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| 15、这个故事的结束及其他故事的开始
"WELL done," said Aslan in a voice that made the earth shake. Then Digory knew that all the Narnians had heard those words and that the story of them would be handed down from father to son in that new world for hundreds of years and perhaps forever. But he was in no danger of feeling conceited for he didn't think about it at all now that he was face to face with Aslan. This time he found he could look straight into the Lion's eyes. He had forgotten his troubles and felt absolutely content.
| “有我在,你们不需要戒指。”阿斯兰说。孩子们眨眨眼,左顾右盼,一下子又到了各个世界之间的树林。安德鲁舅舅躺在草地上,仍然睡着。阿斯兰站在他们旁边。
"Well done, son of Adam," said the Lion again. "For this fruit you have hungered and thirsted and wept. No hand but yours shall sow the seed of the Tree that is to be the protection of Narnia. Throw the apple towards the river bank where the ground is soft."
| “来,”阿斯兰说,“你们该回去了。但要注意两件事,一个是警告,一个是命令。看这儿,孩子们。”
Digory did as he was told. Everyone had grown so quiet that you could hear the soft thump where it fell into the mud.
| 他们看见草中有个小坑,坑底长满温暖而干燥的草。
"It is well thrown," said Aslan. "Let us now proceed to the Coronation of King Frank of Narnia and Helen his Queen."
| “你们上次来的时候,”阿斯兰说,“这儿还是一个水潭。你们跳进去后,就到了恰恩,一轮垂死的太阳照在废墟上的那个世界。现在,水潭没有了,那个世界也消失了,似乎从来没有存在过。让亚当和夏娃的种族视之为警告吧。”
The children now noticed these two for the first time. They were dressed in strange and beautiful clothes, and from their shoulders rich robes flowed out behind them to where four dwarfs held up the King's train and four rivernymphs the Queen's. Their heads were bare; but Helen had let her hair down and it made a great improvement in her appearance. But it was neither hair nor clothes that made them look so different from their old selves. Their faces had a new expression, especially the King's. All the sharpness and cunning and quarrelsomeness which he had picked up as a London cabby seemed to have been washed away, and the courage and kindness which he had always had were easier to see. Perhaps it was the air of the young world that had done it, or talking with Aslan, or both.
| “是的,阿斯兰。”两个孩子一起说。但波莉又补充了一句,“可我们的世界总还没有恰恩那么糟糕吧,阿斯兰?”
"Upon my word," whispered Fledge to Polly. "My old master's been changed nearly as much as I have! Why, he's a real master now."
| “还没有,夏娃的女儿,”它说,“还没有。但你们正在朝那个方向发展。说不定你们种族中某一个坏人会发现像灭绝咒那样邪恶的魔咒,并用它来毁灭所有的生命。快了,很快,在你们变成老头子老太婆之前,你们世界中的大国将被独裁者统治,他们跟简蒂丝女王一样,不把幸福、公正和仁慈当回事。让你们的世界当心吧。这就是那个警告。现在说命令。尽快地拿到你们这位舅舅的戒指,把它们埋到地下去,使得没有人再能用它们。”
"Yes, but don't buzz in my ear like that," said Polly. "It tickles so."
| 当狮子说这番话时,两个孩子都拾起头,凝视着它。顷刻间(他们一点儿也不知道是怎么发生的),那张脸变成了一片起伏不定的金色海洋,他们漂浮在海中,一种力和甜蜜的感觉缠绕着他们,淹没了他们并渗透到他们体内,使他们意识到,自己以前从来没有过真正的幸福、智慧和美好,甚至没有活过、醒过。那一瞬间的记忆一直伴随着他们,在他们的有生之年,只要心中感到悲哀、害怕或者愤怒,就会想起那一刻金色的良辰,那种感觉依然存在,很近,就在某个拐弯处或者某一扇门后,就会重新回来,使他们由衷地相信,生活是美好的。不一会儿,三个人(安德鲁舅舅也醒了)就跌跌撞撞地回到了伦敦的喧嚣、炎热和刺鼻气味中。
"Now," said Aslan, "some of you undo that tangle you have made with those trees and let us see what we shall find there."
