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| 12、“草莓"远征"
You may think the animals were very stupid not to see at once that Uncle Andrew was the same kind of creature as the two children and the Cabby. But you must remember that the animals knew nothing about clothes. They thought that Polly's frock and Digory's Norfolk suit and the Cabby's howlet hat were as much parts of them as their own fur and feathers. They wouldn't have known even that those three were all of the same kind if they hadn't spoken to them and if Strawberry had not seemed to think so. And Uncle Andrew was a great deal taller than the children and a good deal thinner than the Cabby. He was all in black except for his white waistcoat (not very white by now), and the great grey mop of his hair (now very wild indeed) didn't look to them like anything they had seen in the three other humans. So it was only natural that they should be puzzled. Worst of all, he didn't seem to be able to talk.
| 迪格雷紧闭嘴唇,感到越来越不自在。无论如何,他希望 自己不要哭,或者干出可笑的事。
He had tried to. When the Bulldog spoke to him (or, as he thought, first snarled and then growled at him) he held out his shaking hand and gasped "Good Doggie, then, poor old fellow." But the beasts could not understand him any more than he could understand them. They didn't hear any words: only a vague sizzling noise. Perhaps it was just as well they didn't, for no dog that I ever knew, least of all a Talking Dog of Narnia, likes being called a Good Doggie then; any more than you would like being called My Little Man.
| “亚当的儿子,”阿斯兰说,“你是否准备弥补你在我美好的纳尼亚国诞生的第一天对她犯下的过失?”
Then Uncle Andrew dropped down in a dead faint.
| “我不知道我能做什么,”迪格雷说,“你知道,那女巫已经跑了,而且……”
"There!" said a Warthog, "it's only a tree. I always thought so." (Remember, they had never yet seen a faint or even a fall.)
| “我问的是,你是否准备这么做。”狮子说。
The Bulldog, who had been sniffing Uncle Andrew all over, raised its head and said, "It's an animal. Certainly an animal. And probably the same kind as those other ones."
| “是的。”迪格雷说。有那么一瞬间他涌出一个疯狂的念头,想说“你答应帮助治我妈妈的病,我就尽力帮你”,但他马上意识到,不能和狮子讨价还价。然而,他说出“是”的时候,他想起了妈妈,想到曾经有过的宏伟愿望如今全部灰飞烟灭,喉咙里便像堵了一团棉花似的,他含着眼泪脱口说道:
"I don't see that," said one of the Bears. "An animal wouldn't just roll over like that. We're animals and we don't roll over. We stand up. Like this." He rose to his hind legs, took a step backwards, tripped over a low branch and fell flat on his back.
| “可是,对不起,对不起——你愿意——你能给点儿什么可以治我妈妈病的吗?”他本来一直看着狮子粗壮的前腿和两只巨爪,现在,绝望之下,他拾起头看着它的脸。他看到的是一生中最令他惊奇的事。狮子那张黄褐色的脸低垂下来,凑近他的脸,(最令人感到奇怪的是)眼里闪烁着大颗大颗的泪珠。与迪格雷的泪珠相比,狮子的泪珠那么大,那么亮,迪格雷顿时感到,狮子似乎比他自己更加真切地同情他的妈妈。
"The Third Joke, the Third Joke, the Third joke!" said the Jackdaw in great excitement.
| “我的孩子,我的孩子,”阿斯兰说,“我知道,的确太不幸了。这片土地上只有你和我懂得这一点。我们之间要相互理解,友好相处。但我必须为纳尼亚的生存作数百年的长远打算。你带进这个世界的女巫还会回来的,但不一定很快。我希望在纳尼亚栽一棵她不敢靠近的树,那棵树将保卫纳尼亚许多年不受她的侵犯。在乌云遮住太阳以前,这片国土将会有一个长久的明亮的早晨。你必须为我去取树种。”
"I still think it's a sort of tree," said the Warthog.
| “是的,阁下。”迪格雷说。他并不知道如何去做,但他觉得自己肯定可以做好。狮子长长地松了口气,将头低下来,以狮子的方式吻了他。迪格雷立刻感到,新的力量和勇气注入了他的身体。"
"If it's a tree," said the other Bear, "there might be a bees' nest in it."
| “亲爱的孩子,”阿斯兰说,“我来告诉你怎么做。回头看看西方,告诉我你看见了什么?”
