可以轻轻松松地挣200镑,亲爱的,”托伊说道。“我押赌注的那匹马在泥地上摔倒了。真是背运!”
‘But Frank,’said Bathsheba miserably,‘do you realize you've lost more than a hundred pounds in a month with this awful horse-racing?It's foolish of you to spend my money like that!You'll promise not to go to the next race,on Monday,won't you?’
| “可是,弗兰克,”芭丝谢芭痛苦地说,“你有没有想过,一个月内你就在这要命的赛马场输掉100多镑?你这样花钱太愚蠢!你得保证不去下星期一的赛马会,行吗?”
‘It doesn't matter whether I go or not. I've already put money on an excellent horse in the Monday race. Don't cry,Bathsheba!If I'd known you were so cautious,I'd never have—’
| “我去不去都没关系,我已经把钱押在星期一参赛的一匹好马身上了。别哭啊,芭丝谢芭!如果我早知道你这么谨小慎微,那我决不会——”
He did not finish what he was saying. Just then they noticed a woman walking towards them. Although it was almost dark,they could see that she was poorly dressed.
| 他没有把话说完。就在这时,他们看到一个女人向他们走来。虽然天已快黑了,可他还是能看得出,她衣着破旧。
‘Please,sir,do you know what time the Casterbridge workhouse closes?’she asked in a voice of extreme sadness.
| “请问一下,先生,您知不知道卡斯特桥济贫院多会儿关门?”她问道,声音中透出极度的悲伤。
Troy jumped in surprise,but kept his face turned away from her before replying,‘I don't know. ’
| 托伊吃了一惊,扭过脸避开她,然后才答道,“我不知道。”
When the woman hear him speak,and looked up to his face,her expression showed both pain and happiness. She gave a cry,and fell to the ground,unconscious.
| 那个女人听到他说话,又抬头看看他的脸,显得既痛苦又幸福。她发出一声喊叫,倒在地上不省人事了。
‘Oh poor thing!’cried Bathsheba. ‘I'll help her!’
| “啊,可怜的人!”芭丝谢芭喊道。“我得帮帮她!”
‘No,stay on your horse,and take mine!’ordered Troy,jumping down. ‘Take the horses to the top of the hill. ’
| “别去,你骑在你的马上,把我的马拉住。”托伊一边发令,一边跳下马来。“把马牵到山顶去。”
Bathsheba obeyed,and moved away. Troy lifted up the woman.
| 芭丝谢芭听从吩咐走了。托伊把那女人扶了起来。
‘I thought you were far away,or dead!’he told her,in a strangely gentle voice. ‘Why didn't you write to me,Fanny?’
| “我还以为你远走高飞了,或是死了呢!”他对她说,话语中奇怪地透着温柔。”你为什么不给我写信呢,范妮?”
‘I was afraid to. ’
| “我不敢写。”
‘Have you any money?No?Here's all I have,it's not much. I can't ask my wife for any more at the moment. ’The woman said nothing. ’Listen,’continued Troy,‘I'll have to leave you now. You're going to the Casterbridge workhouse?Well,stay there for tonight and tomorrow anyway,but I'll find somewhere better for you. I'll meet you on Monday morning at ten o'clock on the bridge just outside town. I'll bring you all the money I can. Goodbye!’
| “你有钱吗?没有?我身上的钱都在这儿,不多。我此刻不能再向我妻子要了。”那女人一言不发。“听着,”托伊接着说,“现在我得走了。你是要去卡斯特桥济贫院吗?好吧,就先在那里过了今晚和明天,完了我给你找个好点的地方。星期一上午十点我在城外桥上等你。我会带尽可能多的钱。再见!”
