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【文化】【双语财讯】文旅部:春节假期8天全国国内旅游出游4.74亿人次 Tourism industry hits record highs over Spring Festival holiday 2024-02-19 17:26 | |
China's tourism market showed a better-than-expected performance over the just-ended eight-day Spring Festival holiday, which started on Feb 10.
为期八天的春节假期(2月10日起)刚刚结束,中国旅游市场表现好于预期。 | |
【新闻】日本研发出世界首颗木制卫星 使用后不会造成太空污染 Japan to launch world’s first wooden satellite to combat space pollution 2024-02-18 16:04 | |
Japanese scientists have created one of the world’s most unusual spacecraft – a tiny satellite that is made of timber.
日本科学家制造出了全世界最独特的航天器——用木材做成的微型卫星。 | |
【经济】【双语财讯】我国将推动消费转向持续扩大 Consumption drive gets fresh focus 2024-02-07 16:26 | |
China will roll out a series of well-targeted policy measures aimed at shifting the focus of consumption from post-pandemic recovery to sustainable expansion, so as to stimulate domestic demand, boost consumer confidence and drive long-term economic growth, officials and experts said.
官员和专家表示,中国将出台一系列针对性强的政策措施,推动消费从疫后恢复转向持续扩大,从而刺激内需、增强消费者信心、推动经济长期增长。 | |
【新闻】揭秘:为什么狗对着空气汪汪叫? Why do dogs bark at nothing? 2024-02-06 15:22 | |
A dog can be a person’s best friend, or so the theory goes. But that relationship can be tested when a dog begins barking at an empty corner of a room, at a door, or anywhere where there doesn’t appear to be any activity at all taking place. Is the dog hallucinating? Is it communicating with interdimensional beings? Or does it simply want to drive its owner to the brink of sanity?
从常理上来讲,狗是人类最好的朋友。但是当一条狗对着房间里空荡荡的角落、对着门或对着任何一个没有动静的地方汪汪叫,人与狗的友情可能就要面临考验了。这是狗出现幻觉了吗?还是狗正在和跨维度空间的生命交谈?亦或是狗只是想把主人逼疯? | |
【文化】九部电影官宣2024春节档,你最期待哪部? Domestic movies poised for Spring Festival box office success with diverse choic 2024-02-05 16:31 | |
Of the nine productions, comedy film "Pegasus 2" has received the highest number of "want to watch" votes on the film data platform Maoyan.
电影数据平台猫眼显示,在这九部作品中目前“想看”人数最多的是喜剧电影《飞驰人生2》。 | |
【新闻】今日立春:关于立春的9个小常识 24 Solar Terms: 9 things you may not know about Start of Spring 2024-02-04 17:13 | |
The traditional Chinese solar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Start of Spring, the first solar term of the year, begins this year on Feb 4 and ends on Feb 18.
中国传统二十四节气的第一个节气是立春,今年的立春从2月4日开始,2月18日结束。 | |
【经济】【双语财讯】IMF总裁表示全球经济向好与风险并存 IMF chief says global economy shows positive momentum, warns of risks 2024-02-04 17:05 | |
Kristalina Georgieva, managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), said Thursday that although the IMF raised the global growth forecast, there's still a need "to be mindful of risks."
国际货币基金组织总裁格奥尔基耶娃1日表示,尽管IMF上调了全球经济增长预期,但仍需谨慎应对各种风险。 | |
【新闻】腊月二十三,灶王爷上天:小年习俗知多少 May Kitchen God give a good report 2024-02-02 19:27 | |
Little New Year (Chinese: Xiaonian), usually a week before the lunar New Year, falls on Feb 2 this year. It is also known as the Festival of the Kitchen God, the deity who oversees the moral character of each household.
小年通常在春节前一周,今年是2月2日。小年也被称为灶神节,灶神是监督各家各户德行的神灵。 | |
【经济】【双语财讯】商务部:2023年我国服务进出口总额同比增长10% China's trade in services grows by 10% to over 6.5t yuan 2024-02-02 16:29 | |
The value of China's trade in services grew by 10 percent year-on-year to 6.57 trillion yuan ($915.29 billion) in 2023, data from the Ministry of Commerce showed on Thursday.
商务部2月1日发布的数据显示,2023年我国服务进出口总额65754.3亿元人民币,同比增长10%。 | |
【新闻】春节出境游进入预订高峰 国外热门旅游地加入“狂欢” Popular tourist cities compete to attract festival travelers 2024-02-01 16:05 | |
While China's northern and southern attractions are in a tight contest to lure travelers during the approaching Spring Festival holiday that runs from Feb 10 to Feb 17, some overseas destinations have also joined the "traveling carnival" by issuing visa-friendly policies and showing goodwill gestures.
