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【文化】《头脑特工队2》首周票房大爆 创下2024年动画电影开画佳绩 Joy for Pixar as Inside Out 2 smashes expectations – and box office records 2024-06-20 17:21 | |
Inside Out 2, Pixar’s belated sequel to the 2015 animation about the emotions controlling an 11-year-old girl, has far exceeded ticket sale predictions for its opening weekend. The film, which opened across the world on Friday, had hit $155m at the US box office.
上周五在全球上映的《头脑特工队2》首周末北美票房远超预期,斩获了1.55亿美元。这部电影是2015年皮克斯动画《头脑特工队》的续集,描述了主导一个11岁女孩内心世界的各种情绪。 | |
【新闻】【双语财讯】外交部:推进中欧班列高质量发展 更好保障全球产供链稳定 China ready to promote China-Europe freight train services with countries along 2024-06-20 16:45 | |
China is willing to work with countries along the routes of the China-Europe Railway Express to speed up the high-quality development of the China-Europe freight train services, foreign ministry spokesperson Lin Jian said on Wednesday.
外交部发言人林剑19日表示,中方愿同沿线国家继续携手努力,加快推进中欧班列高质量发展。 | |
【新闻】夏天切勿随意投喂狗狗水果 你知道哪些水果狗狗不能碰吗? 2024-06-19 16:50 | |
What Fruits Are Bad for Dogs?
哪些水果对狗狗有害? | |
【经济】【双语财讯】"618"购物节折射出消费者需求变迁 Shopping carnival features shift in demand 2024-06-19 16:13 | |
Chinese consumers have shown rising demand for homegrown products and intelligent electronic devices featuring innovative technologies during this year's June 18 shopping carnival, which experts said has played a vital role in stimulating consumers' purchasing appetite and promoting the recovery of consumption.
今年的"618"购物狂欢节折射出中国消费者对国产产品和拥有创新技术的智能电子设备需求的上升。专家表示"618"大促对于刺激消费者的购买欲望和促进消费复苏方面发挥了非常重要的作用。 | |
【新闻】日本超市推出“超慢收银台” 销售额意外提升10% Supermarket implements “extra-slow checkout”, sales increase by 10 percent 2024-06-18 17:38 | |
A Japanese supermarket that implemented an extra-slow checkout where customers are never rushed recently reported a ten percent increase in sales.
日本一家超市推出了超慢结账服务,顾客在这种收银台结账永远不会有被催促的感觉,据称该超市最近销售额增长了10%。 | |
【新闻】【双语财讯】美企高管:对华加征关税阻碍美国绿色转型 NextEra CEO says Biden's China tariffs will hinder green transition 2024-06-18 17:35 | |
The largest U.S. renewable energy company, NextEra Energy Resources, has cautioned President Joe Biden against imposing additional tariffs on Chinese clean energy technologies, arguing that such measures could impede the progress of the green transition.
美国最大的可再生能源公司新纪元能源公司(NextEra Energy Resources)认为,对中国清洁能源技术加征关税可能会阻碍美国绿色转型的进程,该公司警告美国总统拜登不要采取此类措施。 | |
【新闻】民调称多数美国黑人认为他们遭到政府刻意打压 美记者:这是事实 而非“� 2024-06-17 17:37 | |
There is a long list of reasons why Black Americans should be critical and suspicious of American institutions and believe the system is set up against them. Where do we begin, and do you have the time?
为什么美国黑人应该对美国的制度持批评和怀疑态度,并认为这个制度是针对他们的,原因有很多。我们从哪里开始,你有时间听吗? | |
【经济】【双语财讯】5月我国经济延续回升向好态势 China's economy maintains recovery momentum 2024-06-17 14:47 | |
China's economy continued the recovery trend in May amid a steady rebound in demand, the National Bureau of Statistics said on Monday.
国家统计局6月17日表示,5月份我国经济延续回升向好趋势,需求稳步复苏。 | |
【健康】盘点:对健康最有益的8种果蔬皮 These are the 8 best fruit and veggie skins to eat 2024-06-14 17:05 | |
番茄皮 | |
【经济】【双语财讯】我国实有民营经济主体占比增长至96.4% 96.4% of Chinese business entities from private sector: official data 2024-06-14 15:50 | |
The number of private business entities in China had reached 180.45 million by the end of May 2024, accounting for 96.4 percent of the country's total business entities, according to the State Administration for Market Regulation. This proportion is up from the 95.5 percent registered in 2019, the administration said, adding that China is now home to nearly 55.18 million private companies and over 125.27 million self-employed businesses.
