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"China's remarkable journey stands as a testament to what's possible," said Ajay Banga, president of the World Bank Group, at the forum. | 世界银行行长彭安杰在论坛上表示,“中国的非凡历程证明了一切皆有可能。” |
His views are echoed by Masatsugu Asakawa, president of the Asian Development Bank, saying that he is encouraged by the progress China has made in its development. "Looking ahead for China we see a stable growth trajectory in 2024, within the target range announced by the government," said Masatsugu Asakawa. | 亚洲开发银行行长浅川雅嗣也认为,中国取得的发展成就令人鼓舞。展望未来,相信中国在2024年将实现一个非常稳定的增长轨迹,并且也将实现政府宣布的增长目标。 |
In her speech, International Monetary Fund Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva said that China is transforming its economy from high rates to high quality of growth and that high-quality development ultimately depends on reforms. | 国际货币基金组织总裁克里斯塔利娜·格奥尔基耶娃在讲话中表示,中国经济正从高速度增长转向高质量增长,而高质量发展最终依赖于改革。 |
She acknowledged China's leading position in artificial intelligence, saying China's well-developed digital infrastructure provides a head start. In terms of advancing the green economy, she described China as a global leader in deploying renewable energy with enormous potential, adding that China was making rapid progress in green mobility. | 她认为,中国在人工智能领域处于全球领先地位,发达的数字基础设施为其提供了领先一步的优势。在发展绿色经济方面,中国在可再生能源利用方面走在全球前列,拥有巨大潜力,在绿色出行方面也取得了长足进展。 |
"China's remarkable development success has delivered tremendous benefits to hundreds of millions of people," she said and expressed her confidence that China and the world can tackle the current challenges and create a more prosperous future for all through cooperation. | 格奥尔基耶娃称,中国已经取得了显著的发展成就,并给亿万人民带来了巨大的福祉。相信中国和世界能够通过合作应对当前的挑战,为人类创造更加繁荣的未来。 |
"L'Oreal will continue to invest in China as we believe that investing in China is investing in the future," said Nicolas Hieronimus, chief executive officer (CEO) of the France-based cosmetic giant, adding that the CDF reflects China's determination to embrace a new era of high-quality development. | 欧莱雅集团首席执行官叶鸿慕表示,此次论坛反映出中国追求高质量发展的决心,“欧莱雅将继续在中国投资,因为我们相信,投资中国就是投资未来”。 |
Milind Pant, CEO of Amway Corp., said China has been the company's largest, fastest growing and most important strategic market for over 20 years. Amway China has seen a sales growth of 7 percent annually on average over the past three years, said Pant, adding that Amway will continue to invest in China. "China's advantage presented by complete industry chains and innovative ecosystems are now widely recognized and highly regarded by multinationals," he said. | 安利全球首席执行官潘睦邻表示,20多年来,中国一直是安利在全球最大的市场,也是增长最快、最好的市场。过去三年,安利中国的销售额平均每年增长7%,安利将继续在中国投资,“中国完整的产业链和创新生态系统所展现的优势得到了跨国公司的广泛认可和高度赞许”。 |
Pascal Soriot, CEO of British biopharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca, said the company had been in China for over 30 years and noted that it had become its important growth engine by revenue. "We are here because China is at the forefront of using artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and renewable energy to shape the future of healthcare, and we believe that Chinese-born innovation can help millions of patients worldwide," he said. | 阿斯利康全球首席执行官苏博科表示,阿斯利康在中国已经有30多年的历史,中国已成为其重要的增长引擎。他说:“中国在将人工智能、生物技术和可再生能源应用于医疗保健领域方面处于前沿地位,相信中国的科技创新能够帮助全球数百万患者。” |
"China is absolutely critical for the world growth. If China doesn't grow, the world is not growing," said Antoine de Saint-Affrique, CEO of Danone, a food and beverage multinational. De Saint-Affrique said that Chinese government is doing its commitment of around 5 percent growth rate in a way that is sustainable, and is unleashing the new quality productive forces, which gives him huge confidence in the market. | 达能全球首席执行官盛睿安直言,“中国对世界经济增长至关重要。如果中国停止增长,那么全球经济的增长也将停滞。” 他表示,中国政府承诺将以可持续的方式实现5%左右的增长目标,不断释放新质生产力的潜力,这大大增强了达能对中国市场的信心。 |
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