随着春节假期(2月10日至2月17日)临近,中国南北方旅游胜地争相吸引游客,一些海外旅游地也通过优化签证政策和对中国游客的友好姿态加入了这场“旅游狂欢”。 | |
【新闻】【双语财讯】中国连续十五年保持非洲第一大贸易伙伴地位 2024-02-01 15:55 | |
China has remained Africa's largest trading partner for 15 consecutive years, with bilateral trade reaching a record $282.1 billion in 2023, a Ministry of Commerce official said on Wednesday.
商务部1月31日公布,中国已连续15年保持非洲第一大贸易伙伴地位,2023年中非贸易额达到历史峰值2821亿美元。 | |
【新闻】【双语财讯】外资企业对中国市场保持乐观 将继续加大在华投资 Foreign firms still keen to ramp up investment 2024-01-31 14:55 | |
Multinational corporations will continue to ramp up investment in China this year as the country's immense consumption potential and innovation capabilities have bolstered their confidence, market observers and business leaders said on Tuesday.
市场观察员和企业领袖1月30日表示,2024年跨国企业将继续加大在中国的投资,中国的巨大消费潜力和创新能力提振了跨国企业对中国市场的信心。 | |
【经济】【双语财讯】2023年我国黄金消费量同比增长8.78% Gold output, consumption to stay robust in 2024 2024-01-30 17:21 | |
China consumed 1,089.7 metric tons of gold last year, up 8.78 percent year-on-year, according to data released by the China Gold Association.
中国黄金协会发布的数据显示,2023年全国黄金消费量为1089.69吨,同比增长8.78%。 | |
【科技】雨雪天气湿了心情?不如来试试这些科学妙招 Right as rain! 5 ways to boost your mood on grey, wet or cold days 2024-01-30 13:51 | |
Identify SAD symptoms
识别季节性情绪失调症状 | |
【文化】过年“租女友”又火了!风险也来了 Spring Festival fuels rise in 'rent-a-person' services, sparking safety 2024-01-29 17:19 | |
A recent investigation by Legal Daily into platforms like Xianyu, a popular online resale platform, uncovered a variety of services available for rent. These services range from "bridesmaids for rent" to "girlfriends for hire," and even individuals willing to impersonate parents or teachers.
最近,《法制日报》对咸鱼等热门二手交易平台的调查发现,平台上可见“伴娘出租”,“女友出租”甚至“冒充家长/老师”等各种人员租赁服务。 | |
【经济】【双语财讯】2023年工业企业利润保持恢复态势 Industrial profits continue to improve in December 2024-01-29 15:14 | |
Profits at China's industrial firms have extended gains for a fifth consecutive month in December, in a further sign of economic upswing.
12月,中国工业企业利润连续5个月实现正增长,进一步表明我国经济正在回升向好。 | |
【新闻】全球地下水正在加速枯竭 71%的含水层系统水位下降 Groundwater levels are rapidly declining around the world 2024-01-26 17:07 | |
Many parts of the world are experiencing a rapid depletion in the subterranean reserves of water that billions of people rely on for drinking, irrigation and other uses, according to new research that analyzed millions of groundwater level measurements from 170,000 wells in more than 40 countries.
新研究显示,全球许多地区的地下水正在快速枯竭。地下水是数十亿人赖以饮用、灌溉和供应其他用途的水源。这项研究对40多个国家的17万口井中测得的数百万个地下水位数据进行了分析。 | |
【新闻】【双语财讯】2023年新添两座万亿之城:常州、烟台 2024-01-26 16:45 | |
Two more cities in China — Changzhou in eastern coastal Jiangsu province and coastal city Yantai in eastern Shandong province — joined the trillion yuan city club when they announced their GDP exceeded 1 trillion yuan ($139 billion) each in 2023, taking the total number of such cities to 26.
2023年全国“GDP万亿俱乐部”新添2名成员。日前,江苏常州、山东烟台相继官宣2023年GDP突破万亿元。至此,我国“GDP万亿俱乐部”已扩容至26座城市。 | |
【健康】最长寿淡水鱼:能活过百岁且越老越健康 These fish live beyond 100—and get healthier as they age 2024-01-25 17:22 | |
Scientists recently confirmed that the majority of the buffalofish swimming around this remote desert lake in eastern Arizona are older than a hundred.
科学家最近证实,在亚利桑那州东部这个偏远的沙漠湖周围生活的大多数水牛鱼的年龄都在100岁以上。 | |
【新闻】吃雪安全吗?真相是…… Is it safe to eat snow? 2024-01-24 17:18 | |
From little flurries to full-scale blizzards, it’s not unusual for snow to fall come winter. During the cold weather months, some folks like to share recipes for how to make snow ice cream and other treats that use fresh powder as a base, adding milk, sugar, and toppings.
从小雪花到暴风雪,冬天总要下几场雪的。在寒冷的日子里,有些人喜欢分享用雪做冰淇淋和其他甜点的食谱,在新鲜的雪中加入牛奶、糖,撒上浇头。 | |
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