"I'm sure it's not a tree," said the Badger. "I had a sort of idea it was trying to speak before it toppled over."
| “我看见高耸的大山,阿斯兰,”迪格雷说,“我看见这条河跌下峭壁,形成一道瀑布。峭壁后面,高高的小山坡上是绿色的森林。再往后,有黑魆魆的更加高大的山脉。在更遥远的地方,是连绵的大雪山——像照片上的阿尔卑斯山一样。雪山后面,除了天空什么也没有了。”
"That was only the wind in its branches," said the Warthog.
| “你看得很清楚,”狮子说,“瀑布就是纳尼亚的边界,一旦你到了峭壁上,就出了纳尼亚,进入西方原始区了。你必须穿越那些高山,找到一条冰山环抱的绿色河谷,那里有一个蓝色的湖泊;湖的尽头,有一座绿色的陡峭的小山。山顶上有座花园,花园的中心有棵树。从树上摘一个苹果带回来给我。”
"You surely don't mean," said the Jackdaw to the Badger, "that you think its a talking animal! It didn't say any words."
| “好的,阁下。”迪格雷又说。他根本不知道如何才能攀越那些高山峭壁,但他不愿说,生怕听上去好像他在找借口。可他还是说,“我希望,阿斯兰,你不是很着急的。我来回一趟不可能很快。”
"And yet, you know," said the Elephant (the She Elephant, of course; her husband, as you remember, had been called away by Aslan). "And yet, you know, it might be an animal of some kind. Mightn't the whitish lump at this end be a sort of face? And couldn't those holes be eyes and a mouth? No nose, of course. But then - ahem - one mustn't be narrow-minded. Very few of us have what could exactly be called a Nose." She squinted down the length of her own trunk with pardonable pride.
| “小小的亚当的儿子,你会得到帮助的。”阿斯兰说着转向那匹马。它一直静静地站在他们旁边,尾巴一摇一摆地驱赶苍蝇,偏着头听他们说话,似乎要理解这对话有点儿困难。
"I object to that remark very strongly," said the Bulldog.
| “我亲爱的,”阿斯兰对马说,“你愿意做一匹飞马吗?”
"The Elephant is quite right," said the Tapir.
| 你要是在场的话,就能看见那匹马鬃毛摇晃、鼻孔大张、后蹄轻轻踏地的样子。显然,它巴不得成为一匹飞马。但它只说:
"I tell you what!" said the Donkey brightly, "perhaps it's an animal that can't talk but thinks it can."
| “如果你希望,阿斯兰——如果你真的想——我不明白为什么会选中我——我不是一匹很聪明的马。”
"Can it be made to stand up?" said the Elephant thoughtfully. She took the limp form of Uncle Andrew gently in her trunk and set him up on end: upside down, unfortunately, so that two half-sovereigns, three halfcrowns, and a sixpence fell out of his pocket. But it was no use. Uncle Andrew merely collapsed again.
| “长上翅膀,成为天下飞马之父,”阿斯兰大吼一声,惊天动地,“你的名字叫弗兰奇。”
"There!" said several voices. "It isn't an animal at all, It's not alive."
| 那匹马吃惊地倒退了一步,在它拉车的悲惨岁月里,它可能也像今天这样受过惊。然后,它用后腿站起来,扭着脖子,仿佛想捉住叮咬它肩膀的苍蝇似的。接着,犹如动物们先前从地里蹦出来一样,弗兰奇的肩上钻出一对翅膀,越长越宽,越长越大,超过了鹰的翅膀、天鹅的翅膀和教堂窗户上天使的翅膀。这对翅膀的羽毛呈栗色和铜色。它猛地展翅,冲向空中,在阿斯兰和迪格雷头上二十多英尺高的空中打着响鼻、嘶鸣、腾跃。围着他们转了一圈后,它降落下来,四蹄一并,看上去有点儿不熟练,有点儿惊讶,但十分欢喜。
"I tell you, it is an animal," said the Bulldog. "Smell it for yourself."
| “好吗,弗兰奇?”阿斯兰说。
"Smelling isn't everything," said the Elephant.
| “ 很好,阿斯兰。”弗兰奇说。
"Why," said the Bulldog, "if a fellow can't trust his nose, what is he to trust?"
| “你愿意让这个亚当的儿子骑在你背上到我说的山谷去吗?”
