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Get more fiber. Add more fiber to your diet from food, a fiber supplement, or both. Along with adequate fluid, fiber softens stools and makes them easier to pass, reducing pressure on hemorrhoids. High-fiber foods include broccoli, beans, wheat and oat bran, whole-grain foods, and fresh fruit. Fiber supplements help decrease hemorrhoidal bleeding, inflammation, and enlargement. They may also reduce irritation from small bits of stool that are trapped around the blood vessels. Some people find that boosting fiber causes bloating or gas. Start slowly, and gradually increase your intake to 25–30 grams of fiber per day. Also, increase your fluid intake. | 多摄入纤维。从食物、纤维补充剂中摄入更多纤维。除了补充足够的水分,纤维还能软化粪便,使其更容易排出,从而减轻对痔疮的压力。高纤维食物包括西兰花、豆类、小麦和燕麦麸、全麦食品和新鲜水果。纤维补充剂有助于减少痔疮出血、发炎和肿大,还可以减少因小块粪便滞留在血管周围而产生的刺激。有些人发现纤维摄入增加会导致腹胀或胀气。可以循序渐进增加纤维摄入量至每天25-30克。同时,增加液体摄入量。 |
Exercise. Moderate aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking 20–30 minutes a day, can help stimulate bowel function. | 多运动。适度的有氧运动,如每天快走20-30分钟,有助于刺激肠道功能。 |
Take time. When you feel the urge to defecate, go to the bathroom immediately; don't wait until a more convenient time. Also, schedule a set time each day, such as after a meal, to sit on the toilet for a few minutes. This can help you establish a regular bowel habit. | 抓住排便时机。当您感到有便意时,应立即去卫生间,不要等到更方便的时候再去。此外,每天安排一个固定的时间,比如饭后,在马桶上坐几分钟。这可以帮助您养成定时排便的习惯。 |
Sitz. It can relieve itching, irritation, and spasms of the sphincter muscle. Most experts recommend a 20-minute sitz bath after each bowel movement and two or three times a day in addition. Take care to gently pat the anal area dry afterward; do not rub or wipe hard. | 坐浴。坐浴可以缓解瘙痒、刺激和括约肌痉挛。大多数专家建议每次排便后进行20分钟的坐浴,此外每天再坐浴两到三次。之后要注意轻轻擦干肛门部位;不要用力揉搓或擦拭。 |
Seek topical relief for hemorrhoids. Over-the-counter hemorrhoid creams containing a local anesthetic can temporarily soothe pain. A small ice pack placed against the anal area for a few minutes can also help reduce pain and swelling. Finally, sitting on a cushion rather than a hard surface helps reduce the swelling of existing hemorrhoids and prevents the formation of new ones. | 局部缓解症状。含有局部麻醉剂的非处方痔疮膏可以暂时缓解疼痛。在肛门放一个小冰袋几分钟也有助于减轻疼痛和肿胀。坐在软垫上有助于减少现有痔疮的肿胀,并防止新痔疮的形成。 |
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