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【经济】【双语财讯】国家将从6方面促进民营经济发展 China vows support for development of private economy 2024-01-03 17:30 | |
China has announced concrete measures in six areas to enhance support for the private economy, following previous measures rolled out in 2023 that saw private enterprises register high trade and investment growth.
2023年,中国推出了一系列促进民营企业贸易和投资增长的政策。2024年,中国宣布将从6方面采取更多举措,继续加大对民营经济支持力度。 | |
【科技】研究:快走可降低患2型糖尿病风险 Walking could lower your risk of type 2 diabetes, and your speed may affect how 2024-01-03 17:14 | |
When it comes to walking and type 2 diabetes risk, it’s not just how much you do it that helps — it’s also how fast you move, a new study has found.
一项新研究发现,走路可降低患2型糖尿病的风险,不过关键不在于走多少步,而在于走得多快。 | |
【文化】【双语财讯】元旦假期国内旅游人数收入均超2019年同期 China's tourism roars back during New Year's Day holiday, topping pre-pa 2024-01-02 16:14 | |
China's tourism industry roared back to life during the just-concluded New Year's Day holiday, surpassing pre-pandemic levels in both visitor numbers and revenue.
在刚刚结束的元旦假期,中国旅游业又重新迸发活力,游客数量和旅游收入均超越了疫情前的水平。 | |
【新闻】“振”当选2023年度国内字 'Vitalize' nation's most popular character at home 2023-12-29 21:58 | |
The Chinese character zhen, meaning "vitalize", was named the nation's most popular character related to domestic affairs this year, while the character wei, meaning "risk" or "crisis", was chosen as the hottest for international topics. The characters are among a list of popular words, as well as phrases, collected in an annual assessment organized by agencies including the Ministry of Education's National Language Resources Monitoring and Research Center and the Commercial Press publishing house.
由教育部国家语言资源监测与研究中心、商务印书馆等单位联合主办的“汉语盘点2023”活动揭晓今年的“年度字词”。其中“振”字当选年度国内字,“危”字当选年度国际字。 | |
【新闻】中国未成年网民达1.93亿 互联网普及率97.2% Over 97% minors using internet in China 2023-12-27 17:31 | |
The number of juvenile internet users reached 193 million in 2022, according to the fifth edition of the national survey on internet usage among minors.
《第5次全国未成年人互联网使用情况调查报告》显示,2022年我国未成年网民规模为1.93亿。 | |
【商业】【双语财讯】三季度我国银行办理非现金支付1326.19万亿元 China's non-cash payments report growth in Q3 2023-12-25 17:23 | |
Non-cash payments handled by Chinese banks continued steady growth in the third quarter of 2023, data from the central bank showed.
中国人民银行(以下简称“央行”)发布数据显示,2023年第三季度,我国银行办理非现金支付业务量稳步增长。 | |
【新闻】如何预防和缓解宿醉?专家来支招 How to prevent a hangover, and 3 ways to treat one 2023-12-25 11:00 | |
You had a little too much to drink last night, and now you’re nursing that dreaded morning aftermath — a hangover.
你昨晚多喝了点,现在一早醒来,可怕的宿醉开始袭来。 | |
【新闻】提前90秒收卷,韩国多名高考考生起诉政府 South Korea: Students sue after teacher ends exam 90 seconds early 2023-12-22 17:32 | |
A group of South Korean students are suing the government because their college admission examination ended 90 seconds earlier than scheduled.
因在参加高考时被提前90秒收走试卷,韩国学生将政府告上法庭。 | |
【经济】【双语财讯】多家国有银行今起下调存款利率 Banks poised to reduce deposit interest rates 2023-12-22 17:07 | |
Several of the biggest banks in China are set to cut deposit interest rates on Friday, a move that will likely lead to a reduction in the loan prime rates, or LPRs, early next year, according to media reports and people close to the matter.
据媒体报道和知情人士消息,多家国有大行12月22日将下调存款利率,此举可能将导致贷款市场报价利率在明年年初进一步下调。 | |
【新闻】【双语财讯】胡润研究院发布全球猎豹企业榜,中国位列全球第一 China leads the list of the global cheetah index 2023-12-21 17:31 | |
China and the United States led with 291 and 246 companies respectively, in a global cheetah index, a list of the world's start-ups founded in the 2000s and most likely to become unicorns within five years, according to the Hurun Research Institute.
胡润研究院发布的《2023胡润全球猎豹企业榜》显示,中国和美国分别以291家和246家位列榜单前两位。该榜单列出了全球成立于2000年之后,五年内最有可能成为独角兽企业的公司。 | |
【文化】冬至将至:别忘了吃这8种传统美食 24 Solar Terms: 8 foods to eat on Winter Solstice 2023-12-21 14:55 | |
The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Winter Solstice, the 22nd solar term of the year, begins this year on Dec 22 and ends on Jan 5.