"Well, his brains perhaps," she replied mildly.
| “什么?现在?马上去?”“草莓”——或弗兰奇——说。我们现在必须这么称呼它了。“快!上来吧,小个子,我以前驮过像你这样的东西。很久以前了,在有绿色田野和糖块的时候。”
"I object to that remark very strongly," said the Bulldog.
| “这两个夏娃的女儿在悄悄说什么?”阿斯兰说着突然转向波莉和马车夫的妻子。她们两人已经交上了朋友。
"Well, we must do something about it," said the Elephant. "Because it may be the Neevil, and it must be shown to Aslan. What do most of us think? Is it an animal or something of the tree kind?"
| “对不起,阁下,”海伦王后(马车夫的妻子蕾丽现在的称呼)说,“我想,如果方便的话,这小姑娘愿意跟着去。”
"Tree! Tree!" said a dozen voices.
| “弗兰奇有何意见?”狮子问。
"Very well," said the Elephant. "Then, if it's a tree it wants to be planted. We must dig a hole."
| “噢,驮两个孩子我不在乎,”弗兰奇说,“但我希望大象不要上来。”
The two Moles settled that part of the business pretty quickly. There was some dispute as to which way up Uncle Andrew ought to be put into the hole, and he had a very narrow escape from being put in head foremost. Several animals said his legs must be his branches and therefore the grey, fluffy thing (they meant his head) must be his root. But then others said that the forked end of him was the muddier and that it spread out more, as roots ought to do. So finally he was planted right way up. When they had patted down the earth it came up above his knees.
| 大象根本没想上去。纳尼亚的新国王帮助两个孩子骑上马背。当然,他将迪格雷重重地一举,而把波莉当作一件易碎的瓷器一样轻手轻脚地托了上去。“他们坐好了,‘草莓’——我该说弗兰奇。这一趟可不简单哦。”
"It looks dreadfully withered," said the Donkey.
| “别飞得太高,”阿斯兰说,“不要想飞过那些高大的冰山。穿越河谷那绿色地带,总会找到一条路的。好了,祝你们一路平安。”
"Of course it wants some watering," said the Elephant.
| “噢,弗兰奇!”迪格雷弯下腰,拍打着毛茸茸的马脖子。“太好玩了。抓紧我,波莉。”
"I think I might say (meaning no offence to anyone present) that, perhaps, for that sort of work, my kind of nose -"
| 很快,那片国土就被他们远远地抛在了下面。随着弗兰奇像鸽子般一圈两圈地转着,大地也跟着旋转起来。然后,弗兰奇转向西方,开始了漫长的飞行。波莉低头俯视,几乎看不见国王和王后了,连阿斯兰也只是绿草中一个亮亮的黄点。马上便有风刮在他们脸上。弗兰奇的翅膀有节奏地扇动起来。
"I object to that remark very strongly," said the Bulldog. But the Elephant walked quietly to the river, filled her trunk with water, and came back to attend to Uncle Andrew. The sagacious animal went on doing this till gallons of water had been squirted over him, and water was running out of the skirts of his frock-coat as if he had been for a bath with all his clothes on. In the end it revived him. He awoke from his faint. What a wake it was! But we must leave him to think over his wicked deed (if he was likely to do anything so sensible) and turn to more important things.
| 整个纳尼亚展开在他们脚下,草地、岩石、石南属植物和千姿百态的树木将大地染得五彩缤纷,蜿蜒的河流像一条水银的带子。右望北方,小山的那一边,是一片缓缓斜升至地平线的沼地。左边的山高得多,但不时可见一个个峡谷。从那儿望过去,透过挺拔的松林,能瞥见南方蔚蓝的土地,远远地绵延伸展。
Strawberry trotted on with Digory on his back till the noise of the other animals died away, and now the little group of Aslan and his chosen councillors was quite close. Digory knew that he couldn't possibly break in on so solemn a meeting, but there was no need to do so. At a word from Aslan, the He-Elephant, the Ravens, and all the rest of them drew aside. Digory slipped off the horse and found himself face to face with Aslan. And Aslan was bigger and more beautiful and more brightly golden and more terrible than he had thought. He dared not look into the great eyes.
| “那儿就是阿钦兰吧。”波莉说。
"Please - Mr Lion - Aslan - Sir," said Digory, "could you - may I - please, will you give me some magic fruit of this country to make Mother well?"
| “是的,看前边!”迪格雷说。
He had been desperately hoping that the Lion would say "Yes"; he had been horribly afraid it might say "No". But he was taken aback when it did neither.