| 他们走在凯特利家前门外的人行道上,除了女巫、马和马车夫消失了以外,一切依然如旧。灯柱还在,缺了一根横杆。马车的残骸和人群都在。大伙儿都在议论,有人跪在被打伤的警察身边,说着“他醒过来了”、“你现在觉得怎么样,老弟?”或者“救护车马上就到”之类的话。
Digory now saw that where four trees grew close together their branches had all been laced together or tied together with switches so as to make a sort of cage. The two Elephants with their trunks and a few dwarfs with their little axes soon got it all undone. There were three things inside. One was a young tree that seemed to be made of gold; the second was a young tree that seemed to be made of silver; but the third was a miserable object in muddy clothes, sitting hunched up between them.
| “天哪!”迪格雷想,“我相信整个这次历险根本没费什么时间。”
"Gosh!" whispered Digory. "Uncle Andrew!"
| 大多数人还在着急地四下寻找简蒂丝和那匹马,谁也没有注意孩子们,因为谁也没有看见他们离去,也就不会注意到他们回来。至于安德鲁舅舅,他那身衣服和脸上的蜂蜜使他不可能被人认出来。真巧,前门开着,女佣正站在门廊里看热闹。(那姑娘多么开心!)所以,孩子们在任何人提出任何问题之前就催着安德鲁舅舅进了门。
To explain all this we must go back a bit. The Beasts, you remember, had tried planting and watering him. When the watering brought him to his senses, he found himself soaking wet, buried up to his thighs in earth (which was quickly turning into mud) and surrounded by more wild animals than he had ever dreamed of in his life before. It is perhaps not surprising that he began to scream and howl. This was in a way a good thing, for it at last persuaded everyone (even the Warthog) that he was alive. So they dug him up again (his trousers were in a really shocking state by now). As soon as his legs were free he tried to bolt, but one swift curl of the Elephant's trunk round his waist soon put an end to that. Everyone now thought he must be safely kept somewhere till Aslan had time to come and see him and say what should be done about him. So they made a sort of cage or coop all round him. They then offered him everything they could; think of to eat.
| 他抢在他们前头冲上了楼,起先,他们还怕他一头扎进阁楼,把剩下的魔法戒指藏起来。但他们的担心是多余的。他想的是柜子里的酒瓶;他马上进了卧室,锁上了门。当他再出来时(时间不长),已经换上了晨衣,径直向浴室走去。
The Donkey collected great piles of thistles and threw them in, but Uncle Andrew didn't seem to care about them. The Squirrels bombarded him with volleys of nuts but he only covered his head with his hands and tried to keep out of the way. Several birds flew to and fro deligently dropping worms on him. The Bear was especially kind. During the afternoon he found a wild bees' nest and instead of eating it himself (which he would very much like to have done) this worthy creature brought it back to Uncle Andrew. But this was in fact the worst failure of all. The Bear lobbed the whole sticky mass over the top of the enclosure and unfortunately it hit Uncle Andrew slap in the face (not all the bees were dead). The Bear, who would not at all have minded being hit in the face by a honeycomb himself, could not understand why Uncle Andrew staggered back, slipped, and sat down. And it was sheer bad luck that he sat down on the pile of thistles. "And anyway," as the Warthog said, "quite a lot of honey has got into the creature's mouth and that's bound to have done it some good." They were really getting quite fond of their strange pet and hoped that Aslan would allow them to keep it. The cleverer ones were quite sure by now that at least some of the noises which came out of his mouth had a meaning. They christened him Brandy because he made that noise so often.
| “你能去找其他的戒指吗,波莉?”迪格雷说,“我想去看妈妈。”
In the end, however, they had to leave him there for the night. Aslan was busy all that day instructing the new King and Queen and doing other important things, and could not attend to "poor old Brandy". What with the nuts, pears, apples, and bananas that had been thrown in to him, he did fairly well for supper; but it wouldn't be true to say that he passed an agreeable night.
| “好的,再见。”波莉说着嗒嗒嗒地跑上了阁楼。
"Bring out that creature," said Aslan. One of the Elephants lifted Uncle Andrew in its trunk and laid him at the Lion's feet. He was too frightened to move.
| 迪格雷喘了一会儿气,然后轻轻地走进了妈妈的房间。他妈妈照旧靠着枕头躺在那里,没有血色的苍白的脸实在催人泪下。迪格雷从包里拿出生命之果。
"Please, Aslan," said Polly, "could you say something to - to unfrighten him? And then could you say something to prevent him from ever coming back here again?"