At the top of the hill Bathsheba turned and saw the woman walking slowly on towards Casterbridge. Troy soon caught up with his wife. He looked very upset.
| 上了山顶,芭丝谢芭转过身来,看见那女人缓缓地向卡斯特桥走去。托伊很快追上了他的妻子,脸上显得忐忑不安。
‘Who is that woman?Bathsheba looked closely into his face.
| “那个女人是谁呀?”芭丝谢芭仔细端详着他的脸问。
‘She's not important to either of us,’he replied coldly.
| “她对我俩都无关紧要。”他冷冷答道。
‘I think you know her,’Bathsheba went on.
| “我想你认识她吧,”芭丝谢芭又说。
‘I don't care what you think!’he answered,and they continued their ride in silence.
| “你爱怎么想就怎么想!”他答道。接着他们默默地向前骑着。
The two miles to Casterbridge seemed a very long way to the woman,who was tired and ill. Sometimes she walked,sometimes she rested a little,beside the road. All through the night her eyes were fixed on the lights of Casterbridge,the end of her journey. At six o'clock the next morning she finally fell in front of the door of the workhouse,and the people there took her in.
| 那个女人既劳累,又生着病,对她来说,到卡斯特桥的两英里似乎特别遥远,她沿着大道停停走走。一整夜,她的眼睛都盯着目的地卡斯特桥的灯光。早上六点,她终于倒在济贫院门前,那儿的人们把她接了进去。
Bathsheba and her husband did not speak much that evening,or the following day. But on Sunday evening Troy said suddenly,‘Bathsheba,could you let me have twenty pounds?I need it. ’
| 那天晚上,或者说第二天,芭丝谢芭和她丈夫之间都没有什么话可说。但是,到了星期天晚上,托伊忽然说,“芭丝谢芭,我需要20英镑,你能给我吗?”
‘Ah!’she said sadly,‘for the races tomorrow. Oh,Frank,only a few weeks ago you said I was far sweeter than all your other pleasures!Now won't you stop risking money on horses,which is more a worry than a pleasure?Say yes to your wife,Frank,say yes!’Her beautiful face would have persuaded most men,including Troy if he had not been married to her,but he no longer loved her enough to agree to anything she wanted.
| “啊,”她伤心地说,“准备明天的赛马吧?弗兰克,你不是说我比你的其它乐事更令你快活吗?这才几个星期啊!你能不能不再赌马,让人提心掉胆啊!答应你的妻子,弗兰克,说你不去了!”她那美丽的面庞能劝服大多数男人。如果托伊没有结婚,他也会动摇,但是现在,他对她的爱已有所减弱,不再对她言听计从了。
‘Well,the money isn't for racing anyway,’he said. ‘Don't keep me short of money,Bathsheba,or you'll be sorry. ’
| “好吧,我不用这钱去赌马,”他说。“别让我缺钱花,芭丝谢芭,要不你会遗憾的。”
‘I'm sorry already,’she replied,‘sorry that our love has come to an end. ’
| “我已经有遗憾了,”她答道。“遗憾我们俩的爱情已经到头。”
‘Love always ends after marriage. I think you hate me. ’
| “爱情总是随着婚姻而结束。你恨我了吧。”
‘No,not you. I only hate your faults. ’
| “我不恨你,我只恨你犯的错误。”
‘Then why not help me to improve?Come,let's be friends. Just give me the twenty pounds. ’
| “那干吗不帮我改正呢?来吧,咱们是好朋友。就给我20镑。”
‘Well,here's the money. Take it. ’
| “好吧,钱在这儿。拿着。”
‘Thank you. I expect I'll be away before breakfast tomor-row. ’
| “谢谢。明天早饭后我得出去。”
‘Must you go,Frank?Stay with me!There was a time when you used to call me darling. Now you don't care how I spend my time. ’
| “你必须走吗,弗兰克?留下陪我吧!过去你总叫我亲爱的,现在你并不在乎我怎样打发时光了。”
‘I must go,’said Troy,taking out his watch. He opened the back of the watch case,and Bathsheba,who happened to be looking,saw that there was a curl of hair hidden inside.
| “我必须走,”托伊说着,取出他的表来。他打开表的后盖,芭丝谢芭恰巧看见了表里藏着一绺头发。
‘Oh Frank!’she gasped. ‘A woman's hair!Whose is it?’
| “哎呀,弗兰克!”她叫道。“那是女人的头发?谁的呀?”