| 悬崖峭壁在他们眼前竖起一道巨大的屏障,阳光在大瀑布上闪烁,令人目眩。来自西边高地的河水咆哮着,水花飞溅地流进纳尼亚境内。他们已经飞得很高,瀑布雷鸣般的巨响已变得很轻。但他们飞行的高度还不能越过峭壁。
"This is the Boy," said Aslan, looking, not at Digory, but at his councillors. "This is the Boy who did it."
| “我们要在这里作一阵之字形飞行,”弗兰奇说,“抓牢。”
"Oh dear," thought Digory, "what have I done now?"
| 它开始来来回回地飞,每盘旋一次都飞得更高。空气越来越冷,脚下远处传来一阵鹰啼。
"Son of Adam," said the Lion. "There is an evil Witch abroad in my new land of Narnia. Tell these good Beasts how she came here."
| “喂,朝后看!看后面!”波莉说。
A dozen different things that he might say flashed through Digory's mind, but he had the sense to say nothing except the exact truth.
| 他们看见,纳尼亚向东伸延到地平线的尽头,有一片大海的闪光。他们现在的高度已能看见参差不齐的群山逶迤在北方沼泽地后面,显得很小。遥远的南方,伸展着一片沙地一样的平原。
"I brought her, Aslan," he answered in a low voice.
| “我希望有人告诉我们那是些什么地方。”迪格雷说。
"For what purpose?"
| “我不认为那是什么特殊的地方,”波莉说,“我是说,那儿没有人,也没发生过什么事,这个世界今天才开始。”
"I wanted to get her out of my own world back into her own. I thought I was taking her back to her own place."
| “不,人终究要去的,”迪格雷说,“然后就会有历史,你知道。”
"How came she to be in your world, Son of Adam?"
| “幸好还没有,”波莉说,“因为谁也无法去学那些事。战争,各种日期,以及所有那些废话。”
"By - by Magic."
| 他们已经飞上了悬崖之巅,几分钟后,纳尼亚谷地就从后面的视野中消失了。他们沿着河流,飞行在一片蛮荒的土地上,下面是陡峭的山坡和黑魃魃的森林。前面隐隐出现雄伟的高山。阳光从正前方射来,使他们看不清前面的景物。这时,太阳正在落山,西边的天空像一个巨大的熔炉,装满了熔化的黄金。终于,夕阳沉匿在锯齿状的山峰背后,一片辉煌映衬着仿佛从纸片上剪下的、清晰而失去了立体感的群山。
The Lion said nothing and Digory knew that he had not told enough.
| “这儿一点也不暖和。”波莉说。
"It was my Uncle, Aslan," he said. "He sent us out of our own world by magic rings, at least I had to go because he sent Polly first, and then we met the Witch in a place called Charn and she just held on to us when -"
| “我的翅膀开始痛了,”弗兰奇说,“阿斯兰说的那个有湖的山谷还看不见呢。下去找一个舒服的地方过夜怎么样?我们今天晚上到不了目的地。”
"You met the Witch?" said Asian in a low voice which had the threat of a growl in it.
| “好的,现在一定是晚饭时间了吧?”迪格雷说。
"She woke up," said Digory wretchedly. And then, turning very white, "I mean, I woke her. Because I wanted to know what would happen if I struck a bell. Polly didn't want to. It wasn't her fault. I - I fought her. I know I shouldn't have. I think I was a bit enchanted by the writing under the bell."
| 弗兰奇越飞越低,当他们降到离地面很近的小山中时,天气暖和起来。在那漫长的飞行中,除了弗兰奇翅膀的扇动外什么也听不见。现在,又听到地面上传来各种亲切的声音,多么令人愉快啊!水从石头河床上潺潺地流过,微风沙沙地拂过树林。太阳炙烤下,泥土、青草和鲜花发出的沁人心脾的温暖气息扑面而来。弗兰奇终于落地。迪格雷下来后又帮助波莉下了马。两人都很高兴能舒展僵硬的腿了。他们降落的山谷正好在群山中心,两边的雪山俯瞰着他们,夕阳将其中的一座镀上了一层玫瑰红。
"Do you?" asked Asian; still speaking very low and deep. .
| “我饿了。”迪格雷说。
"No," said Digory. "I see now I wasn't. I was only pretending."
| “来,美美地吃上一顿。”弗兰奇说着,咬下一大口草。然后它抬起头,嚼着,嘴角边像胡须一样支出几根草节。“你们两个快来吃。别不好意思,够我们三人吃的。”
There was a long pause. And Digory was thinking all the time, "I've spoiled everything. There's no chance of getting anything for Mother now."