| 就像你在我们世界里看见的简蒂丝同在她的世界里看见的不一样,山上花园里的果实看上去也有了变化。卧室里自然有不少各种色彩的东西:床罩、墙纸、从窗口射进的阳光,以及妈妈那件漂亮的淡蓝色短上衣。但迪格雷从口袋里一拿出苹果,所有的东西甚至阳光都黯然失色。明亮的苹果在天花板上投下奇异的光彩,别的东西都不值一看了——你实在也无法再看任何别的东西。那只青春之果的香味使你觉得房间里似乎有一扇朝着天堂开启的窗户。"
"Do you think he wants to?" said Aslan.
| “哦,亲爱的,多可爱啊。”迪格雷的妈妈说。
"Well, Aslan," said Polly, "he might send someone else. He's so excited about the bar off the lamp-post growing into a lamp-post tree and he thinks -"
| “你把它吃下去,好吗?请吃下去,妈妈。”迪格雷说。
"He thinks great folly, child," said Aslan. "This world is bursting with life for these few days because the song with which I called it into life still hangs in the air and rumbles in the ground. It will not be so for long. But I cannot tell that to this old sinner, and I cannot comfort him either; he has made himself unable to hear my voice. If I spoke to him, he would hear only growlings and roarings. Oh Adam's sons, how cleverly you defend yourselves against all that might do you good! But I will give him the only gift he is still able to receive."
| “我不知道医生会怎么说,”她回答,“但是真的——我觉得我好像可以吃。”
He bowed his great head rather sadly, and breathed into the Magician's terrified face. "Sleep," he said. "Sleep and be separated for some few hours from all the torments you have devised for yourself." Uncle Andrew immediately rolled over with closed eyes and began breathing peacefully.
| 他削了皮,切开,一片一片地喂给妈妈吃。刚一吃完,妈妈就微笑了,头向后一挨枕头便酣然入睡:那是不需要借助任何药物的真正自然而温柔的睡眠。迪格雷知道,世上所有的东西中,这是妈妈最需要的。而且,他能肯定,她的脸上起了一点儿变化。他俯下身,轻柔地吻了吻她,拿着苹果核,带着一颗激动的心,悄悄地出了房间。那一天中,不管他看见什么,都觉得太普通,太不稀奇,他几乎不敢有所希望了,但当他想起阿斯兰的脸,心中就又充满了希望。
"Carry him aside and lay him down," said Aslan. "Now, dwarfs! Show your smith-craft. Let me see you make two crowns for your King and Queen."
| 那天晚上,他将苹果核埋在了后花园里。
More Dwarfs than you could dream of rushed forward to the Golden Tree. They had all its leaves stripped off, and some of its branches torn off too, before you could say Jack Robinson. And now the children could see that it did not merely look golden but was of real, soft gold. It had of course sprung up from the half-sovereigns which had fallen out of Uncle Andrew's pocket when he was turned upside down; just as the silver had grown up from the half-crowns. From nowhere, as it seemed, piles of dry brushwood for fuel, a little anvil, hammers, tongs, and bellows were produced. Next moment (how those dwarfs loved their work!) the fire was blazing, the bellows were roaring, the gold was melting, the hammers were clinking. Two Moles, whom Aslan had set to dig (which was what they liked best) earlier in the day, poured out a pile of precious stones at the dwarfs' feet. Under the clever fingers of the little smiths two crowns took shape - not ugly, heavy things like modern European crowns, but light, delicate, beautifully shaped circles that you could really wear and look nicer by wearing. The King's was set with rubies and the Queen's with emeralds.
| 次日清晨,医生照例来访的时候,迪格雷靠在楼梯的扶手上,听见医生和蕾蒂姨妈走出来时说:
When the crowns had been cooled in the river Aslan made Frank and Helen kneel before him and he placed the crowns on their heads. Then he said, "Rise up King and Queen of Narnia, father and mother of many kings that shall be in Narnia and the Isles and Archenland. Be just and merciful and brave. The blessing is upon you."
| “凯特利小姐,这是我行医生涯中见过的最不寻常的病例。它——它像一桩奇迹。我现在不想告诉那小孩任何情况;我们不愿给人任何错误的希望。但是,依我看……”接下去,他的声音便低得听不见了。
Then everyone cheered or bayed or neighed or trumpeted or clapped its wings and the royal pair stood looking solemn and a little shy, but all the nobler for their shyness. And while Digory was still cheering he heard the deep voice of Aslan beside him, saying:
| 那天下午,他到了花园,用口哨向波莉发出他们约定的暗语(前一天她没能过来)。
| “有好消息吗?”波莉爬在墙头上说,“我是问,你的妈妈?”