中国传统二十四节气的第22个节气是冬至,今年的冬至从12月22日开始,1月5日结束。 | |
【文化】【双语财讯】订票数据显示:元旦假期全国多地将迎来出游高峰 Chinese cities to see tourism peak in New Year's Day holiday 2023-12-20 17:03 | |
China's major railway ticket booking platform 12306 showed that, as of 15:00 on Dec 17, tickets for a number of trains are sold out, including those departing from Beijing to Wuhan, Nanjing to Hefei, Hangzhou, Chengdu to Chongqing, and Xi'an, as train tickets officially went on sale on Dec 16, the first day available to book trains for the 2024 New Year's Day holiday, China Securities Journal reported on Tuesday.
据《中国证券报》12月19日报道,中国铁路大型售票平台12306数据显示,截至12月17日15时,从北京出发前往武汉,南京出发前往合肥、杭州,以及成都出发前往重庆、西安等城市的多趟列车车次已显示“售罄”。12月16日,2024年元旦假期首日火车票正式开售。 | |
【新闻】古代御寒“神器"——烧炭的手炉为何不会烫手? How ancient Chinese people warmed their hands in winter 2023-12-20 16:57 | |
Made of bronze or ceramics, ancient hand warmers had a variety of designs. Round, square and octagonal shapes are typical, with some fashioned to look like pumpkins, flowers and turtle shells.
古代的手炉多由青铜或陶瓷制成,设计多样,主要样式有方、圆和八角形,还有一些手炉形似南瓜、花朵和龟壳。 | |
【经济】【双语财讯】第九次中俄财长对话在华举行 China, Russia to deepen trade, financial ties 2023-12-19 17:33 | |
China and Russia should deepen bilateral cooperation in the financial sector for more win-win results, officials from the two sides said on Monday.
中俄两国官员18日表示,两国应深化财经领域的双边合作,以实现更多双赢。 | |
【新闻】世界首款“微波包”问世 让你随时随地吃热食 World’s first microwave bag lets you heat meals on the go 2023-12-19 17:03 | |
There’s nothing more comforting than a nice hot meal on a cold winter day, especially when you’re out and about. But what if you have no way of heating your lunch or ordering a hot meal? That’s where the world’s first microwave bag comes into place.
寒冷的冬日里,没有什么比热乎乎的美食更能安慰人心,尤其是在外奔波的时候。但如果你没办法加热午餐或点热食外卖怎么办?这就是世界首款“微波包”诞生的意义。 | |
【新闻】日本海岸出现大量死鱼 官员称原因尚不清楚 2023-12-18 17:43 | |
Officials in Japan have admitted they are struggling to determine why hundreds of tonnes of fish have washed ashore in recent days.
日本官员表示,他们正在努力确定最近几天数百吨鱼被冲上岸的原因。 | |
【经济】【双语财讯】财富保值成首要目标 黄金或将吸引更多高净值人群 Gold gains traction among country's investment options 2023-12-18 16:40 | |
Gold holdings will increase among Chinese high net-worth individuals next year as uncertainties loom in capital markets, experts said, as wealth preservation and security top their asset management priorities.
专家指出,由于资本市场的不确定性,明年中国高净值人群的黄金持有量将增加,财富保值与安全已成为这部分人群的首要财富管理目标。 | |
【新闻】2023年全球最受欢迎旅游城市榜单出炉 The world’s top city destinations for 2023 are revealed 2023-12-15 16:54 | |
Paris has once again been named the world’s most attractive city destination, according to an annual report by global market research company Euromonitor International.
根据全球市场调研公司欧睿国际的年度报告,巴黎再次被评为全球最具吸引力的旅游城市。 | |
【经济】【双语财讯】国家统计局:11月国民经济持续回升向好 Retail sales show signs of China's recovering economy 2023-12-15 16:27 | |
China's economy showed signs of steady recovery in November as industrial production and retail sales picked up though pressures remain, the National Bureau of Statistics said on Friday.
国家统计局12月15日表示,尽管压力依然存在,但随着工业、零售这些指标持续改善,11月份国民经济稳步回升向好。 | |
【新闻】故宫博物院打造“零废弃博物馆” Palace Museum goes zero waste 2023-12-14 16:30 | |
The Palace Museum is becoming waste-free as the 720,000-square-meter structure has managed to reduce the number of trash bins to 110 sets in areas open to the public. It is a decrease from 310 sets logged in January 2020, when a zero-waste campaign was launched, said the museum.
故宫博物院正在实现“零废弃”,这座72万平方米的建筑群自2020年1月项目开展以来,已将开放区的垃圾桶数量由310组减少到110组。 | |
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