Troy closed the watch immediately and replied carelessly,‘Why,yours of course. I'd quite forgotten I had it. ’
| 托伊赶紧合上表盖,漫不经心地答道,“怎么了,你的呗。我都快忘了这头发了。”
‘You're lying,Frank. It's yellow hair. Mine is darker. ’
| “你撒谎,弗兰克。那是黄头发,我的头发是深色的。”
‘Well,all right,if I must tell you,it's the hair of a young woman I was going to marry before I met you. ’
| “好啦,好啦,如果一定要说,我告诉你。那头发是我见到你以前准备娶的一个年轻姑娘的。”
‘Tell me her name!Is she married?’
| “告诉我她的名字?她结婚了吗?”
‘I can't tell you her name,but she's single. ’
| “我不能说出她的名字,不过,她还是单身。”
‘Is she alive?Is she pretty?’
| “她还活着吗?漂亮吗?”
‘Yes to both questions. ’
| “活着,漂亮。”
‘How can she be pretty,poor thing,with hair that colour?’
| “那可怜的人儿长着那样的头发怎么能好看呢?”
‘Her hair has been admired by everybody who's seen her. It's beautiful hair!Don't be jealous,Bathsheba!You shouldn't have married me if you didn't trust me!’
| “她的头发人见人爱,真漂亮啊!别嫉妒呀,芭丝谢芭。你要是不信任我,就不该嫁给我!”
‘This is all I get for loving you so much!’cried Bathsheba bitterly. ‘I would have died for you when I married you,and now you laugh at my foolishness in marrying you!But you'll burn that hair,won't you,Frank,to please me?’
| “我那么爱你,这就是你对我的报答!”芭丝谢芭痛苦地哭道。“我嫁给你的时候,愿为你而死,现在你却笑我嫁你是犯傻!你愿不愿意让我高兴,把那绺头发烧掉,弗兰克?”
Troy only answered,‘I have a duty to someone in my past. Mistakes were made which I must put right. That's more important than my relationship with you. If you're sorry you married me,well,so am I!’
| 托伊只是说,“我对以前碰到的人负有责任。我必须纠正过去所犯的错误,这比我俩之间的关系更重要。如果你后悔和我结婚,好,我还后悔呢!”
‘Frank,I'm only sorry if you love another woman more than me,’said Bathsheba in a trembling voice. ‘You like the woman with that pretty hair. Yes,it is pretty!Was she the woman we met on the road last night?’
| “弗兰克,我只是遗憾你爱另一个女人胜过爱我,”芭丝谢芭声音颤抖着说。“你喜欢长着漂亮头发的女人。是,很好看!她是不是昨晚咱们在路上碰到的那个女人?”
‘Well,yes. Now you know the truth,I hope you're happy. ’
| “没错,是的。现在你知道真相了,高兴了吧。”
‘You haven't told me everything. Tell me the whole truth,’she said,looking bravely into his face. ‘I never thought I'd beg a man to do anything,but my pride has all gone!’
| “你并没有告诉我全部经过。快把全部真相告诉我,”她说,大胆地盯着他的脸。“我从未想过我会求一个男人做什么事,我的自尊全没了!”