Everyone in that crowd turned its head, and then everyone drew a long breath of wonder and delight. A little way off, towering over their heads, they saw a tree which had certainly not been there before. It must have grown up silently, yet swiftly as a flag rises when you pull it up on a flagstaff, while they were all busied about the coronation. Its spreading branches seemed to cast a light rather than a shade, and silver apples peeped out like stars from under every leaf. But it was the smell which came from it, even more than the sight, that had made everyone draw in their breath. For a moment one could hardly think about anything else.
| “我想——我想正在好转,”迪格雷说,“但如果你不介意,我真的不愿再提这件事了。戒指怎么样?”
"Son of Adam," said Aslan, "you have sown well. And you, Narnians, let it be your first care to guard this Tree, for it is your Shield. The Witch of whom I told you has fled far away into the North of the world; she will live on there, growing stronger in dark Magic. But while that Tree flourishes she will never come down into Narnia. She dare not come within a hundred miles of the Tree, for its smell, which is joy and life and health to you, is death and horror and despair to her."
| “我全拿到了,”波莉说,“看,没事儿,我戴着手套呢。我们去埋了它们吧。”
Everyone was staring solemnly at the Tree when Aslan suddenly swung round his head (scattering golden gleams of light from his mane as he did so) and fixed his large eyes on the children. "What is it, children?" he said, for he caught them in the very act of whispering and nudging one another.
| “好的,去吧。我已经在昨天埋苹果核的地方做了记号。”
"Oh - Aslan, sir," said Digory, turning red, "I forgot to tell you. The Witch has already eaten one of those apples, one of the same kind that Tree grew from." He hadn't really said all he was thinking, but Polly at once said it for him (Digory was always much more afraid than she of looking a fool.)
| 波莉翻过墙,两人一起走过去。其实,迪格雷根本不需要做记号,那里已经长出了一点东西。不是正在长,像在纳尼亚看见的新树生长一样,而是已经长出了地面。他们拿了一把铲子,绕着那东西,把所有的魔法戒指埋成一圈。
"So we thought, Aslan," she said, "that there must be some mistake, and she can't really mind the smell of those apples."
| 大约一周以后,迪格雷的妈妈明显越来越好。两周后,她便能坐在花园里了。过了一个月.,整幢房子都变了样。凡是妈妈喜欢的事蕾蒂姨妈都做了;窗户打开了,脏窗帘拉开后房间里一片明亮,到处都有新采的鲜花。旧钢琴调好音后,妈妈又开始了歌唱,而且和迪格雷以及波莉在一起玩耍,连蕾蒂姨妈都说:“我敢说,玛贝尔,你是三个孩子中最大的一个。”
"Why do you think that, Daughter of Eve?" asked the Lion. '
| 当事情不顺心时,你会发现在一段时间里会越变越糟,但当事情一旦开始好转,又常常是越来越好。这种好日子大约过了六周之后,在印度的爸爸写来一封长长的信,里面有很多惊人的好消息。老叔祖父柯克去世了,这当然意味着爸爸现在非常富有。他即将从印度退休回家,再也不走了。迪格雷一生下来就听说过但从未见过的那幢乡下大房子现在成了他们的家。大房子里有几套盔甲,有马厩、养狗场,有河流、公园、暖房、葡萄园和树林,后面还有山。所以,迪格雷和
"Well, she ate one."
| 你们一样,十分肯定地认为他们今后将过上幸福生活。但也许你想知道另外一两件事情。
"Child," he replied, "that is why all the rest are now a horror to her. That is what happens to those who pluck and eat fruits at the wrong time and in the wrong way. The fruit is good, but they loathe it ever after."
| 波莉和迪格雷一直是非常要好的朋友,几乎每个假期她都到乡下去,和他们一起住在那幢漂亮的房子里:她在那儿学会了骑马、游泳、挤奶、烤面包和爬山。
"Oh I see," said Polly. "And I suppose because she took it in the wrong way it won't work for her. I mean it won't make her always young and all that?"