国家市场监督管理总局数据显示,截至2024年5月底,我国实有民营经济主体总量18045万户,占比96.4%,高于2019年的95.5%,其中民营企业近5518万户、个体工商户约12527万户。 | |
【新闻】高盛上调中国经济增长预测 Goldman Sachs ups China's 2024 growth outlook 2024-04-12 16:55 | |
Goldman Sachs Group Inc raised its outlook for China's economic growth this year as the country's factory activities have accelerated more quickly than expected.
基于制造业的强劲表现,高盛上调2024年中国经济增长预测。 | |
【新闻】【双语财讯】专家:中国经济在2024年实现平稳开局 Economy on stable footing, experts say 2024-04-12 15:51 | |
China's economy has started 2024 on a stable footing, indicating a sustained trajectory of robust recovery throughout the year, despite pressures and challenges both at home and abroad, officials and analysts said on Thursday.
尽管面临国内外压力和挑战,官员和分析人士周四(4月11日)表示,中国经济在2024年实现平稳开局,并呈现出全年持续强劲复苏的势头。 | |
【新闻】【双语财讯】2024全球独角兽榜出炉 中国以340家位居第二 2024-04-11 16:52 | |
Led mainly by artificial intelligence, semiconductors and new energy, China developed 56 new unicorns in 2023, following the United States' 70 such firms, according to a global unicorn index released on Tuesday.
胡润研究院9日发布的《2024全球独角兽榜》显示,得益于人工智能、半导体和新能源的发展, 2023年中国新增56家独角兽企业,仅次于美国的70家。 | |
【科技】全球气温连续十个月破纪录!科学家:厄尔尼诺事件没结束还是地球气候加� Tenth consecutive monthly heat record alarms and confounds climate scientists 2024-04-11 11:05 | |
Another month, another global heat record that has left climate scientists scratching their heads and hoping this is an El Niño-related hangover rather than a symptom of worse-than-expected planetary health.
过去的一个月再次刷新了全球高温纪录。高温不退的现象让气候科学家感到迷惑不解,他们更希望这是厄尔尼诺事件的余波,而不是地球健康状况比预期更糟的征兆。 | |
【新闻】【双语财讯】外国企业家:中国旅游市场复苏强劲 将抓住机遇扩大合作 Foreign entrepreneurs capitalize on China’s thriving travel market 2024-04-09 16:23 | |
China's booming tourism industry boosts confidence in international travel service providers to seek further cooperation in the Chinese market.
中国蓬勃发展的旅游业增强了国际旅行服务提供商在中国市场扩大合作的信心。 | |
【经济】【双语财讯】清明旅游市场再掀热潮 国内旅游出游1.19亿人次 Tourism booms in three-day Tomb Sweeping holiday 2024-04-07 16:53 | |
The just-finished three-day Tomb Sweeping Day holiday, which started on Thursday, saw a tourism boom both in traveler numbers and tourism-related revenues.
刚刚结束的三天清明假期(4月4日起)期间,游客数量和旅游相关收入均大幅增长。 | |
【新闻】你真的会刷牙吗?刷牙最该刷的其实不是牙齿 How to properly brush your teeth 2024-04-03 16:37 | |
Brushing your teeth effectively lowers your chances of getting a host of chronic diseases, as well as keeping your teeth and gums healthy. But the majority of us are doing it wrong.
有效刷牙可以大大降低患上多种慢性疾病的风险,同时也能保持牙齿和牙龈的健康。但我们大多数人刷牙的方式都是错误的。 | |
【新闻】【双语财讯】土耳其专家:中国发展模式为发展中国家快速实现现代化树立� China's development sets example for fast modernization, says Turkish expert 2024-04-02 17:26 | |
China's development model sets an example of rapid modernization and growth, Selcuk Colakoglu, director of the Ankara-based Turkish Center for Asia-Pacific Studies, has said.
总部位于安卡拉的土耳其亚太研究中心主任塞尔丘克·乔拉克奥卢指出,中国发展模式为其他国家快速实现现代化和经济增长树立了榜样。 | |
【新闻】二十四节气:清明 24 Solar Terms: 8 things you may not know about Clear and Bright 2024-04-02 17:02 | |
The traditional Chinese solar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Clear and Bright (Chinese: 清明), the 5th solar term, starts this year on Apr 4 and ends on Apr 18.
中国传统二十四节气的第五个节气是清明,今年清明从4月4日开始,4月18日结束。 | |
【新闻】【双语财讯】美国专家点赞中国绿色产品 驳斥美财长无端指责 Green goods at affordable price hailed 2024-04-01 17:34 | |
Sourabh Gupta, a senior fellow at the Institute for China-American Studies in Washington, said the large-volume green products China was providing more cheaply than others "will go a long way to facing down the climate challenge, especially as these products go mainstream in developing countries where the vast body of humanity lives".
古普塔称,中国以更便宜的价格提供的大量绿色产品“在广大发展中国家成为主流,极大助力全球应对气候挑战”。 | |
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