| “可是我们不会吃草。”迪格雷说。
When the Lion spoke again, it was not to Digory.
| “嗯,嗯,”弗兰奇嚼着满口的草,说道,“哦,嗯,那么,不知道你们要干什么。这么好的草。”
"You see, friends," he said, "that before the new, clean world I gave you is seven hours old, a force of evil has already entered it; waked and brought hither by this son of Adam." The Beasts, even Strawberry, all turned their eyes on Digory till he felt that he wished the ground would swallow him up. "But do not be cast down," said Aslan, still speaking to the Beasts. "Evil will come of that evil, but it is still a long way off, and I will see to it that the worst falls upon myself. In the meantime, let us take such order that for many hundred years yet this shall be a merry land in a merry world. And as Adam's race has done the harm, Adam's race shall help to heal it. Draw near, you other two."
| 波莉和迪格雷神情沮丧地面面相觑。
The last words were spoken to Polly and the Cabby who had now arrived. Polly, all eyes and mouth, was staring at Aslan and holding the Cabby's hand rather tightly. The Cabby gave one glance at the Lion, and took off his bowler hat: no one had yet seen him without it. When it was off, he looked younger and nicer, and more like a countryman and less like a London cabman.
| “我想一定有人已经给我们安排好了晚餐。”迪格雷说。
"Son," said Aslan to the Cabby. "I have known you long. Do you know me?"
| “我敢说,如果你恳求阿斯兰,它会为你想到的。”
"Well, no, sir," said the Cabby. "Leastways, not in an ordinary manner of speaking. Yet I feel somehow, if I may make so free, as 'ow we've met before."
| “不恳求它就想不到吗?”波莉说。
"It is well," said the Lion. "You know better than you think you know, and you shall live to know me better yet. How does this land please you?"
| “毫无疑问它会的,”马说(仍然嚼着满口的草),“但我认为它喜欢别人请求它。”
"It's a fair treat, sir," said the Cabby.
| “那我们到底该怎么办?”迪格雷问。
"Would you like to live here always?"
| “我肯定不知道,”弗兰奇说,“除非你们试着吃点儿草。可能会比你们想像的要好一些。”
"Well you see sir, I'm a married man," said the Cabby. "If my wife was here neither of us would ever want to go back to London, I reckon. We're both country folks really."
| “唉,别说傻话了,”波莉跺着脚说,“人当然没法儿吃草,就像你不吃羊排一样。”
Aslan threw up his shaggy head, opened his mouth, and uttered a long, single note; not very loud, but full of power. Polly's heart jumped in her body when she heard it. She felt sure that it was a call, and that anyone who heard that call would want to obey it and (what's more) would be able to obey it, however many worlds and ages lay between. And so, though she was filled with wonder, she was not really astonished or shocked when all of a sudden a young woman, with a kind, honest face stepped out of nowhere and stood beside her. Polly knew at once that it was the Cabby's wife, fetched out of our world not by any tiresome magic rings, but quickly, simply and sweetly as a bird flies to its nest. The young woman had apparently been in the middle of a washing day, for she wore an apron, her sleeves were rolled up to the elbow, and there were soapsuds on her hands. If she had had time to put on her good clothes (her best hat had imitation cherries on it) she would have looked dreadful; as it was, she looked rather nice.
| “看在上帝分上,别提什么羊排了。”迪格雷说,“这样只会更糟。”
Of course she thought she was dreaming. That was why she didn't rush across to her husband and ask him what on earth had happened to them both. But when she looked at the Lion she didn't feel quite so sure it was a dream, yet for some reason she did not appear to be very frightened. Then she dropped a little half curtsey, as some country girls still knew how to do in those days. After that, she went and put her hand in the Cabby's and stood there looking round her a little shyly.
| 他说,波莉最好靠戒指回家取些吃的,他自己不能去,因为他已答应阿斯兰要直接去完成任务,而一旦回到家中,可能会发生什么事使他难以返回。但波莉说她不离开他,迪格雷说她太好了。
"My children," said Aslan, fixing his eyes on both of them, "you are to be the first King and Queen of Narnia."
| “唉呀,”波莉说,“我的口袋里还剩一些太妃糖。总比没有吃的好吧。”
The Cabby opened his mouth in astonishment, and his wife turned very red.
| “好极了,”迪格雷说,“但手伸进去时要小心,别碰着戒指。”
"You shall rule and name all these creatures, and do justice among them, and protect them from their enemies when enemies arise. And enemies will arise, for there is an evil Witch in this world."