| 在纳尼亚,动物们非常快乐地生活在和平之中,几百年里,女巫和其他任何敌人都没来骚扰那片乐土。弗兰克国王与海伦王后以及他们的孩子也非常幸福地生活在纳尼亚。他们的第二个儿子当了阿钦兰的国王。儿子们娶了仙女,女儿们嫁了河神与树神。女巫栽下(她自己并不知道)的路灯柱日夜照耀在纳尼亚的森林里,它长大的那片地方被叫作灯柱野林。几百年后,另一个孩子在一个下雪的夜晚,从我们的世界走进纳尼亚,发现那盏灯依然亮着。那次历险在某种意义上与我刚刚告诉你们的故事紧密相联。'
"Alas," said Aslan, shaking his head. "It will. Things always work according to their nature. She has won her heart's desire; she has unwearying strength and endless days like a goddess. But length of days with an evil heart is only length of misery and already she begins to know it. All get what they want; they do not always like it."
| 事情是这样的。迪格雷埋在后花园里的苹果核长成了一棵美丽的树。因为长在我们这个世界的土壤里,远离阿斯兰的声音和纳尼亚年轻的空气,虽然它的果实比英格兰其他所有苹果都要漂亮得多,而且对你极有益处,但却没有十足的魔力,也不会再像救活迪格雷的妈妈一样使一个垂死的妇女恢复生机。但是,就这棵果树的内在性质而言,在它的汁液之中,这棵树(就这样称它吧)仍然没有忘记它所属的在纳尼亚的那棵树。有时没有刮风,它也会神秘地摇动。我想,这种时候纳尼亚一定在刮大风;在英格兰的这棵树之所以战栗,是因为纳尼亚的母树在强劲的西南风中摇摆晃动。然而,以后证明了,这棵树的木材中仍然存在着魔法。当迪格雷到了中年(那时,他成了著名的学者、教授和大旅行家,凯特利家的老房子也归他所有),英格兰南部的一场风暴吹倒了那棵树。他不忍心让人把它当柴烧了,便用一部分木料做了一个大衣柜,放在他乡下的大房子里。他自己虽然没有发现那衣柜的魔力,另一个人却发现了。那就是我们的世界和纳尼亚之间所有故事的开端,你可以在这本书的其他故事里读到。
"I - I nearly ate one myself, Aslan," said Digory. "Would I -"
| 当迪格雷和他的家人搬往乡下的大房子时,他们把安德鲁舅舅带了过去,与他们一起生活:因为迪格雷的爸爸说:“我们必须阻止这老家伙再捣乱,可怜的蕾蒂始终要照看他,太不公平。”安德鲁舅舅此后再也没有做过任何魔法试验。他吸取了教训,到了晚年,不再像从前那么自私,变得比较可爱。但他总是喜欢在弹子房里单独会客,给他们讲一个神秘的外国王族女人的故事,说他曾经和她一起驾着马车在伦敦街上兜风。“她脾气很坏,”他爱说,“可她是一个漂亮的贵妇人,先生,一个漂亮的贵妇人。”
"You would, child," said Aslan. "For the fruit always works - it must work - but it does not work happily for any who pluck it at their own will. If any Narnian, unbidden, had stolen an apple and planted it here to protect Narnia, it would have protected Narnia. But it would have done so by making Narnia into another strong and cruel empire like Charn, not the kindly land I mean it to be. And the Witch tempted you to do another thing, my son, did she not?"
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"Yes, Aslan. She wanted me to take an apple home to Mother."
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"Understand, then, that it would have healed her; but not to your joy or hers. The day would have come when both you and she would have looked back and said it would have been better to die in that illness."
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And Digory could say nothing, for tears choked him and he gave up all hopes of saving his Mother's life; but at the same time he knew that the Lion knew what would have happened, and that there might be things more terrible even than losing someone you love by death. But now Aslan was speaking again, almost in a whisper:
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"That is what would have happened, child, with a stolen apple. It is not what will happen now. What I give you now will bring joy. It will not, in your world, give endless life, but it will heal. Go. Pluck her an apple from the Tree."
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For a second Digory could hardly understand. It was as if the whole world had turned inside out and upside down. And then, like someone in a dream, he was walking across to the Tree, and the King and Queen were cheering him and all the creatures were cheering too. He plucked the apple and put it in his pocket. Then he came back to Aslan.
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"Please," he said, "may we go home now?" He had forgotten to say "Thank you", but he meant it, and Aslan understood.
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