‘Don't be so desperate!’said Troy crossly. He left the room.
| “别这么不顾一切嘛!”托伊怒冲冲地说着出了门。
Bathsheba was in deep despair. She knew that she had lost her independence as a woman,which she had been so proud of. She hated herself for falling in love so easily with her hand-some husband,who,she now realized,could not be trusted.
| 芭丝谢芭陷入深深的绝望之中。她知道她已失去作为一个女人的独立自主,这曾经是令她引以自豪的。她恨自己那么轻率地爱上了自己这位英俊的丈夫,现在她意识到,他这人并不可靠。
The next morning Troy left the house early. Bathsheba was walking in her garden,when she noticed Gabriel Oak and Mr Boldwood deep in conversation in the road. They called to Joseph Poorgrass,who was picking apples,and soon he came along the path to Bathsheba's house.
| 次日一早,托伊早早就离开了家。芭丝谢芭正在花园里散步,忽然注意到盖伯瑞尔·奥克和伯德伍德先生正埋头说着话。他们喊约瑟夫·普格拉斯,正在摘苹果的普格拉斯很快沿着通向芭丝谢芭房屋的小路走来。
‘Well,what's the message,Joseph?’she asked,curious.
| “喂,约瑟夫!什么事?”她好奇地问。
‘I'm afraid Fanny Robin's dead,ma'am. Dead in the Casterbridge workhouse.
| “好象范妮·罗宾死了,死在卡斯特桥济贫院里了。”
‘No!Why?What did she die from?’
| “是吗!怎么死的?”
‘I don't know,ma'am,but she was never very strong. Mr Boldwood is sending a cart to bring her back to be buried here. ’
| “我也不知道,太太。不过她本来身体就不结实。伯德伍德先生准备派一辆马车把她拉回来葬在这儿。”
‘Oh,I won't let Mr Boldwood do that!Fanny was my uncle's maid,and mine too How very sad to die in a work-house!Tell Mr Boldwood that you will drive my new cart over to Casterbridge this afternoon to fetch her body. And Joseph,put flowers on the cart for poor Fanny. How long was she in the workhouse?’
| “啊,不能让伯德伍德先生派马车,范妮是我叔叔的使女,也是我的。死在济贫院多惨哪!你去对伯德伍德先生说,你今天下午要赶我的新马车去卡斯特桥把她的遗体拉回来。还有,约瑟夫,在马车上给可怜的范妮放些花。她在济贫院呆了多久了?”
‘Only a day,ma'am. She arrived,ill and exhausted,on Sunday morning. She came on foot through Weatherbury. ’
| “刚一天,太太。她星期天上午到那里时就有病,又累得要命。她步行穿过威瑟伯里。”
The colour left Bathsheba's face at one. ‘Along the road from Weatherbury to Casterbridge?’she asked eagerly. ‘When did she pass Weatherbury?’
| 芭丝谢芭脸上立时失去了血色。“沿路从威瑟伯里到了卡斯特桥?”她急切地问道。“她什么时候路经威瑟伯里的呢?”
‘Last Saturday night it was,ma'am. ’
| “上星期六晚上,太太。”
‘Thank you,Joseph,you may go. ’
| “谢谢你,约瑟夫,你可以走了。”
Later that afternoon Bathsheba asked Liddy,‘What was the colour of poor Fanny Robin's hair?I only saw her for a day or two. ’
| 下午晚些时候,芭丝谢芭问利蒂:“可怜的范妮·罗宾的头发是什么颜色?我只见过她一两天。”
‘She used to keep it covered,but it was lovely golden hair,ma'am. ’
| “她那会儿总把头发包起来,是漂亮的金发,太太。”
‘Her young man was a soldier,wasn't he?’
| “她的那个年轻男人是个士兵,对不?”
‘Yes,and Mr Troy knows him well. ’
| “对,托伊先生和他很熟。”
‘What?Mr Troy told you that?’
| “你说什么?托伊先生对你说过吗?”
‘Yes. One day I asked him if he knew Fanny's young man,and he said he knew him as well as he knew himself!’
| “对呀。有一天我问他认不认识范妮的男人,他说他和那人熟得不得了。”
‘That's enough,Liddy!’said Bathsheba,her anxiety mak-ing her unusually cross.
| “够了,利蒂!”芭丝谢芭说,她焦虑不安,异乎寻常地发了脾气。
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