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【政治】伊朗说,外国势力应离开伊拉克 Iran Says Foreign Powers Should Leave Iraq 2011-01-05 | |
Iran's state-run media says acting Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi has told Iraqi officials that foreign powers must leave their country as soon as possible.
伊朗国营媒体报道,伊朗代理外交部长萨利希对伊拉克官员说,外国势力必须尽快离开伊拉克。 | |
【财经】中国承诺购买西班牙国债 China pledges to buy Spanish bonds 2011-01-04 | |
Li Keqiang, who is expected to become China’s next premier when the leadership is changed two years from now, has committed China to buying more Spanish government bonds, in spite of the eurozone’s unresolved sovereign debt crisis.
中国副总理李克强承诺,尽管欧元区的主权债务危机仍未解决,但中国将购买更多西班牙国债。李克强有望在两年后的领导人更替中成为中国下一任总理。 | |
【财经】亚洲制造业增速差距缩小 Asian manufacturing gap narrows 2011-01-04 | |
Factory output growth eased in India and China in December, but strengthened in South Korea and Taiwan, narrowing a gap in manufacturing activity between much of developing Asia and the region’s emerging economic giants.
中国与印度12月制造业产出增长放缓,但韩国与台湾增速提高,从而缩小了亚洲大多数发展中经济体与新兴经济巨人之间在制造业活动方面的差距。 | |
【财经】美银向房利美和房地美回购不良贷款 BofA to pay $2.6bn to Freddie and Fannie 2011-01-04 | |
Bank of America has taken a big step towards resolving claims that its Countrywide Financial unit sold loans based on faulty information by agreeing to pay $2.6bn to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the struggling mortgage finance companies.
美国银行(Bank of America)朝解决与房利美(Fannie Mae)和房地美(Freddie Mac)的争端迈出了一大步,同意向这两家举步维艰的住房抵押贷款公司支付26亿美元。两房声称,美银旗下子公司Countrywide Financial基于虚假信息出售贷款。 | |
【艺术】2010年美国影院上座率下降 Cinema attendance falls as viewers shun 3D films 2011-01-04 | |
The great 3D film revolution is failing to live up to its initial promise with US cinema attendance falling close to 10 per cent in 2010 and end-of-year movies failing to lift the gloom.
3D电影业革命没能实践最初的诺言:2010年美国影院上座率下降近10%,岁末影片也未能扭转颓势。 | |
【财经】亚洲通胀风险渐增 Risks grow from Asian price rises 2011-01-04 | |
A raft of manufacturing data showing Asian economies growing strongly in the wake of last year’s recovery from the global financial crisis has refocused attention on the threat to the region from inflation.
大量制造业数据显示,经历了去年从全球金融危机中的复苏之后,亚洲经济体增长强劲,这让人们的注意力再次集中到该地区面临的通胀威胁上。 | |
【财经】强势的员工更易获得加薪 Assertive workers \\\'most likely to win pay rises\\\', scientists discover 2011-01-04 | |
Being nice to your boss won't get you a pay rise, according to a new study showing that only aggressive negotiators get what they want.
一项新调查显示,讨好你的上司并不会为你赢得加薪,强势的谈判者才能得到他们想要的东西。 | |
【政治】苏丹总统承诺,如果南部分离,将向其提供援助 Sudan’s President Bashir Pledges to Aid South If it Secedes 2011-01-04 | |
Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir says he is prepared to assist southern Sudan if the region votes for independence on Sunday as expected.
苏丹总统巴希尔说,如果南部苏丹像预期的那样在星期天投票中选择独立,他准备协助南苏丹。 | |
【军事】美国海军可能暂停制做下流录像舰长职务 US Navy Likely to Suspend Captain for Lewd Videos 2011-01-04 | |
The U.S. Navy says it will remove the captain of the USS Enterprise aircraft carrier from his command post pending an investigation into lewd videos he produced in 2006 and 2007.
美国海军说,将解除美国企业号航空母舰舰长的职务,等待对他在2006年和2007年录制的下流录像展开调查。 | |
【政治】非洲领导人试图结束科特迪瓦危机 African Leaders Try to End Ivory Coast Crisis 2011-01-03 | |
A group of African leaders is headed to Ivory Coast for another attempt at convincing defiant incumbent President Laurent Gbagbo to step down.
一组非洲领导人前往科特迪瓦,试图再次劝说桀骜不驯的现任总统巴博下台。 | |
【政治】泄密电文揭露美德间谍卫星系统 Leaked Cables Show US-German Spy Satellite Program 2011-01-03 | |
Leaked U.S. diplomatic cables show that the United States and Germany allegedly are developing together a spy satellite system despite strong opposition from countries such as France.
泄露的美国外交电报显示,美国和德国据称不顾来自法国等国家的强烈反对正在共同开发一个间谍卫星系统。 | |
【综合】2010:中国的手表之年 In China: Year of the Watch 2011-01-01 | |
Asian buyers walked away from with some pricey bling in 2010. Scene takes a look back at the top trends that stood out this year in the world of watches and jewelry. See the slideshow.
2010年,亚洲买家将一些价值不菲的奢华饰品收入了囊中。过去的一年当中,手表及珠宝收藏领域出现了一些值得注意的趋势,以下就是我们对其中一些最潮流动向的回顾(如幻灯所示): | |
【综合】2010年度十大新闻,墨西哥湾漏油事件居首 Gulf Oil Spill was Top Story in 2010 2011-01-01 | |
This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English.
这里是美国之音慢速英语新闻报道节目。 | |
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