| 这件事非常棘手,搞不好就会弄糟,但最后还是成功了。他们拿出来的小纸袋又软又湿,黏糊糊的,所以,从糖上撕下纸袋要比从口袋里拿出糖来更困难。有些大人(你知道他们遇到这种事时会如何大惊小怪地瞎忙乎一阵),宁愿不吃晚饭也不愿吃那些太妃糖。一共有九颗。迪格雷想出一个好办法,每人吃四颗,将第九颗种在地里。他说:“从灯柱上取下的铁棒都能长成一个小灯柱,这颗糖为什么不能长成一棵太妃糖树呢?”于是,他们在草皮上挖了一个小洞,埋下了那颗太妃糖,然后,开始吃剩下的八颗,尽可能久地慢慢品味。那是一顿糟糕的晚餐,即使糖纸全部黏在上面,他们也不得不吃下去。
The Cabby swallowed hard two or three times and cleared his throat.
| 弗兰奇吃完丰盛的晚餐后躺了下来,孩子们坐在它的两边,靠着它温暖的躯体。它伸开翅膀盖住他们,使他们更感温暖和舒适。当新世界明亮而年轻的星星升起来时,他们开始谈天说地:迪格雷当初多么希望为他的妈妈弄点儿什么,后来又是如何被派遣来执行这项任务。他们一再地提及他们要找的那个地方的特征——蓝色的湖泊,山顶上有座花园。直到睡意袭来,他们的谈话才减慢了。突然,波莉惊醒坐了起来:“嘘!”
"Begging your pardon, sir," he said, "and thanking you very much I'm sure (which my Missus does the same) but I ain't no sort of a chap for a job like that. I never 'ad much eddycation, you see."
| 三位同伴竭尽全力地仔细倾听。
"Well," said Aslan,"can you use a spade and a plough and raise food out of the earth?"
| “也许只是树间的风声吧。”过了一会儿迪格雷说。
"Yes, sir, I could do a bit of that sort of work: being brought up to it, like."
| “不敢肯定,”弗兰奇说,“不管怎么说——等等!有动静。凭阿斯兰起誓,是有什么。”
"Can you rule these creatures kindly and fairly, remembering that they are not slaves like the dumb beasts of the world you were born in, but Talking Beasts and free subjects?"
| 马猛地一蹶,发出很大的响声,匆忙爬了起来。孩子们已经站好了。弗兰奇前前后后地小跑着,嗅着,发出低低的嘶鸣;孩子们蹑手蹑脚地在每一丛灌木和每一棵树后巡查。他们一直认为自己看见了什么。有一次,波莉非常肯定地说,她看见一个高大的黑影迅速地溜向西方。但他们什么也没有找到。最后,弗兰奇又躺下了,孩子们偎依(如果可以用这个词的话)在马的翅膀下,很快就睡着了。弗兰奇好长时间都醒着,在黑暗中前后移动它的耳朵,有时皮肤轻轻地战栗一下,似乎有只苍蝇落在它身上,但最后它也睡着了。
"I see that, sir," replied the Cabby. "I'd try to do the square thing by them all."
"And would you bring up your children and grandchildren to do the same?"
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"It'd be up to me to try, sir. I'd do my best: wouldn't we, Nellie?"
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"And you wouldn't have favourites either among your own children or among the other creatures or let any hold another under or use it hardly?"
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"I never could abide such goings on, sir, and that's the truth. I'd give 'em what for if I caught 'em at it," said the Cabby. (All through this conversation his voice was growing slower and richer. More like the country voice he must have had as a boy and less like the sharp, quick voice of a cockney.)
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"And if enemies came against the land (for enemies will arise) and there was war, would you be the first in the charge and the last in the retreat?"
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"Well, sir," said the Cabby very slowly, "a chap don't exactly know till he's been tried. I dare say I might turn out ever such a soft 'un. Never did no fighting except with my fists. I'd try -that is, I 'ope I'd try - to do my bit."
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"Then," said Aslan,, "You will have done all that a King should do. Your coronation will be held presently. And you and your children and grandchildren shall be blessed, and some will be Kings of Narnia, and others will be Kings of Archenland which lies yonder over the Southern Mountains. And you, little Daughter (here he turned to Polly) are welcome. Have you forgiven the Boy for the violence he did you in the Hall of Images in the desolate palace of accursed Charn?"
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"Yes, Aslan, we've made it up," said Polly.
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"That is well," said Aslan. "And now for the Boy himself."
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